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Re: How to retrieve a node from ewoc by data (extend library?)

From: dalanicolai
Subject: Re: How to retrieve a node from ewoc by data (extend library?)
Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2022 13:29:01 +0200

Sorry for this late reply, sometimes I get a bit too much distracted...
But anyway, just wanted to thank for your replies;
you can be sure, that the help here is always very appreciated.

I wanted to look a little more into it (which I partly did)... but there is
a bit too much other work to do also. Anyway, when I encounter this
again (e.g. when I do some code review/refactoring), then I already
have your 'opinion(s)', and can just go ahead...

On Sun, 20 Mar 2022 at 14:25, T.V Raman <raman@google.com> wrote:
Speaking of ewoc, debugging elisp tools that ewoc can prove hard from
experience because attempting to print an ewoc object  ends up walking a
complex chain of self-referential nodes; attempting to debug package
jabber.el in the past comes to mind.

Could ewoc perhaps define some ewoc-specific print functions that allows
the developer to inspect the state of the ewoc graph?



--Raman(I Search, I Find, I Misplace, I Research)
♈ Id: kg:/m/0285kf1  🦮

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