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Re: Some ideas with Emacs

From: Ag Ibragimov
Subject: Re: Some ideas with Emacs
Date: Mon, 02 Dec 2019 22:07:51 -0800
User-agent: mu4e 1.2.0; emacs 26.3

Ooohweee, I've lost myself in the weeds of this discussion thread. It seems 
writing a book about Emacs Lisp is an arduous task (no shit), writing a 
comprehensive manual is not easy either.

So I thought: what if we start a repository, make a pitch through social 
platforms, get people interested, and start collecting various elisp recipes. 
Then after a while, maybe we could form a curated list. After a few, maybe 
several months, we gather enough material to make a book out of that?

"Emacs Lisp Cookbook" or something?

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