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Re: Weird problem with inital frame sizing

From: Perry E. Metzger
Subject: Re: Weird problem with inital frame sizing
Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2018 09:31:36 -0400

On Sun, 16 Sep 2018 17:58:13 -0400 Stefan Monnier
<address@hidden> wrote:
> > I changed my font setting to use "face-spec-set". Naturally it
> > changed nothing but now no one can complain that I'm using the
> > wrong function. :)  
> [...]
> > Note that I have both default-frame-alist and initial-frame-alist
> > set to indicate the frame should be 50 lines. This only seems to
> > work for subsequent frames.  
> That's weird.  I've just done the following:
>     % mkdir ~/tmp/test/.emacs.d
>     % cat >~/tmp/test/.emacs.d/early-init.e
>     (face-spec-set 'default
>                '((((type x)) :family "DejaVu Sans Mono" :height 70)
>                  (((type ns)) :family "Monaco" :height 100)
>                  (t :family :height 120)))
>     (setq default-frame-alist '((user-size . t) (width . 86)
> (height . 46))) % HOME=~/tmp/test/ emacs
> and Emacs pops up with apparently the font specified and the
> width&height specified as well (actually, with what appears to be an
> off-by-one error).

I'm guessing there's some race condition involved, and that the fact
that it takes a couple of seconds for xpra to display stuff tickles
it. I don't get consistent results run to run which makes things
seem like a race condition is at fault. On your local machine, since
everything is running fast, you don't hit it, or only hit it

Perry E. Metzger                address@hidden

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