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Re:Re: [Suggest] please include pyim-basedict ot nongnu elpa.

From: tumashu
Subject: Re:Re: [Suggest] please include pyim-basedict ot nongnu elpa.
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2021 08:56:28 +0800 (CST)

>- See patch below for some minor tweaks to the code


>- When we include a file generated from elsewhere, I think it's very
>  important that we make it clear how to re-generate it.  I see you
>  include the code used to generate the file, but you don't say
>  precisely where the source files can be found (you just state vaguely
>  that they come from the libpinyin project).
>  AFAICT, they come from
>  http://downloads.sourceforge.net/libpinyin/models/model19.text.tar.gz, right?

No, I use files from 
which include *.table

>  If so, that URL should appear in a comment somewhere (ideally within
>  `pyim-basedict.pyim` which should also state the name of the function
>  that created it, but maybe it's convenient to do that).


>- AFAICT you don't actually use any code from `libpinyin` right?
>  All I see in `pyim-basedict` is code that you wrote plus the actual
>  dictionary generated from the model19 data.
>  If so, I think it could go into GNU ELPA once the licensing issue
>  above is cleared (we don't need the copyright paperwork for the
>  dataset itself).

Good news :-)

>- I see in the model19 an `interpolation2.text` file which your code
>  doesn't seem to use.  I'm curious what it's about?

It very useful. which can used to sort word, I will use it later.

>        Stefan
>diff --git a/pyim-basedict.el b/pyim-basedict.el
>index 42048a3eb..96c25f069 100644
>--- a/pyim-basedict.el
>+++ b/pyim-basedict.el
>@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
>-;;; pyim-basedict.el --- The default pinyin dict of pyim
>+;;; pyim-basedict.el --- The default pinyin dict of pyim  -*- 
>lexical-binding: t; -*-
> ;; * Header
> ;; Copyright (C) 2015 Feng Shu <tumashu@163.com>
>@@ -42,9 +42,8 @@
> ;; ** 安装和使用
> ;; 1. 配置melpa源,参考:http://melpa.org/#/getting-started
> ;; 2. M-x package-install RET pyim-basedict RET
>-;; 3. 在emacs配置文件中(比如: ~/.emacs)添加如下代码:
>+;; 3. 在Emacs配置文件中(比如: ~/.emacs)添加如下代码:
>-;;    (require 'pyim-basedict)
> ;;    (pyim-basedict-enable)
> ;;    #+END_EXAMPLE
>@@ -73,17 +72,22 @@
> (defun pyim-basedict-enable ()
>   "Add basedict to pyim."
>   (interactive)
>-  (let* ((file (concat (file-name-directory
>-                        (locate-library "pyim-basedict.el"))
>-                       "pyim-basedict.pyim")))
>+  (let* ((file (expand-file-name "pyim-basedict.pyim"
>+                                 (file-name-directory
>+                                  (locate-library "pyim-basedict.el")))))
>     (when (file-exists-p file)
>+      ;; FIXME: If `pyim-basedict-enable' is called early enough, pyim
>+      ;; won't be loaded yet and this (featurep 'pyim) will return nil.
>+      ;; Maybe we should just (require 'pyim) and call
>+      ;; `pyim-extra-dicts-add-dict' unconditionally, or maybe we should
>+      ;; use `with-eval-after-load'.
>       (if (featurep 'pyim)
>           (pyim-extra-dicts-add-dict
>            `(:name "Basedict-elpa"
>-                   :file ,file
>-                   :coding utf-8-unix
>-                   :dict-type pinyin-dict
>-                   :elpa t))
>+             :file ,file
>+             :coding utf-8-unix
>+             :dict-type pinyin-dict
>+             :elpa t))
>         (message "pyim 没有安装,pyim-basedict 启用失败。")))))

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