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Re: Platform independent graphical display for Emacs

From: xenodasein
Subject: Re: Platform independent graphical display for Emacs
Date: Fri, 24 Dec 2021 11:54:59 +0100 (CET)

Ideally, in its final form this new system should reminiscent a simple
browser that runs Elisp instead of JS, with some level of drawing
capability.  It's functions will not be terminal compatible. It should
exist side-by-side with legacy (current) toolkit based GUI which is
already interoperable with text interface, for the foreseeable future.
(Text terminal will of course be forever.) Then there is the question
of which one is the default.

Or it could just be a toolkit=no on steroids.  Very open to discussion.

It could start developing as the latter, in time evolving into the
former, or we could design it as a completely new GUI from beginning.
This is also about reducing non-gnu linked libraries to a minimum and
reinventing relatively easy to reinvent things inside Emacs. As long
as it reduces maintenance burden compared to linking with something,
reducing the damage to Emacs to minimum from things like X/Wayland
split, or GNOME mess.

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