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master 07c0e090bd 2/2: Add new commands 'image-crop' and 'image-elide'

From: Lars Ingebrigtsen
Subject: master 07c0e090bd 2/2: Add new commands 'image-crop' and 'image-elide'
Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2022 09:53:49 -0400 (EDT)

branch: master
commit 07c0e090bd17204bb1a7670716974c566a8ff6ae
Author: Lars Ingebrigtsen <larsi@gnus.org>
Commit: Lars Ingebrigtsen <larsi@gnus.org>

    Add new commands 'image-crop' and 'image-elide'
    * doc/lispref/display.texi (Showing Images): Document it.
    * lisp/image.el (image-map): Bind commands.
    * lisp/image/image-crop.el: New file (bug#51331).
 doc/lispref/display.texi |   6 +
 etc/NEWS                 |   7 +
 lisp/image.el            |   2 +
 lisp/image/image-crop.el | 366 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 381 insertions(+)

diff --git a/doc/lispref/display.texi b/doc/lispref/display.texi
index 69b752688e..32cf01b237 100644
--- a/doc/lispref/display.texi
+++ b/doc/lispref/display.texi
@@ -6863,6 +6863,12 @@ A prefix means to rotate by 90 degrees counter-clockwise 
 @item o
 Save the image to a file (@code{image-save}).
+@item c
+Crop the image interactively (@code{image-crop}).
+@item e
+Elide a rectangle from the image interactively (@code{image-elide}).
 @end table
 @node Multi-Frame Images
diff --git a/etc/NEWS b/etc/NEWS
index 35d3db5ceb..726c78afbf 100644
--- a/etc/NEWS
+++ b/etc/NEWS
@@ -2429,6 +2429,13 @@ The old name is still available as an obsolete function 
 * New Modes and Packages in Emacs 29.1
+** New commands 'image-crop' and 'image-elide'.
+These commands allow interactively cropping/eliding the image under
+point.  These commands are bound to 'c' and 'e' (respectively) in the
+local keymap over images.  They rely on external programs to do the
+actual cropping/eliding of the image file.
 ** New package 'oclosure'.
 Allows the creation of "functions with slots" or "function objects"
diff --git a/lisp/image.el b/lisp/image.el
index 9311125450..bbc3b996b1 100644
--- a/lisp/image.el
+++ b/lisp/image.el
@@ -178,6 +178,8 @@ or \"ffmpeg\") is installed."
   "+" #'image-increase-size
   "r" #'image-rotate
   "o" #'image-save
+  "c" #'image-crop
+  "e" #'image-elide
   "h" #'image-flip-horizontally
   "v" #'image-flip-vertically
   "C-<wheel-down>" #'image-mouse-decrease-size
diff --git a/lisp/image/image-crop.el b/lisp/image/image-crop.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1a533aaf42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/image/image-crop.el
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+;;; image-crop.el --- Image Cropping  -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Copyright (C) 2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Keywords: multimedia
+;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This package provides an interface for cropping images
+;; interactively, but relies on external programs to do the actual
+;; modifications to files.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'svg)
+(defvar image-crop-exif-rotate nil
+  "If non-nil, rotate images by updating exif data.
+If nil, rotate the images \"physically\".")
+(defvar image-crop-resize-command '("convert" "-resize" "%wx" "-" "%f:-")
+  "Command to resize an image.
+The following `format-spec' elements are allowed:
+%w: Width.
+%f: Result file type.")
+(defvar image-crop-elide-command '("convert" "-draw" "rectangle %l,%t %r,%b"
+                                   "-" "%f:-")
+  "Command to make a rectangle inside an image.
+The following `format-spec' elements are allowed:
+%l: Left.
+%t: Top.
+%r: Right.
+%b: Bottom.
+%f: Result file type.")
+(defvar image-crop-crop-command '("convert" "+repage" "-crop" "%wx%h+%l+%t"
+                                 "-" "%f:-")
+  "Command to crop an image.
+The following `format-spec' elements are allowed:
+%l: Left.
+%t: Top.
+%w: Width.
+%h: Height.
+%f: Result file type.")
+(defvar image-crop-rotate-command '("convert" "-rotate" "%r" "-" "%f:-")
+  "Command to rotate an image.
+The following `format-spec' elements are allowed:
+%r: Rotation (in degrees).
+%f: Result file type.")
+(defun image-elide (&optional square)
+  "Elide a square from the image under point.
+If SQUARE (interactively, the prefix), elide a square instead of a
+rectangle from the image."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (image-crop square t))
+(defun image-crop (&optional square elide)
+  "Crop the image under point.
+If SQUARE (interactively, the prefix), crop a square instead of a
+rectangle from the image.
+If ELIDE, remove a rectangle from the image instead of cropping
+the image.
+After cropping an image, it can be saved by `M-x image-save' or
+\\<image-map>\\[image-save] when point is over the image."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (unless (image-type-available-p 'svg)
+    (error "SVG support is needed to crop images"))
+  (unless (executable-find (car image-crop-crop-command))
+    (error "Couldn't find %s command to crop the image"
+           (car image-crop-crop-command)))
+  (let ((image (get-text-property (point) 'display)))
+    (unless (imagep image)
+      (user-error "No image under point"))
+    ;; We replace the image under point with an SVG image that looks
+    ;; just like that image.  That allows us to draw lines over it.
+    ;; At the end, we replace that SVG with a cropped version of the
+    ;; original image.
+    (let* ((data (cl-getf (cdr image) :data))
+          (undo-handle (prepare-change-group))
+          (type (cond
+                 ((cl-getf (cdr image) :format)
+                  (format "%s" (cl-getf (cdr image) :format)))
+                 (data
+                  (image-crop--content-type data))))
+          (image-scaling-factor 1)
+          (size (image-size image t))
+          (svg (svg-create (car size) (cdr size)
+                           :xmlns:xlink "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink";
+                           :stroke-width 5))
+          (text (buffer-substring (pos-bol) (pos-eol)))
+          (inhibit-read-only t)
+           orig-data)
+      (with-temp-buffer
+       (set-buffer-multibyte nil)
+       (if (null data)
+           (insert-file-contents-literally (cl-getf (cdr image) :file))
+         (insert data))
+       (let ((image-crop-exif-rotate nil))
+         (image-crop--possibly-rotate-buffer image))
+       (setq orig-data (buffer-string))
+       (setq type (image-crop--content-type orig-data))
+        (image-crop--process image-crop-resize-command
+                             `((?w . 600)
+                               (?f . ,(cadr (split-string type "/")))))
+       (setq data (buffer-string)))
+      (svg-embed svg data type t
+                :width (car size)
+                :height (cdr size))
+      (delete-region (pos-bol) (pos-eol))
+      (svg-insert-image svg)
+      (let ((area (condition-case _
+                     (save-excursion
+                       (forward-line 1)
+                       (image-crop--crop-image-1
+                         svg square (car size) (cdr size)))
+                   (quit nil))))
+       (delete-region (pos-bol) (pos-eol))
+       (if area
+           (image-crop--crop-image-update area orig-data size type elide)
+         ;; If the user didn't complete the crop, re-insert the
+         ;; original image (and text).
+         (insert text))
+       (undo-amalgamate-change-group undo-handle)))))
+(defun image-crop--crop-image-update (area data size type elide)
+  (let* ((image-scaling-factor 1)
+        (osize (image-size (create-image data nil t) t))
+        (factor (/ (float (car osize)) (car size)))
+        ;; width x height + left + top
+        (width (abs (truncate (* factor (- (cl-getf area :right)
+                                           (cl-getf area :left))))))
+        (height (abs (truncate (* factor (- (cl-getf area :bottom)
+                                            (cl-getf area :top))))))
+        (left (truncate (* factor (min (cl-getf area :left)
+                                       (cl-getf area :right)))))
+        (top (truncate (* factor (min (cl-getf area :top)
+                                      (cl-getf area :bottom))))))
+    (image-crop--insert-image-data
+     (with-temp-buffer
+       (set-buffer-multibyte nil)
+       (insert data)
+       (if elide
+          (image-crop--process image-crop-elide-command
+                                `((?l . ,left)
+                                  (?t . ,top)
+                                  (?r . ,(+ left width))
+                                  (?b . ,(+ top height))
+                                  (?f . ,(cadr (split-string type "/")))))
+        (image-crop--process image-crop-crop-command
+                              `((?l . ,left)
+                                (?t . ,top)
+                                (?w . ,width)
+                                (?h . ,height)
+                                (?f . ,(cadr (split-string type "/"))))))
+       (buffer-string)))))
+(defun image-crop--crop-image-1 (svg &optional square image-width image-height)
+  (track-mouse
+    (cl-loop
+     with prompt = (if square "Move square" "Set start point")
+     and state = (if square 'move-unclick 'begin)
+     and area = (if square
+                   (list :left (- (/ image-width 2)
+                                  (/ image-height 2))
+                         :top 0
+                         :right (+ (/ image-width 2)
+                                   (/ image-height 2))
+                         :bottom image-height)
+                 (list :left 0
+                       :top 0
+                       :right 0
+                       :bottom 0))
+     and corner = nil
+     for event = (read-event prompt)
+     do (if (or (not (consp event))
+               (not (consp (cadr event)))
+               (not (nth 7 (cadr event)))
+               ;; Only do things if point is over the SVG being
+               ;; tracked.
+               (not (eq (cl-getf (cdr (nth 7 (cadr event))) :type)
+                        'svg)))
+           ()
+         (let ((pos (nth 8 (cadr event))))
+           (cl-case state
+             ('begin
+              (cond
+               ((eq (car event) 'down-mouse-1)
+                (setq state 'stretch
+                      prompt "Stretch to end point")
+                (setf (cl-getf area :left) (car pos)
+                      (cl-getf area :top) (cdr pos)
+                      (cl-getf area :right) (car pos)
+                      (cl-getf area :bottom) (cdr pos)))))
+             ('stretch
+              (cond
+               ((eq (car event) 'mouse-movement)
+                (setf (cl-getf area :right) (car pos)
+                      (cl-getf area :bottom) (cdr pos)))
+               ((memq (car event) '(mouse-1 drag-mouse-1))
+                (setq state 'corner
+                      prompt "Choose corner to adjust (RET to crop)"))))
+             ('corner
+              (cond
+               ((eq (car event) 'down-mouse-1)
+                ;; Find out what corner we're close to.
+                (setq corner (image-crop--find-corner
+                              area pos
+                              '((:left :top)
+                                (:left :bottom)
+                                (:right :top)
+                                (:right :bottom))))
+                (when corner
+                  (setq state 'adjust
+                        prompt "Adjust crop")))))
+             ('adjust
+              (cond
+               ((memq (car event) '(mouse drag-mouse-1))
+                (setq state 'corner
+                      prompt "Choose corner to adjust"))
+               ((eq (car event) 'mouse-movement)
+                (setf (cl-getf area (car corner)) (car pos)
+                      (cl-getf area (cadr corner)) (cdr pos)))))
+             ('move-unclick
+              (cond
+               ((eq (car event) 'down-mouse-1)
+                (setq state 'move-click
+                      prompt "Move"))))
+             ('move-click
+              (cond
+               ((eq (car event) 'mouse-movement)
+                (setf (cl-getf area :left) (car pos)
+                      (cl-getf area :right) (+ (car pos) image-height)))
+               ((memq (car event) '(mouse-1 drag-mouse-1))
+                (setq state 'move-unclick
+                      prompt "Click to move")))))))
+     do (svg-line svg (cl-getf area :left) (cl-getf area :top)
+                 (cl-getf area :right) (cl-getf area :top)
+                 :id "top-line" :stroke-color "white")
+     (svg-line svg (cl-getf area :left) (cl-getf area :bottom)
+              (cl-getf area :right) (cl-getf area :bottom)
+              :id "bottom-line" :stroke-color "white")
+     (svg-line svg (cl-getf area :left) (cl-getf area :top)
+              (cl-getf area :left) (cl-getf area :bottom)
+              :id "left-line" :stroke-color "white")
+     (svg-line svg (cl-getf area :right) (cl-getf area :top)
+              (cl-getf area :right) (cl-getf area :bottom)
+              :id "right-line" :stroke-color "white")
+     while (not (member event '(return ?q)))
+     finally (return (and (eq event 'return)
+                         area)))))
+(defun image-crop--find-corner (area pos corners)
+  (cl-loop for corner in corners
+          ;; We accept 10 pixels off.
+          when (and (< (- (car pos) 10)
+                       (cl-getf area (car corner))
+                       (+ (car pos) 10))
+                    (< (- (cdr pos) 10)
+                       (cl-getf area (cadr corner))
+                       (+ (cdr pos) 10)))
+          return corner))
+(defun image-crop--content-type (image)
+  ;; Get the MIME type by running "file" over it.
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (set-buffer-multibyte nil)
+    (insert image)
+    (call-process-region (point-min) (point-max)
+                        "file" t (current-buffer) nil
+                        "--mime-type" "-")
+    (cadr (split-string (buffer-string)))))
+(defun image-crop--possibly-rotate-buffer (image)
+  (when (imagep image)
+    (let ((content-type (image-crop--content-type (buffer-string))))
+      (when (image-property image :rotation)
+       (cond
+        ;; We can rotate jpegs losslessly by setting the correct
+        ;; orientation.
+        ((and image-crop-exif-rotate
+              (equal content-type "image/jpeg")
+              (executable-find "exiftool"))
+         (call-process-region
+          (point-min) (point-max) "exiftool" t (list (current-buffer) nil) nil
+          (format "-Orientation#=%d"
+                  (cl-case (truncate (image-property image :rotation))
+                    (0 0)
+                    (90 6)
+                    (180 3)
+                    (270 8)
+                    (otherwise 0)))
+          "-o" "-" "-"))
+        ;; Most other image formats have to be reencoded to do
+        ;; rotation.
+        (t
+          (image-crop--process
+           image-crop-rotate-command
+           `((?r . ,(image-property image :rotation))
+             (?f . ,(cadr (split-string content-type "/")))))
+         (when (and (equal content-type "image/jpeg")
+                    (executable-find "exiftool"))
+           (call-process-region
+            (point-min) (point-max) "exiftool"
+             t (list (current-buffer) nil) nil
+            "-Orientation#=0"
+            "-o" "-" "-")))))
+      (when (image-property image :width)
+        (image-crop--process
+         image-crop-resize-command
+         `((?w . ,(image-property image :width))
+           (?f . ,(cadr (split-string content-type "/")))))))))
+(defun image-crop--insert-image-data (image)
+  (insert-image
+   (create-image image nil t
+                :max-width (- (frame-pixel-width) 50)
+                :max-height (- (frame-pixel-height) 150))
+   (format "<img src=\"data:%s;base64,%s\">"
+          (image-crop--content-type image)
+          ;; Get a base64 version of the image.
+          (with-temp-buffer
+            (set-buffer-multibyte nil)
+            (insert image)
+            (base64-encode-region (point-min) (point-max) t)
+            (buffer-string)))
+   nil nil t))
+(defun image-crop--process (command expansions)
+  "Use `call-process-region' with COMMAND expanded with EXPANSIONS."
+  (apply
+   #'call-process-region (point-min) (point-max)
+   (format-spec (car command) expansions)
+   t (list (current-buffer) nil) nil
+   (mapcar (lambda (elem)
+             (format-spec elem expansions))
+           (cdr command))))
+(provide 'image-crop)
+;;; image-crop.el ends here

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