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Re: [PATCH] Keep network security info buffers after use

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: [PATCH] Keep network security info buffers after use
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2023 08:29:49 +0200

> Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2023 22:34:22 +0100
> Cc: emacs-devel@gnu.org
> From: Jens Schmidt <jschmidt4gnu@vodafonemail.de>
> On 2023-12-19  21:18, Karl Fogel wrote:
> > Thanks for talking through the possibilities.  We disagree about modal
> > dialog behavior, but being maintainer means making decisions sometimes,
> > and it's helpful that you've made one here.
> Sorry for chiming in here, but this issue intrigued me.  So I tried some
> other command where read-multiple-choice is used, namely `kill-buffer'
> hen you try to kill a modified buffer.  And in that case, I could very
> well C-x o out of the multiple choice prompt.  For example, to save the
> buffer currently being killed with C-x C-s behind the back of the prompt.
> So it seems that in principle read-multiple-choice should be able to do
> that.  Probably it needs to be called this way or that way to allow that,
> I don't know.

kill-buffer--possibly-save uses a different form of calling
read-multiple-choice, which presents a slightly different UI, see the
doc string of read-multiple-choice where it describes the LONG-FORM
argument.  One side effect of this way of invoking
read-multiple-choice is that the users must type long responses,
i.e. they cannot just press a single key; this would be annoying if
nsm used it.  Another side effect is that GUI dialogs cannot be used,
which I think would be a UX problem with nsm.  It's also slightly less
clear in the prompt text it shows.

Once again, the nsm prompt is AFAIU intentionally programmed to work
like it does, for more than one reason.  I don't think it's TRT to
change the way we call read-multiple-choice in this case, since the
nsm prompt could appear several time during fetching a URL, and being
able to press a single key is a huge bonus.

The best solution to the original problem suggested so far is what
Andreas suggested: a special command to show the information.  Patches
to that effect, as well as other ideas that don't affect how
read-multiple-choice works, are welcome.

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