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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/format.el

From: Juanma Barranquero
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/format.el
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 2004 17:09:49 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/format.el
diff -c emacs/lisp/format.el:1.45 emacs/lisp/format.el:1.46
*** emacs/lisp/format.el:1.45   Mon Apr  5 00:52:10 2004
--- emacs/lisp/format.el        Mon Jun  7 20:48:10 2004
*** 750,762 ****
            (message "Unknown annotations: %s" unknown-ans))))))
  (defun format-subtract-regions (minu subtra)
!   "Remove from the regions in MINUend the regions in SUBTRAhend.
  A region is a dotted pair (FROM . TO).  Both parameters are lists of
  regions.  Each list must contain nonoverlapping, noncontiguous
  regions, in descending order.  The result is also nonoverlapping,
  noncontiguous, and in descending order.  The first element of MINUEND
  can have a cdr of nil, indicating that the end of that region is not
! yet known."
    (let* ((minuend (copy-alist minu))
         (subtrahend (copy-alist subtra))
         (m (car minuend))
--- 750,764 ----
            (message "Unknown annotations: %s" unknown-ans))))))
  (defun format-subtract-regions (minu subtra)
!   "Remove from the regions in MINUEND the regions in SUBTRAHEND.
  A region is a dotted pair (FROM . TO).  Both parameters are lists of
  regions.  Each list must contain nonoverlapping, noncontiguous
  regions, in descending order.  The result is also nonoverlapping,
  noncontiguous, and in descending order.  The first element of MINUEND
  can have a cdr of nil, indicating that the end of that region is not
! yet known.
    (let* ((minuend (copy-alist minu))
         (subtrahend (copy-alist subtra))
         (m (car minuend))
*** 809,816 ****
  Inserts each element of the given LIST of buffer annotations at its
  appropriate place.  Use second arg OFFSET if the annotations' locations are
  not relative to the beginning of the buffer: annotations will be inserted
! at their location-OFFSET+1 \(ie, the offset is treated as the character number
! of the first character in the buffer)."
    (if (not offset)
        (setq offset 0)
      (setq offset (1- offset)))
--- 811,818 ----
  Inserts each element of the given LIST of buffer annotations at its
  appropriate place.  Use second arg OFFSET if the annotations' locations are
  not relative to the beginning of the buffer: annotations will be inserted
! at their location-OFFSET+1 \(ie, the offset is treated as the position of
! the first character in the buffer)."
    (if (not offset)
        (setq offset 0)
      (setq offset (1- offset)))
*** 920,926 ****
  (defun format-annotate-location (loc all ignore translations)
    "Return annotation(s) needed at location LOC.
! This includes any properties that change between LOC-1 and LOC.
  If ALL is true, don't look at previous location, but generate annotations for
  all non-nil properties.
  Third argument IGNORE is a list of text-properties not to consider.
--- 922,928 ----
  (defun format-annotate-location (loc all ignore translations)
    "Return annotation(s) needed at location LOC.
! This includes any properties that change between LOC - 1 and LOC.
  If ALL is true, don't look at previous location, but generate annotations for
  all non-nil properties.
  Third argument IGNORE is a list of text-properties not to consider.

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