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Add moc to Non-GNU ELPA

From: Psionic K
Subject: Add moc to Non-GNU ELPA
Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2024 01:52:41 +0900

Hi, hadn't heard anything back, so starting over.


This package is an important companion to Dslide.  Its replay
functionality combined with Dslide's step scripting can be very
powerful for presenting about code and programming.  Its workflows for
producing sequences of highlighted code excerpts are efficient.  Along
with the upcoming release of Dslide, which has keyboard macro
transcription and playback, it will ensure total dominance of Emacs
over deranged social media landscapes such as TikTok and YouTube,
where fake information is pervasive but Emacs is true.

I've made extensive use of :info and :description slots in the
transient interfaces for `moc-focus' and `moc-dispatch'.  I will be
using the package to discuss this UI design point.

NEWS.org exists.  moc.texi is generated from manual.org.  moc.el is the package.

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