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Re: Windows binaries and installer fixes for 30.0.93

From: Corwin Brust
Subject: Re: Windows binaries and installer fixes for 30.0.93
Date: Mon, 30 Dec 2024 07:50:36 -0600

Sorry for the hasty top-post:   Are you referring to "CI" builds fm my personal site?  I will check those when I can.  It may not be today, alas.

FWIW those revision-named snapshots on my personal site use a slightly different build recipe from the release (and pretest) builds.

Have you tried emacs-30.0.93_3-insyaller.exe by chance?

On Mon, Dec 30, 2024, 05:47 Joel Reicher <joel.reicher@gmail.com> wrote:
Corwin Brust <corwin@bru.st> writes:

> I have posted binaries created from the 30.0.93 (pretest #3)
> tarball to the alpha FTP site, here:
> https://alpha.gnu.org/gnu/emacs/pretest/windows/emacs-30/?C=M;O=D

Hi Corwin,

I went with emacs-30.0.93-d47a7d-installer.exe and although the
installer seems to work fine the resulting Emacs has something
wrong with the toolbar. There are no colours and the images look

Does this happen in your environment?


        - Joel

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