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[elpa] externals/trie 1697b5f 001/111: trie.el re-implements tstree.el u

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [elpa] externals/trie 1697b5f 001/111: trie.el re-implements tstree.el using AVL trees
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2020 11:35:08 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/trie
commit 1697b5f3e5512545511b51154699e8ac59bac8d5
Author: Toby Cubitt <toby-predictive@dr-qubit.org>
Commit: tsc25 <toby-predictive@dr-qubit.org>

    trie.el re-implements tstree.el using AVL trees
    but is also flexible enough to support other types of trie.
 trie.el | 735 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 735 insertions(+)

diff --git a/trie.el b/trie.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e59811
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trie.el
@@ -0,0 +1,735 @@
+;;; trie.el --- ternary search tree package
+;; Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Toby Cubitt
+;; Author: Toby Cubitt <toby-predictive@dr-qubit.org>
+;; Version: 0.1
+;; Keywords: trie, ternary search tree, completion
+;; URL: http://www.dr-qubit.org/emacs.php
+;; This file is NOT part of Emacs.
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+;; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+;; of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
+;; MA 02110-1301, USA.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; A ternary search tree associates data with keys. The keys can be any
+;; ordered sequence of elements: vector, list or string. It stores them
+;; in such a way that both storage size and data lookup are reasonably
+;; space- and time-efficient, respectively. But more importantly,
+;; returning all strings with a given prefix in alphabetical or any other
+;; sort-order is also time-efficient.
+;; Internally, a ternary search tree consists of two elements, the root
+;; node and the comparison function. The latter must take two arguments
+;; of the same type as individual elements of a key, and must return nil if
+;; the first is smaller than the second.
+;; Note that there are two uses for a ternary search tree: as a
+;; "dictionary", in which case only presence of absence of a key is
+;; significant, or as an associative array, in which case keys are
+;; associated with data. Other similar data types often only implement
+;; the first of these, leaving it up to you to implement an associative
+;; on top of this. However, this would be somewhat space-inefficient in a
+;; ternary search tree, so this package does the opposite: it implements
+;; associative arrays, and leaves it up to you to use them as
+;; dictionaries if you so desire.
+;; You create a ternary search tree using `trie-create', create an
+;; association using `trie-insert', retrieve an association using
+;; `trie-member', find completions of a sequence using
+;; `trie-complete', find completions and sort them in a specified order
+;; using `trie-complete-ordered', and map over a tree using
+;; `trie-map' or `trie-mapcar'.
+;; This package uses the AVL tree package avl-tree.el and the ternary
+;; heap package heap.el.
+;;; Change Log:
+;; Version 0.1
+;; * Initial release (complete rewrite from scratch of tstree.el!)
+;; * Ternary search trees are now implemented as a tree of avl trees, which
+;;   has numerous advantages: self-balancing trees guarantee O(log n)
+;;   complexity regardless of how the tree is built; deletion is now done
+;;   correctly.
+;; * Up to "tstree"->"trie" renaming, functions are almost drop-in
+;;   replacements for tstree.el functions. However, insertion and rank
+;;   functions are no longer stored in the data structure, so corresponidng
+;;   arguments are no longer optional. And functions can no longer operate
+;;   over multiple data structures at once; i.e. they no longer accept lists
+;;   of trees or prefixes as arguments. (These features belong in higher level
+;;   libraries, and the efficiency loss is negligible.)
+;; * `trie.el' is now general enough to implement all sorts of tries, not just
+;;   ternary search trees (though these remain the default).
+;;; Code:
+(provide 'trie)
+(require 'avl-tree)
+(require 'heap)
+;;; ================================================================
+;;;                Replacements for CL functions
+;; copied from cl-extra.el
+(defun trie--subseq (seq start &optional end)
+  "Return the subsequence of SEQ from START to END.
+If END is omitted, it defaults to the length of the sequence.
+If START or END is negative, it counts from the end."
+  (if (stringp seq) (substring seq start end)
+    (let (len)
+      (and end (< end 0) (setq end (+ end (setq len (length seq)))))
+      (when (< start 0)
+       (setq start (+ start (or len (setq len (length seq))))))
+      (cond ((listp seq)
+            (if (> start 0) (setq seq (nthcdr start seq)))
+            (if end
+                (let ((res nil))
+                  (while (>= (setq end (1- end)) start)
+                    (push (pop seq) res))
+                  (nreverse res))
+              (copy-sequence seq)))
+           (t
+            (or end (setq end (or len (length seq))))
+            (let ((res (make-vector (max (- end start) 0) nil))
+                  (i 0))
+              (while (< start end)
+                (aset res i (aref seq start))
+                (setq i (1+ i) start (1+ start)))
+              res))))))
+(defun trie--seq-append (seq el)
+  "Append EL to the end of sequence SEQ."
+  (cond
+   ((stringp seq) (concat seq (string el)))
+   ((vectorp seq) (vconcat seq (vector el)))
+   ((listp seq)          (append seq (list el)))))
+;;; ================================================================
+;;;  Internal functions only for use within the trie package
+;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; Functions and macros for handling a trie.
+  (trie-
+   :named
+   (:constructor nil)
+   (:constructor trie--create
+                (comparison-function &optional type
+                 &aux
+                 (cmpfun `(lambda (a b)
+                            (setq a (trie--node-split a)
+                                  b (trie--node-split b))
+                            (cond ((eq a 'trie--terminator)
+                                   (if (eq b 'trie--terminator) nil t))
+                                  ((eq b 'trie--terminator) nil)
+                                  (t (,comparison-function a b)))))
+                 (createfun
+                  (cond
+                   ((or (eq type 'avl) (null type)) 'avl-tree-create)
+                   (t (error "trie--create: unrecognized TYPE"))))
+                 (insertfun
+                  (cond
+                   ((or (eq type 'avl) (null type)) 'avl-tree-enter)
+                   (t (error "trie--create: unrecognized TYPE"))))
+                 (deletefun
+                  (cond
+                   ((or (eq type 'avl) (null type)) 'avl-tree-delete)
+                   (t (error "trie--create: unrecognized TYPE"))))
+                 (retrievefun
+                  (cond
+                   ((or (eq type 'avl) (null type)) 'avl-tree-member)
+                   (t (error "trie--create: unrecognized TYPE"))))
+                 (mapfun
+                  (cond
+                   ((or (eq type 'avl) (null type)) 'avl-tree-mapc)
+                   (t (error "trie--create: unrecognized TYPE"))))
+                 (emptyfun
+                  (cond
+                   ((or (eq type 'avl) (null type)) 'avl-tree-empty)
+                   (t (error "trie--create: unrecognized TYPE"))))
+                 (root (trie--node-create-root createfun cmpfun))
+                 ))
+   (:copier nil))
+  root comparison-function cmpfun
+  createfun insertfun deletefun retrievefun mapfun emptyfun)
+(defmacro trie--wrap-cmpfun (cmpfun)
+  ;; wrap CMPFUN for use in a subtree
+  `(lambda (a b)
+     (setq a (trie--node-split a)
+          b (trie--node-split b))
+     (cond ((eq a 'trie--terminator)
+           (if (eq b 'trie--terminator) nil t))
+          ((eq b 'trie--terminator) nil)
+          (t (,cmpfun a b)))))
+;; (defmacro trie--wrap-cmpfun (cmpfun)
+;;   ;; Wrap comparison function so that 'trie--terminator is always less than
+;;   ;; anything other than another 'trie--terminator, and it unpacks the split
+;;   ;; cell from a trie node.
+;;   `(lambda (a b)
+;;      (setq a (trie--node-split a)
+;;        b (trie--node-split b))
+;;      (cond ((eq a 'trie--terminator)
+;;         (if (eq b 'trie--terminator) nil t))
+;;        ((eq b 'trie--terminator) nil)
+;;        (t (,cmpfun a b)))))
+;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; Functions and macros for handling a trie node.
+  (trie--node
+   (:type vector)
+   (:constructor nil)
+   (:constructor trie--node-create
+                (split tree
+                 &aux (subtree (funcall (trie--createfun tree)
+                                        (trie--cmpfun tree)))))
+   (:constructor trie--node-create-data
+                (data &aux (split 'trie--terminator) (subtree data)))
+   (:constructor trie--node-create-dummy
+                (split &aux (subtree nil)))
+   (:constructor trie--node-create-root
+                (createfun cmpfun
+                 &aux (split nil) (subtree (funcall createfun cmpfun))))
+   (:copier nil))
+   split subtree)
+;; data is stored in the subtree cell of a terminal node
+(defalias 'trie--node-data 'trie--node-subtree)
+(defsetf trie--node-data (node)
+  `(setf (trie--node-subtree ,node)))
+(defun trie--node-find (tree sequence)
+  ;; Returns the node corresponding to SEQUENCE, or nil if none found.
+  (let ((node (trie--root tree))
+       (len (length sequence))
+       (i -1))
+    ;; descend tree until we find SEQUENCE or run out of tree
+    (while (and node (< (incf i) len))
+      (setq node
+           (funcall (trie--retrievefun tree)
+                    (trie--node-subtree node)
+                    (trie--node-create-dummy (elt sequence i)))))
+    node))
+(defmacro trie--node-find-data (node)
+  ;; Return data node from NODE's subtree, or nil if NODE has no data node in
+  ;; its subtree.
+  `(funcall (trie--retrievefun tree)
+           (trie--node-subtree ,node)
+           (trie--node-create-dummy 'trie--terminator)))
+(defmacro trie--find-data (node)
+  ;; Return data associated with sequence corresponding to NODE, or nil if
+  ;; sequence has no associated data.
+  `(let ((node (trie--node-find-data ,node)))
+     (trie--node-data node)))
+(defmacro trie--node-data-p (node)
+  ;; Return t if NODE is a data node, nil otherwise.
+  `(eq (trie--node-split ,node) 'trie--terminator))
+(defun trie--mapc (trie--mapc--function trie--mapc--mapfun
+                                           trie--root seq
+                                           &optional reverse)
+  ;; Apply FUNCTION to all elements in a trie beneath ROOT, which should
+  ;; correspond to the sequence SEQ. TRIE-FUNCTION is passed two arguments:
+  ;; the trie node itself and the sequence it corresponds to. It is applied
+  ;; in ascending order, or descending order if REVERSE is non-nil. ARGS are
+  ;; passed as additional arguments to TRIE-FUNCTION
+  (funcall
+   trie--mapc--mapfun
+   (lambda (node)
+     ;; data node: apply function
+     (if (trie--node-data-p node)
+        (funcall trie--mapc--function node seq)
+       ;; internal node: append split value to seq and keep descending
+       (trie--mapc trie--mapc--function trie--mapc--mapfun node
+                    (trie--seq-append (copy-sequence seq)
+                                        (trie--node-split node))
+                    reverse)))
+   ;; TRIE--TREE--MAPFUN target
+   (trie--node-subtree trie--root)
+   reverse))
+;;; ================================================================
+;;;    The public functions which operate on ternary search trees.
+(defalias 'trie-create 'trie--create
+  "Return a new ternary search tree that uses comparison function CMPFUN.
+A ternary search tree stores sequences (string, vector or list)
+along with associated data. CMPFUN should accept two arguements,
+each an individual element of such a sequence, and return t if
+the first is smaller than the second.")
+(defalias 'trie-comparison-function 'trie--comparison-function
+  "Return the comparison function for the ternary search tree TREE.")
+(defalias 'trie-p 'trie--p
+  "Return t if TREE is a ternary search tree, nil otherwise.")
+(defun trie-empty (tree)
+  "Return t if the ternary search tree TREE is empty, nil otherwise."
+  (funcall (trie--emptyfun tree)
+          (trie--node-subtree (trie--root tree))))
+(defun trie-map (function tree &optional type reverse)
+  "Modify all elements in ternary search tree TREE
+by applying FUNCTION to them.
+FUNCTION should take two arguments: a sequence stored in the tree
+and its associated data. Its return value replaces the existing
+Optional argument TYPE (one of the symbols vector, lisp or
+string) sets the type of sequence passed to FUNCTION. Defaults to
+FUNCTION is applied in ascending order, or descending order if
+REVERSE is non-nil."
+  (let ((trie-mapc--function function)) ; try to avoid dynamic binding bugs
+    (trie--mapc
+     (lambda (node seq)
+       (setf (trie--node-data node)
+            (funcall trie-mapc--function seq (trie--node-data node))))
+     (trie--mapfun tree)
+     (trie--root tree)
+     (cond ((eq type 'string) "") ((eq type 'lisp) ()) (t []))
+     reverse)))
+(defun trie-mapc (function tree &optional type reverse)
+  "Apply FUNCTION to all elements in ternary search tree TREE for
+side effect only.
+FUNCTION should take two arguments: a sequence stored in the tree
+and its associated data.
+Optional argument TYPE (one of the symbols vector, lisp or
+string) sets the type of sequence passed to FUNCTION. Defaults to
+FUNCTION is applied in ascending order, or descending order if
+REVERSE is non-nil."
+  (let ((trie-mapc--function function)) ; try to avoid dynamic binding bugs
+    (trie--mapc
+     (lambda (node seq)
+       (funcall trie-mapc--function seq
+               (trie--node-data node)))
+     (trie--mapfun tree)
+     (trie--root tree)
+     (cond ((eq type 'string) "") ((eq type 'lisp) ()) (t []))
+     reverse)))
+(defun trie-mapf (function combinator tree &optional type reverse)
+  "Apply FUNCTION to all elements in ternary search tree TREE,
+and combine the results using COMBINATOR.
+FUNCTION should take two arguments: a sequence stored in the tree
+and its associated data.
+Optional argument TYPE (one of the symbols vector, lisp or
+string) sets the type of sequence passed to FUNCTION. Defaults to
+FUNCTION is applied in ascending order, or descending order if
+REVERSE is non-nil."
+  (let ((trie-mapc--function function) ; try to avoid dynamic binding bugs
+       trie-mapcar--accumulate)
+    (trie--mapc
+     (lambda (node seq)
+       (funcall combinator
+               (funcall trie-mapc--function seq (trie--node-data node))
+               trie-mapcar--accumulate))
+     (trie--mapfun tree)
+     (trie--root tree)
+     (cond ((eq type 'string) "") ((eq type 'lisp) ()) (t []))
+     reverse)))
+(defun trie-mapcar (function tree &optional type reverse)
+  "Apply FUNCTION to all elements in ternary search tree TREE,
+and make a list of the results.
+FUNCTION should take two arguments: a sequence stored in the tree
+and its associated data.
+Optional argument TYPE (one of the symbols vector, lisp or
+string) sets the type of sequence passed to FUNCTION. Defaults to
+FUNCTION is applied in ascending order, or descending order if
+REVERSE is non-nil."
+  (trie-mapf function 'cons tree type reverse))
+;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
+;;                        Inserting data
+(defun trie-insert (tree key &optional data updatefun)
+  "Associate DATA with KEY in ternary search tree TREE.
+If KEY already exists in TREE, then DATA replaces the existing
+association, unless UPDATEFUN is supplied. Note that if DATA is
+*not* supplied, this means that the existing association of KEY
+will be replaced by nil.
+If UPDATEFUN is supplied and KEY already exists in TREE,
+UPDATE-FUNCTION is called with two arguments: DATA and the
+existing association of KEY. Its return value becomes the new
+association for KEY.
+Returns the new association of KEY."
+  (let ((node (trie--root tree))
+       (len (length key))
+       (keep-old (lambda (a b) b))
+       update-old
+       (i -1))
+    ;; Descend tree, adding nodes for non-existent elements of KEY. The update
+    ;; function passed to `trie--enterfun' ensures that existing nodes are
+    ;; left intact.
+    (while (< (incf i) len)
+      (setq node (funcall (trie--insertfun tree)
+                         (trie--node-subtree node)
+                         (trie--node-create (elt key i) tree)
+                         keep-old)))
+    ;; If UPDATEFUN was supplied, wrap it for passing to `trie--enterfun'.
+    (if updatefun
+       (setq update-old
+             (lambda (a b)
+               (setf (trie--node-data b)
+                     (funcall updatefun
+                              (trie--node-data a)
+                              (trie--node-data b))))))
+    ;; Create or update data node.
+    (setq node (funcall (trie--insertfun tree)
+                       (trie--node-subtree node)
+                       (trie--node-create-data data)
+                       update-old))
+    (trie--node-data node)))  ; return new data
+;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
+;;                        Deleting data
+(defun trie-delete (tree key)
+  "Delete KEY and its associated data from TREE.
+If KEY was deleted, a cons cell containing KEY and its
+association is returned. Returns nil if KEY does not exist in
+  (let (trie--deleted-node)
+    (declare (special trie--deleted-node))
+    (trie--do-delete (trie--root tree) key
+                      (trie--deletefun tree) (trie--emptyfun tree))
+    (cons key (trie--node-data trie--deleted-node))))
+(defun trie--do-delete (node seq deletefun emptyfun)
+  ;; Delete SEQ starting from trie node NODE, and return non-nil if we
+  ;; deleted a node.
+  (declare (special trie--deleted-node))
+  ;; if SEQ is empty, try to delete data node and return non-nil if we did
+  ;; (return value of DELETEFUN is the deleted data, which is always non-nil
+  ;; for a trie)
+  (if (= (length seq) 0)
+      (setq trie--deleted-node
+           (funcall deletefun
+                    (trie--node-subtree node)
+                    (trie--node-create-dummy 'trie--terminator)))
+    ;; otherwise, delete on down (return value of DELETEFUN is the deleted
+    ;; data, which is always non-nil for a trie)
+    (funcall deletefun
+            (trie--node-subtree node)
+            (trie--node-create-dummy (elt seq 0))
+            (lambda (n)
+              (and (trie--do-delete n (trie--subseq seq 1)
+                                      deletefun emptyfun)
+                   (funcall emptyfun (trie--node-subtree n)))))))
+;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
+;;                       Retrieving data
+(defun trie-member (tree key &optional nilflag)
+  "Return the data associated with KEY in the tree TREE,
+or nil if KEY does not exist in TREE.
+Optional argument NILFLAG specifies a value to return instead of
+nil if KEY does not exist in TREE. This allows a non-existent KEY
+to be distinguished from an element with a null association. (See
+also `trie-member-p', which does this for you.)"
+  ;; find node corresponding to key, then find data node, then return data
+  (let (node)
+    (or (and (setq node (trie--node-find tree key))
+            (trie--find-data node))
+       nilflag)))
+(defun trie-member-p (tree key)
+  "Return t if KEY exists in TREE, nil otherwise."
+  (let ((flag '(nil))) (not (eq flag (trie-member tree key flag)))))
+;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
+;;                         Completing
+;; (defun trie--do-complete (node seq accumulator store filter)
+;;   ;; Return all elements in a trie beneath NODE, which must correspond to
+;;   ;; the sequence SEQ. More specifically, if an element passes the FILTER
+;;   ;; function, ACCUMULATOR is called with two arguments: a cons of the
+;;   ;; sequence corresponding to that element and its associated data, and
+;;   ;; STORE. The elements are traversed in order.
+;;   (avl-tree-mapc
+;;    (lambda (node)
+;;      ;; data node: found potential completion
+;;      (if (trie--node-data-p node)
+;;      (let ((data (trie--node-data node)))
+;;        ;; if it passes filter, add it to completions list
+;;        (if (or (null filter) (funcall filter seq data))
+;;            (funcall accumulator (cons seq data) store)))
+;;        ;; internal node: append split value to seq and keep descending
+;;        (trie--do-complete
+;;     node
+;;     (cond
+;;      ((stringp seq)
+;;       (concat (copy-sequence seq)
+;;               (string (trie--node-split node))))
+;;      ((vectorp seq)
+;;       (vconcat (copy-sequence seq)
+;;                (vector (trie--node-split node))))
+;;      ((listp seq)
+;;       (append (copy-sequence seq)
+;;               (list (trie--node-split node))))
+;;      (t (error "trie-complete: invalid KEY type, sequencep")))
+;;      accumulator store filter)))
+;;    ;; avl-tree-mapc target
+;;    (trie--node-subtree node)))
+;; (defun trie-complete (tree key &optional maxnum filter)
+;;   "Return an alist containing all completions of KEY
+;; in ternary searh tree TREE along with their associated data, in
+;; \"lexical\" order (i.e. the order defined by the tree's
+;; comparison function). If no completions are found, return nil.
+;; KEY must be a sequence (vector, list or string) containing
+;; elements of the type used to reference data in the tree. (If KEY
+;; is a string, it must be possible to apply `string' to individual
+;; elements of the sequences stored in the tree.) The completions
+;; returned in the alist will be sequences of the same type as KEY.
+;; The optional integer argument MAXNUM limits the results to the
+;; first MAXNUM completions. Otherwise, all completions are
+;; returned.
+;; The FILTER argument sets a filter function for the
+;; completions. If supplied, it is called for each possible
+;; completion with two arguments: the completion, and its associated
+;; data. If the filter function returns nil, the completion is not
+;; included in the results, and does not count towards MAXNUM."
+;;   (let* ((node (trie--node-find tree key))
+;;      (trie--stack (make-vector 1 nil))
+;;      (accumulator
+;;       (lambda (a stk)
+;;         (message "%s" a)
+;;         (message "%s" stk)
+;;         (aset stk 0 (cons a (aref stk 0)))
+;;         (and maxnum
+;;              (>= (length (aref stk 0)) maxnum)
+;;              (throw 'trie-complete--done nil)))))
+;;     (when node
+;;       (catch 'trie-complete--done
+;;     (trie--do-complete node key accumulator trie--stack filter))
+;;       (nreverse (aref trie--stack 0)))))
+;; (defun trie-complete-ordered (tree key rankfun &optional maxnum filter)
+;;   "Return an alist containing all completions of SEQUENCE found
+;; in ternary searh tree TREE along with their associated data, in
+;; the order defined by RANKFUN. If no completions are found, return
+;; nil.
+;; KEY must be a sequence (vector, list or string) containing
+;; elements of the type used to reference data in the tree. (If KEY
+;; is a string, it must be possible to apply `string' to individual
+;; elements of the sequences stored in the tree.) The completions
+;; returned in the alist will be sequences of the same type as KEY.
+;; RANKFUN must accept two arguments, both cons cells. The car
+;; contains a sequence from the tree (of the same type as KEY), the
+;; cdr contains its associated data.
+;; The optional integer argument MAXNUM limits the results to the
+;; first MAXNUM completions. Otherwise, all completions are
+;; returned.
+;; The FILTER argument sets a filter function for the
+;; completions. If supplied, it is called for each possible
+;; completion with two arguments: the completion, and its associated
+;; data. If the filter function returns nil, the completion is not
+;; included in the results, and does not count towards MAXNUM."
+;;   (let ((node (trie--node-find tree key))
+;;     (heap (heap-create
+;;            `(lambda (a b) (not (,rankfun a b)))
+;;            (when maxnum (1+ maxnum))))
+;;     (accumulator (lambda (a hp)
+;;                    (heap-add hp a)
+;;                    (when (and maxnum (> (heap-size hp) maxnum))
+;;                      (heap-delete-root hp)))))
+;;     (when node (trie--do-complete node key accumulator heap filter))
+;;     (let (completions)
+;;       (while (not (heap-empty heap))
+;;     (setq completions (cons (heap-delete-root heap) completions)))
+;;       completions)))
+(defun trie-complete (tree key &optional maxnum filter)
+  "Return an alist containing all completions of KEY
+in ternary searh tree TREE along with their associated data, in
+\"lexical\" order (i.e. the order defined by the tree's
+comparison function). If no completions are found, return nil.
+KEY must be a sequence (vector, list or string) containing
+elements of the type used to reference data in the tree. (If KEY
+is a string, it must be possible to apply `string' to individual
+elements of the sequences stored in the tree.) The completions
+returned in the alist will be sequences of the same type as KEY.
+The optional integer argument MAXNUM limits the results to the
+first MAXNUM completions. Otherwise, all completions are
+The FILTER argument sets a filter function for the
+completions. If supplied, it is called for each possible
+completion with two arguments: the completion, and its associated
+data. If the filter function returns nil, the completion is not
+included in the results, and does not count towards MAXNUM."
+  (let* ((node (trie--node-find tree key))
+        (trie--stack (make-vector 1 nil))
+        (accumulator
+         (lambda (node seq)
+           (let ((data (trie--node-data node)))
+             (when (or (null filter) (funcall filter seq data))
+               (aset trie--stack 0
+                     (cons (cons seq data) (aref trie--stack 0)))
+               (and maxnum
+                    (>= (length (aref trie--stack 0)) maxnum)
+                    (throw 'trie-complete--done nil)))))))
+    (when node
+      (catch 'trie-complete--done
+       (trie--mapc accumulator (trie--mapfun tree) node key t))
+      (aref trie--stack 0))))
+;; Note: We use a partial heap-sort to find the k=MAXNUM highest ranked
+;; completions among n possibilities. This has worst-case time complexity
+;; O(n log k), and is both simple and elegant. An optimal algorithm
+;; (e.g. partial quick-sort where the irrelevant partition is discarded
+;; at each step) would have complexity O(n + k log k), but is probably
+;; not worth the extra coding effort, and would have worse space
+;; complexity. (I haven't done any benchmarking, though, so feel free to
+;; do so and let me know the results!)
+(defun trie-complete-ordered (tree key rankfun &optional maxnum filter)
+  "Return an alist containing all completions of SEQUENCE found
+in ternary searh tree TREE along with their associated data, in
+the order defined by RANKFUN. If no completions are found, return
+KEY must be a sequence (vector, list or string) containing
+elements of the type used to reference data in the tree. (If KEY
+is a string, it must be possible to apply `string' to individual
+elements of the sequences stored in the tree.) The completions
+returned in the alist will be sequences of the same type as KEY.
+RANKFUN must accept two arguments, both cons cells. The car
+contains a sequence from the tree (of the same type as KEY), the
+cdr contains its associated data.
+The optional integer argument MAXNUM limits the results to the
+first MAXNUM completions. Otherwise, all completions are
+The FILTER argument sets a filter function for the
+completions. If supplied, it is called for each possible
+completion with two arguments: the completion, and its associated
+data. If the filter function returns nil, the completion is not
+included in the results, and does not count towards MAXNUM."
+  (let* ((node (trie--node-find tree key))
+        (trie--heap (heap-create
+                       `(lambda (a b) (not (,rankfun a b)))
+                       (when maxnum (1+ maxnum))))
+        (accumulator
+         (lambda (node seq)
+           (let ((data (trie--node-data node)))
+             (when (or (null filter) (funcall filter seq data))
+               (heap-add trie--heap (cons seq data))
+               (and maxnum
+                    (> (heap-size trie--heap) maxnum)
+                    (heap-delete-root trie--heap)))))))
+    (when node (trie--mapc accumulator (trie--mapfun tree) node key))
+    (let (completions)
+      (while (not (heap-empty trie--heap))
+       (setq completions (cons (heap-delete-root trie--heap) completions)))
+      completions)))
+;;; trie.el ends here

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