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Re: MingGW: Bug in TeX input-method?, was: Re: Emacs pretest 28.0.90 is

From: H. Dieter Wilhelm
Subject: Re: MingGW: Bug in TeX input-method?, was: Re: Emacs pretest 28.0.90 is out
Date: Sun, 12 Dec 2021 18:25:29 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/28.0.90 (gnu/linux)

Eli Zaretskii <eliz@gnu.org> writes:

>> From: "H. Dieter Wilhelm" <dieter@duenenhof-wilhelm.de>
>> Cc: stefan@marxist.se,  emacs-devel@gnu.org
>> Date: Sun, 12 Dec 2021 16:48:12 +0100
>> >>   eₑ mₘ  sₛ.
>> >> 
>> >> But for the MingGW build it looks strange, please consider the attached
>> >> images. (The image was done with 28.0.69, but it looks strange for
>> >> 28.0.90 as well.)
>> >
>> > You probably don't have a font installed for these subscript
>> > characters.  I suggest to install Symbola.
>> Thank you for the prompt answer. Unfortunately installing the Symbola
>> font is only a partial solution because it's not working for all the
>> underscore patterns:
> You never said what codepoints you want to display, just gave a small
> sample.

I'm sorry, I thought this would be "obvious" because I know nearly
nothing about encodings and fonts.

> Anyway, the solution is to install a font that supports them, or maybe
> find a font that you already have which will do.  There's nothing
> magic here.

Please consider the abbreviated description of the input method:

  TeX (mode line indicator:\)

  LaTeX-like input method for many characters.
  These characters are from the charsets used by the ‘utf-8’ coding
  system, including many technical ones.  Examples:
   \'a -> á  \`{a} -> à
   \pi -> π  \int -> ∫  ^1 -> ¹

  You can input characters by the following key sequences:
  key char  [type a key sequence to insert the corresponding character]
  --- ---- ----- ---- ------- ---- ------------------------------------------- 
  _a  ₐ  \"{W} Ẅ    ^\phi   ᶲ    \multimap                                   ⊸
  _e  ₑ  \"{X} Ẍ    ^{SM}   ℠    \parallel                                   ∥
  _h  ₕ  \"{Y} Ÿ    ^{TM}   ™    \pppprime                                   ⁗
  _i  ᵢ  \"{a} ä    $\div$  ÷    \precnsim                                   ⋨
  _j  ⱼ  \"{e} ë    \'{\O}  Ǿ    \setminus                                   ∖
  _k  ₖ  \"{h} ḧ    \'{\o}  ǿ    \shortmid                                   ∣
  _l  ₗ  \"{i} ï    \={\i}  ī    \spesmilo                                   ₷
  _m  ₘ  \"{o} ö    \Alpha  Α    \sqsubset                                   ⊏
  _n  ₙ  \"{t} ẗ    \Delta  Δ    \sqsupset                                   ⊐
  _o  ₒ  \"{u} ü    \Gamma  Γ    \subseteq                                   ⊆
  _p  ₚ  \"{w} ẅ    \Kappa  Κ    \succnsim                                   ⋩
  _r  ᵣ  \"{x} ẍ    \Koppa  Ϟ    \supseteq                                   ⊇
  _s  ₛ  \"{y} ÿ    \Lamda  Λ    \textbaht                                   ฿
  _t  ₜ  \'\.S Ṥ    \Omega  Ω    \textdied                                   ✝
  _u  ᵤ  \'\.s ṥ    \Sampi  Ϡ    \textlira                                   ₤
  _v  ᵥ  \'\AE Ǽ    \Shima  Ϭ    \textpeso                                   ₱
  _x  ₓ  \'\ae ǽ    \Sigma  Σ    \thicksim                                   ∼
  --- —  \'{A} Á    \Theta  Θ    \triangle                                   ▵

It seems to me that the input method is just lacking some
"descriptions", would you agree?  And can one mitigate this or is there
a compulsory reason why, for the underscore, b,c,d,f,g,q,w,y,z were left

Thank you for your interest.

Best wishes
H. Dieter Wilhelm
Zwingenberg, Germany

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