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Re: [PATCH] Make browser windows pop up when browsing URLs on Wayland

From: Tassilo Horn
Subject: Re: [PATCH] Make browser windows pop up when browsing URLs on Wayland
Date: Tue, 24 Dec 2024 06:49:36 +0100
User-agent: mu4e 1.12.8; emacs 31.0.50

Daniel Colascione <dancol@dancol.org> writes:

Hi Daniel,

> We really should consider simplifying the whole browse-url mechanism
> by eliminating browse-url-default-browser and the distinction between
> browse-url-handlers and browse-url-default-handlers.  Instead,
> browse-url-handlers should have a simple list of predicated handlers
> just like display-buffer-alist.

The reason there's browse-url-default-handlers and browse-url-handlers
is that the former is meant for Emacs itself and packages whereas the
latter is meant for the user to customize.  IIRC, Stefan Monnier
suggested that distinction back then when I added the handlers and I
still don't see a better way.  If there was only the defcustom
browse-url-handlers, either packages couldn't sensibly add to it or if
they did, users wouldn't be sensibly able to override what packages
added.  Or if a package added an entry which the user then saved, how
would that be removed when the package was removed?

That's different with display-buffer-alist which is nil by default and
it's not expected that packages add rules to it.  In contrast, if I'd
write a gemini client for emacs, it's quite obvious that I'd add an
entry matching gemini:// urls with my hander to


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