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master 39b704e36e3: Show all date options when adding Gnus scores intera

From: Andrea Corallo
Subject: master 39b704e36e3: Show all date options when adding Gnus scores interactively
Date: Thu, 30 May 2024 04:58:25 -0400 (EDT)

branch: master
commit 39b704e36e308783dcec791d333fca317c6a5202
Author: Jakub Ječmínek <kuba@kubajecminek.cz>
Commit: Andrea Corallo <acorallo@gnu.org>

    Show all date options when adding Gnus scores interactively
    * lisp/gnus/gnus-score.el (gnus-summary-increase-score): Rename
    'char-to-type' variable to 'char-to-types' and bind all legal types
    for date header.
    * lisp/gnus/gnus-score.el (gnus-summary-score-entry): Provide better
    default values for each scoring type and cast 'match' to number only
    if necessary.
    Co-authored-by: Alex Bochannek <alex@bochannek.com>
 doc/misc/gnus.texi      |  9 +++++++++
 lisp/gnus/gnus-score.el | 48 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 2 files changed, 34 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/misc/gnus.texi b/doc/misc/gnus.texi
index c5e4c885ccf..56f259db9a1 100644
--- a/doc/misc/gnus.texi
+++ b/doc/misc/gnus.texi
@@ -20093,6 +20093,9 @@ Regexp matching.
 @item date
 @table @kbd
+@item r
+Regexp matching.
 @item b
 Before date.
@@ -20101,6 +20104,12 @@ After date.
 @item n
 This date.
+@item <
+Less than days.
+@item >
+Greater than days.
 @end table
 @item number
diff --git a/lisp/gnus/gnus-score.el b/lisp/gnus/gnus-score.el
index 479b7496cf1..31ce1328e37 100644
--- a/lisp/gnus/gnus-score.el
+++ b/lisp/gnus/gnus-score.el
@@ -593,18 +593,18 @@ current score file."
            (?d "date" nil nil date)
            (?f "followup" nil nil string)
            (?t "thread" "message-id" nil string)))
-        (char-to-type
+        (char-to-types
          '((?s s "substring" string)
            (?e e "exact string" string)
            (?f f "fuzzy string" string)
-           (?r r "regexp string" string)
+           (?r r "regexp string" string date)
            (?z s "substring" body-string)
            (?p r "regexp string" body-string)
            (?b before "before date" date)
            (?a after "after date" date)
            (?n at "this date" date)
-           (?< < "less than number" number)
-           (?> > "greater than number" number)
+           (?< < "less than number" number date)
+           (?> > "greater than number" number date)
            (?= = "equal to number" number)))
         (current-score-file gnus-current-score-file)
@@ -652,10 +652,9 @@ current score file."
          (let ((legal-types
                 (delq nil
                       (mapcar (lambda (s)
-                                (if (eq (nth 4 entry)
-                                        (nth 3 s))
+                                (if (member (nth 4 entry) (nthcdr 3 s))
                                     s nil))
-                              char-to-type))))
+                              char-to-types))))
             (setq header-string
                   (format "%s header `%s' with match type (%s?): "
                          (if increase "Increase" "Lower")
@@ -894,12 +893,16 @@ If optional argument `EXTRA' is non-nil, it's a 
non-standard overview header."
                           (if (< score 0) "lower" "raise"))
                    (cond ((numberp match) (int-to-string match))
+                         ;; Provide better defaults if we're scoring on date 
                          ((string= header "date")
-                          (int-to-string
-                           (-
-                            (/ (car (time-convert (current-time) 1)) 86400)
-                            (/ (car (time-convert (gnus-date-get-time match) 
-                               86400))))
+                          (if (or (eq type '<) (eq type '>))
+                              ;; Determine the time difference in days between 
+                              ;; and the article's date
+                              (format-seconds "%d"
+                                              (time-subtract
+                                               (current-time)
+                                               (gnus-date-get-time match)))
+                            (gnus-date-iso8601 match)))
                          (t match)))))
     ;; If this is an integer comparison, we transform from string to int.
@@ -909,16 +912,13 @@ If optional argument `EXTRA' is non-nil, it's a 
non-standard overview header."
       (set-text-properties 0 (length match) nil match))
     ;; Modify match and type for article age scoring.
-    (if (string= "date" (nth 0 (assoc header gnus-header-index)))
-       (let ((age (string-to-number match)))
-         (if (or (< age 0)
-                 (string= "0" match))
-             (user-error "Article age must be a positive number"))
-         (setq match age
-               type (cond ((eq type 'after)
-                           '<)
-                          ((eq type 'before)
-                           '>)))))
+    (when (and (string= header "date")
+               (or (eq type '<) (eq type '>)))
+      (let ((age (string-to-number match)))
+        (if (or (< age 0)
+                (string= "0" match))
+            (user-error "Article age must be a positive number"))
+        (setq match age)))
     (unless (eq date 'now)
       ;; Add the score entry to the score file.
@@ -1806,7 +1806,7 @@ score in `gnus-newsgroup-scored' by SCORE."
           ((eq type 'at)
            (setq match-func 'string=
                  match (gnus-date-iso8601 (nth 0 kill))))
-          ((eq type 'regexp)
+          ((or (eq type 'regexp) (eq type 'r))
            (setq match-func 'string-match
                  match (nth 0 kill)))
           (t (error "Invalid match type: %s" type)))
@@ -1833,6 +1833,8 @@ score in `gnus-newsgroup-scored' by SCORE."
                 (gnus-score-set 'touched '(t) alist)
                 (setcdr entries (cdr rest))
                 (setq rest entries)))
+          (when (stringp (nth 0 kill))
+            (set-text-properties 0 1 nil (nth 0 kill)))
          (setq entries rest)))))

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