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[elpa] externals/trie 3117b5b 076/111: Fix bugs in trie searches introdu

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [elpa] externals/trie 3117b5b 076/111: Fix bugs in trie searches introduced by code cleanup.
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2020 11:35:24 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/trie
commit 3117b5b96bfcab0314ad716fca7694a0f451f45c
Author: Toby S. Cubitt <toby-predictive@dr-qubit.org>
Commit: Toby S. Cubitt <toby-predictive@dr-qubit.org>

    Fix bugs in trie searches introduced by code cleanup.
 trie.el | 97 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------------
 1 file changed, 49 insertions(+), 48 deletions(-)

diff --git a/trie.el b/trie.el
index 84eb5b6..33d72b3 100644
--- a/trie.el
+++ b/trie.el
@@ -1230,7 +1230,7 @@ element stored in the trie.)"
 ;; haven't done any benchmarking, though, so feel free to do so and let
 ;; me know the results!)
-(defsubst trie--construct-accumulator (maxnum filter resultfun)
+(defun trie--construct-accumulator (maxnum filter resultfun)
   ;; Does what it says on the tin! | sed -e 's/tin/macro name/'
   (declare (special trie--accumulate))
@@ -1298,7 +1298,7 @@ element stored in the trie.)"
-(defsubst trie--construct-ranked-accumulator (maxnum filter)
+(defun trie--construct-ranked-accumulator (maxnum filter)
   ;; Does what it says on the tin! | sed -e 's/tin/macro name/'
   (declare (special trie--accumulate))
@@ -1341,7 +1341,6 @@ element stored in the trie.)"
   ;; rename functions to help avoid dynamic-scoping bugs
   ;; FIXME: not needed with lexical scoping
-  (declare (special trie--accumulate))
   `(let* ((--trie-accumulate--rankfun ,rankfun)
          (--trie-accumulate--filter ,filter)
          (--trie-accumulate--resultfun ,resultfun)
@@ -1460,7 +1459,6 @@ default key-data cons cell."
   ;; accumulate completions
   (let (node)
-    (declare (special accumulator))
      rankfun maxnum reverse filter resultfun accumulator nil
      (mapc (lambda (pfx)
@@ -1606,56 +1604,59 @@ default key-data cons cell."
   ;; convert trie from print-form if necessary
   (trie-transform-from-read-warn trie)
-  ;; rename function to mitigate against dynamic scoping bugs
-  ;; FIXME: not needed with lexical scoping
+  ;; massage rankfun to cope with grouping data
+  ;; FIXME: could skip this if REGEXP contains no grouping constructs
+  ;; FIXME: crazy variable name is not needed with lexical scoping
   (let ((--trie-regexp-search--rankfun rankfun))
-    ;; massage rankfun to cope with grouping data
-    ;; FIXME: could skip this if REGEXP contains no grouping constructs
-    (when --trie-regexp-search--rankfun
-      (setq --trie-regexp-search--rankfun
-         (lambda (a b)
-           ;; if car of argument contains a key+group list rather than
-           ;; a straight key, remove group list
-           ;; FIXME: the test for straight key, below, will fail if
-           ;;        the key is a list, and the first element of the
-           ;;        key is itself a list (there might be no easy way
-           ;;        to fully fix this...)
-           (unless (or (atom (car a))
-                       (and (listp (car a))
-                            (not (sequencep (caar a)))))
-             (setq a (cons (caar a) (cdr a))))
-           (unless (or (atom (car b))
-                       (and (listp (car b))
-                            (not (sequencep (caar b)))))
-             (setq b (cons (caar b) (cdr b))))
-           ;; call rankfun on massaged arguments
-           (funcall --trie-regexp-search--rankfun a b))))
-  ;; accumulate results
-  (declare (special accumulator))
-  (trie--accumulate-results
-   --trie-regexp-search--rankfun maxnum reverse filter resultfun accumulator 
-   (trie--do-regexp-search
-    (trie--root trie)
-    (tNFA-from-regexp regexp :test (trie--construct-equality-function
-                                   (trie--comparison-function trie)))
-    (cond ((stringp regexp) "") ((listp regexp) ()) (t []))  0
-    (or (and maxnum reverse) (and (not maxnum) (not reverse)))
-    (trie--comparison-function trie)
-    (trie--lookupfun trie)
-    (trie--mapfun trie)))))
+    (when rankfun
+      (setq rankfun
+           (lambda (a b)
+             ;; if car of argument contains a key+group list rather than a
+             ;; straight key, remove group list
+             ;; FIXME: the test for straight key, below, will fail if the key
+             ;;        is a list, and the first element of the key is itself
+             ;;        a list (there might be no easy way to fully fix
+             ;;        this...)
+             (unless (or (atom (car a))
+                         (and (listp (car a))
+                              (not (sequencep (caar a)))))
+               (setq a (cons (caar a) (cdr a))))
+             (unless (or (atom (car b))
+                         (and (listp (car b))
+                              (not (sequencep (caar b)))))
+               (setq b (cons (caar b) (cdr b))))
+             ;; call rankfun on massaged arguments
+             (funcall --trie-regexp-search--rankfun a b))))
+    ;; accumulate results
+    (trie--accumulate-results rankfun maxnum reverse
+                             filter resultfun accumulator nil
+     (trie--do-regexp-search
+      (trie--root trie)
+      (tNFA-from-regexp regexp :test (trie--construct-equality-function
+                                     (trie--comparison-function trie)))
+      (cond ((stringp regexp) "") ((listp regexp) ()) (t []))  0
+      (or (and maxnum reverse) (and (not maxnum) (not reverse)))
+      ;; FIXME: Is this a case where it would pay to replace these arguments
+      ;;        with dynamically-scoped variables, to save stack space during
+      ;;        the recursive calls to `trie--do-regexp-search'?
+      ;;        Alternatively, with lexical scoping, we could use a closure
+      ;;        for `trie--do-regexp-search' instead of a function.
+      (trie--comparison-function trie)
+      (trie--lookupfun trie)
+      (trie--mapfun trie)
+      accumulator))))
 (defun trie--do-regexp-search
   (--trie--regexp-search--node tNFA seq pos reverse
-                              comparison-function lookupfun mapfun)
+                              cmpfun lookupfun mapfun accumulator)
   ;; Search everything below the node --TRIE--REGEXP-SEARCH-NODE for
   ;; matches to the regexp encoded in tNFA. SEQ is the sequence
   ;; corresponding to NODE, POS is it's length. REVERSE is the usual
   ;; query argument, and the remaining arguments are the corresponding
   ;; trie functions.
-  (declare (special accumulator))
   ;; if NFA has matched and we're accumulating in normal order, check if
   ;; trie contains current string
@@ -1693,15 +1694,15 @@ default key-data cons cell."
                      node state
                      (trie--seq-append seq (trie--node-split node))
-                     (1+ pos) reverse comparison-function
-                     lookupfun mapfun))))
+                     (1+ pos)
+                     reverse cmpfun lookupfun mapfun accumulator))))
               (trie--node-subtree --trie--regexp-search--node)
    (t ;; no wildcard transition: loop over all transitions
     ;; rename function to mitigate against dynamic scoping bugs
     ;; FIXME: not needed with lexical scoping
-    (let ((--trie--do-regexp-search--cmpfun comparison-function)
+    (let ((--trie--do-regexp-search--cmpfun cmpfun)
          node state)
       (dolist (chr (sort (tNFA-transitions tNFA)
                         (if reverse
@@ -1709,14 +1710,14 @@ default key-data cons cell."
                                b a))
-                          comparison-function)))
+                          cmpfun)))
        (when (and (setq node (trie--node-find
                               (vector chr) lookupfun))
                   (setq state (tNFA-next-state tNFA chr pos)))
           node state (trie--seq-append seq chr) (1+ pos)
-          reverse comparison-function lookupfun mapfun))))))
+          reverse cmpfun lookupfun mapfun accumulator))))))
   ;; if NFA has matched and we're accumulating in reverse order, check if
   ;; trie contains current string

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