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[elpa] externals/tNFA 241dd74 03/23: Bug-fix in tNFA--from-regexp; added

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [elpa] externals/tNFA 241dd74 03/23: Bug-fix in tNFA--from-regexp; added public tNFA-group-data function.
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2020 12:08:28 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/tNFA
commit 241dd74215f71c75017f2a93e393f94047a502ba
Author: Toby Cubitt <toby-predictive@dr-qubit.org>
Commit: tsc25 <toby-predictive@dr-qubit.org>

    Bug-fix in tNFA--from-regexp; added public tNFA-group-data function.
 tNFA.el | 420 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------
 1 file changed, 222 insertions(+), 198 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tNFA.el b/tNFA.el
index 6cd59f0..de040f0 100644
--- a/tNFA.el
+++ b/tNFA.el
@@ -54,32 +54,32 @@
 ;;;                    tagged NFA states
-  (tNFA-state
+  (tNFA--state
    (:constructor nil)
-   (:constructor tNFA-state-create-initial
+   (:constructor tNFA--state-create-initial
                 (NFA-state num-tags min-tags max-tags
                  &aux (tags (tNFA-tags-create num-tags min-tags max-tags))))
-   (:constructor tNFA-state-create (NFA-state tags))
+   (:constructor tNFA--state-create (NFA-state tags))
    (:copier nil))
   NFA-state tags)
-(defmacro tNFA-state-id (state)
-  `(tNFA-NFA-state-id (tNFA-state-NFA-state ,state)))
+(defmacro tNFA--state-id (state)
+  `(tNFA--NFA-state-id (tNFA--state-NFA-state ,state)))
-(defmacro tNFA-state-type (state)
-  `(tNFA-NFA-state-type (tNFA-state-NFA-state ,state)))
+(defmacro tNFA--state-type (state)
+  `(tNFA--NFA-state-type (tNFA--state-NFA-state ,state)))
-(defmacro tNFA-state-label (state)
-  `(tNFA-NFA-state-label (tNFA-state-NFA-state ,state)))
+(defmacro tNFA--state-label (state)
+  `(tNFA--NFA-state-label (tNFA--state-NFA-state ,state)))
-(defmacro tNFA-state-in-degree (state)
-  `(tNFA-NFA-state-in-degree (tNFA-state-NFA-state ,state)))
+(defmacro tNFA--state-in-degree (state)
+  `(tNFA--NFA-state-in-degree (tNFA--state-NFA-state ,state)))
-(defmacro tNFA-state-next (state)
-  `(tNFA-NFA-state-next (tNFA-state-NFA-state ,state)))
+(defmacro tNFA--state-next (state)
+  `(tNFA--NFA-state-next (tNFA--state-NFA-state ,state)))
-(defmacro tNFA-state-count (state)
-  `(tNFA-NFA-state-count (tNFA-state-NFA-state ,state)))
+(defmacro tNFA--state-count (state)
+  `(tNFA--NFA-state-count (tNFA--state-NFA-state ,state)))
@@ -89,26 +89,26 @@
 (declare (special NFA--state-id))
-  (tNFA-NFA-state
+  (tNFA--NFA-state
    (:type vector)
    (:constructor nil)
-   (:constructor tNFA-NFA-state-create
+   (:constructor tNFA--NFA-state-create
                 (&optional type label next
                  (in-degree 0)
                  (count 0)
                  (id (incf NFA--state-id))
                  (dummy (when next
-                          (setf (tNFA-NFA-state-count next)
-                                (incf (tNFA-NFA-state-in-degree next)))))))
-   (:constructor tNFA-NFA-state-create-branch
+                          (setf (tNFA--NFA-state-count next)
+                                (incf (tNFA--NFA-state-in-degree next)))))))
+   (:constructor tNFA--NFA-state-create-branch
                 (&rest next
                  (type 'branch)
                  (in-degree 0)
                  (count 0)
                  (id (incf NFA--state-id))))
-   (:constructor tNFA-NFA-state-create-tag
+   (:constructor tNFA--NFA-state-create-tag
                 (tag &optional next
                  (type 'tag)
@@ -117,8 +117,8 @@
                  (count 0)
                  (id (incf NFA--state-id))
                  (dummy (when next
-                          (setf (tNFA-NFA-state-count next)
-                                (incf (tNFA-NFA-state-in-degree next)))))))
+                          (setf (tNFA--NFA-state-count next)
+                                (incf (tNFA--NFA-state-in-degree next)))))))
    (:copier nil))
   id type label in-degree
   count tNFA-state  ; used internally in NFA evolution algorithms
@@ -126,36 +126,36 @@
 ;; tag number for a tagged epsilon transition is stored in label slot
-(defalias 'tNFA-NFA-state-tag 'tNFA-NFA-state-label)
+(defalias 'tNFA--NFA-state-tag 'tNFA--NFA-state-label)
-(defmacro tNFA-NFA-state-tags (state)
-  `(tNFA-state-tags (tNFA-NFA-state-tNFA-state ,state)))
+(defmacro tNFA--NFA-state-tags (state)
+  `(tNFA--state-tags (tNFA--NFA-state-tNFA-state ,state)))
-(defun tNFA-NFA-state-patch (attach state)
+(defun tNFA--NFA-state-patch (attach state)
   ;; patch STATE onto ATTACH. Return value is meaningless
-  (setf (tNFA-NFA-state-type attach)  (tNFA-NFA-state-type state)
-       (tNFA-NFA-state-label attach) (tNFA-NFA-state-label state)
-       (tNFA-NFA-state-next attach)  (tNFA-NFA-state-next state)
-       (tNFA-NFA-state-count state)  (incf (tNFA-NFA-state-in-degree state))
+  (setf (tNFA--NFA-state-type attach)  (tNFA--NFA-state-type state)
+       (tNFA--NFA-state-label attach) (tNFA--NFA-state-label state)
+       (tNFA--NFA-state-next attach)  (tNFA--NFA-state-next state)
+       (tNFA--NFA-state-count state)  (incf (tNFA--NFA-state-in-degree state))
-(defun tNFA-NFA-state-make-epsilon (state next)
+(defun tNFA--NFA-state-make-epsilon (state next)
   ;; create an epsilon transition from STATE to NEXT
-  (setf (tNFA-NFA-state-type state)  'epsilon
-       (tNFA-NFA-state-label state) nil
-       (tNFA-NFA-state-next state)  next
-       (tNFA-NFA-state-count next)  (incf (tNFA-NFA-state-in-degree next))))
+  (setf (tNFA--NFA-state-type state)  'epsilon
+       (tNFA--NFA-state-label state) nil
+       (tNFA--NFA-state-next state)  next
+       (tNFA--NFA-state-count next)  (incf (tNFA--NFA-state-in-degree next))))
-(defun tNFA-NFA-state-make-branch (state next)
+(defun tNFA--NFA-state-make-branch (state next)
   ;; create a branch from STATE to all states in NEXT list
-  (setf (tNFA-NFA-state-type state)  'branch
-       (tNFA-NFA-state-label state) nil
-       (tNFA-NFA-state-next state)  next)
+  (setf (tNFA--NFA-state-type state)  'branch
+       (tNFA--NFA-state-label state) nil
+       (tNFA--NFA-state-next state)  next)
   (dolist (n next)
-    (setf (tNFA-NFA-state-count n) (incf (tNFA-NFA-state-in-degree n)))))
+    (setf (tNFA--NFA-state-count n) (incf (tNFA--NFA-state-in-degree n)))))
@@ -163,19 +163,19 @@
 ;;;                        NFA fragments
-  (tNFA-fragment
+  (tNFA--fragment
    (:type vector)
    (:constructor nil)
-   (:constructor tNFA-fragment-create (initial final))
+   (:constructor tNFA--fragment-create (initial final))
    (:copier nil))
   initial final)
-(defun tNFA-fragment-patch (frag1 frag2)
+(defun tNFA--fragment-patch (frag1 frag2)
   ;; patch FRAG2 onto end of FRAG1; return value is meaningless
-  (tNFA-NFA-state-patch (tNFA-fragment-final frag1)
-                       (tNFA-fragment-initial frag2))
-  (setf (tNFA-fragment-final frag1) (tNFA-fragment-final frag2)))
+  (tNFA--NFA-state-patch (tNFA--fragment-final frag1)
+                       (tNFA--fragment-initial frag2))
+  (setf (tNFA--fragment-final frag1) (tNFA--fragment-final frag2)))
@@ -228,12 +228,11 @@
-(defun tNFA-tags-to-groups (tags)
-  "Convert TAGS table to a list of indices of group matches.
-The nth element of the list is a cons cell, whose car is the
-starting index of the nth group and whose cdr is its end
-index. If a group didn't match, the corresponding list element
-will by null."
+(defun tNFA--tags-to-groups (tags)
+  ;; Convert TAGS table to a list of indices of group matches. The n'th
+  ;; element of the list is a cons cell, whose car is the starting index of
+  ;; the nth group and whose cdr is its end index. If a group didn't match,
+  ;; the corresponding list element will by null."
   (let ((groups (make-list (/ (length tags) 2) nil))
        (grp 0))
@@ -253,61 +252,74 @@ will by null."
 ;;;                      DFA states
-  (tNFA-DFA-state
+  (tNFA--DFA-state
    (:constructor nil)
-   (:constructor tNFA--DFA-state-create
+   (:constructor tNFA--DFA-state--create
                 (list pool
-                 &key (test 'eq)
+                 &key
+                 (test 'eq)
                  (transitions (make-hash-table :test test))))
-   (:constructor tNFA-DFA-state-create-failed ())
+   (:constructor tNFA--DFA-state-create-failed ())
    (:copier nil))
   list transitions wildcard match pool)
-(defun* tNFA-DFA-state-create (state-list state-pool &key (test 'eq))
+(defun* tNFA--DFA-state-create (state-list state-pool &key (test 'eq))
   ;; create DFA state and add it to the state pool
-  (let ((DFA-state (tNFA--DFA-state-create
+  (let ((DFA-state (tNFA--DFA-state--create
                    state-list state-pool :test test)))
-    (puthash state-list DFA-state (tNFA-DFA-state-pool DFA-state))
+    (puthash state-list DFA-state (tNFA--DFA-state-pool DFA-state))
     (dolist (state state-list)
       ;; if state in state list is...
        ;; literal state: add literal transition
-       ((eq (tNFA-state-type state) 'literal)
-       (puthash (tNFA-state-label state) t
-                (tNFA-DFA-state-transitions DFA-state)))
+       ((eq (tNFA--state-type state) 'literal)
+       (puthash (tNFA--state-label state) t
+                (tNFA--DFA-state-transitions DFA-state)))
        ;; character alternative: add transitions for all alternatives
-       ((eq (tNFA-state-type state) 'char-alt)
-       (dolist (c (tNFA-state-label state))
-         (puthash c t (tNFA-DFA-state-transitions DFA-state))))
+       ((eq (tNFA--state-type state) 'char-alt)
+       (dolist (c (tNFA--state-label state))
+         (puthash c t (tNFA--DFA-state-transitions DFA-state))))
        ;; wildcard or negated character alternative: add wildcard transistion
-       ((or (eq (tNFA-state-type state) 'wildcard)
-           (eq (tNFA-state-type state) 'neg-char-alt))
-       (setf (tNFA-DFA-state-wildcard DFA-state) t))
+       ((or (eq (tNFA--state-type state) 'wildcard)
+           (eq (tNFA--state-type state) 'neg-char-alt))
+       (setf (tNFA--DFA-state-wildcard DFA-state) t))
        ;; match state: set match tags
-       ((eq (tNFA-state-type state) 'match)
-       (setf (tNFA-DFA-state-match DFA-state)
-             (tNFA-state-tags state)))))
+       ((eq (tNFA--state-type state) 'match)
+       (setf (tNFA--DFA-state-match DFA-state)
+             (tNFA--state-tags state)))))
     ;; return constructed state
-(defun* tNFA-DFA-state-create-initial (initial-state &key (test 'eq))
+(defun* tNFA--DFA-state-create-initial (state-list &key (test 'eq))
   ;; create initial DFA state from initial tNFA state INITIAL-STATE
-  (tNFA-DFA-state-create (list initial-state)
-                        (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
-                        :test test))
+  (tNFA--DFA-state-create state-list
+                         (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
+                         :test test))
-(defalias 'tNFA-DFA-state-match-p 'tNFA-DFA-state-match
-  "Return non-nil if STATE is a matching state, otherwise returns nil.")
+(defalias 'tNFA-match-p 'tNFA--DFA-state-match
+  "Return non-nil if STATE is a matching state, otherwise return nil.")
+(defalias 'tNFA-wildcard-p 'tNFA--DFA-state-wildcard
+  "Return non-nil if STATE has a wildcard transition, otherwise return nil.")
+(defun tNFA-transitions (state)
+  "Return list of literal transitions from tNFA state STATE."
+  (let (transitions)
+    (maphash (lambda (chr ignored) (push chr transitions))
+            (tNFA--DFA-state-transitions state))
+    transitions))
@@ -318,8 +330,9 @@ will by null."
 (defun* tNFA-from-regexp (regexp &key (test 'eq))
   "Create a tagged NFA that recognizes the regular expression REGEXP.
-Back-references and non-greedy postfix operators are *not* supported, and the
-matches are always anchored, so `$' and `^' lose their special meanings.
+Back-references and non-greedy postfix operators are *not*
+supported, and the matches are always anchored, so `$' and `^'
+lose their special meanings.
 The return value is the initial state of the tagged NFA.
@@ -333,10 +346,13 @@ individual elements of STRING are identical. The default 
is `eq'."
        (tNFA--from-regexp (append regexp nil) 0 '() '() 'top-level))
     (if regexp
        (error "Syntax error in regexp: missing \"(\"")
-      (setf (tNFA-NFA-state-type (tNFA-fragment-final fragment)) 'match)
-      (tNFA-DFA-state-create-initial
-       (tNFA-state-create-initial
-       (tNFA-fragment-initial fragment) num-tags min-tags max-tags)
+      (setf (tNFA--NFA-state-type (tNFA--fragment-final fragment)) 'match)
+      (tNFA--DFA-state-create-initial
+       (tNFA--epsilon-boundary
+       (list
+        (tNFA--state-create-initial
+         (tNFA--fragment-initial fragment) num-tags min-tags max-tags))
+       0)
        :test test)
@@ -355,17 +371,18 @@ individual elements of STRING are identical. The default 
is `eq'."
   ;; the constructed tNFA fragment, REGEXP is the remaining, unused portion of
   ;; the regexp, and the TAGS return values give the tags created so far.
-  (let* ((new (tNFA-NFA-state-create))
-        (fragment-stack (list (tNFA-fragment-create new new)))
+  (let* ((new (tNFA--NFA-state-create))
+        (fragment-stack (list (tNFA--fragment-create new new)))
         fragment attach token type group-end-tag)
     (catch 'constructed
       (while t
-       (setq regexp (NFA-regexp-next-token regexp)
+       (setq regexp (tNFA--regexp-next-token regexp)
              type   (nth 0 regexp)
              token  (nth 1 regexp)
              regexp (nth 2 regexp))
-       (setq fragment nil)
+       (setq fragment nil
+             group-end-tag nil)
        ;; ----- construct new fragment -----
@@ -395,9 +412,9 @@ individual elements of STRING are identical. The default is 
         ((or (eq type 'literal) (eq type 'wildcard)
              (eq type 'char-alt) (eq type 'neg-char-alt))
          (setq new
-               (tNFA-NFA-state-create type token (tNFA-NFA-state-create))
+               (tNFA--NFA-state-create type token (tNFA--NFA-state-create))
-               (tNFA-fragment-create new (tNFA-NFA-state-next new))))
+               (tNFA--fragment-create new (tNFA--NFA-state-next new))))
         ;; shy subgroup start: recursively construct subgroup fragment
         ((eq type 'shy-group-start)
@@ -412,14 +429,14 @@ individual elements of STRING are identical. The default 
is `eq'."
         ;; subgroup start: add minimize tag to current fragment, and
         ;;                 recursively construct subgroup fragment
         ((eq type 'group-start)
-         (setq new (tNFA-NFA-state-create))
+         (setq new (tNFA--NFA-state-create))
          (setq fragment
-               (tNFA-fragment-create
-                (tNFA-NFA-state-create-tag
+               (tNFA--fragment-create
+                (tNFA--NFA-state-create-tag
                  (car (push (1- (incf num-tags)) min-tags))
-         (tNFA-fragment-patch (car fragment-stack) fragment)
+         (tNFA--fragment-patch (car fragment-stack) fragment)
          ;; reserve next tag number for subgroup end tag
          (setq group-end-tag num-tags)
          (incf num-tags)
@@ -457,18 +474,18 @@ individual elements of STRING are identical. The default 
is `eq'."
            ;; create a new fragment containing start and end of alternation
            (setq fragment
-                 (tNFA-fragment-create
-                  (tNFA-NFA-state-create-branch)
-                  (tNFA-NFA-state-create)))
+                 (tNFA--fragment-create
+                  (tNFA--NFA-state-create-branch)
+                  (tNFA--NFA-state-create)))
            ;; patch alternation fragments into new fragment
            (dolist (frag fragment-stack)
-             (push (tNFA-fragment-initial frag)
-                   (tNFA-NFA-state-next (tNFA-fragment-initial fragment)))
-             (setf (tNFA-NFA-state-count (tNFA-fragment-initial frag))
-                   (incf (tNFA-NFA-state-in-degree
-                          (tNFA-fragment-initial frag))))
-             (tNFA-NFA-state-make-epsilon (tNFA-fragment-final frag)
-                                     (tNFA-fragment-final fragment)))
+             (push (tNFA--fragment-initial frag)
+                   (tNFA--NFA-state-next (tNFA--fragment-initial fragment)))
+             (setf (tNFA--NFA-state-count (tNFA--fragment-initial frag))
+                   (incf (tNFA--NFA-state-in-degree
+                          (tNFA--fragment-initial frag))))
+             (tNFA--NFA-state-make-epsilon (tNFA--fragment-final frag)
+                                     (tNFA--fragment-final fragment)))
            ;; throw constructed fragment up to recursion level above
            (throw 'constructed
                   (list fragment num-tags min-tags max-tags regexp)))
@@ -476,13 +493,13 @@ individual elements of STRING are identical. The default 
is `eq'."
         ;; | alternation: start new fragment
         ((eq type 'alternation)
-         (setq new (tNFA-NFA-state-create))
-         (push (tNFA-fragment-create new new) fragment-stack)))
+         (setq new (tNFA--NFA-state-create))
+         (push (tNFA--fragment-create new new) fragment-stack)))
        ;; ----- attach new fragment -----
        (when fragment
-         (setq attach (tNFA-fragment-final (car fragment-stack)))
+         (setq attach (tNFA--fragment-final (car fragment-stack)))
          (if (or (eq (car regexp) ?*)
                  (eq (car regexp) ?+)
                  (eq (car regexp) ??))
@@ -492,11 +509,11 @@ individual elements of STRING are identical. The default 
is `eq'."
                ;; if next token is a postfix operator, splice new fragment
                ;; into NFA as appropriate
-               (setq regexp (NFA-regexp-next-token regexp)
+               (setq regexp (tNFA--regexp-next-token regexp)
                      type   (nth 0 regexp)
                      token  (nth 1 regexp)
                      regexp (nth 2 regexp))
-               (setq new (tNFA-NFA-state-create))
+               (setq new (tNFA--NFA-state-create))
@@ -507,11 +524,11 @@ individual elements of STRING are identical. The default 
is `eq'."
                 ;;  ---attach-----new---
                 ((eq type 'postfix*)
-                 (tNFA-NFA-state-make-branch
-                  attach (list (tNFA-fragment-initial fragment) new))
-                 (tNFA-NFA-state-make-epsilon
-                  (tNFA-fragment-final fragment) attach)
-                 (setf (tNFA-fragment-final (car fragment-stack)) new))
+                 (tNFA--NFA-state-make-branch
+                  attach (list (tNFA--fragment-initial fragment) new))
+                 (tNFA--NFA-state-make-epsilon
+                  (tNFA--fragment-final fragment) attach)
+                 (setf (tNFA--fragment-final (car fragment-stack)) new))
                 ;;      .----.
                 ;;     /      \
@@ -520,11 +537,11 @@ individual elements of STRING are identical. The default 
is `eq'."
                 ;;  ---fragment-----new---
                 ((eq type 'postfix+)
-                 (tNFA-NFA-state-patch
-                  attach (tNFA-fragment-initial fragment))
-                 (tNFA-NFA-state-make-branch
-                  (tNFA-fragment-final fragment) (list attach new))
-                 (setf (tNFA-fragment-final (car fragment-stack)) new))
+                 (tNFA--NFA-state-patch
+                  attach (tNFA--fragment-initial fragment))
+                 (tNFA--NFA-state-make-branch
+                  (tNFA--fragment-final fragment) (list attach new))
+                 (setf (tNFA--fragment-final (car fragment-stack)) new))
                 ;;            .--fragment--.
                 ;;           /              \
@@ -532,33 +549,33 @@ individual elements of STRING are identical. The default 
is `eq'."
                 ;;           \______________/
                 ((eq type 'postfix?)
-                 (tNFA-NFA-state-make-branch
-                  attach (list (tNFA-fragment-initial fragment) new))
-                 (tNFA-NFA-state-make-epsilon
-                  (tNFA-fragment-final fragment) new)
-                 (setf (tNFA-fragment-final (car fragment-stack)) new))
+                 (tNFA--NFA-state-make-branch
+                  attach (list (tNFA--fragment-initial fragment) new))
+                 (tNFA--NFA-state-make-epsilon
+                  (tNFA--fragment-final fragment) new)
+                 (setf (tNFA--fragment-final (car fragment-stack)) new))
            ;; if next token is not a postfix operator, attach new fragment
            ;; onto end of current NFA fragment
-           (tNFA-fragment-patch (car fragment-stack) fragment))
+           (tNFA--fragment-patch (car fragment-stack) fragment))
          ;; if ending a group, add a maximize tag to end
          (when group-end-tag
-           (setq new (tNFA-NFA-state-create)
-                 fragment (tNFA-fragment-create
-                           (tNFA-NFA-state-create-tag group-end-tag new)
+           (setq new (tNFA--NFA-state-create)
+                 fragment (tNFA--fragment-create
+                           (tNFA--NFA-state-create-tag group-end-tag new)
            (push group-end-tag max-tags)
-           (tNFA-fragment-patch (car fragment-stack) fragment)))
+           (tNFA--fragment-patch (car fragment-stack) fragment)))
        ))  ; end of infinite loop and catch
-(defun NFA-regexp-next-token (regexp)
+(defun tNFA--regexp-next-token (regexp)
   ;; if regexp is empty, return null values for next token type, token and
   ;; remaining regexp
   (if (null regexp)
@@ -624,22 +641,24 @@ individual elements of STRING are identical. The default 
is `eq'."
 ;;; ================================================================
 ;;;                     tNFA evolution
-(defun tNFA-next-state (DFA-state chr pos)
+(defun tNFA-next-state (tNFA chr pos)
+  "Evolve tNFA according to CHR, which corresponds to position
+POS in a string."
   (let (state)
     ;; if there is a transition for character CHR...
-     ((setq state (gethash chr (tNFA-DFA-state-transitions DFA-state)))
+     ((setq state (gethash chr (tNFA--DFA-state-transitions tNFA)))
       ;; if next state has not already been computed, do so
-      (unless (tNFA-DFA-state-p state)
-       (setq state (tNFA--DFA-next-state DFA-state chr pos nil))
-       (puthash chr state (tNFA-DFA-state-transitions DFA-state))))
+      (unless (tNFA--DFA-state-p state)
+       (setq state (tNFA--DFA-next-state tNFA chr pos nil))
+       (puthash chr state (tNFA--DFA-state-transitions tNFA))))
      ;; if there's a wildcard transition...
-     ((setq state (tNFA-DFA-state-wildcard DFA-state))
+     ((setq state (tNFA--DFA-state-wildcard tNFA))
       ;; if next state has not already been computed, do so
-      (unless (tNFA-DFA-state-p state)
-       (setq state (tNFA--DFA-next-state DFA-state chr pos t))
-       (setf (tNFA-DFA-state-wildcard DFA-state) state))))
+      (unless (tNFA--DFA-state-p state)
+       (setq state (tNFA--DFA-next-state tNFA chr pos t))
+       (setf (tNFA--DFA-state-wildcard tNFA) state))))
@@ -648,47 +667,46 @@ individual elements of STRING are identical. The default 
is `eq'."
   (let (state-list state)
     ;; add all states reached by a CHR transition from DFA-STATE to state list
     (if wildcard
-       (dolist (state (tNFA-DFA-state-list DFA-state))
-         (when (or (eq (tNFA-state-type state) 'wildcard)
-                   (and (eq (tNFA-state-type state) 'neg-char-alt)
-                        (not (memq chr (tNFA-state-label state)))))
-           (push (tNFA-state-create (tNFA-state-next state)
-                                    (tNFA-tags-copy (tNFA-state-tags state)))
+       (dolist (state (tNFA--DFA-state-list DFA-state))
+         (when (or (eq (tNFA--state-type state) 'wildcard)
+                   (and (eq (tNFA--state-type state) 'neg-char-alt)
+                        (not (memq chr (tNFA--state-label state)))))
+           (push (tNFA--state-create (tNFA--state-next state)
+                                    (tNFA-tags-copy (tNFA--state-tags state)))
-      (dolist (state (tNFA-DFA-state-list DFA-state))
-       (when (or (and (eq (tNFA-state-type state) 'literal)
-                      (eq chr (tNFA-state-label state)))
-                 (and (eq (tNFA-state-type state) 'char-alt)
-                      (memq chr (tNFA-state-label state)))
-                 (and (eq (tNFA-state-type state) 'neg-char-alt)
-                      (not (memq chr (tNFA-state-label state))))
-                 (eq (tNFA-state-type state) 'wildcard))
-         (push (tNFA-state-create (tNFA-state-next state)
-                                  (tNFA-tags-copy (tNFA-state-tags state)))
+      (dolist (state (tNFA--DFA-state-list DFA-state))
+       (when (or (and (eq (tNFA--state-type state) 'literal)
+                      (eq chr (tNFA--state-label state)))
+                 (and (eq (tNFA--state-type state) 'char-alt)
+                      (memq chr (tNFA--state-label state)))
+                 (and (eq (tNFA--state-type state) 'neg-char-alt)
+                      (not (memq chr (tNFA--state-label state))))
+                 (eq (tNFA--state-type state) 'wildcard))
+         (push (tNFA--state-create (tNFA--state-next state)
+                                  (tNFA-tags-copy (tNFA--state-tags state)))
     ;; if state list is empty, return empty, failure DFA state
     (when state-list
       ;; otherwise, construct new DFA state and add it to the pool if it's not
       ;; already there
-      (setq state-list (tNFA-epsilon-boundary state-list (1+ pos)))
+      (setq state-list (tNFA--epsilon-boundary state-list (1+ pos)))
       (setq state
-           (or (gethash state-list (tNFA-DFA-state-pool DFA-state))
-               (tNFA-DFA-state-create
+           (or (gethash state-list (tNFA--DFA-state-pool DFA-state))
+               (tNFA--DFA-state-create
-                (tNFA-DFA-state-pool DFA-state)
+                (tNFA--DFA-state-pool DFA-state)
-                (hash-table-test (tNFA-DFA-state-transitions DFA-state)))))
+                (hash-table-test (tNFA--DFA-state-transitions DFA-state)))))
       ;; return next state
-(defun tNFA-epsilon-boundary (state-set pos)
-  ;; Return the tagged epsilon-closure of the tNFA states listed in STATE-SET,
-  ;; that is the set of all states that can be reached via only epsilon
-  ;; transitions from some state in STATE-SET. (This includes all states in
-  ;; STATE-SET itself.)
+(defun tNFA--epsilon-boundary (state-set pos)
+  ;; Return the tagged epsilon-boundary of the NFA states listed in STATE-SET,
+  ;; that is the set of all states that can be reached via epsilon transitions
+  ;; from some state in STATE-SET (not including those in STATE-SET).
   (let ((queue (queue-create))
        (result '())
        (reset '())
@@ -696,72 +714,72 @@ individual elements of STRING are identical. The default 
is `eq'."
     ;; temporarily link the NFA states to their corresponding tNFA states, and
     ;; add them to the queue
     (dolist (t-state state-set)
-      (setf state (tNFA-state-NFA-state t-state)
-           (tNFA-NFA-state-tNFA-state state) t-state)
+      (setf state (tNFA--state-NFA-state t-state)
+           (tNFA--NFA-state-tNFA-state state) t-state)
       (push state reset)
       (queue-enqueue queue state))
     (while (setq state (queue-dequeue queue))
        ;; branch or epsilon: add next states as necessary, copying tags across
-       ((or (eq (tNFA-NFA-state-type state) 'branch)
-           (eq (tNFA-NFA-state-type state) 'epsilon))
-       (dolist (next (if (eq (tNFA-NFA-state-type state) 'epsilon)
-                         (list (tNFA-NFA-state-next state))
-                       (tNFA-NFA-state-next state)))
-         (unless (tNFA-NFA-state-tNFA-state next)
-           (setf (tNFA-NFA-state-tNFA-state next)
-                 (tNFA-state-create
-                  next (tNFA-tags-copy (tNFA-NFA-state-tags state))))
+       ((or (eq (tNFA--NFA-state-type state) 'branch)
+           (eq (tNFA--NFA-state-type state) 'epsilon))
+       (dolist (next (if (eq (tNFA--NFA-state-type state) 'epsilon)
+                         (list (tNFA--NFA-state-next state))
+                       (tNFA--NFA-state-next state)))
+         (unless (tNFA--NFA-state-tNFA-state next)
+           (setf (tNFA--NFA-state-tNFA-state next)
+                 (tNFA--state-create
+                  next (tNFA-tags-copy (tNFA--NFA-state-tags state))))
            (push next reset)
            ;; if next state hasn't already been seen in-degree times, add it
            ;; to the end of the queue
-           (if (/= (decf (tNFA-NFA-state-count next)) 0)
+           (if (/= (decf (tNFA--NFA-state-count next)) 0)
                (queue-enqueue queue next)
              ;; if it has now been seen in-degree times, reset count and add
              ;; it back to the front of the queue
-             (setf (tNFA-NFA-state-count next)
-                   (tNFA-NFA-state-in-degree next))
+             (setf (tNFA--NFA-state-count next)
+                   (tNFA--NFA-state-in-degree next))
              (queue-prepend queue next)))))
        ;; tag: add next state if necessary, updating tags if necessary
-       ((eq (tNFA-NFA-state-type state) 'tag)
-       (setq next (tNFA-NFA-state-next state))
+       ((eq (tNFA--NFA-state-type state) 'tag)
+       (setq next (tNFA--NFA-state-next state))
        ;; if next state is not already in results list, or it is already in
        ;; results but new tag value takes precedence...
-       (when (or (not (tNFA-NFA-state-tNFA-state next))
-                 (tNFA-tags< pos (tNFA-NFA-state-tag state)
-                             (tNFA-NFA-state-tags next)))
+       (when (or (not (tNFA--NFA-state-tNFA-state next))
+                 (tNFA-tags< pos (tNFA--NFA-state-tag state)
+                             (tNFA--NFA-state-tags next)))
          ;; if next state is already in results, update tag value
-         (if (tNFA-NFA-state-tNFA-state next)
-             (tNFA-tags-set (tNFA-NFA-state-tags next)
-                            (tNFA-NFA-state-tag state) pos)
+         (if (tNFA--NFA-state-tNFA-state next)
+             (tNFA-tags-set (tNFA--NFA-state-tags next)
+                            (tNFA--NFA-state-tag state) pos)
            ;; if state is not already in results, copy tags, updating tag
            ;; value, and add next state to results list
-           (setq tags (tNFA-tags-copy (tNFA-NFA-state-tags state)))
-           (tNFA-tags-set tags (tNFA-NFA-state-tag state) pos)
-           (setf (tNFA-NFA-state-tNFA-state next)
-                 (tNFA-state-create next tags))
+           (setq tags (tNFA-tags-copy (tNFA--NFA-state-tags state)))
+           (tNFA-tags-set tags (tNFA--NFA-state-tag state) pos)
+           (setf (tNFA--NFA-state-tNFA-state next)
+                 (tNFA--state-create next tags))
            (push next reset))
          ;; if next state hasn't already been seen in-degree times, add it to
          ;; the end of the queue
-         (if (/= (decf (tNFA-NFA-state-count next)) 0)
+         (if (/= (decf (tNFA--NFA-state-count next)) 0)
              (queue-enqueue queue next)
            ;; if it has now been seen in-degree times, reset count and add it
            ;; back to the front of the queue
-           (setf (tNFA-NFA-state-count next) (tNFA-NFA-state-in-degree next))
+           (setf (tNFA--NFA-state-count next) (tNFA--NFA-state-in-degree next))
            (queue-prepend queue next))))
        ;; anything else is a non-epsilon-transition state, so add it to result
-       (t (push (tNFA-NFA-state-tNFA-state state) result))
+       (t (push (tNFA--NFA-state-tNFA-state state) result))
     ;; reset temporary NFA state link and count
     (dolist (state reset)
-      (setf (tNFA-NFA-state-tNFA-state state) nil
-           (tNFA-NFA-state-count state) (tNFA-NFA-state-in-degree state)))
+      (setf (tNFA--NFA-state-tNFA-state state) nil
+           (tNFA--NFA-state-count state) (tNFA--NFA-state-in-degree state)))
     ;; sort result states
-    (sort result (lambda (a b) (< (tNFA-state-id a) (tNFA-state-id b))))
+    (sort result (lambda (a b) (< (tNFA--state-id a) (tNFA--state-id b))))
@@ -787,7 +805,7 @@ individual elements of STRING are identical. The default is 
          (throw 'fail nil)))
       ;; if REGEXP matched...
-      (when (setq tags (tNFA-DFA-state-match tNFA))
+      (when (setq tags (tNFA--DFA-state-match tNFA))
        (setq match-data (make-list (+ (length tags) 2) nil))
        ;; set match data
        (setf (nth 0 match-data) 0
@@ -807,4 +825,10 @@ individual elements of STRING are identical. The default 
is `eq'."
+(defun tNFA-group-data (tNFA)
+  "Return the group match data associated with a tNFA state."
+  (tNFA--tags-to-groups (tNFA--DFA-state-match tNFA)))
 ;;; tNFA.el ends here

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