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master 9dcb28d6014: With visible-completions, only bind RET when complet

From: Juri Linkov
Subject: master 9dcb28d6014: With visible-completions, only bind RET when completion is selected
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2024 03:43:25 -0400 (EDT)

branch: master
commit 9dcb28d6014f72e5f52ad46d6141e9be4e11bfa5
Author: Spencer Baugh <sbaugh@janestreet.com>
Commit: Juri Linkov <juri@linkov.net>

    With visible-completions, only bind RET when completion is selected
    Previously, if minibuffer-visible-completions was non-nil, we bound RET
    whenever the *Completions* buffer was visible.  This meant that RET in
    completion-in-region would not enter a newline, which is a somewhat
    annoying behavior change from minibuffer-visible-completions=nil.
    Now, we only bind RET when a completion is selected.  This means
    RET will newline in completion-in-region.
    So that completion help continues to suggest the correct keys,
    we also add minibuffer-visible-completions--always-bind.  When
    let-bound to a non-nil value, it makes the
    minibuffer-visible-completions binds always active.  We let-bind
    it around substitute-command-keys.
    * lisp/minibuffer.el (minibuffer-visible-completions--always-bind)
    (minibuffer-visible-completions--filter): Add.
    (minibuffer-visible-completions-bind): Use
    minibuffer-visible-completions--filter.  (bug#68801)
    * lisp/simple.el (minibuffer-visible-completions--always-bind)
    (completion-setup-function): Let-bind
    minibuffer-visible-completions--always-bind so the completion
    help is correct.
 lisp/minibuffer.el | 24 ++++++++++++++++++------
 lisp/simple.el     | 19 +++++++++++--------
 2 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/minibuffer.el b/lisp/minibuffer.el
index 099fa1599d5..0a844c538b4 100644
--- a/lisp/minibuffer.el
+++ b/lisp/minibuffer.el
@@ -3163,18 +3163,30 @@ and `RET' accepts the input typed into the minibuffer."
   :type 'boolean
   :version "30.1")
+(defvar minibuffer-visible-completions--always-bind nil
+  "If non-nil, force the `minibuffer-visible-completions' bindings on.")
+(defun minibuffer-visible-completions--filter (cmd)
+  "Return CMD if `minibuffer-visible-completions' bindings should be active."
+  (if minibuffer-visible-completions--always-bind
+      cmd
+    (when-let ((window (get-buffer-window "*Completions*" 0)))
+      (when (and (eq (buffer-local-value 'completion-reference-buffer
+                                         (window-buffer window))
+                     (window-buffer (active-minibuffer-window)))
+                 (if (eq cmd #'minibuffer-choose-completion-or-exit)
+                     (with-current-buffer (window-buffer window)
+                       (get-text-property (point) 'completion--string))
+                   t))
+        cmd))))
 (defun minibuffer-visible-completions-bind (binding)
   "Use BINDING when completions are visible.
 Return an item that is enabled only when a window
 displaying the *Completions* buffer exists."
     "" ,binding
-    :filter ,(lambda (cmd)
-               (when-let ((window (get-buffer-window "*Completions*" 0)))
-                 (when (eq (buffer-local-value 'completion-reference-buffer
-                                               (window-buffer window))
-                           (window-buffer (active-minibuffer-window)))
-                   cmd)))))
+    :filter ,#'minibuffer-visible-completions--filter))
 (defvar-keymap minibuffer-visible-completions-map
   :doc "Local keymap for minibuffer input with visible completions."
diff --git a/lisp/simple.el b/lisp/simple.el
index f127290231b..0645f18cc78 100644
--- a/lisp/simple.el
+++ b/lisp/simple.el
@@ -10298,6 +10298,8 @@ Called from `temp-buffer-show-hook'."
   :version "22.1"
   :group 'completion)
+(defvar minibuffer-visible-completions--always-bind)
 ;; This function goes in completion-setup-hook, so that it is called
 ;; after the text of the completion list buffer is written.
 (defun completion-setup-function ()
@@ -10338,15 +10340,16 @@ Called from `temp-buffer-show-hook'."
         (if minibuffer-visible-completions
             (let ((helps
                    (with-current-buffer (window-buffer 
-                     (list
-                      (substitute-command-keys
-                      (if (display-mouse-p)
-                          "Click or type 
\\[minibuffer-choose-completion-or-exit] on a completion to select it.\n"
-                         "Type \\[minibuffer-choose-completion-or-exit] on a 
completion to select it.\n"))
-                      (substitute-command-keys
-                      "Type \\[minibuffer-next-completion], 
\\[minibuffer-previous-completion], \
+                     (let ((minibuffer-visible-completions--always-bind t))
+                       (list
+                        (substitute-command-keys
+                        (if (display-mouse-p)
+                            "Click or type 
\\[minibuffer-choose-completion-or-exit] on a completion to select it.\n"
+                           "Type \\[minibuffer-choose-completion-or-exit] on a 
completion to select it.\n"))
+                        (substitute-command-keys
+                        "Type \\[minibuffer-next-completion], 
\\[minibuffer-previous-completion], \
 \\[minibuffer-next-line-completion], \\[minibuffer-previous-line-completion] \
-to move point between completions.\n\n")))))
+to move point between completions.\n\n"))))))
               (dolist (help helps)
                 (insert help)))
           (insert (substitute-command-keys

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