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Re: Is it worth it to add an extremely basic heex-mode and elixir-mode?

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: Is it worth it to add an extremely basic heex-mode and elixir-mode?
Date: Mon, 30 Dec 2024 16:20:21 +0200

> From: Wilhelm Kirschbaum <wkirschbaum@gmail.com>
> Date: Mon, 30 Dec 2024 13:57:20 +0200
> There is currently a heex-ts-mode and elixir-ts-mode in Emacs, but no non-ts 
> mode equivalents.  There is
> also an existing elixir-mode on MELPA 
> https://github.com/elixir-editors/emacs-elixir but I think the
> development on it has mostly been halted ( The conversations has dried up in 
> the elixir forums at least ).  
> I don't see the existing elixir-mode going into Emacs, because there are 
> quite a few issues and the work will
> be more than the time I or anyone I know can free up.
> The reason why I added the elixir-ts-mode is to have a maintainable mode for 
> Elixir developers to use out of
> the box, this was after I tried to  update the existing elixir-mode for 
> almost a year without much success. 
> Perhaps I can add a very basic heex- and elixir-mode so that people without 
> the knowledge of how
> tree-sitter works can have some benefit? Any thoughts on this?

Feel free to work on such a mode, and thanks.  Having a mode that
doesn't need tree-sitter means more flexibility for users, so it is
always welcome.  However, whether the effort is justified (assuming
it's non-trivial) is your call.

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