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Re: Prefer to split along the longest edge

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: Prefer to split along the longest edge
Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2024 11:21:29 +0200

> Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2024 09:52:53 +0100
> Cc: rpluim@gmail.com, juri@linkov.net, emacs-devel@gnu.org
> From: martin rudalics <rudalics@gmx.at>
>  >   If the split-size threshold of the window dimension determined by
>  >   `split-window-preferred-direction' specifies an integer, the
>  >   corresponding dimension of WINDOW is at least that large, then first
>  >   try splitting window in two along that dimension (one below the other
>  >   if splitting vertically, side by side if splitting horizontally).
>  >   The relevant threshold is `split-height-threshold' when splitting
>  >   vertically, and `split-width-threshold' when splitting horizontally.
>  >   If splitting along the preferred dimension fails, try splitting
>  >   WINDOW along the other dimension.  If that also fails, and WINDOW is
>  >   the only window on its frame, try splitting WINDOW vertically
>  >   disregarding the value of `split-height-threshold'.
>  >
>  >   If splitting succeeds, return the lower window if splitting
>  >   vertically, the right one if splitting horizontally.  If splitting
>  >   fails, return nil.
>  >
>  > Martin, any comments or corrections to the above doc string?
> It's still hard to read for me.  I'd write is as follows:
> The variable `split-window-preferred-direction' prescribes an order of
> directions in which Emacs should try to split WINDOW.  If that order
> mandates to start with a vertical split and `split-height-threshold'
> specifies an integer that is at least as large a WINDOW's height, split
> WINDOW into two windows one below the other and return the lower one.
> If that order mandates to start with a horizontal split and
> `split-width-threshold' specifies an integer that is at least as large
> as WINDOW's width, split WINDOW into two windows side by side and return
> the one on the right.
> In either case, if the first attempt to split WINDOW fails, try to split
> the window in the other direction in the same manner as described above.
> If that attempts fail too and WINDOW is the only window on its frame,
> try splitting WINDOW into two windows one below the other disregarding
> the value of `split-height-threshold' and return the window on the
> bottom.
> Then the doc-string of 'split-window-preferred-direction' should say
> that its value implies an order of operations 'split-window-sensibly'
> will try and that that order may depend on the orientation of the frame.
> While the frame orientation is processed in 'split-window-sensibly', I
> wouldn't mention it there to avoid describing it twice.
> BTW the doc-string of 'split-window-preferred-direction' should also say
> that it applies to 'split-window-sensibly' only and not to any other
> functions that split windows.

Thanks, this is fine by me.

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