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[Emacs-diffs] /srv/bzr/emacs/trunk r103256: Remove imap-hash.el now that

From: Ted Zlatanov
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] /srv/bzr/emacs/trunk r103256: Remove imap-hash.el now that tramp-imap.el is gone.
Date: Sun, 13 Feb 2011 07:16:37 -0600
User-agent: Bazaar (2.0.3)

revno: 103256
committer: Ted Zlatanov <address@hidden>
branch nick: quickfixes
timestamp: Sun 2011-02-13 07:16:37 -0600
  Remove imap-hash.el now that tramp-imap.el is gone.
  * net/imap-hash.el: Remove file.
=== modified file 'lisp/ChangeLog'
--- a/lisp/ChangeLog    2011-02-13 12:25:45 +0000
+++ b/lisp/ChangeLog    2011-02-13 13:16:37 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+2011-02-13  Teodor Zlatanov  <address@hidden>
+       * net/imap-hash.el: Remove file.
 2011-02-13  Michael Albinus  <address@hidden>
        * Makefile.in (TRAMP_SRC): Remove tramp-imap.el.

=== removed file 'lisp/net/imap-hash.el'
--- a/lisp/net/imap-hash.el     2011-02-12 17:51:02 +0000
+++ b/lisp/net/imap-hash.el     1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,374 +0,0 @@
-;;; imap-hash.el --- Hashtable-like interface to an IMAP mailbox
-;; Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;; Author: Teodor Zlatanov <address@hidden>
-;; Keywords: mail
-;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-;; (at your option) any later version.
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-;;; Commentary:
-;; This module provides hashtable-like functions on top of imap.el
-;; functionality.  All the authentication is handled by auth-source so
-;; there are no authentication options here, only the server and
-;; mailbox names are needed.
-;; Create a IHT (imap-hash table) object with `imap-hash-make'.  Then
-;; use it with `imap-hash-map' to map a function across all the
-;; messages.  Use `imap-hash-get' and `imap-hash-rem' to operate on
-;; individual messages.  See the tramp-imap.el library in Tramp if you
-;; need to see practical examples.
-;; This only works with IMAP4r1.  Sorry to everyone without it, but
-;; the compatibility code is too annoying and it's 2009.
-;; TODO: Use SEARCH instead of FETCH when a test is specified.  List
-;; available mailboxes.  Don't select an invalid mailbox.
-;;; Code:
-(require 'assoc)
-(require 'imap)
-(require 'sendmail)                    ; for mail-header-separator
-(require 'message)
-(autoload 'auth-source-search "auth-source")
-;; retrieve these headers
-(defvar imap-hash-headers
-  (append '(Subject From Date Message-Id References In-Reply-To Xref)))
-;; from nnheader.el
-(defsubst imap-hash-remove-cr-followed-by-lf ()
-  (goto-char (point-max))
-  (while (search-backward "\r\n" nil t)
-    (delete-char 1)))
-;; from nnheader.el
-(defun imap-hash-ms-strip-cr (&optional string)
-  "Strip ^M from the end of all lines in current buffer or STRING."
-  (if string
-    (with-temp-buffer
-      (insert string)
-      (imap-hash-remove-cr-followed-by-lf)
-      (buffer-string))
-    (save-excursion
-      (imap-hash-remove-cr-followed-by-lf))))
-(defun imap-hash-make (server port mailbox &optional user password ssl)
-  "Make a new imap-hash object using SERVER, PORT, and MAILBOX.
-USER, PASSWORD and SSL are optional.
-The test is set to t, meaning all messages are considered."
-  (when (and server port mailbox)
-    (list :server server :port port :mailbox mailbox
-         :ssl ssl :user user :password password
-         :test t)))
-(defun imap-hash-p (iht)
-  "Check whether IHT is a valid imap-hash."
-  (and
-   (imap-hash-server iht)
-   (imap-hash-port iht)
-   (imap-hash-mailbox iht)
-   (imap-hash-test iht)))
-(defmacro imap-hash-gather (uid)
-  `(imap-message-get ,uid 'BODYDETAIL))
-(defmacro imap-hash-data-body (details)
-  `(nth 2 (nth 1 ,details)))
-(defmacro imap-hash-data-headers (details)
-  `(nth 2 (nth 0 ,details)))
-(defun imap-hash-get (key iht &optional refetch)
-  "Get the value for KEY in the imap-hash IHT.
-Requires either `imap-hash-fetch' to be called beforehand
-\(e.g. by `imap-hash-map'), or REFETCH to be t.
-Returns a list of the headers (an alist, see `imap-hash-map') and
-the body of the message as a string.
-Also see `imap-hash-test'."
-  (with-current-buffer (imap-hash-get-buffer iht)
-    (when refetch
-      (imap-hash-fetch iht nil key))
-  (let ((details (imap-hash-gather key)))
-      (list
-       (imap-hash-get-headers
-       (imap-hash-data-headers details))
-       (imap-hash-get-body
-       (imap-hash-data-body details))))))
-(defun imap-hash-put (value iht &optional key)
-  "Put VALUE in the imap-hash IHT.  Return the new key.
-If KEY is given, removes it.
-VALUE can be a list of the headers (an alist, see `imap-hash-map')
-and the body of the message as a string.  It can also be a uid,
-in which case `imap-hash-get' will be called to get the value.
-Also see `imap-hash-test'."
-  (let ((server-buffer (imap-hash-get-buffer iht))
-       (value (if (listp value) value (imap-hash-get value iht)))
-       newuid)
-      (when value
-       (with-temp-buffer
-         (funcall 'imap-hash-make-message
-                  (nth 0 value)
-                  (nth 1 value)
-                  nil)
-         (setq newuid (nth 1 (imap-message-append
-                              (imap-hash-mailbox iht)
-                              (current-buffer) nil nil server-buffer)))
-         (when key (imap-hash-rem key iht))))
-      newuid))
-(defun imap-hash-make-message (headers body &optional overrides)
-  "Make a message with HEADERS and BODY suitable for `imap-append',
-using `message-setup'.
-Look in the alist OVERRIDES for header overrides as per `imap-hash-headers'."
-  ;; don't insert a signature no matter what
-  (let (message-signature)
-    (message-setup
-     (append overrides headers))
-    (message-generate-headers message-required-mail-headers)
-    (message-remove-header "X-Draft-From")
-    (message-goto-body)
-    (insert (or (aget overrides 'body)
-               body
-               ""))
-    (goto-char (point-min))
-    ;; TODO: make this search better
-    (if (search-forward mail-header-separator nil t)
-       (delete-region (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position))
-      (error "Could not find the body separator in the encoded message!"))))
-(defun imap-hash-rem (key iht)
-  "Remove KEY in the imap-hash IHT.
-Also see `imap-hash-test'.  Requires `imap-hash-fetch' to have
-been called and the imap-hash server buffer to be current,
-so it's best to use it inside `imap-hash-map'.
-The key will not be found on the next `imap-hash-map' call."
-  (with-current-buffer (imap-hash-get-buffer iht)
-    (imap-message-flags-add
-     (imap-range-to-message-set (list key))
-     "\\Deleted" 'silent)
-    (imap-mailbox-expunge t)))
-(defun imap-hash-clear (iht)
-  "Remove all keys in the imap-hash IHT.
-Also see `imap-hash-test'."
-  (imap-hash-map (lambda (uid b c) (imap-hash-rem uid iht)) iht))
-(defun imap-hash-get-headers (text-headers)
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (insert (or text-headers ""))
-    (imap-hash-remove-cr-followed-by-lf)
-    (mapcar (lambda (header)
-             (cons header
-                   (message-fetch-field (format "%s" header))))
-           imap-hash-headers)))
-(defun imap-hash-get-body (text)
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (insert (or text ""))
-    (imap-hash-remove-cr-followed-by-lf)
-    (buffer-string)))
-(defun imap-hash-map (function iht &optional headers-only &rest messages)
-  "Call FUNCTION for all entries in IHT and pass it the message uid,
-the headers (an alist, see `imap-hash-headers'), and the body
-contents as a string.  If HEADERS-ONLY is not nil, the body will be nil.
-Returns results of evaluating, as would `mapcar'.
-If MESSAGES are given, iterate only over those UIDs.
-Also see `imap-hash-test'."
-  (imap-hash-fetch iht headers-only)
-  (let ((test (imap-hash-test iht)))
-    (with-current-buffer (imap-hash-get-buffer iht)
-      (delq nil
-           (imap-message-map (lambda (message ignored-parameter)
-                               (let* ((details (imap-hash-gather message))
-                                      (headers (imap-hash-data-headers 
-                                      (hlist (imap-hash-get-headers headers))
-                                      (runit (cond
-                                              ((stringp test)
-                                               (string-match
-                                                test
-                                                (format "%s" (aget hlist 
-                                              ((functionp test)
-                                               (funcall test hlist))
-                                              ;; otherwise, return test itself
-                                              (t test))))
-                                 ;;(debug message headers)
-                                 (when runit
-                                   (funcall function
-                                            message
-                                            (imap-hash-get-headers
-                                             headers)
-                                            (imap-hash-get-body
-                                             (imap-hash-data-body details))))))
-                             "UID")))))
-(defun imap-hash-count (iht)
-  "Count the number of messages in the imap-hash IHT.
-Also see `imap-hash-test'.  It uses `imap-hash-map' so just use that
-function if you want to do more than count the elements."
-  (length (imap-hash-map (lambda (a b c)) iht t)))
-(defalias 'imap-hash-size 'imap-hash-count)
-(defun imap-hash-test (iht)
-  "Return the test used by `imap-hash-map' for IHT.
-When the test is t, any key will be a candidate.
-When the test is a string, messages will be filtered on that string as a
-regexp against the subject.
-When the test is a function, messages will be filtered with it.
-The function is passed the message headers (see `imap-hash-get-headers')."
-  (plist-get iht :test))
-(defun imap-hash-server (iht)
-  "Return the server used by the imap-hash IHT."
-  (plist-get iht :server))
-(defun imap-hash-port (iht)
-  "Return the port used by the imap-hash IHT."
-  (plist-get iht :port))
-(defun imap-hash-ssl (iht)
-  "Return the SSL need for the imap-hash IHT."
-  (plist-get iht :ssl))
-(defun imap-hash-mailbox (iht)
-  "Return the mailbox used by the imap-hash IHT."
-  (plist-get iht :mailbox))
-(defun imap-hash-user (iht)
-  "Return the username used by the imap-hash IHT."
-  (plist-get iht :user))
-(defun imap-hash-password (iht)
-  "Return the password used by the imap-hash IHT."
-  (plist-get iht :password))
-(defun imap-hash-open-connection (iht)
-  "Open the connection used for IMAP interactions with the imap-hash IHT."
-  (let* ((server (imap-hash-server iht))
-        (port (imap-hash-port iht))
-        (ssl-need (imap-hash-ssl iht))
-        (auth-need (not (and (imap-hash-user iht)
-                             (imap-hash-password iht))))
-        ;; this will not be needed if auth-need is t
-        (auth-info (when auth-need
-                     (nth 0 (auth-source-search :host server :port port))))
-        (auth-user (or (imap-hash-user iht)
-                       (plist-get auth-info :user)))
-        (auth-passwd (or (imap-hash-password iht)
-                         (plist-get auth-info :secret)))
-        (auth-passwd (if (functionp auth-passwd)
-                          (funcall auth-passwd)
-                        auth-passwd))
-        (imap-logout-timeout nil))
-       ;; (debug "opening server: opened+state" (imap-opened) imap-state)
-       ;; this is the only place where IMAP vs IMAPS matters
-       (if (imap-open server port (if ssl-need 'ssl nil) nil (current-buffer))
-           (progn
-             ;; (debug "after opening server: opened+state" (imap-opened 
(current-buffer)) imap-state)
-             ;; (debug "authenticating" auth-user auth-passwd)
-             (if (not (imap-capability 'IMAP4rev1))
-                 (error "IMAP server does not support IMAP4r1, it won't work, 
-               (imap-authenticate auth-user auth-passwd)
-               (imap-id)
-               ;; (debug "after authenticating: opened+state" (imap-opened 
(current-buffer)) imap-state)
-               (imap-opened (current-buffer))))
-         (error "Could not open the IMAP buffer"))))
-(defun imap-hash-get-buffer (iht)
-  "Get or create the connection buffer to be used for the imap-hash IHT."
-  (let* ((name (imap-hash-buffer-name iht))
-        (buffer (get-buffer name)))
-  (if (and buffer (imap-opened buffer))
-      buffer
-    (when buffer (kill-buffer buffer))
-    (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create name)
-      (setq buffer-undo-list t)
-      (when (imap-hash-open-connection iht)
-       (current-buffer))))))
-(defun imap-hash-buffer-name (iht)
-  "Get the connection buffer to be used for the imap-hash IHT."
-  (when (imap-hash-p iht)
-    (let ((server (imap-hash-server iht))
-         (port (imap-hash-port iht))
-         (ssl-text (if (imap-hash-ssl iht) "SSL" "NoSSL")))
-      (format "*imap-hash/%s:%s:%s*" server port ssl-text))))
-(defun imap-hash-fetch (iht &optional headers-only &rest messages)
-  "Fetch all the messages for imap-hash IHT.
-Get only the headers if HEADERS-ONLY is not nil."
-  (with-current-buffer (imap-hash-get-buffer iht)
-    (let ((range (if messages
-                    (list
-                     (imap-range-to-message-set messages)
-                     (imap-range-to-message-set messages))
-                  '("1:*" . "1,*:*"))))
-      ;; (with-current-buffer "*imap-debug*"
-      ;;   (erase-buffer))
-      (imap-mailbox-unselect)
-      (imap-mailbox-select (imap-hash-mailbox iht))
-      ;; (debug "after selecting mailbox: opened+state" (imap-opened) 
-         ;; (setq imap-message-data (make-vector imap-message-prime 0)
-      (imap-fetch-safe range
-                      (concat (format "(UID RFC822.SIZE BODY %s "
-                                      (if headers-only "" "BODY.PEEK[TEXT]"))
-                              (format "BODY.PEEK[HEADER.FIELDS %s])"
-                                    imap-hash-headers))))))
-(provide 'imap-hash)
-;;; imap-hash.el ends here
-;; ignore, for testing only
-;;; (setq iht (imap-hash-make "yourhosthere.com" "imap" "INBOX.test"))
-;;; (setq iht (imap-hash-make "yourhosthere.com" "imap" "test"))
-;;; (imap-hash-make "server1" "INBOX.mailbox2")
-;;; (imap-hash-p iht)
-;;; (imap-hash-get 35 iht)
-;;; (imap-hash-get 38 iht)
-;;; (imap-hash-get 37 iht t)
-;;; (mapc (lambda (buffer) (with-current-buffer buffer (erase-buffer))) 
'("*imap-debug*" "*imap-log*"))
-;;; (imap-hash-put (imap-hash-get 5 iht) iht)
-;;; (with-current-buffer (imap-hash-get-buffer iht) (let ((uid (imap-hash-put 
(imap-hash-get 5 iht) iht))) (imap-hash-put uid iht uid)))
-;;; (imap-hash-put (imap-hash-get 35 iht) iht)
-;;; (imap-hash-make-message '((Subject . "normal")) "normal body")
-;;; (imap-hash-make-message '((Subject . "old")) "old body" '((Subject . 
-;;; (imap-hash-make-message '((Subject . "old")) "old body" '((body . "new 
body")) (lambda (subject) (concat "overwrite-" subject)))
-;;; (imap-hash-make-message '((Subject . "old")) "old body" '((Subject . 
"change this")) (lambda (subject) (concat "overwrite-" subject)))
-;;; (imap-hash-make-message '((Subject . "Twelcome")) "body here" nil)
-;; (with-current-buffer (imap-hash-get-buffer iht) (imap-hash-rem 
(imap-hash-put (imap-hash-get 5 iht) iht) iht))
-;;; (kill-buffer (imap-hash-buffer-name iht))
-;;; (imap-hash-map 'debug iht)
-;;; (imap-hash-map 'debug iht t)
-;;;(tramp-imap-handle-file-inode "/imap:yourhosthere.com:/test/welcome")
-;;;(imap-hash-count iht)
-;;; (mapc (lambda (buffer) (with-current-buffer buffer (erase-buffer))) 
'("*imap-debug*" "*imap-log*"))
-;;; (kill-buffer (imap-hash-buffer-name iht))
-;;; this should always return t if the server is up, automatically reopening 
if needed
-;;; (imap-opened (imap-hash-get-buffer iht))
-;;; (imap-hash-buffer-name iht)
-;;; (with-current-buffer (imap-hash-get-buffer iht) (debug "mailbox data, auth 
and state" imap-mailbox-data imap-auth imap-state))
-;;;(tramp-imap-handle-file-inode "/imap:yourhosthere.com:/test/welcome")
-;;; (imap-hash-fetch iht nil)
-;;; (imap-hash-fetch iht t)
-;;; (imap-hash-fetch iht nil 1 2 3)
-;;; (imap-hash-fetch iht t 1 2 3)

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