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Re: address@hidden: strange Emacs 22.1 failure due to utf-8-compose-scri

From: Kenichi Handa
Subject: Re: address@hidden: strange Emacs 22.1 failure due to utf-8-compose-scripts when --no-window-system used]
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2007 11:36:54 +0900
User-agent: SEMI/1.14.3 (Ushinoya) FLIM/1.14.2 (Yagi-Nishiguchi) APEL/10.2 Emacs/23.0.0 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) MULE/6.0 (HANACHIRUSATO)

In article <address@hidden>, Joe Wells <address@hidden> writes:

> I have reverified the bug.  I tested in a dummy account to make sure
> none of my account settings affected things.  I have also verified
> that I get the bug when using the console (no X windows).

> Here are some more details on my configuration.  I am using
> Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (“Dapper Drake”) with all packages fully updated.
> Everything I am using is standard Ubuntu except for my kernel and
> Emacs.  I am using a custom Linux kernel version 2.6.17 (this version
> was fairly current a year ago) with a few extra patches applied by my
> hardware middleman.  As I reported in my original report, I built
> Emacs with these options:

>   export CFLAGS='-O0 -g3 -ggdb'
>   ./configure --prefix=$HOME/local2 --enable-debug --disable-nls 
> --with-x-toolkit=gtk

> I suppose that the “--disable-nls” or “--with-x-toolkit=gtk” options
> might contribute to the bug.

I configured Emacs 21.1 with the same options, but still
can't reproduce the bug (my distribution is Debian).  After
starting Emacs, the *Messsage* buffer contains this:

("/home/handa/local2/bin/emacs" "--quick" "--eval" "(setq 
utf-8-compose-scripts\ t)" "--load" "lao-util")
Loading encoded-kb...done
For information about the GNU Project and its goals, type C-h C-p.
Loading regexp-opt...done
Loading thai-util...
Loading mule-util...done
Loading thai-util...done
Loading devan-util...
Loading ind-util...done
Loading devan-util...done
Loading mlm-util...done
Loading tml-util...done

If you don't supply "--load lao-util", does your emacs work
well?  How about "--load lao-util.el" instead?

Kenichi Handa

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