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master a87c7aff55 4/5: Put Eshell's bookkeeping data for external proces

From: Jim Porter
Subject: master a87c7aff55 4/5: Put Eshell's bookkeeping data for external processes on the process object
Date: Sun, 4 Sep 2022 19:04:13 -0400 (EDT)

branch: master
commit a87c7aff554213651678e9390dd7500b11419012
Author: Jim Porter <jporterbugs@gmail.com>
Commit: Jim Porter <jporterbugs@gmail.com>

    Put Eshell's bookkeeping data for external processes on the process object
    This allows tracking this information for process objects not recorded
    in 'eshell-process-list', which will be useful for pipe processes for
    stderr output.
    * lisp/eshell/esh-proc.el (eshell-process-list): Add docstring.
    (eshell-record-process-object): Only record the process object and
    whether it's a subjob.
    (eshell-remove-process-entry): Adapt to changes in
    (eshell-record-process-properties): New function...
    (eshell-gather-process-output): ... call it.
    (eshell-insertion-filter, eshell-sentinel): Use new process
    properties, don't require process to be in 'eshell-process-list'.
    * test/lisp/eshell/esh-proc-tests.el (esh-proc-test--output-cmd): New
    (esh-proc-test--detect-pty-cmd): Add docstring.
    (esh-proc-test/exit-status/success, esh-proc-test/exit-status/failure)
    (esh-proc-test/kill-process/foreground-only): New tests.
    (esh-proc-test/kill-background-process): Rename to...
    (esh-proc-test/kill-process/background-prompt): ... this, and use
    'eshell-wait-for-subprocess' instead of 'sit-for'.
 lisp/eshell/esh-proc.el            | 144 +++++++++++++++++++------------------
 test/lisp/eshell/esh-proc-tests.el |  95 ++++++++++++++++++++----
 2 files changed, 159 insertions(+), 80 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/eshell/esh-proc.el b/lisp/eshell/esh-proc.el
index c367b5cd64..5ca35b71db 100644
--- a/lisp/eshell/esh-proc.el
+++ b/lisp/eshell/esh-proc.el
@@ -99,7 +99,13 @@ information, for example."
 (defvar eshell-current-subjob-p nil)
 (defvar eshell-process-list nil
-  "A list of the current status of subprocesses.")
+  "A list of the current status of subprocesses.
+Each element has the form (PROC . SUBJOB-P), where PROC is the
+process object and SUBJOB-P is non-nil if the process is a
+To add or remove elements of this list, see
+`eshell-record-process-object' and `eshell-remove-process-entry'.")
 (declare-function eshell-send-eof-to-process "esh-mode")
 (declare-function eshell-tail-process "esh-cmd")
@@ -229,21 +235,26 @@ The prompt will be set to PROMPT."
     (declare-function eshell-interactive-print "esh-mode" (string))
      (format "[%s] %d\n" (process-name object) (process-id object))))
-  (setq eshell-process-list
-       (cons (list object eshell-current-handles
-                   eshell-current-subjob-p nil nil)
-             eshell-process-list)))
+  (push (cons object eshell-current-subjob-p) eshell-process-list))
 (defun eshell-remove-process-entry (entry)
   "Record the process ENTRY as fully completed."
   (if (and (eshell-processp (car entry))
-          (nth 2 entry)
+          (cdr entry)
       (message "[%s]+ Done %s" (process-name (car entry))
               (process-command (car entry))))
   (setq eshell-process-list
        (delq entry eshell-process-list)))
+(defun eshell-record-process-properties (process)
+  "Record Eshell bookkeeping properties for PROCESS.
+`eshell-insertion-filter' and `eshell-sentinel' will use these to
+do their jobs."
+  (process-put process :eshell-handles eshell-current-handles)
+  (process-put process :eshell-pending nil)
+  (process-put process :eshell-busy nil))
 (defvar eshell-scratch-buffer " *eshell-scratch*"
   "Scratch buffer for holding Eshell's input/output.")
 (defvar eshell-last-sync-output-start nil
@@ -283,6 +294,7 @@ Used only on systems which do not support async 
                :connection-type conn-type
                :file-handler t)))
       (eshell-record-process-object proc)
+      (eshell-record-process-properties proc)
       (run-hook-with-args 'eshell-exec-hook proc)
       (when (fboundp 'process-coding-system)
        (let ((coding-systems (process-coding-system proc)))
@@ -363,36 +375,35 @@ PROC is the process for which we're inserting output.  
STRING is the
   (when (buffer-live-p (process-buffer proc))
     (with-current-buffer (process-buffer proc)
-      (let ((entry (assq proc eshell-process-list)))
-       (when entry
-         (setcar (nthcdr 3 entry)
-                 (concat (nth 3 entry) string))
-         (unless (nth 4 entry)         ; already being handled?
-           (while (nth 3 entry)
-             (let ((data (nth 3 entry)))
-               (setcar (nthcdr 3 entry) nil)
-               (setcar (nthcdr 4 entry) t)
-                (unwind-protect
-                    (condition-case nil
-                        (eshell-output-object data nil (cadr entry))
-                      ;; FIXME: We want to send SIGPIPE to the process
-                      ;; here.  However, remote processes don't
-                      ;; currently support that, and not all systems
-                      ;; have SIGPIPE in the first place (e.g. MS
-                      ;; Windows).  In these cases, just delete the
-                      ;; process; this is reasonably close to the
-                      ;; right behavior, since the default action for
-                      ;; SIGPIPE is to terminate the process.  For use
-                      ;; cases where SIGPIPE is truly needed, using an
-                      ;; external pipe operator (`*|') may work
-                      ;; instead (e.g. when working with remote
-                      ;; processes).
-                      (eshell-pipe-broken
-                       (if (or (process-get proc 'remote-pid)
-                               (eq system-type 'windows-nt))
-                           (delete-process proc)
-                         (signal-process proc 'SIGPIPE))))
-                  (setcar (nthcdr 4 entry) nil))))))))))
+      (process-put proc :eshell-pending
+                   (concat (process-get proc :eshell-pending)
+                           string))
+      (unless (process-get proc :eshell-busy) ; Already being handled?
+        (while (process-get proc :eshell-pending)
+          (let ((handles (process-get proc :eshell-handles))
+                (data (process-get proc :eshell-pending)))
+            (process-put proc :eshell-pending nil)
+            (process-put proc :eshell-busy t)
+            (unwind-protect
+                (condition-case nil
+                    (eshell-output-object data nil handles)
+                  ;; FIXME: We want to send SIGPIPE to the process
+                  ;; here.  However, remote processes don't currently
+                  ;; support that, and not all systems have SIGPIPE in
+                  ;; the first place (e.g. MS Windows).  In these
+                  ;; cases, just delete the process; this is
+                  ;; reasonably close to the right behavior, since the
+                  ;; default action for SIGPIPE is to terminate the
+                  ;; process.  For use cases where SIGPIPE is truly
+                  ;; needed, using an external pipe operator (`*|')
+                  ;; may work instead (e.g. when working with remote
+                  ;; processes).
+                  (eshell-pipe-broken
+                   (if (or (process-get proc 'remote-pid)
+                           (eq system-type 'windows-nt))
+                       (delete-process proc)
+                     (signal-process proc 'SIGPIPE))))
+              (process-put proc :eshell-busy nil))))))))
 (defun eshell-sentinel (proc string)
   "Generic sentinel for command processes.  Reports only signals.
@@ -400,37 +411,34 @@ PROC is the process that's exiting.  STRING is the exit 
   (when (buffer-live-p (process-buffer proc))
     (with-current-buffer (process-buffer proc)
-          (when-let ((entry (assq proc eshell-process-list)))
-           (unwind-protect
-               (unless (string= string "run")
-                  ;; Write the exit message if the status is
-                  ;; abnormal and the process is already writing
-                  ;; to the terminal.
-                  (when (and (eq proc (eshell-tail-process))
-                             (not (string-match "^\\(finished\\|exited\\)"
-                                                string)))
-                    (funcall (process-filter proc) proc string))
-                  (let ((handles (nth 1 entry))
-                        (str (prog1 (nth 3 entry)
-                               (setf (nth 3 entry) nil)))
-                        (status (process-exit-status proc)))
-                    ;; If we're in the middle of handling output
-                    ;; from this process then schedule the EOF for
-                    ;; later.
-                    (letrec ((finish-io
-                              (lambda ()
-                                (if (nth 4 entry)
-                                    (run-at-time 0 nil finish-io)
-                                  (when str
-                                    (ignore-error 'eshell-pipe-broken
-                                      (eshell-output-object
-                                       str nil handles)))
-                                  (eshell-close-handles
-                                   status (list 'quote (= status 0))
-                                   handles)))))
-                      (funcall finish-io))))
-             (eshell-remove-process-entry entry)))
-       (eshell-kill-process-function proc string)))))
+          (unless (string= string "run")
+            ;; Write the exit message if the status is abnormal and
+            ;; the process is already writing to the terminal.
+            (when (and (eq proc (eshell-tail-process))
+                       (not (string-match "^\\(finished\\|exited\\)"
+                                          string)))
+              (funcall (process-filter proc) proc string))
+            (let ((handles (process-get proc :eshell-handles))
+                  (data (process-get proc :eshell-pending))
+                  (status (process-exit-status proc)))
+              (process-put proc :eshell-pending nil)
+              ;; If we're in the middle of handling output from this
+              ;; process then schedule the EOF for later.
+              (letrec ((finish-io
+                        (lambda ()
+                          (if (process-get proc :eshell-busy)
+                              (run-at-time 0 nil finish-io)
+                            (when data
+                              (ignore-error 'eshell-pipe-broken
+                                (eshell-output-object
+                                 data nil handles)))
+                            (eshell-close-handles
+                             status (list 'quote (= status 0))
+                             handles)))))
+                (funcall finish-io))))
+        (when-let ((entry (assq proc eshell-process-list)))
+          (eshell-remove-process-entry entry))
+        (eshell-kill-process-function proc string)))))
 (defun eshell-process-interact (func &optional all query)
   "Interact with a process, using PROMPT if more than one, via FUNC.
@@ -441,7 +449,7 @@ If QUERY is non-nil, query the user with QUERY before 
calling FUNC."
       (if (and (memq (process-status (car entry))
                    '(run stop open closed))
               (or all
-                  (not (nth 2 entry)))
+                  (not (cdr entry)))
               (or (not query)
                   (y-or-n-p (format-message query
                                             (process-name (car entry))))))
diff --git a/test/lisp/eshell/esh-proc-tests.el 
index b9f4470be6..4cb0b796a8 100644
--- a/test/lisp/eshell/esh-proc-tests.el
+++ b/test/lisp/eshell/esh-proc-tests.el
@@ -28,15 +28,67 @@
                            (file-name-directory (or load-file-name
+(defvar esh-proc-test--output-cmd
+  (concat "sh -c '"
+          "echo stdout; "
+          "echo stderr >&2"
+          "'")
+  "A shell command that prints to both stdout and stderr.")
 (defvar esh-proc-test--detect-pty-cmd
   (concat "sh -c '"
           "if [ -t 0 ]; then echo stdin; fi; "
           "if [ -t 1 ]; then echo stdout; fi; "
           "if [ -t 2 ]; then echo stderr; fi"
-          "'"))
+          "'")
+  "A shell command that prints the standard streams connected as TTYs.")
 ;;; Tests:
+;; Output and redirection
+(ert-deftest esh-proc-test/output/to-screen ()
+  "Check that outputting stdout and stderr to the screen works."
+  (skip-unless (executable-find "sh"))
+  (with-temp-eshell
+   (eshell-match-command-output esh-proc-test--output-cmd
+                                "stdout\nstderr\n")))
+(ert-deftest esh-proc-test/output/stdout-and-stderr-to-buffer ()
+  "Check that redirecting stdout and stderr works."
+  (skip-unless (executable-find "sh"))
+  (eshell-with-temp-buffer bufname "old"
+    (with-temp-eshell
+     (eshell-match-command-output
+      (format "%s &> #<%s>" esh-proc-test--output-cmd bufname)
+      "\\`\\'"))
+    (should (equal (buffer-string) "stdout\nstderr\n"))))
+;; Exit status
+(ert-deftest esh-proc-test/exit-status/success ()
+  "Check that successful execution is properly recorded."
+  (skip-unless (executable-find "sh"))
+  (with-temp-eshell
+   (eshell-insert-command "sh -c 'exit 0'")
+   (eshell-wait-for-subprocess)
+   (should (= eshell-last-command-status 0))
+   (should (eq eshell-last-command-result t))))
+(ert-deftest esh-proc-test/exit-status/failure ()
+  "Check that failed execution is properly recorded."
+  (skip-unless (executable-find "sh"))
+  (with-temp-eshell
+   (eshell-insert-command "sh -c 'exit 1'")
+   (eshell-wait-for-subprocess)
+   (should (= eshell-last-command-status 1))
+   (should (eq eshell-last-command-result nil))))
+;; Pipelines
 (ert-deftest esh-proc-test/sigpipe-exits-process ()
   "Test that a SIGPIPE is properly sent to a process if a pipe closes"
   (skip-unless (and (executable-find "sh")
@@ -94,6 +146,35 @@ pipeline."
      (unless (eq system-type 'windows-nt)
+;; Killing processes
+(ert-deftest esh-proc-test/kill-process/foreground-only ()
+  "Test that `eshell-kill-process' only kills foreground processes."
+  (with-temp-eshell
+   (eshell-insert-command "sleep 100 &")
+   (eshell-insert-command "sleep 100")
+   (should (equal (length eshell-process-list) 2))
+   ;; This should kill only the foreground process.
+   (eshell-kill-process)
+   (eshell-wait-for-subprocess)
+   (should (equal (length eshell-process-list) 1))
+   ;; Now kill everything, including the background process.
+   (eshell-process-interact 'kill-process t)
+   (eshell-wait-for-subprocess t)
+   (should (equal (length eshell-process-list) 0))))
+(ert-deftest esh-proc-test/kill-process/background-prompt ()
+  "Test that killing a background process doesn't emit a new
+prompt.  See bug#54136."
+  (skip-unless (and (executable-find "sh")
+                    (executable-find "sleep")))
+  (with-temp-eshell
+   (eshell-insert-command "sh -c 'while true; do sleep 1; done' &")
+   (kill-process (caar eshell-process-list))
+   (eshell-wait-for-subprocess)
+   (should (eshell-match-output "\\[sh\\(\\.exe\\)?\\] [[:digit:]]+\n"))))
 (ert-deftest esh-proc-test/kill-pipeline ()
   "Test that killing a pipeline of processes only emits a single
 prompt.  See bug#54136."
@@ -133,14 +214,4 @@ write the exit status to the pipe.  See bug#54136."
                      output-start (eshell-end-of-output))
-(ert-deftest esh-proc-test/kill-background-process ()
-  "Test that killing a background process doesn't emit a new
-prompt.  See bug#54136."
-  (skip-unless (and (executable-find "sh")
-                    (executable-find "sleep")))
-  (with-temp-eshell
-   (eshell-insert-command "sh -c 'while true; do sleep 1; done' &")
-   (kill-process (caar eshell-process-list))
-   ;; Give `eshell-sentinel' a chance to run.
-   (sit-for 0.1)
-   (should (eshell-match-output "\\[sh\\(\\.exe\\)?\\] [[:digit:]]+\n"))))
+;;; esh-proc-tests.el ends here

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