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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/progmodes/idlw-rinfo.el

From: John-David T. Smith
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/progmodes/idlw-rinfo.el
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2002 12:56:54 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/progmodes/idlw-rinfo.el
diff -c emacs/lisp/progmodes/idlw-rinfo.el:3.10 
*** emacs/lisp/progmodes/idlw-rinfo.el:3.10     Thu Jul 18 14:58:07 2002
--- emacs/lisp/progmodes/idlw-rinfo.el  Thu Sep 12 12:56:54 2002
*** 4,10 ****
  ;; Author: Carsten Dominik <address@hidden>
  ;; Maintainer: J.D. Smith <address@hidden>
! ;; Version: 4.14
  ;; Keywords: languages
  ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
--- 4,10 ----
  ;; Author: Carsten Dominik <address@hidden>
  ;; Maintainer: J.D. Smith <address@hidden>
! ;; Version: 4.15
  ;; Keywords: languages
  ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
*** 31,37 ****
  ;; information is extracted automatically from the IDL documentation
  ;; and by talking to IDL.
! ;; Created by get_rinfo on Wed May 22 16:40:34 2002
  ;; IDL version: 5.5
  ;; Number of files scanned:  6
  ;;       943 syntax entries in file refguide.txt
--- 31,37 ----
  ;; information is extracted automatically from the IDL documentation
  ;; and by talking to IDL.
! ;; Created by get_rinfo on Tue Sep 10 09:15:48 2002
  ;; IDL version: 5.5
  ;; Number of files scanned:  6
  ;;       943 syntax entries in file refguide.txt
*** 41,49 ****
  ;;        45 syntax entries in file obsolete.txt
  ;;        38 syntax entries in file whatsnew55.txt
  ;; Number of routines found: 1324
! ;; Number of keywords found: 5958
! ;; Fixed up documentation with file: ./help55fixup.txt
  ;;     93 total fix matches.
  ;; New versions of IDLWAVE, documentation, and more information
--- 41,49 ----
  ;;        45 syntax entries in file obsolete.txt
  ;;        38 syntax entries in file whatsnew55.txt
  ;; Number of routines found: 1324
! ;; Number of keywords found: 6129
! ;; Fixed up documentation with file: help55fixup.txt
  ;;     93 total fix matches.
  ;; New versions of IDLWAVE, documentation, and more information
*** 62,68 ****
      ("BLAS_AXPY"              pro nil                 (system) "%s, Y, A, X 
[, D1, Loc1 [, D2, Range]]" nil)
      ("BOX_CURSOR"             pro nil                 (system) "%s, [ X0, Y0, 
      ("BREAKPOINT"             pro nil                 (system) "%s [, File], 
!     ("BYTEORDER"              pro nil                 (system) "%s, 
Variable1, ..., Variablen" (("DTOGFLOAT") ("DTOVAX") ("DTOXDR") ("FTOVAX") 
      ("CALDAT"                 pro nil                 (system) "%s, Julian, 
Month [, Day [, Year [, Hour [, Minute [, Second]]]]]" nil)
      ("CALENDAR"               pro nil                 (system) "%s [[, Month] 
, Year]" nil)
      ("CALL_METHOD"            pro nil                 (system) "%s, Name, 
ObjRef, [, P1, ..., Pn]" nil)
--- 62,68 ----
      ("BLAS_AXPY"              pro nil                 (system) "%s, Y, A, X 
[, D1, Loc1 [, D2, Range]]" nil)
      ("BOX_CURSOR"             pro nil                 (system) "%s, [ X0, Y0, 
      ("BREAKPOINT"             pro nil                 (system) "%s [, File], 
!     ("BYTEORDER"              pro nil                 (system) "%s, 
Variable1, ..., Variablen" (("DTOGFLOAT") ("DTOVAX") ("DTOXDR") ("FTOVAX") 
      ("CALDAT"                 pro nil                 (system) "%s, Julian, 
Month [, Day [, Year [, Hour [, Minute [, Second]]]]]" nil)
      ("CALENDAR"               pro nil                 (system) "%s [[, Month] 
, Year]" nil)
      ("CALL_METHOD"            pro nil                 (system) "%s, Name, 
ObjRef, [, P1, ..., Pn]" nil)
*** 372,378 ****
      ("TV"                     pro nil                 (system) "%s, Image [, 
Position] or TV, Image [, X, Y [, Channel]]" (("CENTIMETERS") ("CHANNEL") 
("DATA") ("DEVICE") ("INCHES") ("NORMAL") ("ORDER") ("T3D") ("TRUE") ("WORDS") 
("XSIZE") ("YSIZE") ("Z")))
      ("TVCRS"                  pro nil                 (system) "%s [, ON_OFF] 
("INCHES") ("NORMAL") ("T3D") ("Z")))
      ("TVLCT"                  pro nil                 (system) "%s, V1, V2, 
V3 [, Start]" (("GET") ("HLS") ("HSV")))
!     ("TVSCL"                  pro nil                 (system) "%s, Image [, 
Position] or TVSCL, Image [, X, Y [, Channel]]" (("CENTIMETERS") ("CHANNEL") 
("DATA") ("DEVICE") ("INCHES") ("NAN") ("NORMAL") ("ORDER") ("T3D") ("TOP") 
("TRUE") ("WORDS") ("XSIZE") ("YSIZE") ("Z")))
      ("USERSYM"                pro nil                 (system) "%s, X [, Y]" 
(("COLOR") ("FILL") ("THICK")))
      ("VECTOR_FIELD"           pro nil                 (system) "%s, Field, 
Outverts, Outconn" (("ANISOTROPY") ("SCALE") ("VERTICES")))
      ("VEL"                    pro nil                 (system) "%s, U, V" 
(("LENGTH") ("NSTEPS") ("NVECS") ("TITLE") ("XMAX")))
--- 372,378 ----
      ("TV"                     pro nil                 (system) "%s, Image [, 
Position] or TV, Image [, X, Y [, Channel]]" (("CENTIMETERS") ("CHANNEL") 
("DATA") ("DEVICE") ("INCHES") ("NORMAL") ("ORDER") ("T3D") ("TRUE") ("WORDS") 
("XSIZE") ("YSIZE") ("Z")))
      ("TVCRS"                  pro nil                 (system) "%s [, ON_OFF] 
("INCHES") ("NORMAL") ("T3D") ("Z")))
      ("TVLCT"                  pro nil                 (system) "%s, V1, V2, 
V3 [, Start]" (("GET") ("HLS") ("HSV")))
!     ("TVSCL"                  pro nil                 (system) "%s, Image [, 
Position] or TVSCL, Image [, X, Y [, Channel]]" (("CENTIMETERS") ("CHANNEL") 
("DATA") ("DEVICE") ("INCHES") ("NAN") ("NORMAL") ("ORDER") ("T3D") ("TOP") 
("XSIZE") ("YSIZE") ("Z")))
      ("USERSYM"                pro nil                 (system) "%s, X [, Y]" 
(("COLOR") ("FILL") ("THICK")))
      ("VECTOR_FIELD"           pro nil                 (system) "%s, Field, 
Outverts, Outconn" (("ANISOTROPY") ("SCALE") ("VERTICES")))
      ("VEL"                    pro nil                 (system) "%s, U, V" 
(("LENGTH") ("NSTEPS") ("NVECS") ("TITLE") ("XMAX")))
*** 425,442 ****
      ("ZOOM"                   pro nil                 (system) "%s" 
      ("ZOOM_24"                pro nil                 (system) "%s" (("FACT") 
("RIGHT") ("XSIZE") ("YSIZE")))
      ("A_CORRELATE"            fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(X, Lag)" (("COVARIANCE") ("DOUBLE")))
!     ("ABS"                    fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(X)" nil)
!     ("ACOS"                   fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(X)" nil)
      ("ADAPT_HIST_EQUAL"       fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s 
(Image)" (("CLIP") ("FCN") ("NREGIONS") ("TOP")))
!     ("ALOG"                   fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(X)" nil)
!     ("ALOG10"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(X)" nil)
      ("AMOEBA"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
      ("ARG_PRESENT"            fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(Variable)" nil)
      ("ARRAY_EQUAL"            fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Op1 , Op2)" (("NO_TYPECONV")))
      ("ASCII_TEMPLATE"         fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
[Filename])" (("BROWSE_LINES") ("CANCEL") ("GROUP")))
!     ("ASIN"                   fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(X)" nil)
      ("ASSOC"                  fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Unit, Array_Structure [, Offset])" (("PACKED")))
!     ("ATAN"                   fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s([Y,] X)" nil)
      ("BESELI"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(X, N)" nil)
      ("BESELJ"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(X, N)" nil)
      ("BESELK"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
X, N )" nil)
--- 425,442 ----
      ("ZOOM"                   pro nil                 (system) "%s" 
      ("ZOOM_24"                pro nil                 (system) "%s" (("FACT") 
("RIGHT") ("XSIZE") ("YSIZE")))
      ("A_CORRELATE"            fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(X, Lag)" (("COVARIANCE") ("DOUBLE")))
!     ("ABS"                    fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
!     ("ACOS"                   fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
      ("ADAPT_HIST_EQUAL"       fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s 
(Image)" (("CLIP") ("FCN") ("NREGIONS") ("TOP")))
!     ("ALOG"                   fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
!     ("ALOG10"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
      ("AMOEBA"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
      ("ARG_PRESENT"            fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(Variable)" nil)
      ("ARRAY_EQUAL"            fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Op1 , Op2)" (("NO_TYPECONV")))
      ("ASCII_TEMPLATE"         fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
[Filename])" (("BROWSE_LINES") ("CANCEL") ("GROUP")))
!     ("ASIN"                   fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
      ("ASSOC"                  fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Unit, Array_Structure [, Offset])" (("PACKED")))
!     ("ATAN"                   fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
      ("BESELI"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(X, N)" nil)
      ("BESELJ"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(X, N)" nil)
      ("BESELK"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
X, N )" nil)
*** 445,457 ****
      ("BILINEAR"               fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(P, IX, JY)" nil)
      ("BIN_DATE"               fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(Ascii_Time)" nil)
      ("BINARY_TEMPLATE"        fun nil                 (system) "Template = %s 
( [Filename])" (("CANCEL") ("GROUP") ("N_ROWS") ("TEMPLATE")))
!     ("BINDGEN"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(D1, ...,D8)" nil)
      ("BINOMIAL"               fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(V, N, P)" (("DOUBLE") ("GAUSSIAN")))
      ("BLK_CON"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Filter, Signal)" (("B_LENGTH") ("DOUBLE")))
      ("BROYDEN"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
X, Vecfunc)" (("CHECK") ("DOUBLE") ("EPS") ("ITMAX") ("STEPMAX") ("TOLF") 
("TOLMIN") ("TOLX")))
      ("BYTARR"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
D1, ..., D8)" (("NOZERO")))
!     ("BYTE"                   fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Expression[, Offset [, Dim1, ..., Dim8]] )" nil)
!     ("BYTSCL"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Array)" (("MAX") ("MIN") ("NAN") ("TOP")))
      ("C_CORRELATE"            fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
X, Y, Lag)" (("COVARIANCE") ("DOUBLE")))
      ("CALL_EXTERNAL"          fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(Image, Entry [, P0, ..., PN-1])" (("ALL_VALUE") ("AUTOGLUE") ("B_VALUE") 
      ("CALL_FUNCTION"          fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(Name [, P1, ..., Pn])" nil)
--- 445,457 ----
      ("BILINEAR"               fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(P, IX, JY)" nil)
      ("BIN_DATE"               fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(Ascii_Time)" nil)
      ("BINARY_TEMPLATE"        fun nil                 (system) "Template = %s 
( [Filename])" (("CANCEL") ("GROUP") ("N_ROWS") ("TEMPLATE")))
!     ("BINDGEN"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
      ("BINOMIAL"               fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(V, N, P)" (("DOUBLE") ("GAUSSIAN")))
      ("BLK_CON"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Filter, Signal)" (("B_LENGTH") ("DOUBLE")))
      ("BROYDEN"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
X, Vecfunc)" (("CHECK") ("DOUBLE") ("EPS") ("ITMAX") ("STEPMAX") ("TOLF") 
("TOLMIN") ("TOLX")))
      ("BYTARR"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
D1, ..., D8)" (("NOZERO")))
!     ("BYTE"                   fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Expression[, Offset [, Dim1, ..., Dim8]] )" (("TPOOL_MAX_ELTS") 
!     ("BYTSCL"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Array)" (("MAX") ("MIN") ("NAN") ("TOP") ("TPOOL_MAX_ELTS") ("TPOOL_MIN_ELTS") 
      ("C_CORRELATE"            fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
X, Y, Lag)" (("COVARIANCE") ("DOUBLE")))
      ("CALL_EXTERNAL"          fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(Image, Entry [, P0, ..., PN-1])" (("ALL_VALUE") ("AUTOGLUE") ("B_VALUE") 
      ("CALL_FUNCTION"          fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(Name [, P1, ..., Pn])" nil)
*** 469,498 ****
      ("CDF_VARCREATE"          fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Id, Name [, DimVary])" (("ALLOCATERECS") ("CDF_BYTE") ("CDF_CHAR") 
      ("CDF_VARINQ"             fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Id, Variable)" (("ZVARIABLE")))
      ("CDF_VARNUM"             fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Id, VarName [, IsZVar] )" nil)
!     ("CEIL"                   fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(X)" (("L64")))
      ("CHEBYSHEV"              fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(D, N)" nil)
      ("CHECK_MATH"             fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s()" (("MASK") ("NOCLEAR") ("PRINT")))
      ("CHISQR_CVF"             fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(P, Df)" nil)
      ("CHISQR_PDF"             fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(V, Df)" nil)
      ("CHOLSOL"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
A, P, B)" (("DOUBLE")))
!     ("CINDGEN"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(D1, ..., D8)" nil)
      ("CLUST_WTS"              fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
      ("CLUSTER"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Array, Weights)" (("DOUBLE") ("N_CLUSTERS")))
      ("COLOR_QUAN"             fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Image_R, Image_G, Image_B, R, G, B) or Result = COLOR_QUAN( Image, Dim, R, G, B 
      ("COLORMAP_APPLICABLE"    fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
redrawRequired )" nil)
      ("COMFIT"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
!     ("COMPLEX"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Real [, Imaginary] ) or Result = COMPLEX(Expression, Offset, Dim1 [, ..., 
Dim8])" (("DOUBLE")))
      ("COMPLEXARR"             fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
D1, ..., D8)" (("NOZERO")))
      ("COMPLEXROUND"           fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(Input)" nil)
      ("COMPUTE_MESH_NORMALS"   fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
fVerts[, iConn] )" nil)
      ("COND"                   fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
A)" (("DOUBLE") ("LNORM")))
      ("CONGRID"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Array, X, Y, Z)" (("CENTER") ("CUBIC") ("INTERP") ("MINUS_ONE")))
!     ("CONJ"                   fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(X)" nil)
      ("CONVERT_COORD"          fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
X [, Y [, Z]])" (("DATA") ("DEVICE") ("DOUBLE") ("NORMAL") ("T3D") ("TO_DATA") 
!     ("CONVOL"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Array, Kernel [, Scale_Factor])" (("CENTER") ("EDGE_TRUNCATE") ("EDGE_WRAP") 
("MISSING") ("NAN")))
      ("COORD2TO3"              fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Mx, My, Dim, D0 [, PTI] )" nil)
      ("CORRELATE"              fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
X [, Y])" (("COVARIANCE") ("DOUBLE")))
!     ("COS"                    fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(X)" nil)
      ("COSH"                   fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(X)" nil)
      ("CRAMER"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
A, B)" (("DOUBLE") ("ZERO")))
      ("CREATE_STRUCT"          fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
[Tag1, Value1, ..., Tagn, Valuen] ) or Result = CREATE_STRUCT()" (("NAME")))
--- 469,498 ----
      ("CDF_VARCREATE"          fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Id, Name [, DimVary])" (("ALLOCATERECS") ("CDF_BYTE") ("CDF_CHAR") 
      ("CDF_VARINQ"             fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Id, Variable)" (("ZVARIABLE")))
      ("CDF_VARNUM"             fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Id, VarName [, IsZVar] )" nil)
!     ("CEIL"                   fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
      ("CHEBYSHEV"              fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(D, N)" nil)
      ("CHECK_MATH"             fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s()" (("MASK") ("NOCLEAR") ("PRINT")))
      ("CHISQR_CVF"             fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(P, Df)" nil)
      ("CHISQR_PDF"             fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(V, Df)" nil)
      ("CHOLSOL"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
A, P, B)" (("DOUBLE")))
!     ("CINDGEN"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
      ("CLUST_WTS"              fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
      ("CLUSTER"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Array, Weights)" (("DOUBLE") ("N_CLUSTERS")))
      ("COLOR_QUAN"             fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Image_R, Image_G, Image_B, R, G, B) or Result = COLOR_QUAN( Image, Dim, R, G, B 
      ("COLORMAP_APPLICABLE"    fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
redrawRequired )" nil)
      ("COMFIT"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
!     ("COMPLEX"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Real [, Imaginary] ) or Result = COMPLEX(Expression, Offset, Dim1 [, ..., 
      ("COMPLEXARR"             fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
D1, ..., D8)" (("NOZERO")))
      ("COMPLEXROUND"           fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(Input)" nil)
      ("COMPUTE_MESH_NORMALS"   fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
fVerts[, iConn] )" nil)
      ("COND"                   fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
A)" (("DOUBLE") ("LNORM")))
      ("CONGRID"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Array, X, Y, Z)" (("CENTER") ("CUBIC") ("INTERP") ("MINUS_ONE")))
!     ("CONJ"                   fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
      ("CONVERT_COORD"          fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
X [, Y [, Z]])" (("DATA") ("DEVICE") ("DOUBLE") ("NORMAL") ("T3D") ("TO_DATA") 
!     ("CONVOL"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Array, Kernel [, Scale_Factor])" (("CENTER") ("EDGE_TRUNCATE") ("EDGE_WRAP") 
      ("COORD2TO3"              fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Mx, My, Dim, D0 [, PTI] )" nil)
      ("CORRELATE"              fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
X [, Y])" (("COVARIANCE") ("DOUBLE")))
!     ("COS"                    fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
      ("COSH"                   fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(X)" nil)
      ("CRAMER"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
A, B)" (("DOUBLE") ("ZERO")))
      ("CREATE_STRUCT"          fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
[Tag1, Value1, ..., Tagn, Valuen] ) or Result = CREATE_STRUCT()" (("NAME")))
*** 521,528 ****
      ("CW_TMPL"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Parent)" (("UNAME") ("UVALUE")))
      ("CW_ZOOM"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Parent)" (("FRAME") ("MAX") ("MIN") ("RETAIN") ("SAMPLE") ("SCALE") ("TRACK") 
("Y_ZSIZE") ("YSIZE")))
      ("DBLARR"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
D1, ..., D8)" (("NOZERO")))
!     ("DCINDGEN"               fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
D1, ..., D8 )" nil)
!     ("DCOMPLEX"               fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Real [, Imaginary] ) or Result = DCOMPLEX( Expression, Offset, Dim1 [, ..., 
Dim8] )" nil)
      ("DCOMPLEXARR"            fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
D1, ..., D8)" (("NOZERO")))
      ("DEFROI"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Sx, Sy [, Xverts, Yverts])" (("NOFILL") ("NOREGION") ("RESTORE") ("X0") ("Y0") 
      ("DEMO_MODE"              fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s()" nil)
--- 521,528 ----
      ("CW_TMPL"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Parent)" (("UNAME") ("UVALUE")))
      ("CW_ZOOM"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Parent)" (("FRAME") ("MAX") ("MIN") ("RETAIN") ("SAMPLE") ("SCALE") ("TRACK") 
("Y_ZSIZE") ("YSIZE")))
      ("DBLARR"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
D1, ..., D8)" (("NOZERO")))
!     ("DCINDGEN"               fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
!     ("DCOMPLEX"               fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Real [, Imaginary] ) or Result = DCOMPLEX( Expression, Offset, Dim1 [, ..., 
      ("DCOMPLEXARR"            fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
D1, ..., D8)" (("NOZERO")))
      ("DEFROI"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Sx, Sy [, Xverts, Yverts])" (("NOFILL") ("NOREGION") ("RESTORE") ("X0") ("Y0") 
      ("DEMO_MODE"              fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s()" nil)
*** 537,545 ****
      ("DIALOG_WRITE_IMAGE"     fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s ( 
Image [, R, G, B])" (("DIALOG_PARENT") ("FILE") ("FIX_TYPE") ("NOWRITE") 
      ("DIGITAL_FILTER"         fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Flow, Fhigh, A, Nterms )" nil)
      ("DILATE"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Image, Structure [, X0 [, Y0 [, Z0]]])" (("BACKGROUND") ("CONSTRAINED") 
!     ("DINDGEN"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(D1, ..., D8)" nil)
      ("DIST"                   fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s(N 
[, M])" nil)
!     ("DOUBLE"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(Expression[, Offset [, Dim1, ..., Dimn]])" nil)
      ("EIGENQL"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
      ("EIGENVEC"               fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
A, Eval)" (("DOUBLE") ("ITMAX") ("RESIDUAL")))
      ("ELMHES"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
--- 537,545 ----
      ("DIALOG_WRITE_IMAGE"     fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s ( 
Image [, R, G, B])" (("DIALOG_PARENT") ("FILE") ("FIX_TYPE") ("NOWRITE") 
      ("DIGITAL_FILTER"         fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Flow, Fhigh, A, Nterms )" nil)
      ("DILATE"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Image, Structure [, X0 [, Y0 [, Z0]]])" (("BACKGROUND") ("CONSTRAINED") 
!     ("DINDGEN"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
      ("DIST"                   fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s(N 
[, M])" nil)
!     ("DOUBLE"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(Expression[, Offset [, Dim1, ..., Dimn]])" (("TPOOL_MAX_ELTS") 
      ("EIGENQL"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
      ("EIGENVEC"               fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
A, Eval)" (("DOUBLE") ("ITMAX") ("RESIDUAL")))
      ("ELMHES"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
*** 677,693 ****
      ("ERFC"                   fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(X)" nil)
      ("ERFCX"                  fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(X)" nil)
      ("ERODE"                  fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Image, Structure [, X0 [, Y0 [, Z0]]])" (("GRAY") ("PRESERVE_TYPE") ("UINT") 
("ULONG") ("VALUES")))
!     ("ERRORF"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(X)" nil)
      ("EXECUTE"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(String [, QuietCompile])" nil)
!     ("EXP"                    fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(Expression)" nil)
      ("EXPAND_PATH"            fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
String)" (("ALL_DIRS") ("ARRAY") ("COUNT") ("DLM") ("HELP")))
!     ("EXPINT"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
N, X)" (("DOUBLE") ("EPS") ("ITMAX")))
      ("EXTRAC"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Array, C1, C2, ..., Cn, S1, S2, ..., Sn )" nil)
      ("EXTRACT_SLICE"          fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Vol, Xsize, Ysize, Xcenter, Ycenter, Zcenter, Xrot, Yrot, Zrot)" 
      ("F_CVF"                  fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(P, Dfn, Dfd)" nil)
      ("F_PDF"                  fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(V, Dfn, Dfd)" nil)
      ("FACTORIAL"              fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
N)" (("STIRLING") ("UL64")))
!     ("FFT"                    fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Array [, Direction])" (("DIMENSION") ("DOUBLE") ("INVERSE") ("OVERWRITE")))
      ("FILE_EXPAND_PATH"       fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s 
(Path)" nil)
      ("FILE_INFO"              fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(Path)" (("NOEXPAND_PATH")))
      ("FILE_SEARCH"            fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(Path_Specification) or for recursive searching, Result = 
FILE_SEARCH(Dir_Specification, Recur_Pattern)" (("COUNT") 
--- 677,693 ----
      ("ERFC"                   fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(X)" nil)
      ("ERFCX"                  fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(X)" nil)
      ("ERODE"                  fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Image, Structure [, X0 [, Y0 [, Z0]]])" (("GRAY") ("PRESERVE_TYPE") ("UINT") 
("ULONG") ("VALUES")))
!     ("ERRORF"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
      ("EXECUTE"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(String [, QuietCompile])" nil)
!     ("EXP"                    fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
      ("EXPAND_PATH"            fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
String)" (("ALL_DIRS") ("ARRAY") ("COUNT") ("DLM") ("HELP")))
!     ("EXPINT"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
      ("EXTRAC"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Array, C1, C2, ..., Cn, S1, S2, ..., Sn )" nil)
      ("EXTRACT_SLICE"          fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Vol, Xsize, Ysize, Xcenter, Ycenter, Zcenter, Xrot, Yrot, Zrot)" 
      ("F_CVF"                  fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(P, Dfn, Dfd)" nil)
      ("F_PDF"                  fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(V, Dfn, Dfd)" nil)
      ("FACTORIAL"              fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
N)" (("STIRLING") ("UL64")))
!     ("FFT"                    fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Array [, Direction])" (("DIMENSION") ("DOUBLE") ("INVERSE") ("OVERWRITE") 
      ("FILE_EXPAND_PATH"       fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s 
(Path)" nil)
      ("FILE_INFO"              fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(Path)" (("NOEXPAND_PATH")))
      ("FILE_SEARCH"            fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(Path_Specification) or for recursive searching, Result = 
FILE_SEARCH(Dir_Specification, Recur_Pattern)" (("COUNT") 
*** 695,705 ****
      ("FILE_WHICH"             fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
[Path, ] File)" (("INCLUDE_CURRENT_DIR")))
      ("FILEPATH"               fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Filename)" (("ROOT_DIR") ("SUBDIRECTORY") ("TERMINAL") ("TMP")))
      ("FINDFILE"               fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
File_Specification)" (("COUNT")))
!     ("FINDGEN"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(D1, ..., D8)" nil)
!     ("FINITE"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
X)" (("INFINITY") ("NAN") ("SIGN")))
!     ("FIX"                    fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Expression [, Offset [, Dim1, ..., Dim8]])" (("PRINT") ("TYPE")))
!     ("FLOAT"                  fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Expression [, Offset [, Dim1, ..., Dim8]] )" nil)
!     ("FLOOR"                  fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(X)" (("L64")))
      ("FLTARR"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
D1, ..., D8)" (("NOZERO")))
      ("FORMAT_AXIS_VALUES"     fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Values )" nil)
      ("FSTAT"                  fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(Unit)" nil)
--- 695,705 ----
      ("FILE_WHICH"             fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
[Path, ] File)" (("INCLUDE_CURRENT_DIR")))
      ("FILEPATH"               fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Filename)" (("ROOT_DIR") ("SUBDIRECTORY") ("TERMINAL") ("TMP")))
      ("FINDFILE"               fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
File_Specification)" (("COUNT")))
!     ("FINDGEN"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
!     ("FINITE"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
!     ("FIX"                    fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Expression [, Offset [, Dim1, ..., Dim8]])" (("PRINT") ("TPOOL_MAX_ELTS") 
!     ("FLOAT"                  fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Expression [, Offset [, Dim1, ..., Dim8]] )" (("TPOOL_MAX_ELTS") 
!     ("FLOOR"                  fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
      ("FLTARR"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
D1, ..., D8)" (("NOZERO")))
      ("FORMAT_AXIS_VALUES"     fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Values )" nil)
      ("FSTAT"                  fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(Unit)" nil)
*** 707,713 ****
      ("FV_TEST"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(X, Y)" nil)
      ("FX_ROOT"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(X, Func)" (("DOUBLE") ("ITMAX") ("STOP") ("TOL")))
      ("FZ_ROOTS"               fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(C)" (("DOUBLE") ("EPS") ("NO_POLISH")))
!     ("GAMMA"                  fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(X)" nil)
      ("GAUSS2DFIT"             fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Z, A [, X, Y])" (("NEGATIVE") ("TILT")))
      ("GAUSS_CVF"              fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(P)" nil)
      ("GAUSS_PDF"              fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(V)" nil)
--- 707,713 ----
      ("FV_TEST"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(X, Y)" nil)
      ("FX_ROOT"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(X, Func)" (("DOUBLE") ("ITMAX") ("STOP") ("TOL")))
      ("FZ_ROOTS"               fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(C)" (("DOUBLE") ("EPS") ("NO_POLISH")))
!     ("GAMMA"                  fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
      ("GAUSS2DFIT"             fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Z, A [, X, Y])" (("NEGATIVE") ("TILT")))
      ("GAUSS_CVF"              fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(P)" nil)
      ("GAUSS_PDF"              fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(V)" nil)
*** 819,841 ****
      ("IBETA"                  fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
A, B, X)" (("DOUBLE") ("EPS") ("ITER") ("ITMAX")))
      ("IDENTITY"               fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
N)" (("DOUBLE")))
      ("IGAMMA"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
A, X)" (("DOUBLE") ("EPS") ("ITER") ("ITMAX") ("METHOD")))
!     ("IMAGINARY"              fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(Complex_Expression)" nil)
!     ("INDGEN"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(D1, ..., D8)" (("BYTE") ("COMPLEX") ("DCOMPLEX") ("DOUBLE") ("FLOAT") 
("L64") ("LONG") ("STRING") ("TYPE") ("UINT") ("UL64") ("ULONG")))
      ("INT_2D"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Fxy, AB_Limits, PQ_Limits, Pts)" (("DOUBLE") ("ORDER")))
      ("INT_3D"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Fxyz, AB_Limits, PQ_Limits, UV_Limits, Pts)" (("DOUBLE")))
      ("INT_TABULATED"          fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
X, F)" (("DOUBLE") ("SORT")))
      ("INTARR"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
D1, ..., D8)" (("NOZERO")))
      ("INTERPOL"               fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
V, N) or Result = INTERPOL( V, X, U)" (("LSQUADRATIC") ("QUADRATIC") 
!     ("INTERPOLATE"            fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
P, X [, Y [, Z]])" (("CUBIC") ("GRID") ("MISSING")))
      ("INVERT"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Array [, Status])" (("DOUBLE")))
      ("IOCTL"                  fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
File_Unit [, Request, Arg])" (("BY_VALUE") ("MT_OFFLINE") ("MT_REWIND") 
!     ("ISHFT"                  fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(P1, P2)" nil)
      ("JULDAY"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(Month, Day, Year, Hour, Minute, Second)" nil)
      ("KEYWORD_SET"            fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(Expression)" nil)
      ("KRIG2D"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Z [, X, Y])" (("BOUNDS") ("EXPONENTIAL") ("GS") ("NX") ("NY") ("REGULAR") 
      ("KURTOSIS"               fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(X)" (("DOUBLE") ("NAN")))
      ("KW_TEST"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
X)" (("DF") ("MISSING")))
!     ("L64INDGEN"              fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(D1, ..., D8)" nil)
      ("LABEL_DATE"             fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s()" (("AM_PM") ("DATE_FORMAT") ("DAYS_OF_WEEK") ("MONTHS") ("OFFSET") 
      ("LABEL_REGION"           fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Data)" (("ALL_NEIGHBORS") ("ULONG")))
      ("LADFIT"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
X, Y)" (("ABSDEV") ("DOUBLE")))
--- 819,841 ----
      ("IBETA"                  fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
A, B, X)" (("DOUBLE") ("EPS") ("ITER") ("ITMAX")))
      ("IDENTITY"               fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
N)" (("DOUBLE")))
      ("IGAMMA"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
A, X)" (("DOUBLE") ("EPS") ("ITER") ("ITMAX") ("METHOD")))
!     ("IMAGINARY"              fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(Complex_Expression)" (("TPOOL_MAX_ELTS") ("TPOOL_MIN_ELTS") 
!     ("INDGEN"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(D1, ..., D8)" (("BYTE") ("COMPLEX") ("DCOMPLEX") ("DOUBLE") ("FLOAT") 
("TPOOL_NOTHREAD") ("TYPE") ("UINT") ("UL64") ("ULONG")))
      ("INT_2D"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Fxy, AB_Limits, PQ_Limits, Pts)" (("DOUBLE") ("ORDER")))
      ("INT_3D"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Fxyz, AB_Limits, PQ_Limits, UV_Limits, Pts)" (("DOUBLE")))
      ("INT_TABULATED"          fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
X, F)" (("DOUBLE") ("SORT")))
      ("INTARR"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
D1, ..., D8)" (("NOZERO")))
      ("INTERPOL"               fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
V, N) or Result = INTERPOL( V, X, U)" (("LSQUADRATIC") ("QUADRATIC") 
!     ("INTERPOLATE"            fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
P, X [, Y [, Z]])" (("CUBIC") ("GRID") ("MISSING") ("TPOOL_MAX_ELTS") 
      ("INVERT"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Array [, Status])" (("DOUBLE")))
      ("IOCTL"                  fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
File_Unit [, Request, Arg])" (("BY_VALUE") ("MT_OFFLINE") ("MT_REWIND") 
!     ("ISHFT"                  fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
      ("JULDAY"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(Month, Day, Year, Hour, Minute, Second)" nil)
      ("KEYWORD_SET"            fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(Expression)" nil)
      ("KRIG2D"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Z [, X, Y])" (("BOUNDS") ("EXPONENTIAL") ("GS") ("NX") ("NY") ("REGULAR") 
      ("KURTOSIS"               fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(X)" (("DOUBLE") ("NAN")))
      ("KW_TEST"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
X)" (("DF") ("MISSING")))
!     ("L64INDGEN"              fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
      ("LABEL_DATE"             fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s()" (("AM_PM") ("DATE_FORMAT") ("DAYS_OF_WEEK") ("MONTHS") ("OFFSET") 
      ("LABEL_REGION"           fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Data)" (("ALL_NEIGHBORS") ("ULONG")))
      ("LADFIT"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
X, Y)" (("ABSDEV") ("DOUBLE")))
*** 843,861 ****
      ("LEEFILT"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
A [, N [, Sig]])" (("DOUBLE") ("EXACT")))
      ("LEGENDRE"               fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
X, L [, M])" (("DOUBLE")))
      ("LINBCG"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
A, B, X)" (("DOUBLE") ("ITER") ("ITMAX") ("ITOL") ("TOL")))
!     ("LINDGEN"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(D1, ..., D8)" nil)
      ("LINFIT"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
      ("LIVE_STYLE"             fun nil                 (system) "Style = %s ({ 
'contour' | 'image' | 'plot' | 'surface'})" (("BASE_STYLE") 
      ("LL_ARC_DISTANCE"        fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Lon_lat0, Arc_Dist, Az)" (("DEGREES")))
      ("LMFIT"                  fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
      ("LMGR"                   fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
!     ("LNGAMMA"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(X)" nil)
      ("LNP_TEST"               fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
X, Y)" (("DOUBLE") ("HIFAC") ("JMAX") ("OFAC") ("WK1") ("WK2")))
      ("LOCALE_GET"             fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
)" nil)
      ("LON64ARR"               fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
D1, ..., D8)" (("NOZERO")))
      ("LONARR"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
D1, ..., D8)" (("NOZERO")))
      ("LONG"                   fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Expression[, Offset [, Dim1, ..., Dim8]] )" nil)
!     ("LONG64"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Expression[, Offset [, D1, ..., D8]] )" nil)
      ("LSODE"                  fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Y, X, H, Derivs[, Status])" (("ATOL") ("RTOL")))
      ("LU_COMPLEX"             fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
A, B)" (("DOUBLE") ("INVERSE") ("SPARSE")))
      ("LUMPROVE"               fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
A, Alud, Index, B, X)" (("COLUMN") ("DOUBLE")))
--- 843,861 ----
      ("LEEFILT"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
A [, N [, Sig]])" (("DOUBLE") ("EXACT")))
      ("LEGENDRE"               fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
X, L [, M])" (("DOUBLE")))
      ("LINBCG"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
A, B, X)" (("DOUBLE") ("ITER") ("ITMAX") ("ITOL") ("TOL")))
!     ("LINDGEN"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
      ("LINFIT"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
      ("LIVE_STYLE"             fun nil                 (system) "Style = %s ({ 
'contour' | 'image' | 'plot' | 'surface'})" (("BASE_STYLE") 
      ("LL_ARC_DISTANCE"        fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Lon_lat0, Arc_Dist, Az)" (("DEGREES")))
      ("LMFIT"                  fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
      ("LMGR"                   fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
!     ("LNGAMMA"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
      ("LNP_TEST"               fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
X, Y)" (("DOUBLE") ("HIFAC") ("JMAX") ("OFAC") ("WK1") ("WK2")))
      ("LOCALE_GET"             fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
)" nil)
      ("LON64ARR"               fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
D1, ..., D8)" (("NOZERO")))
      ("LONARR"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
D1, ..., D8)" (("NOZERO")))
      ("LONG"                   fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Expression[, Offset [, Dim1, ..., Dim8]] )" nil)
!     ("LONG64"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Expression[, Offset [, D1, ..., D8]] )" (("TPOOL_MAX_ELTS") ("TPOOL_MIN_ELTS") 
      ("LSODE"                  fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Y, X, H, Derivs[, Status])" (("ATOL") ("RTOL")))
      ("LU_COMPLEX"             fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
A, B)" (("DOUBLE") ("INVERSE") ("SPARSE")))
      ("LUMPROVE"               fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
A, Alud, Index, B, X)" (("COLUMN") ("DOUBLE")))
*** 867,873 ****
      ("MAP_IMAGE"              fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Image [, Startx, Starty [, Xsize, Ysize]])" (("BILINEAR") ("COMPRESS") 
      ("MAP_PATCH"              fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Image_Orig [, Lons, Lats])" (("LAT0") ("LAT1") ("LON0") ("LON1") ("MAX_VALUE") 
      ("MATRIX_MULTIPLY"        fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
!     ("MAX"                    fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Array [, Max_Subscript])" (("DIMENSION") ("MIN") ("NAN") ("SUBSCRIPT_MIN")))
      ("MD_TEST"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
X)" (("ABOVE") ("BELOW") ("MDC")))
      ("MEAN"                   fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
X)" (("DOUBLE") ("NAN")))
      ("MEANABSDEV"             fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
X)" (("DOUBLE") ("MEDIAN") ("NAN")))
--- 867,873 ----
      ("MAP_IMAGE"              fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Image [, Startx, Starty [, Xsize, Ysize]])" (("BILINEAR") ("COMPRESS") 
      ("MAP_PATCH"              fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Image_Orig [, Lons, Lats])" (("LAT0") ("LAT1") ("LON0") ("LON1") ("MAX_VALUE") 
      ("MATRIX_MULTIPLY"        fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
!     ("MAX"                    fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Array [, Max_Subscript])" (("DIMENSION") ("MIN") ("NAN") ("SUBSCRIPT_MIN") 
      ("MD_TEST"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
X)" (("ABOVE") ("BELOW") ("MDC")))
      ("MEAN"                   fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
X)" (("DOUBLE") ("NAN")))
      ("MEANABSDEV"             fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
X)" (("DOUBLE") ("MEDIAN") ("NAN")))
*** 882,888 ****
      ("MESH_SURFACEAREA"       fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s ( 
Verts, Conn)" (("AUXDATA") ("MOMENT")))
      ("MESH_VALIDATE"          fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s ( 
      ("MESH_VOLUME"            fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s ( 
Verts, Conn)" (("SIGNED")))
!     ("MIN"                    fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Array [, Min_Subscript])" (("DIMENSION") ("MAX") ("NAN") ("SUBSCRIPT_MAX")))
      ("MIN_CURVE_SURF"         fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s(Z 
[, X, Y])" (("BOUNDS") ("CONST") ("DOUBLE") ("GS") ("NX") ("NY") ("REGULAR") 
("SPHERE") ("TPS") ("XGRID") ("XOUT") ("XPOUT") ("XVALUES") ("YGRID") ("YOUT") 
      ("MOMENT"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
X)" (("DOUBLE") ("MDEV") ("NAN") ("SDEV")))
      ("MORPH_CLOSE"            fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s 
(Image, Structure)" (("GRAY") ("PRESERVE_TYPE") ("UINT") ("ULONG") ("VALUES")))
--- 882,888 ----
      ("MESH_SURFACEAREA"       fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s ( 
Verts, Conn)" (("AUXDATA") ("MOMENT")))
      ("MESH_VALIDATE"          fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s ( 
      ("MESH_VOLUME"            fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s ( 
Verts, Conn)" (("SIGNED")))
!     ("MIN"                    fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Array [, Min_Subscript])" (("DIMENSION") ("MAX") ("NAN") ("SUBSCRIPT_MAX") 
      ("MIN_CURVE_SURF"         fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s(Z 
[, X, Y])" (("BOUNDS") ("CONST") ("DOUBLE") ("GS") ("NX") ("NY") ("REGULAR") 
("SPHERE") ("TPS") ("XGRID") ("XOUT") ("XPOUT") ("XVALUES") ("YGRID") ("YOUT") 
      ("MOMENT"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
X)" (("DOUBLE") ("MDEV") ("NAN") ("SDEV")))
      ("MORPH_CLOSE"            fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s 
(Image, Structure)" (("GRAY") ("PRESERVE_TYPE") ("UINT") ("ULONG") ("VALUES")))
*** 922,928 ****
      ("PNT_LINE"               fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
P0, L0, L1 [, Pl])" (("INTERVAL")))
      ("POLAR_SURFACE"          fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Z, R, Theta)" (("BOUNDS") ("GRID") ("MISSING") ("QUINTIC") ("SPACING")))
      ("POLY"                   fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(X, C)" nil)
!     ("POLY_2D"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Array, P, Q [, Interp [, Dimx, Dimy]])" (("CUBIC") ("MISSING")))
      ("POLY_AREA"              fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
X, Y)" (("DOUBLE") ("SIGNED")))
      ("POLY_FIT"               fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
X, Y, Degree)" (("CHISQ") ("COVAR") ("DOUBLE") ("MEASURE_ERRORS") ("SIGMA") 
("STATUS") ("YBAND") ("YERROR") ("YFIT")))
      ("POLYFILLV"              fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
X, Y, Sx, Sy [, Run_Length] )" nil)
--- 922,928 ----
      ("PNT_LINE"               fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
P0, L0, L1 [, Pl])" (("INTERVAL")))
      ("POLAR_SURFACE"          fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Z, R, Theta)" (("BOUNDS") ("GRID") ("MISSING") ("QUINTIC") ("SPACING")))
      ("POLY"                   fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(X, C)" nil)
!     ("POLY_2D"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Array, P, Q [, Interp [, Dimx, Dimy]])" (("CUBIC") ("MISSING") 
      ("POLY_AREA"              fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
X, Y)" (("DOUBLE") ("SIGNED")))
      ("POLY_FIT"               fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
X, Y, Degree)" (("CHISQ") ("COVAR") ("DOUBLE") ("MEASURE_ERRORS") ("SIGMA") 
("STATUS") ("YBAND") ("YERROR") ("YFIT")))
      ("POLYFILLV"              fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
X, Y, Sx, Sy [, Run_Length] )" nil)
*** 974,986 ****
      ("REFORM"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Array, D1, ..., D8)" (("OVERWRITE")))
      ("REGION_GROW"            fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
      ("REGRESS"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
!     ("REPLICATE"              fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Value, D1 [, ..., D8] )" nil)
      ("REVERSE"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Array [, Subscript_Index])" (("OVERWRITE")))
      ("RK4"                    fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Y, Dydx, X, H, Derivs)" (("DOUBLE")))
      ("ROBERTS"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(Image)" nil)
      ("ROT"                    fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
A, Angle, [Mag, X0, Y0])" (("CUBIC") ("INTERP") ("MISSING") ("PIVOT")))
      ("ROTATE"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(Array, Direction)" nil)
!     ("ROUND"                  fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(X)" (("L64")))
      ("ROUTINE_INFO"           fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
      ("RS_TEST"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
X, Y)" (("UX") ("UY")))
      ("RSTRPOS"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Expression, Search_String [, Pos] )" nil)
--- 974,986 ----
      ("REFORM"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Array, D1, ..., D8)" (("OVERWRITE")))
      ("REGION_GROW"            fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
      ("REGRESS"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
!     ("REPLICATE"              fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Value, D1 [, ..., D8] )" (("TPOOL_MAX_ELTS") ("TPOOL_MIN_ELTS") 
      ("REVERSE"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Array [, Subscript_Index])" (("OVERWRITE")))
      ("RK4"                    fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Y, Dydx, X, H, Derivs)" (("DOUBLE")))
      ("ROBERTS"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(Image)" nil)
      ("ROT"                    fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
A, Angle, [Mag, X0, Y0])" (("CUBIC") ("INTERP") ("MISSING") ("PIVOT")))
      ("ROTATE"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(Array, Direction)" nil)
!     ("ROUND"                  fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
      ("ROUTINE_INFO"           fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
      ("RS_TEST"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
X, Y)" (("UX") ("UY")))
      ("RSTRPOS"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Expression, Search_String [, Pos] )" nil)
*** 991,999 ****
      ("SFIT"                   fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Data, Degree)" (("KX")))
      ("SHIFT"                  fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(Array, S1, ..., Sn)" nil)
      ("SIMPLEX"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Zequation, Constraints, M1, M2, M3 [, Tableau [, Izrov [, Iposv]]])" 
(("DOUBLE") ("EPS") ("STATUS")))
!     ("SIN"                    fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(X)" nil)
      ("SINDGEN"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(D1, ..., D8)" nil)
!     ("SINH"                   fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(X)" nil)
      ("SIZE"                   fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Expression)" (("DIMENSIONS") ("FILE_LUN") ("L64") ("N_DIMENSIONS") 
      ("SKEWNESS"               fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
X)" (("DOUBLE") ("NAN")))
      ("SMOOTH"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Array, Width)" (("EDGE_TRUNCATE") ("MISSING") ("NAN")))
--- 991,999 ----
      ("SFIT"                   fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Data, Degree)" (("KX")))
      ("SHIFT"                  fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(Array, S1, ..., Sn)" nil)
      ("SIMPLEX"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Zequation, Constraints, M1, M2, M3 [, Tableau [, Izrov [, Iposv]]])" 
(("DOUBLE") ("EPS") ("STATUS")))
!     ("SIN"                    fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
      ("SINDGEN"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(D1, ..., D8)" nil)
!     ("SINH"                   fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
      ("SIZE"                   fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Expression)" (("DIMENSIONS") ("FILE_LUN") ("L64") ("N_DIMENSIONS") 
      ("SKEWNESS"               fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
X)" (("DOUBLE") ("NAN")))
      ("SMOOTH"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Array, Width)" (("EDGE_TRUNCATE") ("MISSING") ("NAN")))
*** 1008,1014 ****
      ("SPRSAX"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
A, X)" (("DOUBLE")))
      ("SPRSIN"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
      ("SPRSTP"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(A)" nil)
!     ("SQRT"                   fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(X)" nil)
      ("STANDARDIZE"            fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
A)" (("DOUBLE")))
      ("STDDEV"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
X)" (("DOUBLE") ("NAN")))
      ("STR_SEP"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Str, Separator)" (("ESC") ("REMOVE_ALL") ("TRIM")))
--- 1008,1014 ----
      ("SPRSAX"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
A, X)" (("DOUBLE")))
      ("SPRSIN"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
      ("SPRSTP"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(A)" nil)
!     ("SQRT"                   fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
      ("STANDARDIZE"            fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
A)" (("DOUBLE")))
      ("STDDEV"                 fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
X)" (("DOUBLE") ("NAN")))
      ("STR_SEP"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Str, Separator)" (("ESC") ("REMOVE_ALL") ("TRIM")))
*** 1034,1041 ****
      ("T_CVF"                  fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(P, Df)" nil)
      ("T_PDF"                  fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(V, Df)" nil)
      ("TAG_NAMES"              fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Expression)" (("STRUCTURE_NAME")))
!     ("TAN"                    fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(X)" nil)
!     ("TANH"                   fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(X)" nil)
      ("TEMPORARY"              fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(Variable)" nil)
      ("TETRA_CLIP"             fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s ( 
Plane, Vertsin, Connin, Vertsout, Connout)" (("AUXDATA_IN") ("AUXDATA_OUT") 
      ("TETRA_SURFACE"          fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s 
(Verts, Connin)" nil)
--- 1034,1041 ----
      ("T_CVF"                  fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(P, Df)" nil)
      ("T_PDF"                  fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(V, Df)" nil)
      ("TAG_NAMES"              fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Expression)" (("STRUCTURE_NAME")))
!     ("TAN"                    fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
!     ("TANH"                   fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
      ("TEMPORARY"              fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(Variable)" nil)
      ("TETRA_CLIP"             fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s ( 
Plane, Vertsin, Connin, Vertsout, Connout)" (("AUXDATA_IN") ("AUXDATA_OUT") 
      ("TETRA_SURFACE"          fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s 
(Verts, Connin)" nil)
*** 1044,1050 ****
      ("TIFF_READ"              fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(File [, R, G, B])" nil)
      ("TIMEGEN"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
[D1,...,D8])" (("DAYS") ("FINAL") ("HOURS") ("MINUTES") ("MONTHS") ("SECONDS") 
("START") ("STEP_SIZE") ("UNITS") ("YEAR")))
      ("TM_TEST"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
X, Y)" (("PAIRED") ("UNEQUAL")))
!     ("TOTAL"                  fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Array [, Dimension])" (("CUMULATIVE") ("DOUBLE") ("NAN")))
      ("TRACE"                  fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
A)" (("DOUBLE")))
      ("TRANSPOSE"              fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Array [, P] )" nil)
      ("TRI_SURF"               fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Z [, X, Y])" (("BOUNDS") ("EXTRAPOLATE") ("GS") ("MISSING") ("NX") ("NY") 
--- 1044,1050 ----
      ("TIFF_READ"              fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(File [, R, G, B])" nil)
      ("TIMEGEN"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
[D1,...,D8])" (("DAYS") ("FINAL") ("HOURS") ("MINUTES") ("MONTHS") ("SECONDS") 
("START") ("STEP_SIZE") ("UNITS") ("YEAR")))
      ("TM_TEST"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
X, Y)" (("PAIRED") ("UNEQUAL")))
!     ("TOTAL"                  fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Array [, Dimension])" (("CUMULATIVE") ("DOUBLE") ("NAN") ("TPOOL_MAX_ELTS") 
      ("TRACE"                  fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
A)" (("DOUBLE")))
      ("TRANSPOSE"              fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Array [, P] )" nil)
      ("TRI_SURF"               fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Z [, X, Y])" (("BOUNDS") ("EXTRAPOLATE") ("GS") ("MISSING") ("NX") ("NY") 
*** 1056,1080 ****
      ("TS_FCAST"               fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
X, P, Nvalues)" (("BACKCAST") ("DOUBLE")))
      ("TS_SMOOTH"              fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
X, Nvalues)" (("BACKWARD") ("DOUBLE") ("FORWARD") ("ORDER")))
      ("TVRD"                   fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
[X0 [, Y0 [, Nx [, Ny [, Channel]]]]])" (("CHANNEL") ("ORDER") ("TRUE") 
!     ("UINDGEN"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(D1, ..., D8)" nil)
!     ("UINT"                   fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Expression[, Offset [, Dim1, ..., Dim8]] )" nil)
      ("UINTARR"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
D1, ..., D8)" (("NOZERO")))
!     ("UL64INDGEN"             fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(D1, ..., D8)" nil)
!     ("ULINDGEN"               fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(D1, ..., D8)" nil)
      ("ULON64ARR"              fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
D1, ..., D8)" (("NOZERO")))
      ("ULONARR"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
D1, ..., D8)" (("NOZERO")))
      ("ULONG"                  fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Expression[, Offset [, Dim1, ..., Dim8]] )" nil)
!     ("ULONG64"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Expression[, Offset [, Dim1, ..., Dim8]] )" nil)
      ("UNIQ"                   fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Array [, Index] )" nil)
      ("VALUE_LOCATE"           fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s ( 
Vector, Value)" (("L64")))
      ("VARIANCE"               fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
X)" (("DOUBLE") ("NAN")))
      ("VAX_FLOAT"              fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
[Default])" (("FILE_UNIT")))
      ("VERT_T3D"               fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Vertex_List)" (("MATRIX") ("NO_COPY") ("NO_DIVIDE") ("SAVE_DIVIDE")))
!     ("VOIGT"                  fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
%s(A, U)" nil)
      ("VOXEL_PROJ"             fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
      ("WARP_TRI"               fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Xo, Yo, Xi, Yi, Image)" (("EXTRAPOLATE") ("OUTPUT_SIZE") ("QUINTIC") ("TPS")))
      ("WATERSHED"              fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s ( 
Image)" (("CONNECTIVITY")))
!     ("WHERE"                  fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Array_Expression [, Count])" (("COMPLEMENT") ("L64") ("NCOMPLEMENT")))
      ("WIDGET_ACTIVEX"         fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
      ("WIDGET_BASE"            fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
("YPAD") ("YSIZE")))
      ("WIDGET_BUTTON"          fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
--- 1056,1080 ----
      ("TS_FCAST"               fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
X, P, Nvalues)" (("BACKCAST") ("DOUBLE")))
      ("TS_SMOOTH"              fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
X, Nvalues)" (("BACKWARD") ("DOUBLE") ("FORWARD") ("ORDER")))
      ("TVRD"                   fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
[X0 [, Y0 [, Nx [, Ny [, Channel]]]]])" (("CHANNEL") ("ORDER") ("TRUE") 
!     ("UINDGEN"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
!     ("UINT"                   fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Expression[, Offset [, Dim1, ..., Dim8]] )" (("TPOOL_MAX_ELTS") 
      ("UINTARR"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
D1, ..., D8)" (("NOZERO")))
!     ("UL64INDGEN"             fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
!     ("ULINDGEN"               fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
      ("ULON64ARR"              fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
D1, ..., D8)" (("NOZERO")))
      ("ULONARR"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
D1, ..., D8)" (("NOZERO")))
      ("ULONG"                  fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Expression[, Offset [, Dim1, ..., Dim8]] )" nil)
!     ("ULONG64"                fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Expression[, Offset [, Dim1, ..., Dim8]] )" (("TPOOL_MAX_ELTS") 
      ("UNIQ"                   fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Array [, Index] )" nil)
      ("VALUE_LOCATE"           fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s ( 
Vector, Value)" (("L64")))
      ("VARIANCE"               fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
X)" (("DOUBLE") ("NAN")))
      ("VAX_FLOAT"              fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
[Default])" (("FILE_UNIT")))
      ("VERT_T3D"               fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Vertex_List)" (("MATRIX") ("NO_COPY") ("NO_DIVIDE") ("SAVE_DIVIDE")))
!     ("VOIGT"                  fun nil                 (system) "Result = 
      ("VOXEL_PROJ"             fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
      ("WARP_TRI"               fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Xo, Yo, Xi, Yi, Image)" (("EXTRAPOLATE") ("OUTPUT_SIZE") ("QUINTIC") ("TPS")))
      ("WATERSHED"              fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s ( 
Image)" (("CONNECTIVITY")))
!     ("WHERE"                  fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
Array_Expression [, Count])" (("COMPLEMENT") ("L64") ("NCOMPLEMENT") 
      ("WIDGET_ACTIVEX"         fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
      ("WIDGET_BASE"            fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
("YPAD") ("YSIZE")))
      ("WIDGET_BUTTON"          fun nil                 (system) "Result = %s( 
*** 1380,1386 ****
      ("Init"                   fun "TrackBall"         (system) "Result = Obj 
-> [%s::]%s( Center, Radius ) ('TrackBall', Center, Radius)" (("AXIS") 
      ("Update"                 fun "TrackBall"         (system) "Result = Obj 
-> [%s::]%s( sEvent)" (("MOUSE") ("TRANSFORM") ("TRANSLATE")))
!   "1324 builtin routines with 5958 keywords for IDL version 5.5.")
  (setq idlwave-system-variables-alist
--- 1380,1386 ----
      ("Init"                   fun "TrackBall"         (system) "Result = Obj 
-> [%s::]%s( Center, Radius ) ('TrackBall', Center, Radius)" (("AXIS") 
      ("Update"                 fun "TrackBall"         (system) "Result = Obj 
-> [%s::]%s( sEvent)" (("MOUSE") ("TRANSFORM") ("TRANSLATE")))
!   "1324 builtin routines with 6129 keywords for IDL version 5.5.")
  (setq idlwave-system-variables-alist

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