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Re: Emacs contributions, C and Lisp

From: Perry E. Metzger
Subject: Re: Emacs contributions, C and Lisp
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 19:27:05 -0500

On Mon, 12 Jan 2015 17:21:21 -0600 Jacob Bachmeyer
<address@hidden> wrote:
> >> Parsing is relatively simple compared to the rest
> >> of GCC. 
> >
> > I don't think the guys maintaining the C++ frontend would agree...
> Then C++ is even more complex than I had thought.  I last used it
> for a freshman course in college some years ago.

C++ is an amazing mess. Parsing is grotesquely hard for a modern
language -- C++ isn't even remotely LALR -- and on top of
that, we have things like the template language which is Turing
complete. The language is also more and more complicated with every
passing year -- modern C++ is a huge language compared to the C++ of
20 years ago.

Perry E. Metzger                address@hidden

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