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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/progmodes/sql.el

From: Juanma Barranquero
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/progmodes/sql.el
Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2002 03:31:26 -0500

Index: emacs/lisp/progmodes/sql.el
diff -c emacs/lisp/progmodes/sql.el:1.32 emacs/lisp/progmodes/sql.el:1.33
*** emacs/lisp/progmodes/sql.el:1.32    Wed Jan 16 20:39:49 2002
--- emacs/lisp/progmodes/sql.el Thu Nov 21 03:31:26 2002
*** 1,10 ****
  ;;; sql.el --- specialized comint.el for SQL interpreters
! ;; Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  ;; Author: Alex Schroeder <address@hidden>
  ;; Maintainer: Alex Schroeder <address@hidden>
! ;; Version: 1.6.5
  ;; Keywords: comm languages processes
  ;; URL: http://www.emacswiki.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?SqlMode
--- 1,10 ----
  ;;; sql.el --- specialized comint.el for SQL interpreters
! ;; Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  ;; Author: Alex Schroeder <address@hidden>
  ;; Maintainer: Alex Schroeder <address@hidden>
! ;; Version: 1.7.0
  ;; Keywords: comm languages processes
  ;; URL: http://www.emacswiki.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?SqlMode
*** 343,348 ****
--- 343,355 ----
    :type 'file
    :group 'SQL)
+ (defcustom sql-ms-options '("-w" "300" "-n")
+   ;; -w is the linesize
+   "*List of additional options for `sql-ms-program'."
+   :type '(repeat string)
+   :version "21.4"
+   :group 'SQL)
  ;; Customization for Postgres
  (defcustom sql-postgres-program "psql"
*** 400,405 ****
--- 407,427 ----
    :version "20.8"
    :group 'SQL)
+ ;; Customization for Linter
+ (defcustom sql-linter-program "inl"
+   "*Command to start inl by RELEX.
+ Starts `sql-interactive-mode' after doing some setup."
+   :type 'file
+   :group 'SQL)
+ (defcustom sql-linter-options nil
+   "*List of additional options for `sql-linter-program'."
+   :type '(repeat string)
+   :version "21.3"
+   :group 'SQL)
  ;;; Variables which do not need customization
*** 441,447 ****
  ;; Keymap for sql-interactive-mode.
! (defvar sql-interactive-mode-map 
    (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
      (if (functionp 'set-keymap-parent)
        (set-keymap-parent map comint-mode-map); Emacs
--- 463,469 ----
  ;; Keymap for sql-interactive-mode.
! (defvar sql-interactive-mode-map
    (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
      (if (functionp 'set-keymap-parent)
        (set-keymap-parent map comint-mode-map); Emacs
*** 491,497 ****
      ["ANSI SQL keywords" sql-highlight-ansi-keywords t]
      ["Oracle keywords" sql-highlight-oracle-keywords t]
!     ["Postgres keywords" sql-highlight-postgres-keywords t])))
  ;; easy menu for sql-interactive-mode.
--- 513,521 ----
      ["ANSI SQL keywords" sql-highlight-ansi-keywords t]
      ["Oracle keywords" sql-highlight-oracle-keywords t]
!     ["Postgres keywords" sql-highlight-postgres-keywords t]
!     ["Linter keywords" sql-highlight-linter-keywords t]
!     )))
  ;; easy menu for sql-interactive-mode.
*** 713,718 ****
--- 737,836 ----
                        (cons postgres-types 'font-lock-type-face))))))
+ (defvar sql-mode-linter-font-lock-keywords nil
+   "Linter SQL keywords used by font-lock.
+ This variable is used by `sql-mode' and `sql-interactive-mode'.  The
+ regular expressions are created during compilation by calling the
+ function `regexp-opt'.")
+ (if sql-mode-linter-font-lock-keywords
+     ()
+   (let ((linter-keywords (eval-when-compile
+                          (concat "\\b"
+                                  (regexp-opt '(
+ "autocommit" "autoinc" "autorowid" "cancel" "cascade" "channel"
+ "committed" "count" "countblob" "cross" "current" "data" "database"
+ "datafile" "datafiles" "datesplit" "dba" "dbname" "default" "deferred"
+ "denied" "description" "device" "difference" "directory" "error"
+ "escape" "euc" "exclusive" "external" "extfile" "false" "file"
+ "filename" "filesize" "filetime" "filter" "findblob" "first" "foreign"
+ "full" "fuzzy" "global" "granted" "ignore" "immediate" "increment"
+ "indexes" "indexfile" "indexfiles" "indextime" "initial" "integrity"
+ "internal" "key" "last_autoinc" "last_rowid" "limit" "linter"
+ "linter_file_device" "linter_file_size" "linter_name_length" "ln"
+ "local" "login" "maxisn" "maxrow" "maxrowid" "maxvalue" "message"
+ "minvalue" "module" "names" "national" "natural" "new" "new_table"
+ "no" "node" "noneuc" "nulliferror" "numbers" "off" "old" "old_table"
+ "only" "operation" "optimistic" "option" "page" "partially" "password"
+ "phrase" "plan" "precision" "primary" "priority" "privileges"
+ "proc_info_size" "proc_par_name_len" "protocol" "quant" "range" "raw"
+ "read" "record" "records" "references" "remote" "rename" "replication"
+ "restart" "rewrite" "root" "row" "rule" "savepoint" "security"
+ "sensitive" "sequence" "serializable" "server" "since" "size" "some"
+ "startup" "statement" "station" "success" "sys_guid" "tables" "test"
+ "timeout" "trace" "transaction" "translation" "trigger"
+ "trigger_info_size" "true" "trunc" "uncommitted" "unicode" "unknown"
+ "unlimited" "unlisted" "user" "utf8" "value" "varying" "volumes"
+ "wait" "windows_code" "workspace" "write" "xml"
+ ) t) "\\b")))
+       (linter-reserved-words (eval-when-compile
+                                (concat "\\b"
+                                        (regexp-opt '(
+ "access" "action" "add" "address" "after" "all" "alter" "always" "and"
+ "any" "append" "as" "asc" "ascic" "async" "at_begin" "at_end" "audit"
+ "aud_obj_name_len" "backup" "base" "before" "between" "blobfile"
+ "blobfiles" "blobpct" "brief" "browse" "by" "case" "cast" "check"
+ "clear" "close" "column" "comment" "commit" "connect" "contains"
+ "correct" "create" "delete" "desc" "disable" "disconnect" "distinct"
+ "drop" "each" "ef" "else" "enable" "end" "event" "except" "exclude"
+ "execute" "exists" "extract" "fetch" "finish" "for" "from" "get"
+ "grant" "group" "having" "identified" "in" "index" "inner" "insert"
+ "instead" "intersect" "into" "is" "isolation" "join" "left" "level"
+ "like" "lock" "mode" "modify" "not" "nowait" "null" "of" "on" "open"
+ "or" "order" "outer" "owner" "press" "prior" "procedure" "public"
+ "purge" "rebuild" "resource" "restrict" "revoke" "right" "role"
+ "rollback" "rownum" "select" "session" "set" "share" "shutdown"
+ "start" "stop" "sync" "synchronize" "synonym" "sysdate" "table" "then"
+ "to" "union" "unique" "unlock" "until" "update" "using" "values"
+ "view" "when" "where" "with" "without"
+ ) t) "\\b")))
+       (linter-types (eval-when-compile
+                       (concat "\\b"
+                               (regexp-opt '(
+ "bigint" "bitmap" "blob" "boolean" "char" "character" "date"
+ "datetime" "dec" "decimal" "double" "float" "int" "integer" "nchar"
+ "number" "numeric" "real" "smallint" "varbyte" "varchar" "byte"
+ "cursor" "long"
+ ) t) "\\b")))
+       (linter-builtin-functions (eval-when-compile
+                       (concat "\\b"
+                               (regexp-opt '(
+ "abs" "acos" "asin" "atan" "atan2" "avg" "ceil" "cos" "cosh" "divtime"
+ "exp" "floor" "getbits" "getblob" "getbyte" "getlong" "getraw"
+ "getstr" "gettext" "getword" "hextoraw" "lenblob" "length" "log"
+ "lower" "lpad" "ltrim" "max" "min" "mod" "monthname" "nvl"
+ "octet_length" "power" "rand" "rawtohex" "repeat_string"
+ "right_substr" "round" "rpad" "rtrim" "sign" "sin" "sinh" "soundex"
+ "sqrt" "sum" "tan" "tanh" "timeint_to_days" "to_char" "to_date"
+ "to_gmtime" "to_localtime" "to_number" "trim" "upper" "decode"
+ "substr" "substring" "chr" "dayname" "days" "greatest" "hex" "initcap"
+ "instr" "least" "multime" "replace" "width"
+ ) t) "\\b"))))
+     (setq sql-mode-linter-font-lock-keywords
+         (append sql-mode-ansi-font-lock-keywords
+                 (list (cons linter-keywords 'font-lock-function-name-face)
+                       (cons linter-reserved-words 'font-lock-keyword-face)
+                       ;; XEmacs doesn't have font-lock-builtin-face
+                       (if (string-match "XEmacs\\|Lucid" emacs-version)
+                           (cons linter-builtin-functions 
+                         ;; GNU Emacs 19 doesn't have it either
+                         (if (string-match "GNU Emacs 19" emacs-version)
+                             (cons linter-builtin-functions 
+                           ;; Emacs
+                           (cons linter-builtin-functions 
+                       (cons linter-types 'font-lock-type-face))))))
  (defvar sql-mode-font-lock-keywords sql-mode-ansi-font-lock-keywords
    "SQL keywords used by font-lock.
*** 738,743 ****
--- 856,868 ----
    (setq font-lock-keywords sql-mode-postgres-font-lock-keywords)
+ (defun sql-highlight-linter-keywords ()
+   "Highlight LINTER keywords.
+ Basically, this just sets `font-lock-keywords' appropriately."
+   (interactive)
+   (setq font-lock-keywords sql-mode-linter-font-lock-keywords)
+   (font-lock-fontify-buffer))
  (defun sql-highlight-ansi-keywords ()
    "Highlight ANSI SQL keywords.
  Basically, this just sets `font-lock-keywords' appropriately."
*** 783,789 ****
  (defun sql-accumulate-and-indent ()
    "Continue SQL statement on the next line."
!   (if (fboundp 'comint-accumulate) 
--- 908,914 ----
  (defun sql-accumulate-and-indent ()
    "Continue SQL statement on the next line."
!   (if (fboundp 'comint-accumulate)
*** 809,814 ****
--- 934,940 ----
      Ingres: \\[sql-ingres]
      Microsoft: \\[sql-ms]
      Interbase: \\[sql-interbase]
+     Linter: \\[sql-linter]
  But we urge you to choose a free implementation instead of these.
*** 896,902 ****
  (defun sql-set-sqli-buffer-generally ()
!   "Set SQLi buffer for all SQL buffers that have none.  
  This function checks all SQL buffers for their SQLi buffer.  If their
  SQLi buffer is nonexistent or has no process, it is set to the current
  default SQLi buffer.  The current default SQLi buffer is determined
--- 1022,1028 ----
  (defun sql-set-sqli-buffer-generally ()
!   "Set SQLi buffer for all SQL buffers that have none.
  This function checks all SQL buffers for their SQLi buffer.  If their
  SQLi buffer is nonexistent or has no process, it is set to the current
  default SQLi buffer.  The current default SQLi buffer is determined
*** 1022,1028 ****
  Placeholders are words starting with and ampersand like &this.
  This function is used for `comint-input-sender' if using `sql-oracle' on NT."
    (while (string-match "&\\(\\sw+\\)" string)
!     (setq string (replace-match 
                   (format "Enter value for %s: " (match-string 1 string))
                   nil nil nil sql-placeholder-history)
--- 1148,1154 ----
  Placeholders are words starting with and ampersand like &this.
  This function is used for `comint-input-sender' if using `sql-oracle' on NT."
    (while (string-match "&\\(\\sw+\\)" string)
!     (setq string (replace-match
                   (format "Enter value for %s: " (match-string 1 string))
                   nil nil nil sql-placeholder-history)
*** 1348,1354 ****
          (setq parameter (nconc (list parameter) sql-oracle-options))
        (setq parameter sql-oracle-options))
        (if parameter
!         (set-buffer (apply 'make-comint "SQL" sql-oracle-program nil 
        (set-buffer (make-comint "SQL" sql-oracle-program nil))))
      (setq sql-prompt-regexp "^SQL> ")
--- 1474,1480 ----
          (setq parameter (nconc (list parameter) sql-oracle-options))
        (setq parameter sql-oracle-options))
        (if parameter
!         (set-buffer (apply 'make-comint "SQL" sql-oracle-program nil
        (set-buffer (make-comint "SQL" sql-oracle-program nil))))
      (setq sql-prompt-regexp "^SQL> ")
*** 1612,1618 ****
  Interpreter used comes from variable `sql-ms-program'.  Login uses the
  variables `sql-user', `sql-password', `sql-database', and `sql-server'
! as defaults, if set.
  The buffer is put in sql-interactive-mode, giving commands for sending
  input.  See `sql-interactive-mode'.
--- 1738,1745 ----
  Interpreter used comes from variable `sql-ms-program'.  Login uses the
  variables `sql-user', `sql-password', `sql-database', and `sql-server'
! as defaults, if set.  Additional command line parameters can be stored
! in the list `sql-ms-options'.
  The buffer is put in sql-interactive-mode, giving commands for sending
  input.  See `sql-interactive-mode'.
*** 1632,1638 ****
      (message "Login...")
      ;; Put all parameters to the program (if defined) in a list and call
      ;; make-comint.
!     (let ((params '("-w 300")))
        (if (not (string= "" sql-server))
          (setq params (append (list "-S" sql-server) params)))
        (if (not (string= "" sql-database))
--- 1759,1765 ----
      (message "Login...")
      ;; Put all parameters to the program (if defined) in a list and call
      ;; make-comint.
!     (let ((params sql-ms-options))
        (if (not (string= "" sql-server))
          (setq params (append (list "-S" sql-server) params)))
        (if (not (string= "" sql-database))
*** 1808,1813 ****
--- 1935,1996 ----
      (setq comint-input-sender 'sql-escape-newlines-and-send)
      (message "Login...done")
      (pop-to-buffer sql-buffer)))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun sql-linter ()
+   "Run inl by RELEX as an inferior process.
+ If buffer `*SQL*' exists but no process is running, make a new process.
+ If buffer exists and a process is running, just switch to buffer
+ `*SQL*'.
+ Interpreter used comes from variable `sql-linter-program' - usually `inl'.
+ Login uses the variables `sql-user', `sql-password', `sql-database' and
+ `sql-server' as defaults, if set.  Additional command line parameters
+ can be stored in the list `sql-linter-options'. Run inl -h to get help on
+ parameters.
+ `sql-database' is used to set the LINTER_MBX environment variable for
+ local connections, `sql-server' refers to the server name from the
+ `nodetab' file for the network connection (dbc_tcp or friends must run
+ for this to work).  If `sql-password' is an empty string, inl will use
+ an empty password.
+ The buffer is put in sql-interactive-mode, giving commands for sending
+ input.  See `sql-interactive-mode'.
+ To use LINTER font locking by default, put this line into your .emacs :
+  (setq sql-mode-font-lock-keywords sql-mode-linter-font-lock-keywords)
+ \(Type \\[describe-mode] in the SQL buffer for a list of commands.)"
+   (interactive)
+   (if (comint-check-proc "*SQL*")
+       (pop-to-buffer "*SQL*")
+     (sql-get-login 'user 'password 'database 'server)
+     (message "Login...")
+     ;; Put all parameters to the program (if defined) in a list and call
+     ;; make-comint.
+     (let ((params sql-linter-options) (login nil) (old-mbx (getenv 
+       (if (not (string= "" sql-user))
+           (setq login (concat sql-user "/" sql-password)))
+       (setq params (append (list "-u" login) params))
+       (if (not (string= "" sql-server))
+           (setq params (append (list "-n" sql-server) params)))
+       (if (string= "" sql-database)
+           (setenv "LINTER_MBX" nil)
+         (setenv "LINTER_MBX" sql-database))
+       (set-buffer (apply 'make-comint "SQL" sql-linter-program nil
+                          params))
+       (setenv "LINTER_MBX" old-mbx)
+       )
+     (setq sql-prompt-regexp "^SQL>")
+     (setq sql-prompt-length 4)
+     (setq sql-buffer (current-buffer))
+     (sql-interactive-mode)
+     (message "Login...done")
+     (pop-to-buffer sql-buffer)))
  (provide 'sql)

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