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Re: Saving the selection before killing

From: David Kastrup
Subject: Re: Saving the selection before killing
Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2007 22:45:44 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.1.50 (gnu/linux)

The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to gnu.emacs.help as well.

Stefan Monnier <address@hidden> writes:

>>> From: Will <address@hidden>
>>> Newsgroups: gnu.emacs.help
>>> Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2007 14:14:01 +0200
>>> I'd like to copy text from external applications (e.g. web
>>> browser) to an Emacs buffer. Often before I paste the text into an
>>> Emacs buffer I'd like to delete text in the this buffer _without_
>>> it being copied to the kill-ring, because then the text from the
>>> external application gets lost.
> I bump into the OP's problem every once in a while, but I don't like
> delete-selection-mode for some reason, so I use the patch below
> instead.  What it does is that when you kill text, before doing the
> kill (which will replace the current X-selection with the killed
> text), we save the current selection on the kill-ring (only if it
> doesn't come from us, of course since otherwise it's already in the
> kill-ring).  So I can simply do my kill and then C-y (which
> re-inserts what I just killed) and M-y (which replaces the text with
> the previous X-selection).
> This feature is pretty unnoticeable, so I'm tempted to install it
> just like that, but maybe people want yet-another-config-var to
> control it?

The problem I see is that it is pretty unnoticeable iff the size of
the selection is small compared to the network bandwidth.  It would be
nicest if Emacs could tell the X server "if someone asks for a
selection, tell me, and then I'll tell you whether I'll hand over a
selection, or whether you can ask the one who has it now for it."

I don't know the X protocols to know whether this is feasible with
regard to the network traffic.  It might be infeasible due to
program's expectations about the kill ring, anyway.

David Kastrup, Kriemhildstr. 15, 44793 Bochum

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