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[elpa] externals/tNFA 9a742f6 01/23: Implementation of tagged non-determ

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [elpa] externals/tNFA 9a742f6 01/23: Implementation of tagged non-deterministic finite state automata, for regular expression matching
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2020 12:08:27 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/tNFA
commit 9a742f636b4e17c4f7cceb0c2b446c5a9f14f7e9
Author: Toby Cubitt <toby-predictive@dr-qubit.org>
Commit: tsc25 <toby-predictive@dr-qubit.org>

    Implementation of tagged non-deterministic finite state automata, for 
regular expression matching
 tNFA.el | 793 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 793 insertions(+)

diff --git a/tNFA.el b/tNFA.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cef5342
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tNFA.el
@@ -0,0 +1,793 @@
+;;; tNFA.el --- tagged non-deterministic finite-state automata package
+;; Copyright (C) 2008 Toby Cubitt
+;; Author: Toby Cubitt <toby-predictive@dr-qubit.org>
+;; Version: 0.1
+;; Keywords: TNFA, NFA, tagged, non-deterministic, finite state, automata
+;; URL: http://www.dr-qubit.org/emacs.php
+;; This file is NOT part of Emacs.
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+;; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+;; of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
+;; MA 02110-1301, USA.
+;;; Commentary:
+;;; Change Log:
+;; Version 0.1
+;; * initial version
+;;; Code:
+(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
+(require 'queue)
+(provide 'tNFA)
+;;; ================================================================
+;;;                    Data structures
+;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;                    tagged NFA states
+  (tNFA-state
+   (:constructor nil)
+   (:constructor tNFA-state-create-initial
+                (NFA-state num-tags min-tags max-tags
+                 &aux (tags (tNFA-tags-create num-tags min-tags max-tags))))
+   (:constructor tNFA-state-create (NFA-state tags))
+   (:copier nil))
+  NFA-state tags)
+(defmacro tNFA-state-id (state)
+  `(tNFA-NFA-state-id (tNFA-state-NFA-state ,state)))
+(defmacro tNFA-state-type (state)
+  `(tNFA-NFA-state-type (tNFA-state-NFA-state ,state)))
+(defmacro tNFA-state-label (state)
+  `(tNFA-NFA-state-label (tNFA-state-NFA-state ,state)))
+(defmacro tNFA-state-in-degree (state)
+  `(tNFA-NFA-state-in-degree (tNFA-state-NFA-state ,state)))
+(defmacro tNFA-state-next (state)
+  `(tNFA-NFA-state-next (tNFA-state-NFA-state ,state)))
+(defmacro tNFA-state-count (state)
+  `(tNFA-NFA-state-count (tNFA-state-NFA-state ,state)))
+;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;                         NFA states
+(declare (special NFA--state-id))
+  (tNFA-NFA-state
+   (:type vector)
+   (:constructor nil)
+   (:constructor tNFA-NFA-state-create
+                (&optional type label next
+                 &aux
+                 (in-degree 0)
+                 (count 0)
+                 (id (incf NFA--state-id))
+                 (dummy (when next
+                          (setf (tNFA-NFA-state-count next)
+                                (incf (tNFA-NFA-state-in-degree next)))))))
+   (:constructor tNFA-NFA-state-create-branch
+                (&rest next
+                 &aux
+                 (type 'branch)
+                 (in-degree 0)
+                 (count 0)
+                 (id (incf NFA--state-id))))
+   (:constructor tNFA-NFA-state-create-tag
+                (tag &optional next
+                 &aux
+                 (type 'tag)
+                 (label (progn (message "%d" tag) tag))
+                 (in-degree 0)
+                 (count 0)
+                 (id (incf NFA--state-id))
+                 (dummy (when next
+                          (setf (tNFA-NFA-state-count next)
+                                (incf (tNFA-NFA-state-in-degree next)))))))
+   (:copier nil))
+  id type label in-degree
+  count tNFA-state  ; used internally in NFA evolution algorithms
+  next)
+(defalias 'tNFA-NFA-state-tag 'tNFA-NFA-state-label)
+(defmacro tNFA-NFA-state-tags (state)
+  `(tNFA-state-tags (tNFA-NFA-state-tNFA-state ,state)))
+(defun tNFA-NFA-state-patch (attach state)
+  "Patch STATE onto ATTACH. Return value is meaningless."
+  (setf (tNFA-NFA-state-type attach)  (tNFA-NFA-state-type state)
+       (tNFA-NFA-state-label attach) (tNFA-NFA-state-label state)
+       (tNFA-NFA-state-next attach)  (tNFA-NFA-state-next state)
+       (tNFA-NFA-state-count state)  (incf (tNFA-NFA-state-in-degree state))
+       ))
+(defun tNFA-NFA-state-make-epsilon (state next)
+  "Create an epsilon transition from STATE to NEXT."
+  (setf (tNFA-NFA-state-type state)  'epsilon
+       (tNFA-NFA-state-label state) nil
+       (tNFA-NFA-state-next state)  next
+       (tNFA-NFA-state-count next)  (incf (tNFA-NFA-state-in-degree next))))
+(defun tNFA-NFA-state-make-branch (state next)
+  "Create a branch from STATE to all states in NEXT list."
+  (setf (tNFA-NFA-state-type state)  'branch
+       (tNFA-NFA-state-label state) nil
+       (tNFA-NFA-state-next state)  next)
+  (dolist (n next)
+    (setf (tNFA-NFA-state-count n) (incf (tNFA-NFA-state-in-degree n)))))
+;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;                        NFA fragments
+  (NFA-fragment
+   (:type vector)
+   (:constructor nil)
+   (:constructor NFA-fragment-create (initial final))
+   (:copier nil))
+  initial final)
+(defun NFA-fragment-patch (frag1 frag2)
+  "Patch FRAG2 onto end of FRAG1. Return value is meaningless."
+  (tNFA-NFA-state-patch (NFA-fragment-final frag1) (NFA-fragment-initial 
+  (setf (NFA-fragment-final frag1) (NFA-fragment-final frag2)))
+;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;                      tag tables
+(defun tNFA-tags-create (num-tags min-tags max-tags)
+  "Construct a new tags table."
+  (let ((vec (make-vector num-tags nil)))
+    (dolist (tag min-tags)
+      (aset vec tag (cons -1 'min)))
+    (dolist (tag max-tags)
+      (aset vec tag (cons -1 'max)))
+    vec))
+(defun tNFA-tags-copy (tags)
+  "Return a copy of TAGS table."
+  (let* ((len (length tags))
+        (vec (make-vector len nil)))
+    (dotimes (i len)
+      (aset vec i (cons (car (aref tags i))
+                       (cdr (aref tags i)))))
+    vec))
+(defmacro tNFA-tags-set (tags tag val)
+  "Set value of TAG in TAGS table to VAL."
+  `(setcar (aref ,tags ,tag) ,val))
+(defmacro tNFA-tags-get (tags tag)
+  "Get value of TAG in TAGS table."
+  `(car (aref ,tags ,tag)))
+(defmacro tNFA-tags-type (tags tag)
+  "Return the symbol `min' if TAG in TAGS table is a minimize tag,
+`max' if it is a maximize tag."
+  `(cdr (aref ,tags ,tag)))
+(defun tNFA-tags< (val tag tags)
+  "Return non-nil if VAL takes precedence over the value of TAG in TAGS table,
+otherwise return nil."
+  (setq tag (aref tags tag))
+  (or (and (eq (cdr tag) 'min)
+          (< val (car tag)))
+    ;;(and (eq (cdr tag) 'max)
+          (> val (car tag));)
+          ))
+;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;                      DFA states
+  (tNFA-DFA-state
+   :named
+   (:constructor nil)
+   (:constructor tNFA--DFA-state-create
+                (list pool
+                 &key (test 'eq)
+                 &aux
+                 (transitions (make-hash-table :test test))))
+   (:constructor tNFA-DFA-state-create-failed ())
+   (:copier nil))
+  list transitions wildcard match pool)
+(defun* tNFA-DFA-state-create (state-list state-pool &key (test 'eq))
+  ;; create DFA state and add it to the state pool
+  (let ((DFA-state (tNFA--DFA-state-create
+                   state-list state-pool :test test)))
+    (puthash state-list DFA-state (tNFA-DFA-state-pool DFA-state))
+    (dolist (state state-list)
+      ;; if state in state list is...
+      (cond
+       ;; literal state: add literal transition
+       ((eq (tNFA-state-type state) 'literal)
+       (puthash (tNFA-state-label state) t
+                (tNFA-DFA-state-transitions DFA-state)))
+       ;; character alternative: add transitions for all alternatives
+       ((eq (tNFA-state-type state) 'char-alt)
+       (dolist (c (tNFA-state-label state))
+         (puthash c t (tNFA-DFA-state-transitions DFA-state))))
+       ;; wildcard or negated character alternative: add wildcard transistion
+       ((or (eq (tNFA-state-type state) 'wildcard)
+           (eq (tNFA-state-type state) 'neg-char-alt))
+       (setf (tNFA-DFA-state-wildcard DFA-state) t))
+       ;; match state: set match tags
+       ((eq (tNFA-state-type state) 'match)
+       (setf (tNFA-DFA-state-match DFA-state)
+             (tNFA-state-tags state)))))
+    ;; return constructed state
+    DFA-state))
+(defun* tNFA-DFA-state-create-initial (initial-state &key (test 'eq))
+  ;; create initial DFA state from initial tNFA state INITIAL-STATE
+  (tNFA-DFA-state-create (list initial-state)
+                        (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
+                        :test test))
+(defun tNFA-DFA-state-failed-p (state)
+  "Return t if STATE is a failed match, otherwise returns nil."
+  (null (tNFA-DFA-state-list state)))
+(defalias 'tNFA-DFA-state-match-p 'tNFA-DFA-state-match
+  "Return non-nil if STATE is a matching state, otherwise returns nil.")
+;;; ================================================================
+;;;                        Regexp -> tNFA
+(defun* tNFA-from-regexp (regexp &key (test 'eq))
+  "Create a tagged NFA that recognizes the regular expression REGEXP.
+Back-references and non-greedy postfix operators are *not* supported, and the
+matches are always anchored, so `$' and `^' lose their special meanings.
+The return value is the initial state of the tagged NFA.
+The :test keyword argument specifies how to test whether two
+individual elements of a string are identical. The default is `eq'."
+  ;; convert regexp to list, build NFA, and return initial state
+  (declare (special NFA--state-id))
+  (destructuring-bind (fragment num-tags min-tags max-tags regexp)
+      (let ((NFA--state-id -1))
+       (tNFA--from-regexp (append regexp nil) 0 '() '() 'top-level))
+    (if regexp
+       (error "Syntax error in regexp: missing \"(\"")
+      (setf (tNFA-NFA-state-type (NFA-fragment-final fragment)) 'match)
+      (tNFA-DFA-state-create-initial
+       (tNFA-state-create-initial
+       (NFA-fragment-initial fragment) num-tags min-tags max-tags)
+       :test test)
+      )))
+(defun tNFA--from-regexp (regexp num-tags min-tags max-tags
+                                &optional top-level)
+  (let* ((new (tNFA-NFA-state-create))
+        (fragment-stack (list (NFA-fragment-create new new)))
+        fragment attach token type)
+    (catch 'constructed
+      (while t
+       (setq regexp (NFA-regexp-next-token regexp)
+             type   (nth 0 regexp)
+             token  (nth 1 regexp)
+             regexp (nth 2 regexp))
+       (setq fragment nil)
+       ;; ----- construct new fragment -----
+       (cond
+        ;; syntax error: missing )
+        ((and (null type) (not top-level))
+         (error "Syntax error in regexp: extra \"(\" or missing \")\""))
+        ;; syntax error: extra )
+        ((and (eq type 'shy-group-end) top-level)
+         (error "Syntax error in regexp: extra \")\" or missing \"(\""))
+        ;; syntax error: postfix operator not after atom
+        ((or (eq type 'postfix*) (eq type 'postfix+) (eq type 'postfix?))
+         (error "Syntax error in regexp: unexpected \"%s\""
+                (char-to-string token)))
+        ;; regexp atom: construct new literal fragment
+        ((or (eq type 'literal) (eq type 'wildcard)
+             (eq type 'char-alt) (eq type 'neg-char-alt))
+         (setq new (tNFA-NFA-state-create type token (tNFA-NFA-state-create))
+               fragment (NFA-fragment-create new (tNFA-NFA-state-next new))))
+        ;; shy subgroup start: recursively construct subgroup fragment
+        ((eq type 'shy-group-start)
+         (setq new (tNFA--from-regexp regexp num-tags min-tags max-tags)
+               num-tags (nth 1 new)
+               min-tags (nth 2 new)
+               max-tags (nth 3 new)
+               regexp   (nth 4 new)
+               fragment (nth 0 new)))
+        ;; subgroup start: recursively construct subgroup fragment, attaching
+        ;;                 minimize tag to the front
+        ((eq type 'group-start)
+         (setq new (tNFA-NFA-state-create))
+         (setq fragment
+               (NFA-fragment-create
+                (tNFA-NFA-state-create-tag
+                 (car (push (1- (incf num-tags)) min-tags))
+                 new)
+                new))
+         (setq new (tNFA--from-regexp regexp num-tags min-tags max-tags)
+               num-tags (nth 1 new)
+               min-tags (nth 2 new)
+               max-tags (nth 3 new)
+               regexp   (nth 4 new)
+               new      (nth 0 new))
+         (NFA-fragment-patch fragment new))
+        ;; end of regexp or subgroup: ...
+        ((or (null type) (eq type 'shy-group-end) (eq type 'group-end))
+         ;; if fragment-stack contains only one fragment...
+         (cond
+          ((null (nth 1 fragment-stack))
+           ;; if ending a group, add a maximize tag to end of fragment
+           (when (eq type 'group-end)
+             (setq new (tNFA-NFA-state-create)
+                   fragment (NFA-fragment-create
+                             (tNFA-NFA-state-create-tag
+                              (car (push (1- (incf num-tags)) max-tags))
+                              new)
+                             new))
+             (NFA-fragment-patch (car fragment-stack) fragment))
+           ;; throw fragment up to recursion level above
+           (throw 'constructed
+                  (list (car fragment-stack)
+                        num-tags min-tags max-tags regexp)))
+          ;; if fragment-stack contains multiple alternation fragments,
+          ;; attach them all together
+          ;;
+          ;;          .--fragment--.
+          ;;         /              \
+          ;;        /----fragment----\
+          ;;       /                  \
+          ;;   ---o------fragment------o--->
+          ;;       \        .         /
+          ;;        \       .        /
+          ;;                .
+          (t
+           ;; create a new fragment containing start and end of alternation;
+           ;; if ending a group, make end of alternation a maximize tag
+           (setq fragment
+                 (NFA-fragment-create
+                  (tNFA-NFA-state-create-branch)
+                  (if (eq type 'group-end)
+                      (tNFA-NFA-state-create-tag
+                       (car (push (1- (incf num-tags)) max-tags))
+                       (tNFA-NFA-state-create))
+                    (tNFA-NFA-state-create))))
+           ;; patch alternation fragments into new fragment
+           (dolist (frag fragment-stack)
+             (push (NFA-fragment-initial frag)
+                   (tNFA-NFA-state-next (NFA-fragment-initial fragment)))
+             (setf (tNFA-NFA-state-count (NFA-fragment-initial frag))
+                   (incf (tNFA-NFA-state-in-degree
+                          (NFA-fragment-initial frag))))
+             (tNFA-NFA-state-make-epsilon (NFA-fragment-final frag)
+                                     (NFA-fragment-final fragment)))
+           ;; if ending a group, step the end of the fragment along one link,
+           ;; to the blank state linked from the tag
+           (when (eq type 'group-end)
+             (setf (NFA-fragment-final fragment)
+                   (tNFA-NFA-state-next (NFA-fragment-final fragment))))
+           ;; throw constructed fragment up to recursion level above
+           (throw 'constructed
+                  (list fragment num-tags min-tags max-tags regexp)))
+          ))
+        ;; | alternation: start new fragment
+        ((eq type 'alternation)
+         (setq new (tNFA-NFA-state-create))
+         (push (NFA-fragment-create new new) fragment-stack)))
+       ;; ----- attach new fragment -----
+       (when fragment
+         (setq attach (NFA-fragment-final (car fragment-stack)))
+         (if (or (eq (car regexp) ?*)
+                 (eq (car regexp) ?+)
+                 (eq (car regexp) ??))
+             (if (eq type 'alternation)
+                 (error "Syntax error in regexp: unexpected \"%s\""
+                        (char-to-string token))
+               ;; if next token is a postfix operator, splice new fragment
+               ;; into NFA as appropriate
+               (setq regexp (NFA-regexp-next-token regexp)
+                     type   (nth 0 regexp)
+                     token  (nth 1 regexp)
+                     regexp (nth 2 regexp))
+               (setq new (tNFA-NFA-state-create))
+               (cond
+                ;;    .--fragment--.
+                ;;   /              \
+                ;;   \        ______/
+                ;;    \      /
+                ;;  ---attach-----new---
+                ;;
+                ((eq type 'postfix*)
+                 (tNFA-NFA-state-make-branch
+                  attach (list (NFA-fragment-initial fragment) new))
+                 (tNFA-NFA-state-make-epsilon
+                  (NFA-fragment-final fragment) attach)
+                 (setf (NFA-fragment-final (car fragment-stack)) new))
+                ;;      .----.
+                ;;     /      \
+                ;;    /        \
+                ;;    \        /
+                ;;  ---fragment-----new---
+                ;;
+                ((eq type 'postfix+)
+                 (tNFA-NFA-state-patch
+                  attach (NFA-fragment-initial fragment))
+                 (tNFA-NFA-state-make-branch
+                  (NFA-fragment-final fragment) (list attach new))
+                 (setf (NFA-fragment-final (car fragment-stack)) new))
+                ;;            .--fragment--.
+                ;;           /              \
+                ;;  ---attach                new---
+                ;;           \______________/
+                ;;
+                ((eq type 'postfix?)
+                 (tNFA-NFA-state-make-branch
+                  attach (list (NFA-fragment-initial fragment) new))
+                 (tNFA-NFA-state-make-epsilon
+                  (NFA-fragment-final fragment) new)
+                 (setf (NFA-fragment-final (car fragment-stack)) new))
+                ))
+           ;; if next token is not a postfix operator, attach new fragment
+           ;; onto end of current NFA fragment
+           (NFA-fragment-patch (car fragment-stack) fragment)))
+       ))  ; end of infinite loop and catch
+    ))
+(defun NFA-regexp-next-token (regexp)
+  ;; if regexp is empty, return null values for next token type, token and
+  ;; remaining regexp
+  (if (null regexp)
+      (list nil nil nil)
+    (let ((token (pop regexp))
+         (type 'literal))  ; assume token is literal initially
+      (cond
+       ;; [: gobble up to closing ]
+       ((eq token ?\[)
+       ;; character alternatives are stored in lists
+       (setq token '())
+       (cond
+        ;; gobble ] appearing straight after [
+        ((eq (car regexp) ?\]) (push (pop regexp) token))
+        ;; gobble ] appearing straight after [^
+        ((and (eq (car regexp) ?^) (eq (nth 1 regexp) ?\]))
+         (push (pop regexp) token)
+         (push (pop regexp) token)))
+       ;; gobble everything up to closing ]
+       (while (not (eq (car regexp) ?\]))
+         (push (pop regexp) token)
+         (unless regexp
+           (error "Syntax error in regexp: missing \"]\"")))
+       (pop regexp)  ; dump closing ]
+       (if (not (eq (car (last token)) ?^))
+           (setq type 'char-alt)
+         (setq type 'neg-char-alt)
+         (setq token (butlast token))))
+       ;; ]: syntax error (always gobbled when parsing [)
+       ((eq token ?\])
+       (error "Syntax error in regexp: missing \"[\""))
+       ;; . * + ?: set appropriate type
+       ((eq token ?*) (setq type 'postfix*))
+       ((eq token ?+) (setq type 'postfix+))
+       ((eq token ??) (setq type 'postfix?))
+       ((eq token ?.) (setq type 'wildcard))
+       ;; \: look at next character
+       ((eq token ?\\)
+       (unless (setq token (pop regexp))
+         (error "Syntax error in regexp: missing character after \"\\\""))
+       (cond
+        ((eq token ?|) (setq type 'alternation))
+        ((and (eq token ?\() (eq (car regexp) ??))
+         (setq type 'shy-group-start)
+         (pop regexp))
+        ((and (eq token ?\)) (eq (car regexp) ??))
+         (setq type 'shy-group-end)
+         (pop regexp))
+        ((eq token ?\() (setq type 'group-start))
+        ((eq token ?\)) (setq type 'group-end))))
+       )
+      ;; return first token type, token, and remaining regexp
+      (list type token regexp))))
+;;; ================================================================
+;;;                     tNFA evolution
+(defun tNFA-next-state (DFA-state chr pos)
+  (let (state)
+    ;; if there is a transition for character CHR...
+    (cond
+     ((setq state (gethash chr (tNFA-DFA-state-transitions DFA-state)))
+      ;; if next state has not already been computed, do so
+      (unless (tNFA-DFA-state-p state)
+       (setq state (tNFA--DFA-next-state DFA-state chr pos nil))
+       (puthash chr state (tNFA-DFA-state-transitions DFA-state))))
+     ;; if there's a wildcard transition...
+     ((setq state (tNFA-DFA-state-wildcard DFA-state))
+      ;; if next state has not already been computed, do so
+      (unless (tNFA-DFA-state-p state)
+       (setq state (tNFA--DFA-next-state DFA-state chr pos t))
+       (setf (tNFA-DFA-state-wildcard DFA-state) state))))
+    state))
+(defun tNFA--DFA-next-state (DFA-state chr pos wildcard)
+  (let (state-list state)
+    ;; add all states reached by a CHR transition from DFA-STATE to state list
+    (if wildcard
+       (dolist (state (tNFA-DFA-state-list DFA-state))
+         (when (or (eq (tNFA-state-type state) 'wildcard)
+                   (and (eq (tNFA-state-type state) 'neg-char-alt)
+                        (not (memq chr (tNFA-state-label state)))))
+           (push (tNFA-state-create (tNFA-state-next state)
+                                    (tNFA-tags-copy (tNFA-state-tags state)))
+                 state-list)))
+      (dolist (state (tNFA-DFA-state-list DFA-state))
+       (when (or (and (eq (tNFA-state-type state) 'literal)
+                      (eq chr (tNFA-state-label state)))
+                 (and (eq (tNFA-state-type state) 'char-alt)
+                      (memq chr (tNFA-state-label state)))
+                 (and (eq (tNFA-state-type state) 'neg-char-alt)
+                      (not (memq chr (tNFA-state-label state))))
+                 (eq (tNFA-state-type state) 'wildcard))
+         (push (tNFA-state-create (tNFA-state-next state)
+                                  (tNFA-tags-copy (tNFA-state-tags state)))
+               state-list))))
+    ;; if state list is empty, return empty, failure DFA state
+    (when state-list
+      ;; otherwise, construct new DFA state and add it to the pool if it's not
+      ;; already there
+      (setq state-list (tNFA-epsilon-boundary state-list (1+ pos)))
+      (setq state
+           (or (gethash state-list (tNFA-DFA-state-pool DFA-state))
+               (tNFA-DFA-state-create
+                state-list
+                (tNFA-DFA-state-pool DFA-state)
+                :test
+                (hash-table-test (tNFA-DFA-state-transitions DFA-state)))))
+      ;; return next state
+      state)))
+(defun tNFA-epsilon-boundary (state-set pos)
+  ;; Return the tagged epsilon-closure of the tNFA states listed in STATE-SET,
+  ;; that is the set of all states that can be reached via only epsilon
+  ;; transitions from some state in STATE-SET. (This includes all states in
+  ;; STATE-SET itself.)
+  (let ((queue (queue-create))
+       (result '())
+       (seen '())
+       state next tags)
+    ;; temporarily link the NFA states to their corresponding tNFA states, and
+    ;; add them to the queue
+    (dolist (t-state state-set)
+      (setf state (tNFA-state-NFA-state t-state)
+           (tNFA-NFA-state-tNFA-state state) t-state)
+      (push t-state seen)
+      (queue-enqueue queue state))
+    (while (setq state (queue-dequeue queue))
+      (cond
+       ;; branch or epsilon: add next states as necessary, copying tags across
+       ((or (eq (tNFA-NFA-state-type state) 'branch)
+           (eq (tNFA-NFA-state-type state) 'epsilon))
+       (dolist (next (if (eq (tNFA-NFA-state-type state) 'epsilon)
+                         (list (tNFA-NFA-state-next state))
+                       (tNFA-NFA-state-next state)))
+         (unless (tNFA-NFA-state-tNFA-state next)
+           (setf (tNFA-NFA-state-tNFA-state next)
+                 (tNFA-state-create
+                  next (tNFA-tags-copy (tNFA-NFA-state-tags state))))
+           (push (tNFA-NFA-state-tNFA-state next) seen)
+           ;; if next state hasn't already been seen in-degree times, add it
+           ;; to the end of the queue
+           (if (/= (decf (tNFA-NFA-state-count next)) 0)
+               (queue-enqueue queue next)
+             ;; if it has now been seen in-degree times, reset count and add
+             ;; it back to the front of the queue
+             (setf (tNFA-NFA-state-count next)
+                   (tNFA-NFA-state-in-degree next))
+             (queue-prepend queue next)))))
+       ;; tag: add next state if necessary, updating tags if necessary
+       ((eq (tNFA-NFA-state-type state) 'tag)
+       (setq next (tNFA-NFA-state-next state))
+       ;; if next state is not already in results list, or it is already in
+       ;; results but new tag value takes precedence...
+       (when (or (not (tNFA-NFA-state-tNFA-state next))
+                 (tNFA-tags< pos (tNFA-NFA-state-tag state)
+                             (tNFA-NFA-state-tags next)))
+         ;; if next state is already in results, update tag value
+         (if (tNFA-NFA-state-tNFA-state next)
+             (tNFA-tags-set (tNFA-NFA-state-tags next)
+                            (tNFA-NFA-state-tag state) pos)
+           ;; if state is not already in results, copy tags, updating tag
+           ;; value, and add next state to results list
+           (setq tags (tNFA-tags-copy (tNFA-NFA-state-tags state)))
+           (tNFA-tags-set tags (tNFA-NFA-state-tag state) pos)
+           (setf (tNFA-NFA-state-tNFA-state next)
+                 (tNFA-state-create next tags))
+           (push (tNFA-NFA-state-tNFA-state next) seen))
+         ;; if next state hasn't already been seen in-degree times, add it to
+         ;; the end of the queue
+         (if (/= (decf (tNFA-NFA-state-count next)) 0)
+             (queue-enqueue queue next)
+           ;; if it has now been seen in-degree times, reset count and add it
+           ;; back to the front of the queue
+           (setf (tNFA-NFA-state-count next) (tNFA-NFA-state-in-degree next))
+           (queue-prepend queue next))))
+       ;; anything else is a non-epsilon-transition state, so add it to result
+       (t (push (tNFA-NFA-state-tNFA-state state) result))
+       ))
+    ;; reset temporary NFA state link and count
+    (dolist (state seen)
+      (setf (tNFA-NFA-state-tNFA-state (tNFA-state-NFA-state state)) nil
+           (tNFA-NFA-state-count (tNFA-state-NFA-state state))
+             (tNFA-NFA-state-in-degree (tNFA-state-NFA-state state))))
+    ;; sort result states
+    (sort result (lambda (a b) (< (tNFA-state-id a) (tNFA-state-id b))))
+    ))
+;;; ================================================================
+;;;                       tNFA matching
+(defun tNFA-regexp-match (regexp string)
+  "Return non-nil if STRING matches REGEXP, nil otherwise.
+Sets the match data if there was a match; see `match-beginning',
+`match-end' and `match-string'."
+  (let ((tNFA (tNFA-from-regexp regexp))
+       (i -1) tags match-data group-stack (grp 0))
+    ;; evolve tNFA according to characters of STRING
+    (catch 'fail
+      (dolist (chr (append string nil))
+       (unless (setq tNFA (tNFA-next-state tNFA chr (incf i)))
+         (throw 'fail nil)))
+      ;; if REGEXP matched...
+      (when (setq tags (tNFA-DFA-state-match tNFA))
+       (setq match-data (make-list (+ (length tags) 2) nil))
+       ;; set match data
+       (setf (nth 0 match-data) 0
+             (nth 1 match-data) (length string))
+       ;; set group match data if there were any groups
+       (dotimes (i (length tags))
+         (if (eq (tNFA-tags-type tags i) 'max)
+             (unless (= (tNFA-tags-get tags i) -1)
+               (setf (nth (1+ (* 2 (pop group-stack))) match-data)
+                     (tNFA-tags-get tags i)))
+           (incf grp)
+           (unless (= (tNFA-tags-get tags i) -1)
+             (push grp group-stack)
+             (setf (nth (* 2 grp) match-data)
+                   (tNFA-tags-get tags i)))))
+       (set-match-data match-data)
+       tags))))
+(defun tNFA-tags-to-groups (tags)
+  "Convert TAGS table to a list of indices of group matches.
+The nth element of the list is a cons cell, whose car is the
+starting index of the nth group and whose cdr is its end
+index. If a group didn't match, the corresponding list element
+will by null."
+  (let ((groups (make-list (/ (length tags) 2) nil))
+       group-stack
+       (grp 0))
+    (dotimes (i (length tags))
+      (if (eq (tNFA-tags-type tags i) 'max)
+         (unless (= (tNFA-tags-get tags i) -1)
+           (setf (nth (caar group-stack) groups)
+                 (cons (cdr (pop group-stack)) (tNFA-tags-get tags i))))
+       (unless (= (tNFA-tags-get tags i) -1)
+         (push (cons grp (tNFA-tags-get tags i)) group-stack))
+       (incf grp)))
+    groups))
+;;; tNFA.el ends here

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