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pkg 8ca1c93b67 52/76: Work on defpackage
From: |
Gerd Moellmann |
Subject: |
pkg 8ca1c93b67 52/76: Work on defpackage |
Date: |
Fri, 21 Oct 2022 00:16:14 -0400 (EDT) |
branch: pkg
commit 8ca1c93b6746efafdfc5dacf72dc099b7373306b
Author: Gerd Möllmann <gerd@gnu.org>
Commit: Gerd Möllmann <gerd@gnu.org>
Work on defpackage
lisp/emacs-lisp/pkg.el | 260 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 260 insertions(+)
diff --git a/lisp/emacs-lisp/pkg.el b/lisp/emacs-lisp/pkg.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..073d9f6db5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/emacs-lisp/pkg.el
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+;;; pkg.el --- Lisp packages -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Copyright (C) 2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Gerd Möllmann <gerd@gnu.org>
+;; Keywords: lisp, tools, maint
+;; Version: 1.0
+;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This file is part of the implementation of Lisp packages for Emacs.
+;; Code is partly adapted from CMUCL, which is in the public domain.
+;; The goal of this is, among others, to do as much as possible in
+;; Lisp, not C.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'cl-lib)
+(defvar *default-package-use-list* nil
+ "tbd")
+(defun pkg-check-disjoint (&rest args)
+ "Check whether all given arguments specify disjoint sets of symbols.
+Each argument is of the form (:key . set)."
+ (cl-loop for (current-arg . rest-args) on args
+ do
+ (cl-loop with (key1 . set1) = current-arg
+ for (key2 . set2) in rest-args
+ for common = (cl-delete-duplicates
+ (cl-intersection set1 set2 :test #'string=))
+ unless (null common)
+ do
+ (error "Parameters %s and %s must be disjoint \
+but have common elements %s" key1 key2 common))))
+(defun pkg-stringify-name (name kind)
+ (cl-typecase name
+ (string name)
+ (symbol (symbol-name name))
+ (base-char (char-to-string name))
+ (t (error "Bogus %s name: %s" kind name))))
+(defun pkg-stringify-names (names kind)
+ (mapcar (lambda (name) (pkg-stringify-name name kind)) names))
+(defun pkg-package-namify (n)
+ (pkg-stringify-name n "package"))
+(defun pkg-name-to-package (name)
+ (gethash name *package-registry* nil))
+(defun pkg-enter-new-nicknames (package nicknames)
+ (cl-check-type nicknames list)
+ (dolist (n nicknames)
+ (let* ((n (pkg-package-namify n))
+ (found (pkg-name-to-package n)))
+ (cond ((not found)
+ (setf (gethash n *package-registry*) package)
+ (push n (package-%nicknames package)))
+ ((eq found package))
+ ((string= (package-name found) n)
+ (error "%s is a package name, so it cannot be a nickname for %s."
+ n (package-name package)))
+ (t
+ (error "%s is already a nickname for %s"
+ n (package-name found)))))))
+;;; package-or-lose -- Internal
+;;; Take a package-or-string-or-symbol and return a package.
+(defun package-or-lose (thing)
+ (cond ((packagep thing)
+ (unless (package-%name thing)
+ (error "Can't do anything to a deleted package: %s" thing))
+ thing)
+ (t
+ (let ((thing (pkg-package-namify thing)))
+ (cond ((pkg-name-to-package thing))
+ (t (make-package thing)))))))
+(defun find-or-make-symbol (name package)
+ (cl-multiple-value-bind (symbol how)
+ (find-symbol name package)
+ (if how
+ symbol
+ (intern name package))))
+;; defpackage
+(defun %defpackage (name nicknames size shadows shadowing-imports
+ use imports interns exports doc-string)
+ (let ((package (or (find-package name)
+ (progn
+ (when (eq use :default)
+ (setf use *default-package-use-list*))
+ (make-package name
+ :use nil
+ :size (or size 10))))))
+ (unless (string= (package-name package) name)
+ (error "%s is a nick-name for the package %s" name (package-name name)))
+ (pkg-enter-new-nicknames package nicknames)
+ ;; Shadows and Shadowing-imports.
+ (let ((old-shadows (package-%shadowing-symbols package)))
+ (shadow shadows package)
+ (dolist (sym-name shadows)
+ (setf old-shadows (remove (find-symbol sym-name package) old-shadows)))
+ (dolist (simports-from shadowing-imports)
+ (let ((other-package (package-or-lose (car simports-from))))
+ (dolist (sym-name (cdr simports-from))
+ (let ((sym (find-or-make-symbol sym-name other-package)))
+ (shadowing-import sym package)
+ (setf old-shadows (remove sym old-shadows))))))
+ (when old-shadows
+ (warn "%s also shadows the following symbols: %s"
+ name old-shadows)))
+ ;; Use
+ (unless (eq use :default)
+ (let ((old-use-list (package-use-list package))
+ (new-use-list (mapcar #'package-or-lose use)))
+ (use-package (cl-set-difference new-use-list old-use-list) package)
+ (let ((laterize (cl-set-difference old-use-list new-use-list)))
+ (when laterize
+ (unuse-package laterize package)
+ (warn "%s previously used the following packages: %s"
+ name laterize)))))
+ ;; Import and Intern.
+ (dolist (sym-name interns)
+ (intern sym-name package))
+ (dolist (imports-from imports)
+ (let ((other-package (package-or-lose (car imports-from))))
+ (dolist (sym-name (cdr imports-from))
+ (import (list (find-or-make-symbol sym-name other-package))
+ package))))
+ ;; Exports.
+ (let ((old-exports nil)
+ (exports (mapcar (lambda (sym-name) (intern sym-name package))
+ (do-external-symbols (sym package)
+ (push sym old-exports))
+ (export exports package)
+ (let ((diff (cl-set-difference old-exports exports)))
+ (when diff
+ (warn "%s also exports the following symbols: %s" name diff))))
+ ;; Documentation
+ (setf (package-doc-string package) doc-string)
+ package))
+(defmacro defpackage (package &rest options)
+ "Defines a new package called PACKAGE. Each of OPTIONS should be one of the
+ following:
+ (:NICKNAMES {package-name}*)
+ (:SIZE <integer>)
+ (:SHADOW {symbol-name}*)
+ (:SHADOWING-IMPORT-FROM <package-name> {symbol-name}*)
+ (:USE {package-name}*)
+ (:IMPORT-FROM <package-name> {symbol-name}*)
+ (:INTERN {symbol-name}*)
+ (:EXPORT {symbol-name}*)
+ (:DOCUMENTATION doc-string)
+ All options except :SIZE and :DOCUMENTATION can be used multiple times."
+ (let ((nicknames nil)
+ (size nil)
+ (shadows nil)
+ (shadowing-imports nil)
+ (use nil)
+ (use-p nil)
+ (imports nil)
+ (interns nil)
+ (exports nil)
+ (doc nil))
+ (dolist (option options)
+ (unless (consp option)
+ (error "Bogus DEFPACKAGE option: %s" option))
+ (cl-case (car option)
+ (:nicknames
+ (setf nicknames (pkg-stringify-names (cdr option) "package")))
+ (:size
+ (cond (size
+ (error "Can't specify :SIZE twice."))
+ ((and (consp (cdr option))
+ (cl-typep (cl-second option) 'natnum))
+ (setf size (cl-second option)))
+ (t
+ (error "Bogus :SIZE, must be a positive integer: %s"
+ (cl-second option)))))
+ (:shadow
+ (let ((new (pkg-stringify-names (cdr option) "symbol")))
+ (setf shadows (append shadows new))))
+ (:shadowing-import-from
+ (let ((package-name (pkg-stringify-name (cl-second option) "package"))
+ (names (pkg-stringify-names (cddr option) "symbol")))
+ (let ((assoc (cl-assoc package-name shadowing-imports
+ :test #'string=)))
+ (if assoc
+ (setf (cdr assoc) (append (cdr assoc) names))
+ (setf shadowing-imports
+ (cl-acons package-name names shadowing-imports))))))
+ (:use
+ (let ((new (pkg-stringify-names (cdr option) "package")))
+ (setf use (cl-delete-duplicates (nconc use new) :test #'string=))
+ (setf use-p t)))
+ (:import-from
+ (let ((package-name (pkg-stringify-name (cl-second option) "package"))
+ (names (pkg-stringify-names (cddr option) "symbol")))
+ (let ((assoc (cl-assoc package-name imports
+ :test #'string=)))
+ (if assoc
+ (setf (cdr assoc) (append (cdr assoc) names))
+ (setf imports (cl-acons package-name names imports))))))
+ (:intern
+ (let ((new (pkg-stringify-names (cdr option) "symbol")))
+ (setf interns (append interns new))))
+ (:export
+ (let ((new (pkg-stringify-names (cdr option) "symbol")))
+ (setf exports (append exports new))))
+ (:documentation
+ (when doc
+ (error "Can't specify :DOCUMENTATION twice."))
+ (setf doc (cl-coerce (cl-second option) 'string)))
+ (t
+ (error "Bogus DEFPACKAGE option: %s" option))))
+ (pkg-check-disjoint `(:intern ,@interns) `(:export ,@exports))
+ (pkg-check-disjoint `(:intern ,@interns)
+ `(:import-from ,@(apply 'append (mapcar 'cl-rest
+ `(:shadow ,@shadows)
+ `(:shadowing-import-from
+ ,@(apply 'append (mapcar 'cl-rest
+ `(cl-eval-when (compile load eval)
+ (%defpackage ,(pkg-stringify-name package "package") ',nicknames ',size
+ ',shadows ',shadowing-imports ',(if use-p use :default)
+ ',imports ',interns ',exports ',doc))))
+;;; pkg.el ends here
- pkg c98a69d650 50/76: DEFVAR some variables, (continued)
- pkg c98a69d650 50/76: DEFVAR some variables, Gerd Moellmann, 2022/10/21
- pkg 2030adac1c 38/76: Fake obarrays, Gerd Moellmann, 2022/10/21
- pkg 6b0304f2dd 67/76: Print package prefixes right, Gerd Moellmann, 2022/10/21
- pkg b6489ecb72 46/76: More scribbling, Gerd Moellmann, 2022/10/21
- pkg 6a8c172927 44/76: Add cö-symbol-name, Gerd Moellmann, 2022/10/21
- pkg e9b97a1f7d 48/76: Revert some unimportant changes, Gerd Moellmann, 2022/10/21
- pkg c4922c4f08 55/76: Make faces work with keywords not having : in symbol names, Gerd Moellmann, 2022/10/21
- pkg 8a59cc12da 54/76: Add amcros for keyword symbols, Gerd Moellmann, 2022/10/21
- pkg d7c793cbbf 17/76: Don't register packages in make-package, Gerd Moellmann, 2022/10/21
- pkg fc936470cd 56/76: Move make-package to Lisp, Gerd Moellmann, 2022/10/21
- pkg 8ca1c93b67 52/76: Work on defpackage,
Gerd Moellmann <=