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Re: PR: dired-do-create-files now checks for trailing slashes in the tar

From: Rudi C
Subject: Re: PR: dired-do-create-files now checks for trailing slashes in the target
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2021 23:53:53 +0330

> we have functions for distinguishing between a file's name as directory and the directory's file name.

Ah, you're right. I have attached a new patch that uses `directory-name-p`.

> Does this have some precedent elsewhere? 

The most famous example is rsync, I guess. Doom's `doom/move-this-file' also does this. (Well, I contributed the directory creation patch to `doom/move-this-file', so make of that what you will.)

Also note that `dired-create-destination-dirs' is by default `nil', which means this patch is irrelevant if someone uses the default settings. `dired-create-destination-dirs' being `'ask' will also ask you to confirm creating a new directory. If only you put it to `'always' will it do this "surprising" thing. You also won't lose any data by this surprise, unlike the current behavior that loses the old name of the directory.

I am copying tsdh@gnu.org's response here, as I think it might not have gotten to the mailing list.

  > a reproducible recipe that demonstrates the problem.  

 It solves the problem of moving/copying a file or directory into a
 not-yet-existing directory.  So with the above example, you can do
   R /new_name/ RET
So the behavior will now differ depending on whether new_name already
exists or not?  because if the user types
  R /new_ TAB
Emacs will complete it to "/new_name/", including the trailing slash.

On Tue, Sep 28, 2021 at 10:33 PM Stefan Kangas <stefankangas@gmail.com> wrote:
Rudi C <rudiwillalwaysloveyou@gmail.com> writes:

>> Isn't that backwards-incompatible?
> This is an interactive function, I think, so backward compatibility is a
> loose concept here. I can add a configuration variable if you think this
> matters.

I don't have an opinion on that yet.

>> similar features in other completion frameworks
> I don't know if `ivy` has this, but anyway, I try to keep this kind of
> hotkeys to a minimum; They are easy to forget, they are not ergonomic, and
> I have only five fingers from birth, which doesn't help. Why would I want a
> hotkey when I can perfectly achieve what I need without one, and without
> losing any functionality?

It feels surprising that if I rename something to "/foo/" my file
suddenly gets moved into a new directory "foo", though.  Maybe it's just
me.  Does this have some precedent elsewhere?  Is this something users
would expect?

Attachment: 0001-dired-do-create-files-now-checks-for-trailing-slashe.patch
Description: Binary data

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