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master e0ab4e3612: Rename `image-elide' to `image-cut' and add more bind

From: Lars Ingebrigtsen
Subject: master e0ab4e3612: Rename `image-elide' to `image-cut' and add more bindings
Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2022 05:03:48 -0400 (EDT)

branch: master
commit e0ab4e361223d39d955710ce1ae1e64b95bf0c0f
Author: Lars Ingebrigtsen <larsi@gnus.org>
Commit: Lars Ingebrigtsen <larsi@gnus.org>

    Rename `image-elide' to `image-cut' and add more bindings
    * doc/lispref/display.texi (Showing Images): Update.
    * lisp/image.el (image-map): Move binding to mirror Gimp bindings.
    * lisp/image/image-crop.el (image-crop-cut-command): Rename.
    (image-cut-color): New user option.
    (image-cut): Rename and remove prefix.
    (image-crop): Remove prefix.
    (image-crop--crop-image-update): Add commands to switch to
    move/square modes.
 doc/lispref/display.texi |   4 +-
 etc/NEWS                 |   9 ++--
 lisp/image.el            |   2 +-
 lisp/image/image-crop.el | 136 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 4 files changed, 84 insertions(+), 67 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/lispref/display.texi b/doc/lispref/display.texi
index 32cf01b237..190364852a 100644
--- a/doc/lispref/display.texi
+++ b/doc/lispref/display.texi
@@ -6867,8 +6867,8 @@ Save the image to a file (@code{image-save}).
 @item c
 Crop the image interactively (@code{image-crop}).
-@item e
-Elide a rectangle from the image interactively (@code{image-elide}).
+@item x
+Cut a rectangle from the image interactively (@code{image-cut}).
 @end table
 @node Multi-Frame Images
diff --git a/etc/NEWS b/etc/NEWS
index dd63efb02d..9036e4ee01 100644
--- a/etc/NEWS
+++ b/etc/NEWS
@@ -2464,13 +2464,12 @@ name.
 * New Modes and Packages in Emacs 29.1
-** New commands 'image-crop' and 'image-elide'.
-These commands allow interactively cropping/eliding the image at
-point.  The commands are bound to keys 'c' and 'e' (respectively) in
+** New commands 'image-crop' and 'image-cut.
+These commands allow interactively cropping/cutting the image at
+point.  The commands are bound to keys 'c' and 'x' (respectively) in
 the local keymap over images.  They rely on external programs, by
 default 'convert' from ImageMagick, to do the actual cropping/eliding
-of the image file.  If the 'exiftool' program is available, it is used
-to optionally rotate images which have the :rotation property.
+of the image file.
 ** New package 'wallpaper'.
diff --git a/lisp/image.el b/lisp/image.el
index bbc3b996b1..eef47fd91c 100644
--- a/lisp/image.el
+++ b/lisp/image.el
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ or \"ffmpeg\") is installed."
   "r" #'image-rotate
   "o" #'image-save
   "c" #'image-crop
-  "e" #'image-elide
+  "x" #'image-cut
   "h" #'image-flip-horizontally
   "v" #'image-flip-vertically
   "C-<wheel-down>" #'image-mouse-decrease-size
diff --git a/lisp/image/image-crop.el b/lisp/image/image-crop.el
index 7716efcd54..682fce3986 100644
--- a/lisp/image/image-crop.el
+++ b/lisp/image/image-crop.el
@@ -47,10 +47,10 @@ The following `format-spec' elements are allowed:
   :type '(repeat string)
   :version "29.1")
-(defcustom image-crop-elide-command '("convert" "-draw" "rectangle %l,%t %r,%b"
-                                      "-fill" "%c"
-                                      "-" "%f:-")
-  "Command to make a rectangle inside an image.
+(defcustom image-crop-cut-command '("convert" "-draw" "rectangle %l,%t %r,%b"
+                                    "-fill" "%c"
+                                    "-" "%f:-")
+  "Command to cut a rectangle out of an image.
 The following `format-spec' elements are allowed:
 %l: Left.
@@ -98,31 +98,37 @@ The function is called with two arguments: The first is the
 original buffer text, and the second parameter is the cropped
 image data.")
-(defun image-elide (color &optional square)
-  "Elide a rectangle from the image under point, filling it with COLOR.
-If SQUARE is non-nil (interactively, prefix arg), elide a square
-instead of a rectangle from the image.
+(defcustom image-cut-color "black"
+  "Color to use for the rectangle cut from the image."
+  :type 'string
+  :version "29.1")
-Interactively, prompt for COLOR to use, defaulting to black."
-  (interactive (list (read-color "Use color: ")
-                     current-prefix-arg))
-  (image-crop square (if (string-empty-p color)
-                         "black" color)))
+(defun image-cut (&optional color)
+  "Cut a rectangle from the image under point.
+Interactively, if given a prefix, prompt for COLOR to use.
+Otherwise, default to `image-cut-color'."
+  (interactive (list (and current-prefix-arg (read-color "Use color: "))))
+  (image-crop (if (zerop (length color)) image-cut-color color)))
-(defun image-crop (&optional square elide)
+(defun image-crop (&optional cut)
   "Crop the image under point.
-If SQUARE is non-nil (interactively, prefix arg), crop a square
-instead of a rectangle from the image.
+If CUT is non-nil, remove a rectangle from the image instead of
+cropping the image.  In that case CUT should be the name of a
+color to fill the rectangle.
+While cropping the image, the following key bindings are available:
-If ELIDE is non-nil, remove a rectangle/square from the image
-instead of cropping the image.  In that case ELIDE should be
-the name of a color to fill the rectangle.
+`q':   Exit without changing anything.
+`RET': Crop/cut the image.
+`m':   Make mouse movements move the rectangle instead of altering the
+       rectangle shape.
+`s':   Same as `m', but make the rectangle into a square first.
 After cropping an image, you can save it by `M-x image-save' or
 \\<image-map>\\[image-save] when point is over the image."
-  (interactive "P")
+  (interactive)
   (unless (image-type-available-p 'svg)
     (error "SVG support is needed to crop images"))
   (unless (executable-find (car image-crop-crop-command))
@@ -186,22 +192,21 @@ After cropping an image, you can save it by `M-x 
image-save' or
                        (forward-line 1)
-                         svg square (car size) (cdr size)
-                         (if elide "elide" "crop")))
+                         svg (if cut "cut" "crop")))
                     (quit nil))))
         (message (substitute-command-keys
                   "Type \\[image-save] to save %s image to file")
-                 (if elide "elided" "cropped"))
+                 (if cut "cut" "cropped"))
        (delete-region (pos-bol) (pos-eol))
        (if area
-             area orig-data size type elide text)
+             area orig-data size type cut text)
          ;; If the user didn't complete the crop, re-insert the
          ;; original image (and text).
          (insert text))
        (undo-amalgamate-change-group undo-handle)))))
-(defun image-crop--crop-image-update (area data size type elide text)
+(defun image-crop--crop-image-update (area data size type cut text)
   (let* ((image-scaling-factor 1)
         (osize (image-size (create-image data nil t) t))
         (factor (/ (float (car osize)) (car size)))
@@ -218,13 +223,13 @@ After cropping an image, you can save it by `M-x 
image-save' or
        (set-buffer-multibyte nil)
        (insert data)
-       (if elide
-          (image-crop--process image-crop-elide-command
+       (if cut
+          (image-crop--process image-crop-cut-command
                                 `((?l . ,left)
                                   (?t . ,top)
                                   (?r . ,(+ left width))
                                   (?b . ,(+ top height))
-                                  (?c . ,elide)
+                                  (?c . ,cut)
                                   (?f . ,(cadr (split-string type "/")))))
         (image-crop--process image-crop-crop-command
                               `((?l . ,left)
@@ -235,37 +240,46 @@ After cropping an image, you can save it by `M-x 
image-save' or
-(defun image-crop--crop-image-1 (svg &optional square image-width image-height 
+(defun image-crop--width (area)
+  (- (plist-get area :right) (plist-get area :left)))
+(defun image-crop--height (area)
+  (- (plist-get area :bottom) (plist-get area :top)))
+(defun image-crop--crop-image-1 (svg op)
-     with prompt = (if square
-                       (format "Move square for %s" op)
-                     (format
-                      (substitute-command-keys
-                       "Select area for %s (click \\`mouse-1' and drag)")
-                      op))
-     and state = (if square 'move-unclick 'begin)
-     and area = (if square
-                   (list :left (- (/ image-width 2)
-                                  (/ image-height 2))
-                         :top 0
-                         :right (+ (/ image-width 2)
-                                   (/ image-height 2))
-                         :bottom image-height)
-                 (list :left 0
-                       :top 0
-                       :right 0
-                       :bottom 0))
+     with prompt = (format
+                    (substitute-command-keys
+                     "Select area for %s (click \\`mouse-1' and drag)")
+                    op)
+     and state = 'begin
+     and area = (list :left 0
+                     :top 0
+                     :right 0
+                     :bottom 0)
      and corner = nil
      for event = (read-event prompt)
-     do (if (or (not (consp event))
-               (not (consp (cadr event)))
-               (not (nth 7 (cadr event)))
-               ;; Only do things if point is over the SVG being
-               ;; tracked.
-               (not (eq (cl-getf (cdr (nth 7 (cadr event))) :type)
-                        'svg)))
-           ()
+     do (cond
+         ;; Go to "square" mode.
+         ((eql event ?s)
+          (setq state 'move-unclick
+                prompt (format "Move square for %s" op))
+          (let ((size (min (image-crop--width area) (image-crop--height 
+            (setf (plist-get area :right) (+ (plist-get area :left) size)
+                  (plist-get area :bottom) (+ (plist-get area :top) size))))
+         ;; Go to "move" move.
+         ((eql event ?m)
+          (setq state 'move-unclick
+                prompt (format "Move for %s" op)))
+         ;; We have a (relevant) mouse event.
+         ((and (consp event)
+               (consp (cadr event))
+               (nth 7 (cadr event))
+              ;; Only do things if point is over the SVG being
+              ;; tracked.
+               (eq (cl-getf (cdr (nth 7 (cadr event))) :type)
+                  'svg))
          (let ((pos (nth 8 (cadr event))))
            (cl-case state
@@ -322,11 +336,15 @@ After cropping an image, you can save it by `M-x 
image-save' or
                ((eq (car event) 'mouse-movement)
-                (setf (cl-getf area :left) (car pos)
-                      (cl-getf area :right) (+ (car pos) image-height)))
+                (setf (cl-getf area :right)
+                       (+ (car pos) (image-crop--width area)))
+                 (setf (cl-getf area :left) (car pos))
+                 (setf (cl-getf area :bottom)
+                       (+ (cdr pos) (image-crop--height area)))
+                 (setf (cl-getf area :top) (cdr pos)))
                ((memq (car event) '(mouse-1 drag-mouse-1))
                 (setq state 'move-unclick
-                       prompt (format "Click to move for %s" op))))))))
+                       prompt (format "Click to move for %s" op)))))))))
      do (svg-line svg (cl-getf area :left) (cl-getf area :top)
                  (cl-getf area :right) (cl-getf area :top)
                  :id "top-line" :stroke-color "white")

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