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Re: Intelligent stacking of messages in the echo area

From: Marcin Borkowski
Subject: Re: Intelligent stacking of messages in the echo area
Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2019 11:46:46 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 1.1.0; emacs 27.0.50

Before Emacs learns to do what you want, how about a workaround?  See
http://mbork.pl/2017-05-01_show-some-last-messages (and the comment,
which apperently I forgot to answer - sorry for that).


On 2019-08-31, at 07:35, ndame <address@hidden> wrote:

> If two or more packages use the echo area for informational messages
> then often they fight each other, overwriting each other's messages.
> For example, in lisp mode eldoc is automatically enabled in my emacs
> 26.2 If I also turn on a paren mode which shows in the message area
> the matching part of a paren outside of the screen then eldoc often
> overwrites this message with its own documentation message.
> Other systems solve this by stacking messages on top of each other:
> https://www.howtogeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/ximg_54669cfe004ae.jpg.pagespeed.gp+jp+jw+pj+js+rj+rp+rw+ri+cp+md.ic.iDwLFdLQh5.jpg
> Maybe the echo area could be smarter and stack messages on top of each
> other if they come from diferent sources and they are close to each
> other in time.
> So in case of the above example, if a message comes from eldoc and
> parens at the same time in quick succession then the echo area could
> show both of them in two lines.
> And if the same source is sending multiple messsages or there is
> enough delay between two messages from different sources (e.g. 1-2
> seconds) then it would work as today using only a single line.

Marcin Borkowski

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