> In theory you could imagine a scheme where timers inherit the
> dynamic bindings that are in place when the timer is setup (or when
> the process is started).
> It wouldn't provide the exact same behavior we have currently, butit
> might be made close enough to give the right behavior in practice in
> most cases.
Sounds kind of like Clojure's bound-fn.
Those docs don't say whether the non binding of a global is restored.
Looks like not:
(def ^:dynamic *var01* "one")
(def ^:dynamic *var02* "two")
(let [bnd-f
(binding [*var02* "ghi"]
(bound-fn [] (list *var01* *var02*)))]
(binding [*var01* "abc" *var02* "def"]
;; Evaluates to ("abc" "ghi") as opposed to ("one" "ghi")
Something like bound-lambda for Elisp might be neat, then the scheme
you describe would be like
(run-at-time '(0 1 0 0) nil (bound-lambda () ...))