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[elpa] externals/rainbow-mode 1f37950 02/26: Update rainbow-mode to vers

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [elpa] externals/rainbow-mode 1f37950 02/26: Update rainbow-mode to version 0.2
Date: Tue, 1 Dec 2020 16:53:18 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/rainbow-mode
commit 1f3795025ef2efca0bff65ceac0666ea198de99c
Author: Julien Danjou <julien@danjou.info>
Commit: Julien Danjou <julien@danjou.info>

    Update rainbow-mode to version 0.2
 rainbow-mode.el | 232 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 203 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)

diff --git a/rainbow-mode.el b/rainbow-mode.el
index 7d71002..d3b759c 100644
--- a/rainbow-mode.el
+++ b/rainbow-mode.el
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 ;;; rainbow-mode.el --- Colorize color names in buffers
-;; Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+;; Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc
 ;; Author: Julien Danjou <julien@danjou.info>
 ;; Keywords: faces
-;; Version: 0.1
+;; Version: 0.2
 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
@@ -42,7 +42,13 @@
 ;; Hexadecimal colors
 (defvar rainbow-hexadecimal-colors-font-lock-keywords
-  '(("#[0-9a-fA-F]\\{3\\}[0-9a-fA-F]\\{3\\}?"
+  '(("#\\(?:[0-9a-fA-F]\\{3\\}\\)+\\{1,4\\}"
+     (0 (rainbow-colorize-itself)))
+     (0 (rainbow-colorize-itself)))
+    ("[Rr][Gg][Bb][Ii]:[0-9.]+/[0-9.]+/[0-9.]+"
+     (0 (rainbow-colorize-itself)))
      (0 (rainbow-colorize-itself))))
   "Font-lock keywords to add for hexadecimal colors.")
@@ -50,8 +56,12 @@
 (defvar rainbow-html-rgb-colors-font-lock-keywords
      (0 (rainbow-colorize-rgb)))
-     (0 (rainbow-colorize-rgb))))
+     (0 (rainbow-colorize-rgb)))
+     (0 (rainbow-colorize-hsl)))
+     (0 (rainbow-colorize-hsl))))
   "Font-lock keywords to add for RGB colors.")
 ;; HTML colors name
@@ -60,22 +70,153 @@
 (make-variable-buffer-local 'rainbow-html-colors-font-lock-keywords)
 (defcustom rainbow-html-colors-alist
-  '(("black" . "#000000")
-    ("silver" . "#C0C0C0")
-    ("gray" . "#808080")
-    ("white" . "#FFFFFF")
-    ("maroon" . "#800000")
-    ("red" . "#FF0000")
-    ("purple" . "#800080")
-    ("fuchsia" . "#FF00FF")
-    ("green" . "#008000")
-    ("lime" . "#00FF00")
-    ("olive" . "#808000")
-    ("yellow" . "#FFFF00")
-    ("navy" . "#000080")
-    ("blue" . "#0000FF")
-    ("teal" . "#008080")
-    ("aqua" . "#00FFFF"))
+  '(("AliceBlue" . "#F0F8FF")
+    ("AntiqueWhite" . "#FAEBD7")
+    ("Aqua" . "#00FFFF")
+    ("Aquamarine" . "#7FFFD4")
+    ("Azure" . "#F0FFFF")
+    ("Beige" . "#F5F5DC")
+    ("Bisque" . "#FFE4C4")
+    ("Black" . "#000000")
+    ("BlanchedAlmond" . "#FFEBCD")
+    ("Blue" . "#0000FF")
+    ("BlueViolet" . "#8A2BE2")
+    ("Brown" . "#A52A2A")
+    ("BurlyWood" . "#DEB887")
+    ("CadetBlue" . "#5F9EA0")
+    ("Chartreuse" . "#7FFF00")
+    ("Chocolate" . "#D2691E")
+    ("Coral" . "#FF7F50")
+    ("CornflowerBlue" . "#6495ED")
+    ("Cornsilk" . "#FFF8DC")
+    ("Crimson" . "#DC143C")
+    ("Cyan" . "#00FFFF")
+    ("DarkBlue" . "#00008B")
+    ("DarkCyan" . "#008B8B")
+    ("DarkGoldenRod" . "#B8860B")
+    ("DarkGray" . "#A9A9A9")
+    ("DarkGrey" . "#A9A9A9")
+    ("DarkGreen" . "#006400")
+    ("DarkKhaki" . "#BDB76B")
+    ("DarkMagenta" . "#8B008B")
+    ("DarkOliveGreen" . "#556B2F")
+    ("Darkorange" . "#FF8C00")
+    ("DarkOrchid" . "#9932CC")
+    ("DarkRed" . "#8B0000")
+    ("DarkSalmon" . "#E9967A")
+    ("DarkSeaGreen" . "#8FBC8F")
+    ("DarkSlateBlue" . "#483D8B")
+    ("DarkSlateGray" . "#2F4F4F")
+    ("DarkSlateGrey" . "#2F4F4F")
+    ("DarkTurquoise" . "#00CED1")
+    ("DarkViolet" . "#9400D3")
+    ("DeepPink" . "#FF1493")
+    ("DeepSkyBlue" . "#00BFFF")
+    ("DimGray" . "#696969")
+    ("DimGrey" . "#696969")
+    ("DodgerBlue" . "#1E90FF")
+    ("FireBrick" . "#B22222")
+    ("FloralWhite" . "#FFFAF0")
+    ("ForestGreen" . "#228B22")
+    ("Fuchsia" . "#FF00FF")
+    ("Gainsboro" . "#DCDCDC")
+    ("GhostWhite" . "#F8F8FF")
+    ("Gold" . "#FFD700")
+    ("GoldenRod" . "#DAA520")
+    ("Gray" . "#808080")
+    ("Grey" . "#808080")
+    ("Green" . "#008000")
+    ("GreenYellow" . "#ADFF2F")
+    ("HoneyDew" . "#F0FFF0")
+    ("HotPink" . "#FF69B4")
+    ("IndianRed" . "#CD5C5C")
+    ("Indigo" . "#4B0082")
+    ("Ivory" . "#FFFFF0")
+    ("Khaki" . "#F0E68C")
+    ("Lavender" . "#E6E6FA")
+    ("LavenderBlush" . "#FFF0F5")
+    ("LawnGreen" . "#7CFC00")
+    ("LemonChiffon" . "#FFFACD")
+    ("LightBlue" . "#ADD8E6")
+    ("LightCoral" . "#F08080")
+    ("LightCyan" . "#E0FFFF")
+    ("LightGoldenRodYellow" . "#FAFAD2")
+    ("LightGray" . "#D3D3D3")
+    ("LightGrey" . "#D3D3D3")
+    ("LightGreen" . "#90EE90")
+    ("LightPink" . "#FFB6C1")
+    ("LightSalmon" . "#FFA07A")
+    ("LightSeaGreen" . "#20B2AA")
+    ("LightSkyBlue" . "#87CEFA")
+    ("LightSlateGray" . "#778899")
+    ("LightSlateGrey" . "#778899")
+    ("LightSteelBlue" . "#B0C4DE")
+    ("LightYellow" . "#FFFFE0")
+    ("Lime" . "#00FF00")
+    ("LimeGreen" . "#32CD32")
+    ("Linen" . "#FAF0E6")
+    ("Magenta" . "#FF00FF")
+    ("Maroon" . "#800000")
+    ("MediumAquaMarine" . "#66CDAA")
+    ("MediumBlue" . "#0000CD")
+    ("MediumOrchid" . "#BA55D3")
+    ("MediumPurple" . "#9370D8")
+    ("MediumSeaGreen" . "#3CB371")
+    ("MediumSlateBlue" . "#7B68EE")
+    ("MediumSpringGreen" . "#00FA9A")
+    ("MediumTurquoise" . "#48D1CC")
+    ("MediumVioletRed" . "#C71585")
+    ("MidnightBlue" . "#191970")
+    ("MintCream" . "#F5FFFA")
+    ("MistyRose" . "#FFE4E1")
+    ("Moccasin" . "#FFE4B5")
+    ("NavajoWhite" . "#FFDEAD")
+    ("Navy" . "#000080")
+    ("OldLace" . "#FDF5E6")
+    ("Olive" . "#808000")
+    ("OliveDrab" . "#6B8E23")
+    ("Orange" . "#FFA500")
+    ("OrangeRed" . "#FF4500")
+    ("Orchid" . "#DA70D6")
+    ("PaleGoldenRod" . "#EEE8AA")
+    ("PaleGreen" . "#98FB98")
+    ("PaleTurquoise" . "#AFEEEE")
+    ("PaleVioletRed" . "#D87093")
+    ("PapayaWhip" . "#FFEFD5")
+    ("PeachPuff" . "#FFDAB9")
+    ("Peru" . "#CD853F")
+    ("Pink" . "#FFC0CB")
+    ("Plum" . "#DDA0DD")
+    ("PowderBlue" . "#B0E0E6")
+    ("Purple" . "#800080")
+    ("Red" . "#FF0000")
+    ("RosyBrown" . "#BC8F8F")
+    ("RoyalBlue" . "#4169E1")
+    ("SaddleBrown" . "#8B4513")
+    ("Salmon" . "#FA8072")
+    ("SandyBrown" . "#F4A460")
+    ("SeaGreen" . "#2E8B57")
+    ("SeaShell" . "#FFF5EE")
+    ("Sienna" . "#A0522D")
+    ("Silver" . "#C0C0C0")
+    ("SkyBlue" . "#87CEEB")
+    ("SlateBlue" . "#6A5ACD")
+    ("SlateGray" . "#708090")
+    ("SlateGrey" . "#708090")
+    ("Snow" . "#FFFAFA")
+    ("SpringGreen" . "#00FF7F")
+    ("SteelBlue" . "#4682B4")
+    ("Tan" . "#D2B48C")
+    ("Teal" . "#008080")
+    ("Thistle" . "#D8BFD8")
+    ("Tomato" . "#FF6347")
+    ("Turquoise" . "#40E0D0")
+    ("Violet" . "#EE82EE")
+    ("Wheat" . "#F5DEB3")
+    ("White" . "#FFFFFF")
+    ("WhiteSmoke" . "#F5F5F5")
+    ("Yellow" . "#FFFF00")
+    ("YellowGreen" . "#9ACD32"))
   "Alist of HTML colors.
 Each entry should have the form (COLOR-NAME . HEXADECIMAL-COLOR)."
   :group 'rainbow)
@@ -145,7 +286,7 @@ background is COLOR. The foreground is computed using
 `rainbow-color-luminance', and is either white or black."
    (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)
-   'face `((:foreground ,(if (> 128.0 (rainbow-x-color-luminance color))
+   'face `((:foreground ,(if (> 0.5 (rainbow-x-color-luminance color))
                              "white" "black"))
            (:background ,color))))
@@ -159,7 +300,8 @@ background is COLOR. The foreground is computed using
 (defun rainbow-colorize-by-assoc (assoc-list)
   "Colorize a match with its association from ASSOC-LIST."
-  (rainbow-colorize-match (cdr (assoc (match-string-no-properties 0) 
+  (rainbow-colorize-match (cdr (assoc-string (match-string-no-properties 0)
+                                             assoc-list t))))
 (defun rainbow-rgb-relative-to-absolute (number)
   "Convert a relative NUMBER to absolute. If NUMBER is absolute, return NUMBER.
@@ -170,6 +312,36 @@ This will convert \"80 %\" to 204, \"100 %\" to 255 but 
\"123\" to \"123\"."
         (/ (* (string-to-number (substring number 0 string-length)) 255) 100)
       (string-to-number number))))
+(defun rainbow-hue-to-rgb (x y h)
+  "Convert X Y H to RGB value."
+  (when (< h 0) (incf h))
+  (when (> h 1) (decf h))
+  (cond ((< h (/ 1 6.0)) (+ x (* (- y x) h 6)))
+        ((< h 0.5) y)
+        ((< h (/ 2.0 3.0)) (+ x (* (- y x) (- (/ 2.0 3.0) h) 6)))
+        (t x)))
+(defun rainbow-hsl-to-rgb-fractions (h s l)
+  "Convert H S L to fractional RGB values."
+  (let (m1 m2)
+    (if (<= l 0.5)
+        (setq m2 (* l (+ s 1)))
+        (setq m2 (- (+ l s) (* l s))))
+    (setq m1 (- (* l 2) m2))
+    (list (rainbow-hue-to-rgb m1 m2 (+ h (/ 1 3.0)))
+         (rainbow-hue-to-rgb m1 m2 h)
+         (rainbow-hue-to-rgb m1 m2 (- h (/ 1 3.0))))))
+(defun rainbow-colorize-hsl ()
+  "Colorize a match with itself."
+  (let ((h (/ (string-to-number (match-string-no-properties 1)) 360.0))
+        (s (/ (string-to-number (match-string-no-properties 2)) 100.0))
+        (l (/ (string-to-number (match-string-no-properties 3)) 100.0)))
+    (rainbow-colorize-match
+     (multiple-value-bind (r g b)
+        (rainbow-hsl-to-rgb-fractions h s l)
+       (format "#%02X%02X%02X" (* r 255) (* g 255) (* b 255))))))
 (defun rainbow-colorize-rgb ()
   "Colorize a match with itself."
   (let ((r (rainbow-rgb-relative-to-absolute (match-string-no-properties 1)))
@@ -185,15 +357,17 @@ This will convert \"80 %\" to 204, \"100 %\" to 255 but 
\"123\" to \"123\"."
     (rainbow-colorize-match (format "#%02X%02X%02X" r g b))))
 (defun rainbow-color-luminance (red green blue)
-  "Calculate the luminance of color composed of RED, BLUE and GREEN."
-  (floor (+ (* .2126 red) (* .7152 green) (* .0722 blue)) 256))
+  "Calculate the luminance of color composed of RED, BLUE and GREEN.
+Return a value between 0 and 1."
+  (/ (+ (* .2126 red) (* .7152 green) (* .0722 blue)) 256))
 (defun rainbow-x-color-luminance (color)
-  "Calculate the luminance of a color string (e.g. \"#ffaa00\", \"blue\")."
+  "Calculate the luminance of a color string (e.g. \"#ffaa00\", \"blue\").
+Return a value between 0 and 1."
   (let* ((values (x-color-values color))
-        (r (car values))
-        (g (cadr values))
-        (b (caddr values)))
+        (r (/ (car values) 256.0))
+         (g (/ (cadr values) 256.0))
+        (b (/ (caddr values) 256.0)))
     (rainbow-color-luminance r g b)))
 (defun rainbow-turn-on ()

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