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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/window.el
From: |
Eli Zaretskii |
Subject: |
[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/window.el |
Date: |
Sat, 10 Dec 2005 07:21:14 -0500 |
Index: emacs/lisp/window.el
diff -c emacs/lisp/window.el:1.110 emacs/lisp/window.el:1.111
*** emacs/lisp/window.el:1.110 Tue Dec 6 09:00:49 2005
--- emacs/lisp/window.el Sat Dec 10 12:21:13 2005
*** 228,302 ****
(or (= (nth 2 edges) (nth 2 (window-edges (previous-window))))
(= (nth 0 edges) (nth 0 (window-edges (next-window))))))))
! (defun balance-windows ()
! "Make all visible windows the same height (approximately)."
! (let ((count -1) levels newsizes level-size
! ;; Don't count the lines that are above the uppermost windows.
! ;; (These are the menu bar lines, if any.)
! (mbl (nth 1 (window-edges (frame-first-window (selected-frame)))))
! (last-window (previous-window (frame-first-window (selected-frame))))
! ;; Don't count the lines that are past the lowest main window.
! total)
! ;; Bottom edge of last window determines what size we have to work with.
! (setq total
! (+ (window-height last-window)
! (nth 1 (window-edges last-window))))
! ;; Find all the different vpos's at which windows start,
! ;; then count them. But ignore levels that differ by only 1.
! (let (tops (prev-top -2))
! (walk-windows (function (lambda (w)
! (setq tops (cons (nth 1 (window-edges w))
! tops))))
! 'nomini)
! (setq tops (sort tops '<))
! (while tops
! (if (> (car tops) (1+ prev-top))
! (setq prev-top (car tops)
! count (1+ count)))
! (setq levels (cons (cons (car tops) count) levels))
! (setq tops (cdr tops)))
! (setq count (1+ count)))
! ;; Subdivide the frame into desired number of vertical levels.
! (setq level-size (/ (- total mbl) count))
! (save-selected-window
! ;; Set up NEWSIZES to map windows to their desired sizes.
! ;; If a window ends at the bottom level, don't include
! ;; it in NEWSIZES. Those windows get the right sizes
! ;; by adjusting the ones above them.
! (walk-windows (function
! (lambda (w)
! (let ((newtop (cdr (assq (nth 1 (window-edges w))
! levels)))
! (newbot (cdr (assq (+ (window-height w)
! (nth 1 (window-edges w)))
! levels))))
! (if newbot
! (setq newsizes
! (cons (cons w (* level-size (- newbot
! newsizes))))))
! 'nomini)
! ;; Make walk-windows start with the topmost window.
! (select-window (previous-window (frame-first-window (selected-frame))))
! (let (done (count 0))
! ;; Give each window its precomputed size, or at least try.
! ;; Keep trying until they all get the intended sizes,
! ;; but not more than 3 times (to prevent infinite loop).
! (while (and (not done) (< count 3))
! (setq done t)
! (setq count (1+ count))
! (walk-windows (function (lambda (w)
! (select-window w)
! (let ((newsize (cdr (assq w newsizes))))
! (when newsize
! (enlarge-window (- newsize
! (window-height))
! nil)
! (unless (= (window-height) newsize)
! (setq done nil))))))
! 'nomini))))))
;; I think this should be the default; I think people will prefer it--rms.
(defcustom split-window-keep-point t
--- 228,428 ----
(or (= (nth 2 edges) (nth 2 (window-edges (previous-window))))
(= (nth 0 edges) (nth 0 (window-edges (next-window))))))))
+ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+ ;;; `balance-windows' subroutines using `window-tree'
! ;;; Translate from internal window tree format
! (defun bw-get-tree (&optional window-or-frame)
! "Get a window split tree in our format.
! WINDOW-OR-FRAME must be nil, a frame, or a window. If it is nil,
! then the whole window split tree for `selected-frame' is returned.
! If it is a frame, then this is used instead. If it is a window,
! then the smallest tree containing that window is returned."
! (when window-or-frame
! (unless (or (framep window-or-frame)
! (windowp window-or-frame))
! (error "Not a frame or window: %s" window-or-frame)))
! (let ((subtree (bw-find-tree-sub window-or-frame)))
! (if (integerp subtree)
! nil
! (bw-get-tree-1 subtree))))
! (defun bw-get-tree-1 (split)
! (if (windowp split)
! split
! (let ((dir (car split))
! (edges (car (cdr split)))
! (childs (cdr (cdr split))))
! (list
! (cons 'dir (if dir 'ver 'hor))
! (cons 'b (nth 3 edges))
! (cons 'r (nth 2 edges))
! (cons 't (nth 1 edges))
! (cons 'l (nth 0 edges))
! (cons 'childs (mapcar #'bw-get-tree-1 childs))))))
! (defun bw-find-tree-sub (window-or-frame &optional get-parent)
! (let* ((window (when (windowp window-or-frame) window-or-frame))
! (frame (when (windowp window) (window-frame window)))
! (wt (car (window-tree frame))))
! (when (< 1 (length (window-list frame 0)))
! (if window
! (bw-find-tree-sub-1 wt window get-parent)
! wt))))
! (defun bw-find-tree-sub-1 (tree win &optional get-parent)
! (unless (windowp win) (error "Not a window: %s" win))
! (if (memq win tree)
! (if get-parent
! get-parent
! tree)
! (let ((childs (cdr (cdr tree)))
! child
! subtree)
! (while (and childs (not subtree))
! (setq child (car childs))
! (setq childs (cdr childs))
! (when (and child (listp child))
! (setq subtree (bw-find-tree-sub-1 child win get-parent))))
! (if (integerp subtree)
! (progn
! (if (= 1 subtree)
! tree
! (1- subtree)))
! subtree
! ))))
! ;;; Window or object edges
! (defun bw-l(obj)
! "Left edge of OBJ."
! (if (windowp obj) (nth 0 (window-edges obj)) (cdr (assq 'l obj))))
! (defun bw-t(obj)
! "Top edge of OBJ."
! (if (windowp obj) (nth 1 (window-edges obj)) (cdr (assq 't obj))))
! (defun bw-r(obj)
! "Right edge of OBJ."
! (if (windowp obj) (nth 2 (window-edges obj)) (cdr (assq 'r obj))))
! (defun bw-b(obj)
! "Bottom edge of OBJ."
! (if (windowp obj) (nth 3 (window-edges obj)) (cdr (assq 'b obj))))
! ;;; Split directions
! (defun bw-dir(obj)
! "Return window split tree direction if OBJ.
! If OBJ is a window return 'both. If it is a window split tree
! then return its direction."
! (if (symbolp obj)
! obj
! (if (windowp obj)
! 'both
! (let ((dir (cdr (assq 'dir obj))))
! (unless (memq dir '(hor ver both))
! (error "Can't find dir in %s" obj))
! dir))))
! (defun bw-eqdir(obj1 obj2)
! "Return t if window split tree directions are equal.
! OBJ1 and OBJ2 should be either windows or window split trees in
! our format. The directions returned by `bw-dir' are compared and
! t is returned if they are `eq' or one of them is 'both."
! (let ((dir1 (bw-dir obj1))
! (dir2 (bw-dir obj2)))
! (or (eq dir1 dir2)
! (eq dir1 'both)
! (eq dir2 'both))))
! ;;; Building split tree
! (defun bw-refresh-edges(obj)
! "Refresh the edge information of OBJ and return OBJ."
! (unless (windowp obj)
! (let ((childs (cdr (assq 'childs obj)))
! (ol 1000)
! (ot 1000)
! (or -1)
! (ob -1))
! (dolist (o childs)
! (when (> ol (bw-l o)) (setq ol (bw-l o)))
! (when (> ot (bw-t o)) (setq ot (bw-t o)))
! (when (< or (bw-r o)) (setq or (bw-r o)))
! (when (< ob (bw-b o)) (setq ob (bw-b o))))
! (setq obj (delq 'l obj))
! (setq obj (delq 't obj))
! (setq obj (delq 'r obj))
! (setq obj (delq 'b obj))
! (add-to-list 'obj (cons 'l ol))
! (add-to-list 'obj (cons 't ot))
! (add-to-list 'obj (cons 'r or))
! (add-to-list 'obj (cons 'b ob))
! ))
! obj)
! ;;; Balance windows
! (defun balance-windows(&optional window-or-frame)
! "Make windows the same heights or widths in window split subtrees.
! When called non-interactively WINDOW-OR-FRAME may be either a
! window or a frame. It then balances the windows on the implied
! frame. If the parameter is a window only the corresponding window
! subtree is balanced."
! (let (
! (wt (bw-get-tree window-or-frame))
! (w)
! (h)
! (tried-sizes)
! (last-sizes)
! (windows (window-list nil 0))
! (counter 0))
! (when wt
! (while (not (member last-sizes tried-sizes))
! (when last-sizes (setq tried-sizes (cons last-sizes tried-sizes)))
! (setq last-sizes (mapcar (lambda(w)
! (window-edges w))
! windows))
! (when (eq 'hor (bw-dir wt))
! (setq w (- (bw-r wt) (bw-l wt))))
! (when (eq 'ver (bw-dir wt))
! (setq h (- (bw-b wt) (bw-t wt))))
! (bw-balance-sub wt w h)))))
! (defun bw-adjust-window(window delta horizontal)
! "Wrapper around `adjust-window-trailing-edge' with error checking.
! Arguments WINDOW, DELTA and HORIZONTAL are passed on to that function."
! (condition-case err
! (adjust-window-trailing-edge window delta horizontal)
! (error
! ;;(message "adjust: %s" (error-message-string err))
! )))
! (defun bw-balance-sub(wt w h)
! (setq wt (bw-refresh-edges wt))
! (unless w (setq w (- (bw-r wt) (bw-l wt))))
! (unless h (setq h (- (bw-b wt) (bw-t wt))))
! (if (windowp wt)
! (progn
! (when w
! (let ((dw (- w (- (bw-r wt) (bw-l wt)))))
! (when (/= 0 dw)
! (bw-adjust-window wt dw t))))
! (when h
! (let ((dh (- h (- (bw-b wt) (bw-t wt)))))
! (when (/= 0 dh)
! (bw-adjust-window wt dh nil)))))
! (let* ((childs (cdr (assq 'childs wt)))
! (lastchild (car (last childs)))
! (cw (when w (/ w (if (bw-eqdir 'hor wt) (length childs) 1))))
! (ch (when h (/ h (if (bw-eqdir 'ver wt) (length childs) 1)))))
! (dolist (c childs)
! (bw-balance-sub c cw ch)))))
! ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;; I think this should be the default; I think people will prefer it--rms.
(defcustom split-window-keep-point t