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[GNU ELPA] New package: tramp-locproc

From: Michael Albinus
Subject: [GNU ELPA] New package: tramp-locproc
Date: Mon, 30 Dec 2024 17:22:57 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)


I would like to submit a new package to GNU ELPA: tramp-locproc.

It extends the possibility to run local processes for remote files,
which are mounted by Tramp using FUSE, and which do not have an
implementation of remote processes, like Tramp's "rclone" method and all
Tramp methods implemented in tramp-gvfs.el ("ftp", "nextcloud", and
alike). It also adds local processes for Tramp's "sshfs" method,
although it has an own remote processes implementation.

Even files in file archives, implemented by tramp-archive.el, profit
from this new feature.

Beside the obvious advantage to run local processes over remote files,
there is also the disadvantage that file names are adapted in order to
reflect their local mount location.

Therefore, I would appreciate to get feedback, whether people find this

Thanks, and best regards, Michael.

Attachment: tramp-locproc.el
Description: Text document

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