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[elpa] externals/dict-tree 6544152 139/154: Fix bug causing dictree--do-

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [elpa] externals/dict-tree 6544152 139/154: Fix bug causing dictree--do-query to fail to use cached results.
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2020 12:22:02 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/dict-tree
commit 65441522a0d8c76df04ffcb90b3d3c8b03dcd0f3
Author: Toby S. Cubitt <toby-predictive@dr-qubit.org>
Commit: Toby S. Cubitt <toby-predictive@dr-qubit.org>

    Fix bug causing dictree--do-query to fail to use cached results.
 dict-tree.el | 54 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 1 file changed, 27 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dict-tree.el b/dict-tree.el
index dda7c95..415e24b 100644
--- a/dict-tree.el
+++ b/dict-tree.el
@@ -2567,33 +2567,33 @@ to its constituent dicts."
          (when (and maxnum
                     (or (null (dictree--cache-maxnum cache-entry))
                         (> (dictree--cache-maxnum cache-entry) maxnum)))
-           (setq res (setcdr (nthcdr (1- maxnum) res) nil))))
-      ;; if there was nothing useful in the cache, do query and time it
-      (let ((time (float-time)))
-       (setq res
-             (dictree--do-query
-              dic triefun stackfun arg auxargs rankfun maxnum reverse
-              (when filter (dictree--wrap-filter filter))
-              stack-rankfun))
-       (setq time (- (float-time) time))
-       ;; if we're above the dictionary's cache threshold, cache the result
-       (when (and cachefun (not no-cache)
-                  (or (symbolp rank-function)
-                      ;; can be '(t . rankfun) for `dictree-fuzzy-complete'
-                      (and (consp rank-function)
-                           (symbolp (car rank-function))
-                           (symbolp (cdr rank-function))))
-                  (symbolp filter)
-                  (dictree--above-cache-threshold-p
-                   time (length arg) (dictree-cache-policy dic)
-                   (dictree-cache-threshold dic) cache-long))
-         (setf (dictree-modified dic) t)
-         ;; create query cache if it doesn't already exist
-         (funcall cachecreatefun dic)
-         (puthash (list arg auxargs rank-function reverse filter)
-                  (dictree--cache-create res maxnum)
-                  (funcall cachefun dic))))
+           (setq res (setcdr (nthcdr (1- maxnum) res) nil)))
+       ;; if there was nothing useful in the cache, do query and time it
+       (let ((time (float-time)))
+         (setq res
+               (dictree--do-query
+                dic triefun stackfun arg auxargs rankfun maxnum reverse
+                (when filter (dictree--wrap-filter filter))
+                stack-rankfun))
+         (setq time (- (float-time) time))
+         ;; if we're above the dictionary's cache threshold, cache the result
+         (when (and cachefun (not no-cache)
+                    (or (symbolp rank-function)
+                        ;; can be '(t . rankfun) for `dictree-fuzzy-complete'
+                        (and (consp rank-function)
+                             (symbolp (car rank-function))
+                             (symbolp (cdr rank-function))))
+                    (symbolp filter)
+                    (dictree--above-cache-threshold-p
+                     time (length arg) (dictree-cache-policy dic)
+                     (dictree-cache-threshold dic) cache-long))
+           (setf (dictree-modified dic) t)
+           ;; create query cache if it doesn't already exist
+           (funcall cachecreatefun dic)
+           (puthash (list arg auxargs rank-function reverse filter)
+                    (dictree--cache-create res maxnum)
+                    (funcall cachefun dic)))))
       ;; merge new result into results list
       (setq results

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