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[elpa] externals/dict-tree b33203a 060/154: Manage loading and unloading

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [elpa] externals/dict-tree b33203a 060/154: Manage loading and unloading of dictionaries automatically in predictive-mode
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2020 12:21:45 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/dict-tree
commit b33203adce92ce8339268995ec5bcedf87bd1736
Author: Toby Cubitt <toby-predictive@dr-qubit.org>
Commit: tsc25 <toby-predictive@dr-qubit.org>

    Manage loading and unloading of dictionaries automatically in 
 dict-tree.el | 117 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 1 file changed, 79 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dict-tree.el b/dict-tree.el
index bee0630..b23ff3e 100644
--- a/dict-tree.el
+++ b/dict-tree.el
@@ -2444,45 +2444,50 @@ Interactively, FORCE is the prefix argument."
 (defun dictree-load (file)
   "Load a dictionary object from file FILE.
-Returns t if successful, nil otherwise.
+Returns the dictionary if successful, nil otherwise.
 Interactively, FILE is read from the mini-buffer."
   (interactive (list (completing-read
                      "Load dictionary: "
                      (apply-partially 'locate-file-completion-table
-                                      load-path
-                                      (get-load-suffixes)))))
+                                      load-path (get-load-suffixes)))))
   ;; sort out dictionary name and file name
   (let (dictname dict)
-    (cond
-     ((and (> (length file) 4)
-          (string= (substring file -4) ".elc"))
-      (setq dictname (file-name-nondirectory (substring file 0 -4))))
-     ((and (> (length file) 3)
-          (string= (substring file -3) ".el"))
-      (setq dictname (file-name-nondirectory (substring file 0 -3))))
-     (t (setq dictname (file-name-nondirectory file))))
+    (setq dictname (file-name-nondirectory (file-name-sans-extension file)))
     ;; load the dictionary
-    (unless (load file t)
-      (error "Cannot open dictionary file: %s" file))
-    (setq dict (eval (intern-soft dictname)))
-    (when (not (dictree-p dict))
-      (error "Error loading dictionary file: %s" file))
-    ;; ensure the dictionary name and file name associated with the
-    ;; dictionary match the file it was loaded from
-    (when (and (string= (file-name-nondirectory file) file)
-              (setq file (locate-file file load-path load-suffixes)))
-      (setf (dictree-filename dict) file))
-    (setf (dictree-name dict) dictname)
-    ;; make sure the dictionary is in dictree-loaded-list (normally the lisp
-    ;; code in the dictionary itself should do this, but just to make sure...)
-    (unless (memq dict dictree-loaded-list)
-      (push dict dictree-loaded-list))
-    (message (format "Loaded dictionary %s" dictname))))
+    (if (not (load file t))
+       ;; if loading failed, throw error interactively, return nil
+       ;; non-interactively
+       (if (interactive-p)
+           (error "Cannot open dictionary file: %s" file)
+         nil)
+      (setq dict (eval (intern-soft dictname)))
+      (if (not (dictree-p dict))
+         ;; if loading failed, throw error interactively, return nil
+         ;; non-interactively
+         (if (interactive-p)
+             (error "Error loading dictionary file: %s" file)
+           nil)
+       ;; ensure the dictionary name and file name associated with the
+       ;; dictionary match the file it was loaded from
+       (when (and (string= (file-name-nondirectory file) file)
+                  (setq file (locate-file file load-path load-suffixes)))
+         (setf (dictree-filename dict) file))
+       (setf (dictree-name dict) dictname)
+       ;; make sure the dictionary is in dictree-loaded-list (normally the
+       ;; lisp code in the dictionary itself should do this, but just to make
+       ;; sure...)
+       (unless (memq dict dictree-loaded-list)
+         (push dict dictree-loaded-list))
+       (message (format "Loaded dictionary %s" dictname))
+       ;; return dictionary
+       dict))))
@@ -3118,23 +3123,59 @@ OVERWRITE is the prefix argument, and TYPE is always 
 ;;                     Minibuffer completion
 (defvar dictree-history nil
-  "History list for commands that read an existing ditionary name.")
+  "History list for commands that read a dictionary name.")
+(defvar dictree-loaded-history nil
+  "History list for commands that read the name of a loaded dictionary.")
-(defun read-dict (prompt &optional default dictlist)
+(defun read-dict (prompt &optional default dictlist allow-unloaded)
   "Read the name of a dictionary with completion, and return it.
 Prompt with PROMPT. By default, return DEFAULT. If DICTLIST is
-supplied, only complete on dictionaries in that list."
-  (let (dictnames)
+supplied, only complete on dictionaries in that list.
+If ALLOW-UNLOADED is non-nil, also complete on the names of
+unloaded dictionaries (actually, on any Elisp file in the current
+`load-path' restricted to subdirectories of your home
+directory). If an unloaded dictionary is read, the name of the
+Elisp file will be returned, without extension, suitable for
+passing to `load-library'."
+  (let (dictname paths)
+    ;; when allowing unloaded dictionaries...
+    (when allow-unloaded
+      ;; get paths in load-path that are subdirectories of home directory
+      (dolist (d load-path)
+       (when (eq (aref d 0) ?~) (push d paths)))
+      ;; gather names of all Elisp libraries in this restricted load-path
+      (dolist (f (all-completions
+                 "" (apply-partially 'locate-file-completion-table
+                                     paths (get-load-suffixes))))
+       (when (and (null (file-name-directory f))
+                  (or (string= (file-name-extension f) "el")
+                      (string= (file-name-extension f) "elc"))
+                  (not (member (file-name-sans-extension f) dictname)))
+         (push (file-name-sans-extension f) dictname))))
+    ;; gather names of loaded dictionaries
     (mapc (lambda (dict)
            (unless (or (null (dictree-name dict))
-                       (member (dictree-name dict) dictnames))
-             (push (list (dictree-name dict)) dictnames)))
+                       (member (dictree-name dict) dictname))
+             (push (list (dictree-name dict)) dictname)))
          (or dictlist dictree-loaded-list))
-    (eval (intern-soft
-          (completing-read prompt dictnames nil t nil
-                           'dictree-history default)))))
+    ;; do completing-read
+    (setq dictname (completing-read prompt dictname nil t nil
+                                   (if allow-unloaded
+                                       'dictree-history
+                                     'dictree-loaded-history)
+                                   default))
+    ;; return dictionary
+    (if allow-unloaded
+       (or (and (condition-case nil
+                    (dictree-p (eval (intern-soft dictname)))
+                  (void-variable nil))
+                (eval (intern-soft dictname)))
+           dictname)
+      (eval (intern-soft dictname)))))

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