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Re: Native compilation on Windows, was Re: Bootstrap Compilation Speed

From: Phillip Lord
Subject: Re: Native compilation on Windows, was Re: Bootstrap Compilation Speed
Date: Wed, 02 Feb 2022 22:04:42 +0000
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/28.0.91 (gnu/linux)

Corwin Brust <corwin@bru.st> writes:

> IIUC, there is special-casing in the dependency packaging script that
> prevents "recursing" exactly this chain:
> $ grep -C1 gcc build-dep-zips.py
> ## Packages to fiddle with
> ## Source for gcc-libs is part of gcc
> SKIP_SRC_PKGS=["mingw-w64-gcc-libs"]
> SKIP_DEP_PKGS=["mingw-w64-glib2"]

If I remember correctly, this is because the msys dependency tree is
not totally reliable.

At the time, I was trying hard to decrease the binary
size. Unfortuately, the msys tree is an "at most" dependency rather than
an "at least"; so, it's very easy to find that, again, you've pulled in
half of msys2 which is not the intention.

Hence this skipping.

> I surmise people who want TLS (just as, now, people who want
> native-comp) must install MSYS2 and place it's bin directory directory
> on the windows path before starting Emacs.

TLS should work if at all possible. The tests that I have for a
functional windows Emacs (in etc/w32-feature.el) are better than nothing
but don't test whether emacs is working just whether it thinks that it
should be.


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