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[elpa] externals/trie c7c9994 015/111: trie--createfun now passed corres

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [elpa] externals/trie c7c9994 015/111: trie--createfun now passed corresponding sequence as an argument
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2020 11:35:11 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/trie
commit c7c99942f2115cdd007becf61447088a547662e3
Author: Toby Cubitt <toby-predictive@dr-qubit.org>
Commit: tsc25 <toby-predictive@dr-qubit.org>

    trie--createfun now passed corresponding sequence as an argument
    superseding removed trie-depth variable.
    Corrected descriptions of the function arguments in the trie-create-custom
 trie.el | 70 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------
 1 file changed, 40 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)

diff --git a/trie.el b/trie.el
index 4b34ba5..1ac4825 100644
--- a/trie.el
+++ b/trie.el
@@ -317,9 +317,9 @@ If START or END is negative, it counts from the end."
    (:type vector)
    (:constructor nil)
    (:constructor trie--node-create
-                (split trie
+                (split seq trie
                  &aux (subtree (funcall (trie--createfun trie)
-                                        (trie--cmpfun trie)))))
+                                        (trie--cmpfun trie) seq))))
    (:constructor trie--node-create-data
                 (data &aux (split trie--terminator) (subtree data)))
    (:constructor trie--node-create-dummy
@@ -328,8 +328,7 @@ If START or END is negative, it counts from the end."
                 (createfun cmpfun
                  (split nil)
-                 (subtree (let ((trie-depth 0))
-                            (funcall createfun cmpfun)))))
+                 (subtree (funcall createfun cmpfun []))))
    (:copier nil))
    split subtree)
@@ -683,7 +682,7 @@ STACK-EMPTYFUN, determine the type of trie that is created.
 CREATEFUN is called as follows:
 and should return a data structure (\"ARRAY\") that can be used
 as an associative array, where two elements A and B are equal if
@@ -692,32 +691,46 @@ the following is non-nil:
-When CREATEFUN is called, the depth in the trie at which the
-associative array is being created can be accessed via the
-variable `trie-depth'. This can be used, for example, to create
-hybrid trie structures in which different types of associative
-array are used at different depths in the trie. (Note that, in
-this case, all the other functions described below must be able
-to correctly handle *any* of these types of associate array.)
+The SEQ argument is a vector containing the sequence that will
+correspond to the newly created array in the trie. For most types
+of trie, this value is ignored. It is passed to CREATEFUN only in
+order to allow the creation of \"hybrid\" trie structures, in
+which different types of associative array are used in different
+parts of the trie. For example, the type of associative array
+could be chosen based on the depth in the trie, given by \(length
+SEQ\). (Note that all the other functions described below must be
+able to correctly handle *any* of the types of associate array
+that might be created by CREATEFUN.)
 insert, delete, lookup, map over, and check-if-there-exist-any
-elements in the associative array. They are called as follows:
+elements in an associative array. They are called as follows:
   (INSERTFUN array element &optional updatefun)
-  (DELETEFUN array element)
+  (DELETEFUN array element &optional predicate nilflag)
   (LOOKUPFUN array element &optional nilflag)
   (MAPFUN function array &optional reverse)
   (EMPTYFUN array)
-INSERTFUN should return the new element, which will be ELEMENT
-itself unless UPDATEFUN is specified. In the latter case, it
-should pass two arguments to UPDATEFUN, ELEMENT and the matching
-element in the associate array, and replace that element with the
-return value.
+INSERTFUN should insert ELEMENT into ARRAY and return the new
+element, which will be ELEMENT itself unless UPDATEFUN is
+specified. In that case, if and only if an element matching
+ELEMENT already exists in the associative array, INSERTFUN should
+instead pass ELEMENT and the matching element as arguments to
+UPDATEFUN, replace the matching element with the return value,
+and return that return value.
+DELETEFUN should delete the element in the associative array that
+matches ELEMENT, and return the deleted element. However, if
+PREDICATE is specified and a matching element exists in ARRAY,
+DELETEFUN should first pass the matching element as an argument
+to PREDICATE before deleting, and should only delete the element
+if PREDICATE returns non-nil. DELETEFUN should return NILFLAG if
+no element was deleted (either becuase no matching element was
+found, or because TESTFUN returned nil).
 LOOKUPFUN should return the element from the associative array
-that is equal to ELEMENT, or NILFLAG if no match exists.
+that matches ELEMENT, or NILFLAG if no matching element exists.
 MAPFUN should map FUNCTION over all elements in the order defined by
 COMPARISON-FUNCTION, or in reverse order if REVERSE is non-nil.
@@ -736,14 +749,15 @@ successive calls to
   (STACK-POPFUN stack)
 should return elements from the associative array in the order
+defined by COMPARISON-FUNCTION, and
 should return non-nil if the stack is empty, nil otherwise.
-Note: to avoid nasty dynamic scoping bugs, the supplied functions
-must *not* bind any variables with names commencing \"--\".")
+Warning: to avoid nasty dynamic scoping bugs, the supplied
+functions must *never* bind any variables with names commencing \"--\".")
@@ -1036,14 +1050,12 @@ Note: to avoid nasty dynamic scoping bugs, UPDATEFUN 
must *not*
 bind any variables with names commencing \"--\"."
   (if (trie--print-form trie)
       (error "Attempted to operate on trie that is in print-form")
-    ;; absurb variable names are an attempt to avoid dynamic scoping bugs
+    ;; absurd variable names are an attempt to avoid dynamic scoping bugs
     (let ((--trie-insert--updatefun updatefun)
-         (trie-depth 0)
          (node (trie--root trie))
          (len (length key))
          (i -1))
-      (declare (special trie-depth))
       ;; Descend trie, adding nodes for non-existent elements of KEY. The
       ;; update function passed to `trie--insertfun' ensures that existing
       ;; nodes are left intact.
@@ -1051,11 +1063,9 @@ bind any variables with names commencing \"--\"."
        (setq --trie-insert--old-node-flag nil)
        (setq node (funcall (trie--insertfun trie)
                            (trie--node-subtree node)
-                           (let ((trie-depth (1+ trie-depth)))
-                             (trie--node-create (elt key i) trie))
+                           (trie--node-create (elt key i) key trie)
                            (lambda (a b)
-                             (setq --trie-insert--old-node-flag t) b)))
-       (incf trie-depth))
+                             (setq --trie-insert--old-node-flag t) b))))
       ;; Create or update data node.
       (setq node (funcall (trie--insertfun trie)
                          (trie--node-subtree node)

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