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Re: igc, macOS avoiding signals

From: Helmut Eller
Subject: Re: igc, macOS avoiding signals
Date: Mon, 30 Dec 2024 17:57:02 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

On Mon, Dec 30 2024, Gerd Möllmann wrote:

> Bool (LockIsHeld)(Lock lock)
> {
>   AVERT(Lock, lock);
>   if (pthread_mutex_trylock(&lock->mut) == 0) {
>     Bool claimed = lock->claims > 0;
>     int res = pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock->mut);
>     AVER(res == 0);
>     return claimed;
>   }
>   return TRUE;
> }
> There might be a small window after pthread_mutex_trylock and being back
> in the signal handler. Can anything happen in this window?
> If no other Emacs threads are running, and the Emacs thread is in the
> signal handler, we can trust the "false" from the mps_arena_busy.

Theoretically, a signal handler could interrupt the Emacs thread and
lock the mutex without unlocking it.  That would be a very unusual
signal handler.  I hope no other surprises happen in signal handlers.


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