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Re: isearch multiple buffers

From: Juri Linkov
Subject: Re: isearch multiple buffers
Date: Sun, 20 Jul 2008 22:34:07 +0300
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.0.60 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)

> It would be nice to have this in ibuffer too...

Done in the patch below where I also renamed too long function
name `multi-isearch-forward-buffers' to `multi-isearch-buffers'
(and `multi-isearch-forward-files' to `multi-isearch-files').

As for key bindings, I don't know what does `A' in Dired stand for,
but it seems it has mnemonics for _a_ll files/buffers.  By analogy,
I've added two key bindings to ibuffer with the key `a' inside:

    M-s a C-s      ibuffer-do-isearch
    M-s a M-C-s    ibuffer-do-isearch-regexp

`C-s' and `M-C-s' at the end of the key sequence are very convenient.
They cause the feeling that these commands were run by typing standard
Isearch keys `C-s' and `M-C-s', and the user can immediately type the same
`C-s' again to repeat the search with the last search string and so on.

Index: lisp/ibuf-ext.el
RCS file: /sources/emacs/emacs/lisp/ibuf-ext.el,v
retrieving revision 1.71
diff -c -r1.71 ibuf-ext.el
*** lisp/ibuf-ext.el    27 Jun 2008 10:34:50 -0000      1.71
--- lisp/ibuf-ext.el    20 Jul 2008 19:33:48 -0000
*** 408,413 ****
--- 408,431 ----
     :modifier-p :maybe)
    (revert-buffer t t))
+ ;;;###autoload (autoload 'ibuffer-do-isearch "ibuf-ext")
+ (define-ibuffer-op ibuffer-do-isearch ()
+   "Perform a `isearch-forward' in marked buffers."
+   (:interactive ()
+    :opstring "searched in"
+    :complex t
+    :modifier-p :maybe)
+   (multi-isearch-buffers (ibuffer-get-marked-buffers)))
+ ;;;###autoload (autoload 'ibuffer-do-isearch-regexp "ibuf-ext")
+ (define-ibuffer-op ibuffer-do-isearch-regexp ()
+   "Perform a `isearch-forward-regexp' in marked buffers."
+   (:interactive ()
+    :opstring "searched regexp in"
+    :complex t
+    :modifier-p :maybe)
+   (multi-isearch-buffers-regexp (ibuffer-get-marked-buffers)))
  ;;;###autoload (autoload 'ibuffer-do-replace-regexp "ibuf-ext")
  (define-ibuffer-op replace-regexp (from-str to-str)
    "Perform a `replace-regexp' in marked buffers."

Index: lisp/ibuffer.el
RCS file: /sources/emacs/emacs/lisp/ibuffer.el,v
retrieving revision 1.107
diff -c -r1.107 ibuffer.el
*** lisp/ibuffer.el     2 Jul 2008 13:28:01 -0000       1.107
--- lisp/ibuffer.el     20 Jul 2008 19:33:05 -0000
*** 410,415 ****
--- 410,417 ----
      (define-key map (kbd "=") 'ibuffer-diff-with-file)
      (define-key map (kbd "j") 'ibuffer-jump-to-buffer)
      (define-key map (kbd "M-g") 'ibuffer-jump-to-buffer)
+     (define-key map (kbd "M-s a C-s") 'ibuffer-do-isearch)
+     (define-key map (kbd "M-s a M-C-s") 'ibuffer-do-isearch-regexp)
      (define-key map (kbd "DEL") 'ibuffer-unmark-backward)
      (define-key map (kbd "M-DEL") 'ibuffer-unmark-all)
      (define-key map (kbd "* *") 'ibuffer-unmark-all)
*** 2376,2381 ****
--- 2378,2385 ----
    '\\[ibuffer-do-revert]' - Revert the marked buffers.
    '\\[ibuffer-do-toggle-read-only]' - Toggle read-only state of marked 
    '\\[ibuffer-do-delete]' - Kill the marked buffers.
+   '\\[ibuffer-do-isearch]' - Do incremental search in the marked buffers.
+   '\\[ibuffer-do-isearch-regexp]' - Isearch for regexp in the marked buffers.
    '\\[ibuffer-do-replace-regexp]' - Replace by regexp in each of the marked
    '\\[ibuffer-do-query-replace]' - Query replace in each of the marked 

Juri Linkov

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