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How to handle both minor mode and major mode remapping a command? (was:

From: Ihor Radchenko
Subject: How to handle both minor mode and major mode remapping a command? (was: Bug: org-kill-line shouldn't assume visual-line-mode means kill-visual-line)
Date: Sun, 15 Dec 2024 10:48:56 +0000


We have the following situation in Org mode:

1. Org mode remaps `kill-line' to `org-kill-line'
2. `org-kill-line' performs special action when point is on a heading
   and otherwise falls back to `kill-line'
3. visual-line-mode, if active, sets up minor mode map remapping
   `kill-line' to `kill-visual-line'

In the past, activating `visual-line-mode' caused Org mode binding to be
completely shadowed.

Later, we tried to fix the problem by
1. Overriding `visual-line-mode' remapping by force
2. Hard-coding a special case for `visual-line-mode' to call
   `kill-visual-line' instead of `kill-line' as a fallback in

However, the situation is not ideal.
Below is a recent bug report where user changed the default
remapping in `visual-line-mode-map' to something else (not considered by

I am wondering if there is some canonical way to handle similar scenarios
recommended for major modes.

Any suggestions?

Nathan Collins <nathan.collins@gmail.com> writes:

> Hello,
> In the latest version of org.el, at line 21367 [1], inside `defun
> org-kill-line`, we have
>      (if (bound-and-true-p visual-line-mode) 'kill-visual-line 'kill-line)))
> but I think instead this should just call whatever `kill-line` is
> bound to in `visual-line-mode-map`. By default, `visual-line-mode-map`
> remaps `kill-line` to `kill-visual-line`, but I remove this remap
> because I prefer the default `C-k` behavior. But in org-mode, I can't
> figure out a way to disable this behavior of `org-kill-line`, except
> by removing org-mode's remap of `kill-line` to `org-kill-line`, which
> loses the other fancy logic of `org-kill-line`.
> Cheers,
> -nathan
> [1]: 
> https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/emacs/org-mode.git/tree/lisp/org.el#n213667

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode maintainer,
Learn more about Org mode at <https://orgmode.org/>.
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