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master 121c3d44be: CC Mode: Make c-forward-declarator move over a suffix

From: Alan Mackenzie
Subject: master 121c3d44be: CC Mode: Make c-forward-declarator move over a suffix after parens, e.g. const
Date: Tue, 4 Oct 2022 09:24:54 -0400 (EDT)

branch: master
commit 121c3d44be84ad1d4c5cccd629bb6994252950d1
Author: Alan Mackenzie <acm@muc.de>
Commit: Alan Mackenzie <acm@muc.de>

    CC Mode: Make c-forward-declarator move over a suffix after parens, e.g. 
    Also tidy up several inaccuracies in the code.
    * lisp/progmodes/cc-engine.el (c-forward-decl-arglist): Move point for modes
    other than C++ Mode.
    (c-forward-declarator): Move over a suffix following arglist parens
    (e.g. const).  Set the ARGLIST element of the return value to non-nil on
    encountering an unbalanced open parenthesis.  Don't move forward out of
    enclosing parens.
    * lisp/progmodes/cc-mode.el (c-fl-decl-end): Handle being in a multi-line
    string.  Move forward over token after declarator.
 lisp/progmodes/cc-engine.el | 200 +++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 lisp/progmodes/cc-mode.el   |  79 ++++++++---------
 2 files changed, 145 insertions(+), 134 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/progmodes/cc-engine.el b/lisp/progmodes/cc-engine.el
index fc00518360..0ac96219a1 100644
--- a/lisp/progmodes/cc-engine.el
+++ b/lisp/progmodes/cc-engine.el
@@ -9609,40 +9609,38 @@ point unchanged and return nil."
                (c-forward-syntactic-ws limit)
                (looking-at "[*&]")))
-         (when
-             (save-excursion
-               (let (c-last-identifier-range)
-                 (forward-char)
-                 (c-forward-syntactic-ws limit)
-                 (catch 'is-function
-                   (while
-                       ;; Go forward one argument at each iteration.
-                       (progn
-                         (while
-                             (cond
-                              ((looking-at c-decl-hangon-key)
-                               (c-forward-keyword-clause 1))
-                              ((looking-at
-                                c-noise-macro-with-parens-name-re)
-                               (c-forward-noise-clause))))
-                         (when (eq (char-after) ?\))
-                           (forward-char)
-                           (c-forward-syntactic-ws limit)
-                           (throw 'is-function t))
-                         (setq got-type (c-forward-type))
+         (save-excursion
+           (let (c-last-identifier-range)
+             (forward-char)
+             (c-forward-syntactic-ws limit)
+             (catch 'is-function
+               (while
+                   ;; Go forward one argument at each iteration.
+                   (progn
+                     (while
-                          ((null got-type)
-                           (throw 'is-function nil))
-                          ((not (eq got-type 'maybe))
-                           (throw 'is-function t)))
-                         (c-forward-declarator limit t t)
-                         (eq (char-after) ?,))
-                     (forward-char)
-                     (c-forward-syntactic-ws))
-                   t)))
-           (and (c-go-list-forward (point) limit)
-                (progn (c-forward-syntactic-ws limit) t)))))
-       t
+                          ((looking-at c-decl-hangon-key)
+                           (c-forward-keyword-clause 1))
+                          ((looking-at
+                            c-noise-macro-with-parens-name-re)
+                           (c-forward-noise-clause))))
+                     (when (eq (char-after) ?\))
+                       (forward-char)
+                       (c-forward-syntactic-ws limit)
+                       (throw 'is-function t))
+                     (setq got-type (c-forward-type))
+                     (cond
+                      ((null got-type)
+                       (throw 'is-function nil))
+                      ((not (eq got-type 'maybe))
+                       (throw 'is-function t)))
+                     (c-forward-declarator limit t t)
+                     (eq (char-after) ?,))
+                 (forward-char)
+                 (c-forward-syntactic-ws))
+               t)))))
+       (and (c-go-list-forward (point) limit)
+            (progn (c-forward-syntactic-ws limit) t))
       (goto-char here)
@@ -9654,10 +9652,11 @@ point unchanged and return nil."
   ;; ARGLIST), where ID-START and ID-END are the bounds of the declarator's
   ;; identifier, BRACKETS-AFTER-ID is non-nil if a [...] pair is present after
-  ;; the id, and ARGLIST is non-nil if an arglist has been moved over.
-  ;; GOT-INIT is non-nil when the declarator is followed by "=" or "(",
-  ;; DECORATED is non-nil when the identifier is embellished by an operator,
-  ;; like "*x", or "(*x)".
+  ;; the id, and ARGLIST is non-nil either when an arglist has been moved
+  ;; over, or when we have stopped at an unbalanced open-paren.  GOT-INIT is
+  ;; non-nil when the declarator is followed by "=" or "(", DECORATED is
+  ;; non-nil when the identifier is embellished by an operator, like "*x", or
+  ;; "(*x)".
   ;; If ACCEPT-ANON is non-nil, move forward over any "anonymous declarator",
   ;; i.e. something like the (*) in int (*), such as might be found in a
@@ -9707,6 +9706,7 @@ point unchanged and return nil."
                 (if (looking-at c-overloadable-operators-regexp)
                       (goto-char (match-end 0))
+                      (c-forward-syntactic-ws limit)
                       (setq got-identifier t)
@@ -9759,25 +9759,37 @@ point unchanged and return nil."
         ;; Skip out of the parens surrounding the identifier.  If closing
         ;; parens are missing, this form returns nil.
         (or (= paren-depth 0)
-            (c-safe (goto-char (scan-lists (point) 1 paren-depth))))
+            (prog1
+                (c-safe (goto-char (scan-lists (point) 1 paren-depth)))
+              (c-forward-syntactic-ws)))
         (or (eq (point) (point-max))   ; No token after identifier.
             (< (point) limit))
         ;; Skip over any trailing bit, such as "__attribute__".
-             (while (cond
-                     ((looking-at c-decl-hangon-key)
-                      (c-forward-keyword-clause 1))
-                     ((looking-at c-type-decl-suffix-key)
-                      (if (save-match-data
-                            (looking-at c-fun-name-substitute-key))
-                          (c-forward-c++-requires-clause)
-                        (c-forward-keyword-clause 1)))
-                     ((and c-opt-cpp-prefix
-                           (looking-at c-noise-macro-with-parens-name-re))
-                      (c-forward-noise-clause))))
-             (<= (point) limit))
+          (while (cond
+                  ((looking-at c-decl-hangon-key)
+                   (c-forward-keyword-clause 1))
+                  ((looking-at c-type-decl-suffix-key)
+                   (cond
+                    ((save-match-data
+                       (looking-at c-fun-name-substitute-key))
+                     (c-forward-c++-requires-clause))
+                    ((eq (char-after) ?\()
+                     (if (c-forward-decl-arglist not-top decorated limit)
+                         (progn (setq arglist t
+                                      got-init nil)
+                                t)
+                       (if (c-go-list-forward (point) limit)
+                           t
+                         (setq arglist t) ; For unbalanced (.
+                         nil)))
+                    (t (c-forward-keyword-clause 1))))
+                  ((and c-opt-cpp-prefix
+                        (looking-at c-noise-macro-with-parens-name-re))
+                   (c-forward-noise-clause))))
+          (<= (point) limit))
         ;; Search syntactically to the end of the declarator (";",
         ;; ",", a closing paren, eob etc) or to the beginning of an
@@ -9785,52 +9797,48 @@ point unchanged and return nil."
         ;; Note that square brackets are now not also treated as
         ;; initializers, since this broke when there were also
         ;; initializing brace lists.
-        (let (found)
-          (while
-              (and (< (point) limit)
-                   (progn
-                     ;; In the next loop, we keep searching forward whilst
-                     ;; we find ":"s which aren't single colons inside C++
-                     ;; "for" statements.
-                     (while
-                         (and
-                          (< (point) limit)
-                          (prog1
-                              (setq found
-                                    (c-syntactic-re-search-forward
-                                     "[;:,]\\|\\s)\\|\\(=\\|\\s(\\)"
-                                     limit t t))
-                            (setq got-init
-                                  (and found (match-beginning 1))))
-                          (eq (char-before) ?:)
-                          (if (looking-at c-:-op-cont-regexp)
-                              (progn (goto-char (match-end 0)) t)
-                            (not
-                             (and (c-major-mode-is '(c++-mode java-mode))
-                                  (save-excursion
-                                    (and
-                                     (c-go-up-list-backward)
-                                     (eq (char-after) ?\()
-                                     (progn (c-backward-syntactic-ws)
-                                            (c-simple-skip-symbol-backward))
-                                     (looking-at c-paren-stmt-key))))))))
-                     found)
-                   (cond ((eq (char-before) ?\[)
-                          (setq brackets-after-id t)
-                          (prog1 (c-go-up-list-forward)
-                            (c-forward-syntactic-ws)))
-                         ((and (not brackets-after-id)
-                               (eq (char-before) ?\())
-                          (backward-char)
-                          (if (c-forward-decl-arglist not-top decorated limit)
-                              (setq arglist t
-                                    got-init nil)
-                            (forward-char))
-                          nil))))      ; To end the loop.
-          (when (and found
-                     (memq (char-before) '(?\; ?\: ?, ?= ?\( ?\[ ?{)))
-              (backward-char))
-          (<= (point) limit)))
+        (or (eq (char-after) ?\()      ; Not an arglist.
+            (let (found)
+              (while
+                  (and (< (point) limit)
+                       (progn
+                         ;; In the next loop, we keep searching forward
+                         ;; whilst we find ":"s which aren't single colons
+                         ;; inside C++ "for" statements.
+                         (while
+                             (and
+                              (< (point) limit)
+                              (prog1
+                                  (setq found
+                                        (c-syntactic-re-search-forward
+                                         "[;:,]\\|\\(=\\|\\s(\\)"
+                                         limit 'limit t))
+                                (setq got-init
+                                      (and found (match-beginning 1))))
+                              (eq (char-before) ?:)
+                               (not
+                               (and (c-major-mode-is '(c++-mode java-mode))
+                                     (save-excursion
+                                       (and
+                                       (c-go-up-list-backward)
+                                       (eq (char-after) ?\()
+                                       (progn (c-backward-syntactic-ws)
+                                               (c-simple-skip-symbol-backward))
+                                       (looking-at c-paren-stmt-key)))))
+                              (if (looking-at c-:-op-cont-regexp)
+                                  (progn (goto-char (match-end 0)) t)
+                                ;; Does this : introduce the class
+                                ;; initialization list, or a bitfield?
+                                (not arglist)))) ; Carry on for a bitfield
+                         found)
+                       (when (eq (char-before) ?\[)
+                         (setq brackets-after-id t)
+                         (prog1 (c-go-up-list-forward)
+                           (c-forward-syntactic-ws)))))
+              (when (and found
+                         (memq (char-before) '(?\; ?\: ?, ?= ?\( ?\[ ?{)))
+                (backward-char))
+              (<= (point) limit))))
        (list id-start id-end brackets-after-id got-init decorated arglist)
       (goto-char here)
diff --git a/lisp/progmodes/cc-mode.el b/lisp/progmodes/cc-mode.el
index 732b2b1054..2003b09ded 100644
--- a/lisp/progmodes/cc-mode.el
+++ b/lisp/progmodes/cc-mode.el
@@ -2458,9 +2458,12 @@ with // and /*, not more generic line and block 
   (goto-char pos)
   (let ((lit-start (c-literal-start))
        (lim (c-determine-limit 1000))
-       enclosing-attribute pos1)
+       enclosing-attribute pos1 ml-delim)
     (if lit-start
        (goto-char lit-start))
+    (when (and lit-start c-ml-string-opener-re
+              (setq ml-delim (c-ml-string-opener-around-point)))
+      (goto-char (car ml-delim)))
     (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)
     (when (setq enclosing-attribute (c-enclosing-c++-attribute))
       (goto-char (car enclosing-attribute)) ; Only happens in C++ Mode.
@@ -2471,43 +2474,43 @@ with // and /*, not more generic line and block 
       (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim))
     (when (setq pos1 (c-on-identifier))
       (goto-char pos1)
-      (let* ((lim (save-excursion
-                   (and (c-beginning-of-macro)
-                        (progn (c-end-of-macro) (point)))))
-            (decl-res (c-forward-declarator lim)))
-        (if (or (cadr (cddr (cddr decl-res))) ; We scanned an arglist.
-                (and (eq (char-after) ?\() ; Move over a non arglist (...).
-                     (prog1 (c-go-list-forward nil lim)
-                       (c-forward-syntactic-ws lim))))
-            (if (looking-at c-symbol-char-key)
-                ;; Deal with baz (foo((bar)) type var), where `pos'
-                ;; was inside foo, but foo((bar)) is not semantically
-                ;; valid.  The result must be after var).
-                (and
-                 (goto-char pos)
-                 (setq pos1 (c-on-identifier))
-                 (goto-char pos1)
-                 (progn
-                   (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)
-                   (eq (char-before) ?\())
-                 (c-fl-decl-end (1- (point))))
-              (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)
-              (point))
-          (if (progn (c-forward-syntactic-ws lim)
-                     (not (eobp)))
-              (progn
-                (c-forward-over-token)
-                ;; Cope with having POS withing a syntactically invalid
-                ;; (...), by moving backward out of the parens and trying
-                ;; again.
-                (when (and (eq (char-before) ?\))
-                           (c-go-list-backward (point) lim))
-                  (c-fl-decl-end (point))))
-            (let ((lit-start (c-literal-start)))
-              (when lit-start
-                (goto-char lit-start))
-              (c-backward-syntactic-ws)))
-          (and (>= (point) pos) (point)))))))
+      (let* ((lim1 (save-excursion
+                    (and (c-beginning-of-macro)
+                         (progn (c-end-of-macro) (point)))))
+            (decl-res (c-forward-declarator)))
+       (if (or (cadr (cddr (cddr decl-res))) ; We scanned an arglist.
+               (and (eq (char-after) ?\()    ; Move over a non arglist (...).
+                    (prog1 (c-go-list-forward)
+                      (c-forward-syntactic-ws))))
+           (if (looking-at c-symbol-char-key)
+               ;; Deal with baz (foo((bar)) type var), where `pos'
+               ;; was inside foo, but foo((bar)) is not semantically
+               ;; valid.  The result must be after var).
+               (and
+                (goto-char pos)
+                (setq pos1 (c-on-identifier))
+                (goto-char pos1)
+                (progn
+                  (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim1)
+                  (eq (char-before) ?\())
+                (c-fl-decl-end (1- (point))))
+             (c-forward-over-token)
+             (point))
+         (if (progn (c-forward-syntactic-ws)
+                    (not (eobp)))
+             (progn
+               (c-forward-over-token)
+               ;; Cope with having POS withing a syntactically invalid
+               ;; (...), by moving backward out of the parens and trying
+               ;; again.
+               (when (and (eq (char-before) ?\))
+                          (c-go-list-backward (point) lim1))
+                 (c-fl-decl-end (point))))
+           (let ((lit-start (c-literal-start)))
+             (when lit-start
+               (goto-char lit-start))
+             (c-backward-syntactic-ws)))
+         (and (>= (point) pos) (point)))))))
 (defun c-change-expand-fl-region (_beg _end _old-len)
   ;; Expand the region (c-new-BEG c-new-END) to an after-change font-lock

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