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[elpa] externals/trie 31c4ac2 024/111: Implemented trie-wildcard-stacks!

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [elpa] externals/trie 31c4ac2 024/111: Implemented trie-wildcard-stacks!
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2020 11:35:13 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/trie
commit 31c4ac270698f122ff918e0a5b35f1386e9851c8
Author: Toby Cubitt <toby-predictive@dr-qubit.org>
Commit: tsc25 <toby-predictive@dr-qubit.org>

    Implemented trie-wildcard-stacks!
 trie.el | 662 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 file changed, 459 insertions(+), 203 deletions(-)

diff --git a/trie.el b/trie.el
index beef5b2..f74e792 100644
--- a/trie.el
+++ b/trie.el
@@ -372,13 +372,11 @@ type of sequence as SEQ."
   `(eq (trie--node-split ,node) trie--terminator))
 (defmacro trie--node-p (node)
-  ;; Return t if NODE is a trie--node, nil otherwise.
-  ;; Have to define this ourselves, because we created a defstruct
-  ;; without any identifying tags (i.e. (:type vector)) for efficiency.
-  `(and (vectorp ,node)
-       (= (length ,node) 2)
-       (or (trie--node-data-p ,node)
-           (trie--p (trie--node-subtree ,node)))))
+  ;; Return t if NODE is a TRIE trie--node, nil otherwise.
+  ;; Have to define this ourselves, because we created a defstruct without any
+  ;; identifying tags (i.e. (:type vector)) for efficiency, but this means we
+  ;; can only perform a rudimentary and very unreliable test.
+  `(and (vectorp ,node) (= (length ,node) 2)))
 (defun trie--node-find (node seq lookupfun)
@@ -413,105 +411,6 @@ type of sequence as SEQ."
 ;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
-;;;          Functions and macros for handling trie-stacks
-(defstruct (trie--stack
-           (:constructor nil)
-           (:constructor
-            trie--stack-create
-            (trie
-             &optional
-             (type 'vector)
-             reverse
-             &aux
-             (stack-createfun (trie--stack-createfun trie))
-             (stack-popfun (trie--stack-popfun trie))
-             (stack-emptyfun (trie--stack-emptyfun trie))
-             (store
-              (if (trie-empty trie)
-                  nil
-                (list (cons
-                       (cond ((eq type 'list) ())
-                             ((eq type 'string) "")
-                             (t []))
-                       (funcall stack-createfun
-                                (trie--node-subtree (trie--root trie))
-                                reverse)))))
-             (pushed '())
-             ))
-           (:constructor
-            trie--completion-stack-create
-            (trie prefix
-             &optional
-             reverse
-             &aux
-             (stack-createfun (trie--stack-createfun trie))
-             (stack-popfun (trie--stack-popfun trie))
-             (stack-emptyfun (trie--stack-emptyfun trie))
-             (store (trie--completion-stack-construct-store
-                     trie prefix reverse))
-             (pushed '())
-             ))
-           (:copier nil))
-  reverse predicatefun stack-createfun stack-popfun stack-emptyfun
-  store pushed)
-(defun trie--completion-stack-construct-store (trie prefix reverse)
-  ;; Construct store for completion stack based on TRIE.
-  (let (accumulate node)
-    (if (or (atom prefix)
-           (and (listp prefix)
-                (not (sequencep (car prefix)))))
-       (setq prefix (list prefix))
-      (setq prefix
-           (sort prefix
-                 (trie-construct-sortfun
-                  (trie--comparison-function trie)
-                  (not reverse)))))
-    (dolist (pfx prefix)
-      (when (setq node (trie--node-find (trie--root trie) pfx
-                                       (trie--lookupfun trie)))
-       (push (cons pfx (funcall (trie--stack-createfun trie)
-                                (trie--node-subtree node)
-                                reverse))
-             accumulate)))
-    accumulate))
-(defun trie--stack-repopulate (stack)
-  ;; Recursively push children of the node at the head of STACK onto the front
-  ;; of STACK, until a data node is reached.
-  ;; nothing to do if stack is empty
-  (unless (trie-stack-empty-p stack)
-    (let ((node (funcall (trie--stack-stack-popfun stack)
-                        (cdar (trie--stack-store stack))))
-         (seq (caar (trie--stack-store stack))))
-      (when (funcall (trie--stack-stack-emptyfun stack)
-                    (cdar (trie--stack-store stack)))
-       ;; effectively (pop (trie--stack-store stack)) w/o compilter warnings
-       (setf (trie--stack-store stack) (cdr (trie--stack-store stack))))
-      (while (not (trie--node-data-p node))
-       (push
-        (cons (trie--seq-append seq (trie--node-split node))
-              (funcall (trie--stack-stack-createfun stack)
-                       (trie--node-subtree node)))
-        (trie--stack-store stack))
-       (setq node (funcall (trie--stack-stack-popfun stack)
-                           (cdar (trie--stack-store stack)))
-             seq (caar (trie--stack-store stack)))
-       (when (funcall (trie--stack-stack-emptyfun stack)
-                      (cdar (trie--stack-store stack)))
-         ;; effectively (pop (trie--stack-store stack)) w/o compiler warnings
-         (setf (trie--stack-store stack) (cdr (trie--stack-store stack)))))
-      (push (cons seq (trie--node-data node)) (trie--stack-store stack)))))
-;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
 ;;;              print/read transformation functions
 (defun trie-transform-for-print (trie)
@@ -1083,6 +982,75 @@ bind any variables with names commencing \"--\"."
 ;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
 ;;;                    Using tries as stacks
+(defstruct (trie--stack
+           (:constructor nil)
+           (:constructor
+            trie--stack-create
+            (trie
+             &optional
+             (type 'vector)
+             reverse
+             &aux
+             (comparison-function (trie--comparison-function trie))
+             (lookupfun (trie--lookupfun trie))
+             (stack-createfun (trie--stack-createfun trie))
+             (stack-popfun (trie--stack-popfun trie))
+             (stack-emptyfun (trie--stack-emptyfun trie))
+             (repopulatefun 'trie--stack-repopulate)
+             (store
+              (if (trie-empty trie)
+                  nil
+                (trie--stack-repopulate
+                 (list (cons
+                        (cond ((eq type 'list) ())
+                              ((eq type 'string) "")
+                              (t []))
+                        (funcall stack-createfun
+                                 (trie--node-subtree (trie--root trie))
+                                 reverse)))
+                 reverse
+                 comparison-function lookupfun
+                 stack-createfun stack-popfun stack-emptyfun)))
+             (pushed '())
+             ))
+           (:constructor
+            trie--completion-stack-create
+            (trie prefix
+             &optional
+             reverse
+             &aux
+             (comparison-function (trie--comparison-function trie))
+             (lookupfun (trie--lookupfun trie))
+             (stack-createfun (trie--stack-createfun trie))
+             (stack-popfun (trie--stack-popfun trie))
+             (stack-emptyfun (trie--stack-emptyfun trie))
+             (repopulatefun 'trie--stack-repopulate)
+             (store (trie--completion-stack-construct-store
+                     trie prefix reverse))
+             (pushed '())
+             ))
+           (:constructor
+            trie--wildcard-stack-create
+            (trie pattern
+             &optional
+             reverse
+             &aux
+             (comparison-function (trie--comparison-function trie))
+             (lookupfun (trie--lookupfun trie))
+             (stack-createfun (trie--stack-createfun trie))
+             (stack-popfun (trie--stack-popfun trie))
+             (stack-emptyfun (trie--stack-emptyfun trie))
+             (repopulatefun 'trie--wildcard-stack-repopulate)
+             (store (trie--wildcard-stack-construct-store
+                     trie pattern reverse))
+             (pushed '())
+             ))
+           (:copier nil))
+  reverse comparison-function lookupfun
+  stack-createfun stack-popfun stack-emptyfun
+  repopulatefun store pushed)
 (defun trie-stack (trie &optional type reverse)
   "Return an object that allows TRIE to be accessed as if it were a stack.
@@ -1104,15 +1072,13 @@ functions. As such, they can be useful in implementing 
 algorithms on tries. However, in cases where mapping functions
 `trie-mapc', `trie-mapcar' or `trie-mapf' would be sufficient, it
 is better to use one of those instead."
-  (cond
-   ((trie--print-form trie)
-    (error "Attempt to operate on trie that is in print-form"))
-   ((not (functionp (trie--stack-createfun trie)))
-    (error "Trie type does not support stack operations"))
-   (t
-    (let ((stack (trie--stack-create trie type reverse)))
-      (trie--stack-repopulate stack)
-      stack))))
+  ;; convert trie from print-form if necessary
+  (trie-transform-from-read-warn trie)
+  ;; if stack functions aren't defined for trie type, throw error
+  (if (not (functionp (trie--stack-createfun trie)))
+      (error "Trie type does not support stack operations")
+    ;; otherwise, create and initialise a stack
+    (trie--stack-create trie type reverse)))
 (defun trie-stack-pop (trie-stack)
@@ -1124,7 +1090,15 @@ Returns nil if the stack is empty."
     ;; otherwise, pop first element from trie-stack and repopulate it
     (let ((first (pop (trie--stack-store trie-stack))))
       (when first
-       (trie--stack-repopulate trie-stack)
+       (setf (trie--stack-store trie-stack)
+             (funcall (trie--stack-repopulatefun trie-stack)
+                      (trie--stack-store trie-stack)
+                      (trie--stack-reverse trie-stack)
+                      (trie--stack-comparison-function trie-stack)
+                      (trie--stack-lookupfun trie-stack)
+                      (trie--stack-stack-createfun trie-stack)
+                      (trie--stack-stack-popfun trie-stack)
+                      (trie--stack-stack-emptyfun trie-stack)))
@@ -1153,6 +1127,34 @@ from the stack. Returns nil if the stack is empty."
        (null (trie--stack-pushed trie-stack))))
+(defun trie--stack-repopulate (store reverse
+                              comparison-function lookupfun
+                              stack-createfun stack-popfun stack-emptyfun)
+  ;; Recursively push children of the node at the head of STORE onto the front
+  ;; of STORE, until a data node is reached.
+  ;; nothing to do if stack is empty
+  (when store
+    (let ((node (funcall stack-popfun (cdar store)))
+         (seq (caar store)))
+      (when (funcall stack-emptyfun (cdar store))
+       ;; (pop store) here produces irritating compiler warnings
+       (setq store (cdr store)))
+      (while (not (trie--node-data-p node))
+       (push
+        (cons (trie--seq-append seq (trie--node-split node))
+              (funcall stack-createfun (trie--node-subtree node) reverse))
+        store)
+       (setq node (funcall stack-popfun (cdar store))
+             seq (caar store))
+       (when (funcall stack-emptyfun (cdar store))
+         ;; (pop store) here produces irritating compiler warnings
+         (setq store (cdr store))))
+      (push (cons seq (trie--node-data node)) store))))
 ;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
 ;;                   Advanced query-building macros
@@ -1242,7 +1244,8 @@ from the stack. Returns nil if the stack is empty."
   ;; RANKFUN is null. The other arguments should be passed straight through
   ;; from the query function.
-  `(let* ((--trie-accumulate--rankfun ,rankfun)  ; dynamic-scoping bug 
+  ;; rename RANKFUN to help avoid dynamic-scoping bugs
+  `(let* ((--trie-accumulate--rankfun ,rankfun)
          ;; construct structure in which to accumulate results
           (if ,rankfun
@@ -1287,7 +1290,6 @@ from the stack. Returns nil if the stack is empty."
 ;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
 ;;                          Completing
@@ -1380,20 +1382,64 @@ using standard stack functions. As such, they can be 
useful in
 implementing efficient algorithms on tries. However, in cases
 where `trie-complete' or `trie-complete-ordered' is sufficient,
 it is better to use one of those instead."
-  (cond
-   ((trie--print-form trie)
-    (error "Attempt to operate on trie that is in print-form"))
-   ((not (functionp (trie--stack-createfun trie)))
-    (error "Trie type does not support stack operations"))
-   (t
-    (let ((stack (trie--completion-stack-create trie prefix reverse)))
-      (trie--stack-repopulate stack)
-      stack))))
+  ;; convert trie from print-form if necessary
+  (trie-transform-from-read-warn trie)
+  ;; if stack functions aren't defined for trie type, throw error
+  (if (not (functionp (trie--stack-createfun trie)))
+      (error "Trie type does not support stack operations")
+    ;; otherwise, create and initialise a stack
+    (trie--completion-stack-create trie prefix reverse)))
+(defun trie--completion-stack-construct-store (trie prefix reverse)
+  ;; Construct store for completion stack based on TRIE.
+  (let (store node)
+    (if (or (atom prefix)
+           (and (listp prefix)
+                (not (sequencep (car prefix)))))
+       (setq prefix (list prefix))
+      (setq prefix
+           (sort prefix
+                 (trie-construct-sortfun
+                  (trie--comparison-function trie)
+                  (not reverse)))))
+    (dolist (pfx prefix)
+      (when (setq node (trie--node-find (trie--root trie) pfx
+                                       (trie--lookupfun trie)))
+       (push (cons pfx (funcall (trie--stack-createfun trie)
+                                (trie--node-subtree node)
+                                reverse))
+             store)))
+    (trie--stack-repopulate
+     store reverse
+     (trie--comparison-function trie)
+     (trie--lookupfun trie)
+     (trie--stack-createfun trie)
+     (trie--stack-popfun trie)
+     (trie--stack-emptyfun trie))))
 ;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
-;;                         Completing
+;;                        Wildcard search
+(defmacro trie--wildcard-literal-p (el) `(vectorp ,el))
+(defmacro trie--wildcard-*-p (el) `(eq ,el ?*))
+(defmacro trie--wildcard-?-p (el) `(eq ,el ??))
+(defmacro trie--wildcard-char-alt-p (el)
+  `(and (listp ,el)
+       (or (not (eq (car (last ,el)) ?^))
+           (= (length ,el) 1))))
+(defmacro trie--wildcard-neg-char-alt-p (el)
+  `(and (listp ,el)
+       (eq (car (last ,el)) ?^)
+       (not (= (length ,el) 1))))
 (defun trie-wildcard-search (trie pattern
                                  &optional rankfun maxnum reverse filter)
@@ -1532,14 +1578,14 @@ wildcards can be very slow indeed."
-(defun trie--do-wildcard-search (node seq pattern
-                                     rankfun maxnum reverse
-                                     cmpfun lookupfun mapfun)
+(defun trie--do-wildcard-search
+  (node seq pattern rankfun maxnum reverse
+       comparison-function lookupfun mapfun)
   ;; Perform wildcard search for PATTERN starting at NODE which corresponds to
   ;; SEQ. RANKFUN, MAXNUM and REVERSE should be passed through from query
-  ;; function, CMPFUN, LOOKUPFUN and MAPFUN should be corresponding trie
-  ;; functions (note that CMPFUN should be the trie--comparison-function,
-  ;; *not* the trie--cmpfun)
+  ;; function, COMPARISON-FUNCTION, LOOKUPFUN and MAPFUN should be
+  ;; corresponding trie functions (note that COMPARISON-FUNCTION should be the
+  ;; trie--comparison-function, *not* the trie--cmpfun)
   (declare (special accumulator))
   ;; if pattern is null, accumulate data from current node
@@ -1548,19 +1594,26 @@ wildcards can be very slow indeed."
        (funcall accumulator node seq))
     ;; otherwise, extract first pattern element and act on it
-    (setq pattern (trie--parse-wildcard-pattern pattern))
+    (setq pattern (trie--wildcard-parse-pattern pattern))
     (let ((el (car pattern)))
       (setq pattern (cdr pattern))
+       ;; literal string: descend to corresponding node
+       ((trie--wildcard-literal-p el)
+       (when (setq node (trie--node-find node el lookupfun))
+         (trie--do-wildcard-search node (trie--seq-concat seq el)
+                                   pattern rankfun maxnum reverse
+                                   comparison-function lookupfun mapfun)))
        ;; terminal *: accumulate everything below current node
-       ((and (null pattern) (eq el ?*))
+       ((and (null pattern) (trie--wildcard-*-p el))
        (trie--mapc accumulator mapfun node seq
                    (if maxnum reverse (not reverse))))
        ;; * wildcard: map over all nodes immediately below current one, with
        ;;             and without using up the *
-       ((eq el ?*)
+       ((trie--wildcard-*-p el)
        (funcall mapfun
                 (lambda (node)
                   ;; skip data nodes (terminal * dealt with above)
@@ -1569,23 +1622,16 @@ wildcards can be very slow indeed."
                      node (trie--seq-append seq (trie--node-split node))
                      pattern rankfun maxnum reverse
-                     cmpfun lookupfun mapfun)
+                     comparison-function lookupfun mapfun)
                     ;; not using up *
                      node (trie--seq-append seq (trie--node-split node))
                      (cons ?* pattern) rankfun maxnum reverse
-                     cmpfun lookupfun mapfun)))
+                     comparison-function lookupfun mapfun)))
                 (trie--node-subtree node)))
-       ;; fixed string: descend to corresponding node
-       ((vectorp el)
-       (when (setq node (trie--node-find node el lookupfun))
-         (trie--do-wildcard-search node (trie--seq-concat seq el)
-                                   pattern rankfun maxnum reverse
-                                   cmpfun lookupfun mapfun)))
        ;; ? wildcard: map over all child nodes
-       ((eq el ??)
+       ((trie--wildcard-?-p el)
        (funcall mapfun
                 (lambda (node)
                   ;; skip data nodes (note: if we wanted to implement a "0 or
@@ -1594,30 +1640,31 @@ wildcards can be very slow indeed."
                      node (trie--seq-append seq (trie--node-split node))
                      pattern rankfun maxnum reverse
-                     cmpfun lookupfun mapfun)
+                     comparison-function lookupfun mapfun)
                 (trie--node-subtree node)
                 (if maxnum reverse (not reverse))))
        ;; character alternative: descend to corresponding nodes in turn
-       ((and (listp el) (not (eq (car el) ?^)))
+       ((trie--wildcard-char-alt-p el)
        (let (n)
           (lambda (c)
             (when (setq n (funcall lookupfun (trie--node-subtree node)
                                    (trie--node-create-dummy c)))
-              (trie--do-wildcard-search n (trie--seq-append seq c)
-                                        pattern rankfun maxnum reverse
-                                        cmpfun lookupfun mapfun)))
+              (trie--do-wildcard-search
+               n (trie--seq-append seq c) pattern rankfun maxnum reverse
+               comparison-function lookupfun mapfun)))
           (if rankfun el
             (sort el (if (or (and maxnum reverse)  ; no xnor in Elisp!
                              (and (not maxnum) (not reverse)))
-                         (lambda (a b) (not (funcall cmpfun a b)))
-                       cmpfun))))))
+                         (lambda (a b)
+                           (not (funcall comparison-function a b)))
+                       comparison-function))))))
        ;; negated character alternative: map over all child nodes, skipping
        ;; excluded ones
-       ((and (listp el) (eq (car el) ?^))
+       ((trie--wildcard-neg-char-alt-p el)
        (pop el)
        (funcall mapfun
                 (lambda (node)
@@ -1625,71 +1672,280 @@ wildcards can be very slow indeed."
                   ;; 1" wildcard, would need to accumulate these instead)
                   (unless (or (trie--node-data-p node)
                               (catch 'excluded
-                                (dolist (c el)
+                                (dolist (c (butlast el))  ; drop final ^
                                   (when (eq c (trie--node-split node))
                                     (throw 'excluded t)))))
                      node (trie--seq-append seq (trie--node-split node))
                      pattern rankfun maxnum reverse
-                     cmpfun lookupfun mapfun)
+                     comparison-function lookupfun mapfun)
                 (trie--node-subtree node)
                 (if maxnum reverse (not reverse))))
-       )
-    )))
+       ))))
-(defun trie--parse-wildcard-pattern (pattern)
+(defun trie-wildcard-stack (trie pattern &optional reverse)
+  "blah"
+  ;; convert trie from print-form if necessary
+  (trie-transform-from-read-warn trie)
+  ;; if stack functions aren't defined for trie type, throw error
+  (if (not (functionp (trie--stack-createfun trie)))
+      (error "Trie type does not support stack operations")
+    ;; otherwise, create and initialise a stack
+    (trie--wildcard-stack-create trie pattern reverse)))
+(defun trie--wildcard-stack-construct-store
+  (trie pattern &optional reverse)
+  ;; Construct store for wildcard stack based on TRIE.
+  (unless (or (atom pattern)
+             (and (listp pattern)
+                  (not (sequencep (car pattern)))))
+    (error "Multiple pattern searches are not currently supported by\
+ trie-wildcard-stack's"))
+  (let* ((comparison-function (trie--comparison-function trie))
+        (store
+        (list
+         (cons (cond ((stringp pattern) "") ((listp pattern) ()) (t []))
+               ;; convert pattern to list before parsing
+               (cons
+                (trie--wildcard-parse-pattern
+                 (append pattern nil)
+                 (if reverse
+                     `(lambda (a b) (,comparison-function b a))
+                   comparison-function))
+                (trie--root trie))))))
+    (trie--wildcard-stack-repopulate
+     store reverse
+     (trie--comparison-function trie)
+     (trie--lookupfun trie)
+     (trie--stack-createfun trie)
+     (trie--stack-popfun trie)
+     (trie--stack-emptyfun trie))))
+(defun trie--wildcard-stack-repopulate
+  (store reverse comparison-function lookupfun
+        stack-createfun stack-popfun stack-emptyfun)
+  ;; Recursively push matching children of the node at the head of STORE onto
+  ;; the front of STORE, until a data node is reached. Sort in (reverse)
+  ;; lexical order if REVERSE is nil (non-nil). The remaining arguments should
+  ;; be the corresponding trie functions (note that COMPARISON-FUNCTION should
+  ;; be the trie--comparison-function, *not* the trie--cmpfun)
+  (let (seq pattern node)
+    (catch 'done
+      (while t
+       ;; nothing to do if stack is empty
+       (unless store (throw 'done nil))
+       ;; if first stack element contains single node, and is not a character
+       ;; alternative, process it first
+       (setq seq (caar store)
+             pattern (car (cdar store))
+             node (cdr (cdar store)))
+       (when (trie--node-p node)
+         (setq store (cdr store))
+         ;; literal string: descend to corresponding node and continue
+         ;; processing (following element of pattern must be wildcard)
+         (when (trie--wildcard-literal-p (car pattern))
+           (setq node (trie--node-find node (car pattern) lookupfun))
+           (setq seq (trie--seq-concat seq (car pattern)))
+           (setq pattern
+                 (trie--wildcard-parse-pattern
+                  (cdr pattern)
+                  (if reverse
+                      `(lambda (a b) (,comparison-function b a))
+                    comparison-function))))
+         (cond
+          ;; empty pattern: push match (if any) onto stack and we're done
+          ((null pattern)
+           (let (data (trie--find-data node))
+             (setq store (cdr store))
+             (when data (push (cons seq data) store))
+             (throw 'done store)))
+          ;; character alternative: push node onto the stack
+          ((trie--wildcard-char-alt-p (car pattern))
+           (push (cons seq (cons pattern node)) store))
+           ;; any other wildcard: push a wildcard node stack onto the stack
+          (t (push (cons seq
+                         (cons pattern
+                               (funcall stack-createfun
+                                        (trie--node-subtree node) reverse)))
+                   store))))
+       ;; first stack element is a wildcard pattern, so process it
+       (cond
+        ;; terminal *: standard repopulation using everything below node
+        ((and (null (cdr pattern)) (trie--wildcard-*-p (car pattern)))
+         ;; get first node from wildcard node stack
+         (setq node (funcall stack-popfun (cdr (cdar store))))
+         (when (funcall stack-emptyfun (cdr (cdar store)))
+           (setq store (cdr store)))
+         ;; recursively push node stacks for child nodes onto the stack until
+         ;; we find a data node
+         (while (not (trie--node-data-p node))
+           (push
+            (cons (trie--seq-append seq (trie--node-split node))
+                  (cons pattern
+                        (funcall stack-createfun
+                                 (trie--node-subtree node) reverse)))
+            store)
+           (setq node (funcall stack-popfun (cdr (cdar store)))
+                 seq (caar store))
+           (when (funcall stack-emptyfun (cdr (cdar store)))
+             (setq store (cdr store))))
+         (push (cons seq (trie--node-data node)) store)
+         (throw 'done store))
+        ;; non-terminal *: not currently supported
+        ((trie--wildcard-*-p (car pattern))
+         (error "Non-terminal * wildcards are not currently supported by\
+ trie-wildcard-stack's"))
+        ;; ? wildcard: push wildcard node stack onto stack and repopulate
+        ;; again
+        ((trie--wildcard-?-p (car pattern))
+         ;; get first node from wildcard node stack
+         (setq node (funcall stack-popfun (cdr (cdar store))))
+         (when (funcall stack-emptyfun (cdr (cdar store)))
+           (setq store (cdr store)))
+         (push
+          (cons (trie--seq-append seq (trie--node-split node))
+                (cons (trie--wildcard-parse-pattern
+                       (cdr pattern)
+                       (if reverse
+                           `(lambda (a b) (,comparison-function b a))
+                         comparison-function))
+                      node))
+          store))
+        ;; character alternative: push next matching node onto stack and
+        ;; repopulate again
+        ((trie--wildcard-char-alt-p (car pattern))
+         (let ((c (pop (car pattern))))
+           (while (and c
+                       (not (setq node
+                                  (funcall lookupfun
+                                           (trie--node-subtree node)
+                                           (trie--node-create-dummy c)))))
+             (setq c (pop (car pattern))))
+           ;; if we've exhausted all characters in the alternative, remove it
+           ;; from the stack
+           (when (null (car pattern)) (setq store (cdr store)))
+           ;; if we found a match, push matching node onto stack and
+           ;; repopulate
+           (when node
+             (push
+              (cons (trie--seq-append seq (trie--node-split node))
+                    (cons (trie--wildcard-parse-pattern
+                           (cdr pattern)
+                           (if reverse
+                               `(lambda (a b) (,comparison-function b a))
+                             comparison-function))
+                          node))
+              store))))
+        ;; negated character alternative: push next non-excluded node onto
+        ;; stack and repopulate again
+        ((trie--wildcard-neg-char-alt-p (car pattern))
+         ;; pop nodes from wildcard node stack until we find one that isn't
+         ;; excluded
+         (setq node (funcall stack-popfun (cdr (cdar store))))
+         (while (and node
+                     (catch 'excluded
+                       (dolist (c (butlast (car pattern))) ; drops final ^
+                         (when (eq (trie--node-split node) c)
+                           (throw 'excluded t)))))
+           (setq node (funcall stack-popfun (cdr (cdar store)))))
+         ;; remove wildcard node stack if empty
+         (when (funcall stack-emptyfun (cdr (cdar store)))
+           (setq store (cdr store)))
+         ;; if we found a match, push node onto stack; then repopulate again
+         (when node
+           (push
+            (cons (trie--seq-append seq (trie--node-split node))
+                  (cons (trie--wildcard-parse-pattern
+                         (cdr pattern)
+                         (if reverse
+                             `(lambda (a b) (,comparison-function b a))
+                           comparison-function))
+                        node))
+            store)))
+        )
+       ))  ; end of infinite loop and catch
+    )
+  store)  ; return repopulated store
+(defun trie--wildcard-parse-pattern (pattern &optional cmpfun)
   ;; Extract first pattern element from PATTERN (a list), and return it consed
-  ;; with remainder of pattern.
-  (let ((el (pop pattern)))
-    (cond
-     ;; *: drop any following *'s
-     ((eq el ?*)
-      (while (eq (car pattern) ?*) (pop pattern)))
-     ;; [: gobble up to closing ]
-     ((eq el ?\[)
-      ;; character alternatives are stored in lists
-      (setq el ())
-      ;; gobble ] appearing straight after [
-      (when (eq (car pattern) ?\]) (push (pop pattern) el))
-      (while (not (eq (car pattern) ?\]))
-       (push (pop pattern) el)
-       (unless pattern
-         (error "Syntax error in trie-wildcard-search pattern:\
+  ;; with remainder of pattern. If CMPFUN is supplied, it is used to sort
+  ;; character alternatives.
+  (when pattern
+    (let ((el (pop pattern)))
+      (cond
+       ;; *: drop any following *'s
+       ((eq el ?*)
+       (while (eq (car pattern) ?*) (pop pattern)))
+       ;; [: gobble up to closing ]
+       ((eq el ?\[)
+       ;; character alternatives are stored in lists
+       (setq el ())
+       ;; gobble ] appearing straight after [
+       (when (eq (car pattern) ?\]) (push (pop pattern) el))
+       (while (not (eq (car pattern) ?\]))
+         (push (pop pattern) el)
+         (unless pattern
+           (error "Syntax error in trie wildcard pattern:\
  missing \"]\"")))
-      (pop pattern)  ; dump closing ]
-      (setq el (nreverse el)))
-     ;; ?: nothing to gobble
-     ((eq el ??))
-     ;; ]: syntax error (always gobbled when parsing [)
-     ((eq el ?\])
-      (error "Syntax error in trie-wildcard-search pattern:\
+       (pop pattern)  ; dump closing ]
+       ;; if CMPFUN was supplied, sort characters in alternative
+       (when cmpfun
+         ;; leave final ^ at end in negated character alternative
+         (if (eq (car (last el)) ?^)
+             (setq el (concat (sort (butlast el) cmpfun) ?^))
+           (setq el (sort el cmpfun)))))
+       ;; ?: nothing to gobble
+       ((eq el ??))
+       ;; ]: syntax error (always gobbled when parsing [)
+       ((eq el ?\])
+       (error "Syntax error in trie wildcard pattern:\
  missing \"[\""))
-     ;; anything else, gobble up to first special character
-     (t
-      (push el pattern)
-      (setq el nil)
-      (while (and pattern
-                 (not (or (eq (car pattern) ?\[) (eq (car pattern) ?\])
-                          (eq (car pattern) ?*) (eq (car pattern) ??))))
-       ;; \: dump \ and gobble next character
-       (when (eq (car pattern) ?\\)
-         (pop pattern)
-         (unless pattern
-           (error "Syntax error in trie-wildcard-search pattern:\
+       ;; anything else, gobble up to first special character
+       (t
+       (push el pattern)
+       (setq el nil)
+       (while (and pattern
+                   (not (or (eq (car pattern) ?\[) (eq (car pattern) ?\])
+                            (eq (car pattern) ?*) (eq (car pattern) ??))))
+         ;; \: dump \ and gobble next character
+         (when (eq (car pattern) ?\\)
+           (pop pattern)
+           (unless pattern
+             (error "Syntax error in trie wildcard pattern:\
  missing character after \"\\\"")))
-       (push (pop pattern) el))
-      ;; fixed strings are stored in vectors
-      (setq el (vconcat (nreverse el)))))
+         (push (pop pattern) el))
+       ;; fixed strings are stored in vectors
+       (setq el (vconcat (nreverse el)))))
-    ;; return cons containing first element and remaining pattern
-    (cons el pattern)))
+      ;; return cons containing first element and remaining pattern
+      (cons el pattern))))

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