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Re: How can I put together a small bare bones "Emacs for scripting" pack

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: How can I put together a small bare bones "Emacs for scripting" package?
Date: Sat, 25 Jan 2020 09:41:32 +0200

> From: Mathias Dahl <address@hidden>
> Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2020 22:37:14 +0100
> Cc: address@hidden
> One thing that I noticed is the HUGE difference in size of the exe file 
> between Emacs 24 and later versions. I
> listed the sizes of the folder when I keep my different Emacs versions:
> 8.8M    ./emacs-24.5-official/bin/emacs.exe
> 91M     ./emacs-25.1-2-x86_64-w64-mingw32_2016_11_16/bin/emacs.exe
> 119M    ./emacs-26.1-x86_64/bin/emacs.exe
> 120M    ./emacs-26.2-x86_64/bin/emacs.exe
> 130M    ./emacs-26.3-x86_64/bin/emacs.exe
> 16M     ./emacs-bin-w64-24.4/emacs/bin/emacs.exe
> 121M    ./emax64-bin-20180529/emax64/bin/emacs.exe
> 119M    ./old/emacs-26.1/bin/emacs.exe

The small ones are stripped, the large ones are with debug info.  If
you have the 'strip' command (from Binutils) installed, you can strip
the large ones as well.

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