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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/src/fontset.c,v

From: Kenichi Handa
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/src/fontset.c,v
Date: Wed, 09 Jul 2008 00:29:04 +0000

CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/emacs
Module name:    emacs
Changes by:     Kenichi Handa <handa>   08/07/09 00:29:04

Index: fontset.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/emacs/emacs/src/fontset.c,v
retrieving revision 1.136
retrieving revision 1.137
diff -u -b -r1.136 -r1.137
--- fontset.c   29 Jun 2008 14:30:08 -0000      1.136
+++ fontset.c   9 Jul 2008 00:29:03 -0000       1.137
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@
 static Lisp_Object fontset_find_font P_ ((Lisp_Object, int, struct face *,
                                          int, int));
-static void reorder_font_vector P_ ((Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object));
+static void reorder_font_vector P_ ((Lisp_Object, struct font *));
 static Lisp_Object fontset_font P_ ((Lisp_Object, int, struct face *, int));
 static Lisp_Object make_fontset P_ ((Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object));
 static Lisp_Object fontset_pattern_regexp P_ ((Lisp_Object));
@@ -377,8 +377,8 @@
 fontset_compare_rfontdef (val1, val2)
      const void *val1, *val2;
-  return (RFONT_DEF_SCORE (*(Lisp_Object *) val2)
-         - RFONT_DEF_SCORE (*(Lisp_Object *) val1));
+  return (RFONT_DEF_SCORE (*(Lisp_Object *) val1)
+         - RFONT_DEF_SCORE (*(Lisp_Object *) val2));
 /* Update FONT-GROUP which has this form:
@@ -393,54 +393,57 @@
 extern Lisp_Object Fassoc_string ();
 static void
-reorder_font_vector (font_group, preferred_family)
+reorder_font_vector (font_group, font)
      Lisp_Object font_group;
-     Lisp_Object preferred_family;
+     struct font *font;
+  Lisp_Object vec, font_object;
   int size;
   int i;
   int score_changed = 0;
-  size = ASIZE (font_group);
-  /* Exclude the tailing nil elements from the reordering.  */
-  while (NILP (AREF (font_group, size - 1))) size--;
-  size -= 2;
+  if (font)
+    XSETFONT (font_object, font);
+  else
+    font_object = Qnil;
+  vec = XCDR (font_group);
+  size = ASIZE (vec);
+  /* Exclude the tailing nil element from the reordering.  */
+  if (NILP (AREF (vec, size - 1)))
+    size--;
   for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
-      Lisp_Object rfont_def = AREF (font_group, i + 2);
+      Lisp_Object rfont_def = AREF (vec, i);
       Lisp_Object font_def = RFONT_DEF_FONT_DEF (rfont_def);
       Lisp_Object font_spec = FONT_DEF_SPEC (font_def);
-      Lisp_Object lang = Ffont_get (font_spec, QClang);
-      Lisp_Object family = AREF (font_spec, FONT_FAMILY_INDEX);
+      int score = RFONT_DEF_SCORE (rfont_def) & 0xFF;
+      if (! font_match_p (font_spec, font_object))
+       {
       Lisp_Object repertory = FONT_DEF_REPERTORY (font_def);
-      int score = 0;
       if (! NILP (repertory))
          Lisp_Object tail;
-         for (score = 0xFFFF, tail = Vcharset_ordered_list;
+             for (tail = Vcharset_ordered_list;
               ! EQ (tail, Vcharset_non_preferred_head) && CONSP (tail);
-              score--, tail = XCDR (tail))
+                  score += 0x100, tail = XCDR (tail))
            if (EQ (repertory, XCAR (tail)))
-         if (EQ (tail, Vcharset_non_preferred_head))
-           score = 0;
-      else if (! NILP (lang))
+         else
-         if (EQ (lang, Vcurrent_iso639_language))
-           score = 0xFFFF;
-         else if (CONSP (Vcurrent_iso639_language))
-           score = ! NILP (Fmemq (lang, Vcurrent_iso639_language));
-       }
+             Lisp_Object lang = Ffont_get (font_spec, QClang);
-      if (! NILP (preferred_family) && ! NILP (family))
-       {
-         if (fast_string_match_ignore_case (preferred_family,
-                                            SYMBOL_NAME (family)) < 0)
-           score |= 0x10000;
+             if (! NILP (lang)
+                 && ! EQ (lang, Vcurrent_iso639_language)
+                 && (! CONSP (Vcurrent_iso639_language)
+                     || NILP (Fmemq (lang, Vcurrent_iso639_language))))
+               score |= 0x100;
+           }
       if (RFONT_DEF_SCORE (rfont_def) != score)
@@ -450,10 +453,49 @@
   if (score_changed)
-    qsort (XVECTOR (font_group)->contents + 2, size, sizeof (Lisp_Object),
+    qsort (XVECTOR (vec)->contents, size, sizeof (Lisp_Object),
+  XSETCAR (font_group, make_number (charset_ordered_list_tick));
+static Lisp_Object
+fontset_get_font_group (fontset, c)
+  Lisp_Object font_group;
+  Lisp_Object base_fontset;
+  int from, to, i;
-  ASET (font_group, 0, make_number (charset_ordered_list_tick));
+  xassert (! BASE_FONTSET_P (fontset));
+  if (c >= 0)
+    font_group = CHAR_TABLE_REF (fontset, c);
+  else
+    font_group = FONTSET_FALLBACK (fontset);
+  if (! NILP (font_group))
+    return font_group;
+  base_fontset = FONTSET_BASE (fontset);
+  if (c >= 0)
+    font_group = char_table_ref_and_range (base_fontset, c, &from, &to);
+  else
+    font_group = FONTSET_FALLBACK (base_fontset);
+  if (NILP (font_group))
+    return Qnil;
+  font_group = Fcopy_sequence (font_group);
+  for (i = 0; i < ASIZE (font_group); i++)
+    if (! NILP (AREF (font_group, i)))
+      {
+       Lisp_Object rfont_def;
+       RFONT_DEF_NEW (rfont_def, AREF (font_group, i));
+       /* Remember the original order.  */
+       RFONT_DEF_SET_SCORE (rfont_def, i);
+       ASET (font_group, i, rfont_def);
+      }
+  font_group = Fcons (make_number (-1), font_group);
+  if (c >= 0)
+    char_table_set_range (fontset, from, to, font_group);
+  else
+    FONTSET_FALLBACK (fontset) = font_group;
+  return font_group;
 /* Return RFONT-DEF (vector) in the realized fontset FONTSET for the
@@ -476,117 +518,61 @@
      struct face *face;
      int id, fallback;
-  Lisp_Object base_fontset, elt, vec;
-  int i, from, to;
+  Lisp_Object elt, vec, font_group;
+  int i;
+  int charset_matched = -1;
-  base_fontset = FONTSET_BASE (fontset);
-  if (! fallback)
-    vec = CHAR_TABLE_REF (fontset, c);
-  else
-    vec = FONTSET_FALLBACK (fontset);
-  if (NILP (vec))
-    {
-      Lisp_Object range;
-      /* We have not yet decided a font for C.  */
-      if (! face)
+  font_group = fontset_get_font_group (fontset, fallback ? -1 : c);
+  if (! CONSP (font_group))
+    return Qnil;
+  vec = XCDR (font_group);
+  if (ASIZE (vec) == 0)
        return Qnil;
-      if (! fallback)
-       {
-         elt = char_table_ref_and_range (base_fontset, c, &from, &to);
-         range = Fcons (make_number (from), make_number (to));
-       }
-      else
-       {
-         elt = FONTSET_FALLBACK (base_fontset);
-       }
-      if (NILP (elt))
-       {
-         /* This fontset doesn't specify any font for C. */
-         vec = make_number (0);
-       }
-      else if (ASIZE (elt) == 1 && NILP (AREF (elt, 0)))
-       {
-         /* Explicitly specified no font.  */
-         vec = Qt;
-       }
-      else
-       {
-         /* Build a font-group vector [ -1 nil RFONT-DEF0 RFONT-DEF1 ... ],
-            where the first -1 is to force reordering of RFONT-DEFs.  */
-         int size = ASIZE (elt);
-         int j;
-         vec = Fmake_vector (make_number (size + 2), Qnil);
-         ASET (vec, 0, make_number (-1));
-         for (i = j = 0; i < size; i++)
-           if (! NILP (AREF (elt, i)))
+  if (ASIZE (vec) > 1)
-               Lisp_Object rfont_def;
-               RFONT_DEF_NEW (rfont_def, AREF (elt, i));
-               ASET (vec, j + 2, rfont_def);
-               j++;
-             }
-       }
-      /* Then store it in the fontset.  */
-      if (! fallback)
-       FONTSET_SET (fontset, range, vec);
-      else
-       FONTSET_FALLBACK (fontset) = vec;
-    }
-  if (! VECTORP (vec))
-    return (EQ (vec, Qt) ? Qt : Qnil);
-  if (ASIZE (vec) > 4          /* multiple RFONT-DEFs */
-      && XINT (AREF (vec, 0)) != charset_ordered_list_tick)
-    /* We have just created VEC,
+      if (XINT (XCAR (font_group)) != charset_ordered_list_tick)
+       /* We have just created the font-group,
        or the charset priorities were changed.  */
-    reorder_font_vector (vec, face->lface[LFACE_FAMILY_INDEX]);
-  i = 2;
+       reorder_font_vector (font_group, face->ascii_face->font);
   if (id >= 0)
+       /* Find a spec matching with the charset ID to try at
+          first.  */
+       for (i = 0; i < ASIZE (vec); i++)
-      elt = AREF (vec, 1);
-      if (! NILP (elt)
-         && EQ (make_number (id), RFONT_DEF_REPERTORY (elt)))
-       i = 1;
-      else
-       {
-         for (; i < ASIZE (vec); i++)
+           Lisp_Object rfont_def = AREF (vec, i);
+           Lisp_Object repertory
+             = FONT_DEF_REPERTORY (RFONT_DEF_FONT_DEF (rfont_def));
+           if (XINT (repertory) == id)
-             elt = AREF (vec, i);
-             if (! NILP (elt)
-                 && EQ (make_number (id), RFONT_DEF_REPERTORY (elt)))
+               charset_matched = i;
-         if (i < ASIZE (vec))
-           {
-             ASET (vec, 1, elt);
-             i = 1;
-           }
-         else
-           {
-             ASET (vec, 1, Qnil);
-             i = 2;
-           }
   /* Find the first available font in the vector of RFONT-DEF.  */
-  for (; i < ASIZE (vec); i++)
+  for (i = 0; i < ASIZE (vec); i++)
       Lisp_Object font_entity, font_object;
+      if (i == 0 && charset_matched >= 0)
+       {
+         /* Try the element matching with the charset ID at first.  */
+         elt = AREF (vec, charset_matched);
+         charset_matched = -1;
+         i--;
+       }
+      else if (i != charset_matched)
       elt = AREF (vec, i);
+      else
+       continue;
       if (NILP (elt))
-       /* This is the sign of not to try fallback fonts.  */
+       /* This is a sign of not to try the other fonts.  */
        return Qt;
-      if (id >= 0 && i > 1 && EQ (AREF (vec, 1), elt))
-       /* This is already checked.  */
-       continue;
       if (INTEGERP (RFONT_DEF_FACE (elt))
          && XINT (AREF (elt, 1)) < 0)
        /* We couldn't open this font last time.  */
@@ -678,37 +664,46 @@
   Lisp_Object rfont_def;
   Lisp_Object base_fontset;
-  /* Try a font-group for C. */
+  /* Try a font-group of FONTSET. */
   rfont_def = fontset_find_font (fontset, c, face, id, 0);
   if (VECTORP (rfont_def))
     return rfont_def;
   if (EQ (rfont_def, Qt))
     return Qnil;
-  /* Try a fallback font-group. */
-  rfont_def = fontset_find_font (fontset, c, face, id, 1);
-  if (VECTORP (rfont_def))
-    return rfont_def;
-  if (EQ (rfont_def, Qt))
-    return Qnil;
+  /* Try a font-group of the default fontset. */
   base_fontset = FONTSET_BASE (fontset);
-  if (EQ (base_fontset, Vdefault_fontset))
-    return Qnil;
-  /* Try a font-group for C of the default fontset. */
+  if (! EQ (base_fontset, Vdefault_fontset))
+    {
   if (NILP (FONTSET_DEFAULT (fontset)))
     FONTSET_DEFAULT (fontset)
       = make_fontset (FONTSET_FRAME (fontset), Qnil, Vdefault_fontset);
   rfont_def = fontset_find_font (FONTSET_DEFAULT (fontset), c, face, id, 0);
   if (VECTORP (rfont_def))
     return rfont_def;
+      if (EQ (rfont_def, Qt))
+       return Qnil;
+    }
+  /* Try a fallback font-group of FONTSET. */
+  rfont_def = fontset_find_font (fontset, c, face, id, 1);
+  if (VECTORP (rfont_def))
+    return rfont_def;
+  if (EQ (rfont_def, Qt))
+    return Qnil;
   /* Try a fallback font-group of the default fontset . */
+  if (! EQ (base_fontset, Vdefault_fontset))
+    {
   rfont_def = fontset_find_font (FONTSET_DEFAULT (fontset), c, face, id, 1);
-  if (! VECTORP (rfont_def))
+      if (VECTORP (rfont_def))
+       return rfont_def;
+    }
     /* Remeber that we have no font for C.  */
     FONTSET_SET (fontset, make_number (c), Qt);
-  return rfont_def;
+  return Qnil;
 /* Return a newly created fontset with NAME.  If BASE is nil, make a
@@ -890,6 +885,7 @@
   xassert (fontset_id_valid_p (face->fontset));
   fontset = FONTSET_FROM_ID (face->fontset);
   xassert (!BASE_FONTSET_P (fontset));
   if (pos < 0)
     id = -1;
@@ -909,16 +905,6 @@
          id = XINT (CHARSET_SYMBOL_ID (charset));
-  if (id < 0)
-    {
-      struct font *font = face->ascii_face->font;
-      if (font && font->driver->encode_char (font, c) != FONT_INVALID_CODE)
-       return face->ascii_face->id;
-      font = face->font;
-      if (font && font->driver->encode_char (font, c) != FONT_INVALID_CODE)
-       return face->id;
-    }
   rfont_def = fontset_font (fontset, c, face, id);
   if (VECTORP (rfont_def))
@@ -1634,13 +1620,9 @@
   auto_fontset_alist = Fcons (Fcons (font_spec, fontset), auto_fontset_alist);
   FONTSET_ASCII (fontset) = font_name;
   font_spec = Fcopy_font_spec (font_spec);
-  ASET (font_spec, FONT_FOUNDRY_INDEX, Qnil);
-  ASET (font_spec, FONT_ADSTYLE_INDEX, Qnil);
+  ASET (font_spec, FONT_REGISTRY_INDEX, Qiso10646_1);
     ASET (font_spec, i, Qnil);
-  Fset_fontset_font (name, Qlatin, font_spec, Qnil, Qnil);
-  font_spec = Fcopy_font_spec (font_spec);
-  ASET (font_spec, FONT_REGISTRY_INDEX, Qiso10646_1);
   Fset_fontset_font (name, Qnil, font_spec, Qnil, Qnil);
   return XINT (FONTSET_ID (fontset));

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