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charprop.el and uni-*.el

From: Kenichi Handa
Subject: charprop.el and uni-*.el
Date: Mon, 04 Feb 2008 17:24:55 +0900
User-agent: SEMI/1.14.3 (Ushinoya) FLIM/1.14.2 (Yagi-Nishiguchi) APEL/10.2 Emacs/23.0.60 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) MULE/6.0 (HANACHIRUSATO)

I intended to put files charprop.el and uni-*.el under
lisp/internatinal in CVS, and someone who re-generats them
from admin/unidata/UnicodeData.txt (perhaps by getting the
recent version of that file from unicode.org) commits them.

And, this part in src/Makefile.in:


${lispsource}international/charprop.el: temacs${EXEEXT} ${UNIDATA}
        RUNEMACS="$(RUN_TEMACS)"; \
        cd ${admindir}unidata; \
        $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) \
          RUNEMACS="$${RUNEMACS}" DSTDIR=${lispsource}international

was just for my conveninence, and I forgot to delete it.

So, I'm going to commit charprop.in and uni-*.el in CVS and
delete the above target in src/Makefile.in.  Any objection?

In the future, I'll write a code to gradually generate data
in uni-*.el from UnicodeData.txt (storing it under etc) on
demand, but for the moment, I don't have a time to do that.
If someone can work on it, I appreciate it very much.

Kenichi Handa

PS. As I didn't reach the Internet in the weekend, I read
mails this morning, and I have not yet understood well which
problems are already solved, and which are not.  :-(

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