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Re: Tramp and `dired-listing-switches'

From: Benjamin Riefenstahl
Subject: Re: Tramp and `dired-listing-switches'
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2023 12:25:00 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

Hi Emanuel,

Emanuel Berg writes:
>   Tramp: Checking ‘vc-registered’ for
> /sudo:root@ebc:/:/scp:incal@srv.dataswamp.org:/var/www/htdocs/dataswamp.org/~incal/sth/scripts/senior...done
>   Use M-x make-directory RET RET to create the directory and its parents
> Doing it like this works:
>   (find-file "/-:incal@srv.dataswamp.org:public_html/sth/scripts/senior")

> I.e., /home/incal/public_html is actually
> /var/www/htdocs/dataswamp.org/~incal

I don't think so.  "~incal" is the home directory of the user "incal".
But only, if "~incal" is the first part of a file name.

Also, if I take what you wrote above, namely that
"incal@srv.dataswamp.org:public_html" works, that means that
"public_html" is a subdirectory *inside* of the home directory of user

Be not confused by how Apache re-uses this concept.  Apache makes the
*directory* "~incal/public_html" into the *URL*
"http://srv.dataswamp.org/~incal"; without "public_html".  But that
mapping is not active in the underlying file system.

HTH, benny

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