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master 191c4fe249: Consider key=val labels when renumbering

From: Arash Esbati
Subject: master 191c4fe249: Consider key=val labels when renumbering
Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2022 03:35:44 -0400 (EDT)

branch: master
commit 191c4fe249e1191b770a6051c0f24c5783ac09af
Author: Arash Esbati <arash@gnu.org>
Commit: Arash Esbati <arash@gnu.org>

    Consider key=val labels when renumbering
    * lisp/textmodes/reftex-global.el (reftex-translate): Recognize
    key=val labels given in the optional or mandatory argument of
    environments (AUCTeX bug#57720).
    * test/lisp/textmodes/reftex-tests.el
    (reftex-renumber-simple-labels): New Test.
 lisp/textmodes/reftex-global.el     |  37 +++++++-
 test/lisp/textmodes/reftex-tests.el | 173 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 208 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/textmodes/reftex-global.el b/lisp/textmodes/reftex-global.el
index 062cea9c50..9f308646fc 100644
--- a/lisp/textmodes/reftex-global.el
+++ b/lisp/textmodes/reftex-global.el
@@ -276,7 +276,18 @@ one with the `xr' package."
   ;; to ignore the problematic string.
   ;; If TEST is nil, it is ignored without query.
   ;; Return the number of replacements.
-  (let ((n 0) file label match-data buf macro pos cell)
+  (let ((n 0)
+        (opt-re (concat "\\(?:{[^}{]*"
+                        "\\(?:{[^}{]*"
+                        "\\(?:{[^}{]*}[^}{]*\\)*"
+                        "}[^}{]*\\)*"
+                        "}[^][]*\\)*"))
+        (man-re (concat "\\(?:{[^}{]*"
+                        "\\(?:{[^}{]*"
+                        "\\(?:{[^}{]*}[^}{]*\\)*"
+                        "}[^}{]*\\)*"
+                        "}[^}{]*\\)*"))
+        file label match-data buf macro pos cell)
     (while (setq file (pop files))
       (setq buf (reftex-get-file-buffer-force file))
       (unless buf
@@ -301,7 +312,29 @@ one with the `xr' package."
                              (looking-at "\\\\ref[a-zA-Z]*[^a-zA-Z]")
                              (looking-at (format
-                                          (regexp-quote label)))))
+                                          (regexp-quote label)))
+                             ;; In case the label-keyval is inside an
+                             ;; optional argument to \begin{env}
+                             (looking-at (concat
+                                          "\\\\begin[[:space:]]*{[^}]+}"
+                                          "[[:space:]]*"
+                                          "\\[[^][]*"
+                                          opt-re
+                                          (format
+                                           reftex-find-label-regexp-format
+                                           (regexp-quote label))
+                                          "[^]]*\\]"))
+                             ;; In case the label-keyval is inside the
+                             ;; first mandatory argument to \begin{env}
+                             (looking-at (concat
+                                          "\\\\begin[[:space:]]*{[^}]+}"
+                                          "[[:space:]]*"
+                                          "{[^}{]*"
+                                          man-re
+                                          (format
+                                           reftex-find-label-regexp-format
+                                           (regexp-quote label))
+                                          "[^}]*}"))))
                 ;; OK, we should replace it.
                 (set-match-data match-data)
diff --git a/test/lisp/textmodes/reftex-tests.el 
index 97ff390817..67e0100475 100644
--- a/test/lisp/textmodes/reftex-tests.el
+++ b/test/lisp/textmodes/reftex-tests.el
@@ -334,6 +334,179 @@ And this should be % \\cite{ignored}.
       (kill-buffer (file-name-nondirectory tex-file)))))
+(ert-deftest reftex-renumber-simple-labels ()
+  "Test `reftex-renumber-simple-labels'.
+The function must recognize labels defined with macros like
+\\label and the ones as key=value option in optional or mandatory
+argument of other macros or environments."
+  (ert-with-temp-directory temp-dir
+    (let ((tex-file (expand-file-name "renumber.tex" temp-dir)))
+      (with-temp-buffer
+        (insert "\
+This is with tcolorbox package:
+    colback                = white          ,
+    colframe               = red!50!black   ,
+    fonttitle              = \\bfseries      ,
+    description delimiters = {\\flqq}{\\frqq} ,
+    label                  = {problem:2}]{Prove RH2}{}
+  Problem
+This is with vanilla \\LaTeX:
+  \\label{eq:2}
+  2
+By \\eqref{eq:2} and \\ref{problem:2}
+This is with tcolorbox package:
+    colback=white,
+    colframe=red!50!black,
+    fonttitle=\\bfseries,
+    theorem label supplement={hypertarget={XYZ-##1}},
+    theorem full label supplement={code={\\marginnote{##1}}},
+    label={problem:1}]{Prove RH1}{}
+  Problem
+This is with vanilla \\LaTeX:
+  \\label{eq:1}
+  1
+\\Cref{problem:1} and \\pageref{eq:1}.
+\\begin{problem}[label={problem:6}]{Some Problem}{}
+  Problem
+This is with fancyvrb package:
+Some Verb Content
+This is with listings package:
+\\begin{lstlisting}[language=elisp,caption=Some Caption,label={lst:3}]
+(car (cons 1 '(2)))
+        (write-region (point-min) (point-max) tex-file))
+      ;; The label prefix must be known to RefTeX:
+      (add-to-list 'reftex-label-alist
+                   '("problem" ?p "problem:" "~\\ref{%s}"
+                     nil nil nil)
+                   t)
+      (add-to-list 'reftex-label-alist
+                   '("Verbatim" ?l "lst:" "~\\ref{%s}"
+                     nil nil nil)
+                   t)
+      ;; The environments must be known to RefTeX otherwise the labels
+      ;; aren't parsed correctly:
+      (add-to-list 'reftex-label-regexps
+                   (concat "\\\\begin{\\(?:problem\\|Verbatim\\)}"
+                           "\\[[^][]*"
+                           "\\(?:{[^}{]*"
+                           "\\(?:{[^}{]*"
+                           "\\(?:{[^}{]*}[^}{]*\\)*"
+                           "}[^}{]*\\)*"
+                           "}[^][]*\\)*"
+                           "\\<\\(?:ref\\)?label[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*"
+                           "{?\\(?1:[^] ,}\r\n\t%]+\\)"
+                           "[^]]*\\]")
+                   t)
+      ;; Always run this after changing `reftex-label-regexps':
+      (reftex-compile-variables)
+      (find-file tex-file)
+      ;; Silence the user query:
+      (cl-letf (((symbol-function 'yes-or-no-p) #'always))
+        (reftex-renumber-simple-labels))
+      (should (string= (buffer-string)
+                       "\
+This is with tcolorbox package:
+    colback                = white          ,
+    colframe               = red!50!black   ,
+    fonttitle              = \\bfseries      ,
+    description delimiters = {\\flqq}{\\frqq} ,
+    label                  = {problem:1}]{Prove RH2}{}
+  Problem
+This is with vanilla \\LaTeX:
+  \\label{eq:1}
+  2
+By \\eqref{eq:1} and \\ref{problem:1}
+This is with tcolorbox package:
+    colback=white,
+    colframe=red!50!black,
+    fonttitle=\\bfseries,
+    theorem label supplement={hypertarget={XYZ-##1}},
+    theorem full label supplement={code={\\marginnote{##1}}},
+    label={problem:2}]{Prove RH1}{}
+  Problem
+This is with vanilla \\LaTeX:
+  \\label{eq:2}
+  1
+\\Cref{problem:2} and \\pageref{eq:2}.
+\\begin{problem}[label={problem:3}]{Some Problem}{}
+  Problem
+This is with fancyvrb package:
+Some Verb Content
+This is with listings package:
+\\begin{lstlisting}[language=elisp,caption=Some Caption,label={lst:2}]
+(car (cons 1 '(2)))
+      (kill-buffer (file-name-nondirectory tex-file)))))
 ;;; Autoload tests
 ;; Test to check whether reftex autoloading mechanisms are working

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