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[elpa] externals/dict-tree c1eeabe 081/154: Made dictionary auto-saving

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [elpa] externals/dict-tree c1eeabe 081/154: Made dictionary auto-saving more robust against dictionary save failures.
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2020 12:21:49 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/dict-tree
commit c1eeabe015e226b3fa7646c22c2ebf86ed935d05
Author: Toby S. Cubitt <toby-predictive@dr-qubit.org>
Commit: Toby S. Cubitt <toby-predictive@dr-qubit.org>

    Made dictionary auto-saving more robust against dictionary save failures.
    * Modified dictree-save-modified to catch errors when saving dictionaries,
      and indicate failures in its return value.
    * Removed dictree-save-modified from kill-emacs-hook and added it instead to
      kill-emacs-query-functions, so that dictionary save failures don't make it
      impossible to quit Emacs.
    * Removed predictive-save-used-dicts from kill-buffer-hook and added it
      instead to kill-buffer-query-functions, so that dictionary save failures
      don't make it impossible to kill buffers.
 dict-tree.el | 68 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 54 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dict-tree.el b/dict-tree.el
index af1f5a4..60675c3 100644
--- a/dict-tree.el
+++ b/dict-tree.el
@@ -56,7 +56,16 @@
 ;; * minor bug-fix to `dictree--edebug-pretty-print' to print "nil"
 ;;   instead of "()"
-;; Version 0.2.3
+;; Version 0.12.4
+;; * minor bug-fix to `dictree--edebug-pretty-print' to print "nil"
+;;   instead of "()"
+;; * modified `dictree-save-modified' to catch errors when saving
+;;   dictionaries, and indicate failures via its return value
+;; * removed `dictree-save-modified' from `kill-emacs-hook' and added it
+;;   instead to `kill-emacs-query-functions', so that dictionary save
+;;   failures don't make it impossible to quie Emacs
+;; Version 0.12.3
 ;; * bug-fix in `dictree--edebug-pretty-print'
 ;; Version 0.12.2
@@ -2509,8 +2518,13 @@ and OVERWRITE is the prefix argument."
-(defun dictree-save-modified (&optional dict ask compilation force)
+(defun dictree-save-modified (&optional dict ask compilation force
+                                       no-fail-query)
   "Save all modified dictionaries that have their autosave flag set.
+Returns t if all dictionaries were successfully saved. Otherwise,
+inform the user about the dictionaries which failed to save
+properly, ask them whether they wish to continue anyway, and
+return t or nil accordingly.
 If optional argument DICT is a list of dictionaries or a single
 dictionary, only save those.
@@ -2525,7 +2539,12 @@ save both forms. See `dictree-write'.
 If optional argument FORCE is non-nil, save modified dictionaries
 irrespective of their autosave flag.
-Interactively, FORCE is the prefix argument."
+If optional argument NO-FAIL-QUERY is non-nil, the user will not
+be queried if a dictionary fails to save properly, and the return
+value is always nil.
+Interactively, FORCE is the prefix argument, and the user will not be
+asked whether they wish to continue after a failed save."
   (interactive "P")
   ;; sort out arguments
@@ -2535,21 +2554,42 @@ Interactively, FORCE is the prefix argument."
   ;; For each dictionary in list / each loaded dictionary, check if
   ;; dictionary has been modified. If so, save it if autosave is set or
   ;; FORCE is non-nil.
-  (dolist (dic (if (null dict)
-                  dictree-loaded-list
-                dict))
-    (when (and (dictree-modified dic)
-              (or force (dictree-autosave dic))
-              (or (not ask)
-                  (y-or-n-p (format "Save modified dictionary %s? "
-                                    (dictree-filename dic)))))
-      (dictree-save dic compilation)
-      (setf (dictree-modified dic) nil))))
+  (let (save-failures)
+    (dolist (dic (if (null dict)
+                    dictree-loaded-list
+                  dict))
+      (when (and (dictree-modified dic)
+                (or force (dictree-autosave dic))
+                (or (not ask)
+                    (y-or-n-p (format "Save modified dictionary %s? "
+                                      (dictree-filename dic)))))
+       (condition-case nil
+           (progn
+             (dictree-save dic compilation)
+             (setf (dictree-modified dic) nil))
+         (error (push dic save-failures)))))
+    ;; prompt if dictionary saving failed
+    (if save-failures
+       (if (or (interactive-p) no-fail-query)
+           (progn
+             (message
+              (concat
+               "Error: failed to save the following modified "
+               "dictionaries: "
+               (mapconcat 'dictree--name save-failures ", ")))
+             nil)
+         (yes-or-no-p
+          (concat "Error: failed to save the following modified "
+                  "dictionaries: "
+                  (mapconcat 'dictree--name save-failures ", ")
+                  "; continue anyway? ")))
+      t)))
 ;; Add the dictree-save-modified function to the kill-emacs-hook to save
 ;; modified dictionaries when exiting emacs
-(add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook 'dictree-save-modified)
+(add-hook 'kill-emacs-query-functions 'dictree-save-modified)

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